DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #19

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Thinking about the part in your post above that is in bold. Sometimes the answer is so simple we over-look it or over-talk it. He must have parked his car prior to the tape being set up.

Is there something I am missing regarding you finding this curious? Trying hard to keep an open mind and see details from other's point of view. TIA

ITA JW parked his BMW before the tape went up. But since it was an active firefighting scene, with fire trucks and LE vehicles packing the streets within a block of the house, IMO the questions are: 1) when did JW arrive 2) where did he park his car 3) how far away did LE tape off the crime scene. It has been reported that JW parked his car a block away. As with so much in this case, if it's a matter of semantics, perhaps the car was parked within a block.

The confusing part is that it appears that the crime scene tape wouldn't have been put up further away than the streets that were blocked by the firetrucks, etc. If JW was driving his BMW in Virginia and he received the call that the house was on fire, he would not have been able to arrive at the house before the firetrucks. So he would have had to park outside that area. How much further away than the area occupied by firetrucks, etc., did the crime scene tape enclose? From news footage of that day and after, it doesn't appear that the tape was placed an entire block away from the house. We can see where the street was blocked off at Woodland and 32nd during the fire. It is unlikely that the tape was placed beyond 32nd and Cleveland/Garfield (I know it wasn't later, because I drove by that intersection). I also don't think the tape stretched all the way to the intersection of Woodland and Garfield, but if so, would JW have been able to park within that area before the tape was placed, with all the vehicles there? If we could find out exactly where LE put up the crime tape that day, we would know better if it's possible that JW drove from VA after learning about the fire and was able to park within the area that was eventually roped off. If not, perhaps JW was not driving the BMW after dropping off the money that morning, but drove another car to Lowe's.

I've attached the map with what I think would be the outer reaches of where the crime scene tape would have been placed (yellow perimeter) as well as a link to the 20/20 clip so you can see how packed the streets were with firefighting equipment. [video=youtube;zM-8yplxtm0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM-8yplxtm0[/video]
I wish Yepitsme would come back. I believe s/he was at the scene that day and could tell us when the tape was put up and how far it stretched.
I believe the same thing that they moved the tape back from the original perimeter that was taped off. He just happened to park there before they moved the tape. In the end they had moved the tape all the way back to the cross streets.

If so, wasn't the street packed with fire trucks and LE all the way to the cross streets during the time in which JW would have arrived at the scene? Maybe JW got there after most of the trucks left, but before the tape was moved out? If so, where was JW between his arrival at the S house and realizing his car was within the tape?
Oh, yeah, and don't bench discussions go into the transcript? I don't know what the law is, but it seems to me that it's possible that that's what is sealed. Interested to hear from any lawyers in the house.

Just a guess but maybe the autopsy reports are being sealed? Det. Owens referenced them in the prelim but maybe the judge sealed them until trial?
This was is the news May 5th --

so perhaps Amy was hoping to order via mobile and do the same but DW made her speak instead?

Can't find the link, but remember reading early on that she placed the order on line, but then Domino's called her to confirm something, so she talked to them on the phone. When I brought this up before, someone else said they had also read that. Doesn't make it true, but it's interesting. Wonder if she was hoping that when the pizza was delivered, she'd have a chance to get a message out (if DW was looking over her shoulder when she ordered) but when Domino's called she had to instruct the driver to leave it at the door. IDK.
time for me to contribute a bizarre and improbable theory I just thought of: what if there was 1 accomplice/other perp w/ DW in the house (who is not a known player/hasn't been discussed/i have no idea who this would be) and after the commission of the crime, DW and this unknown other person left the crime scene together in the Porsche, then DW drove this other person to an unknown location (wooded area, secluded area, body of water) where DW then murdered his own accomplice/the other perp and left the body there. DW then went about his business of hiding stolen goods, joyriding in the Porsche, whatever other creepy or sinister stuff murderous lunatics do before torching the Porsche. This unknown accomplice could be the one whose DNA was also found on the green vest.

I know, I know. This is largely ridiculous. But I had not seen anything like this posted before (for good reason lol:)) so I thought I'd throw it out there. I suppose I have a wild imagination and become more likely to make things up when confronted with months of no new information being released about the case.

Carry on.

There was a woman not far from that area in Maryland who was stabbed to death and her apartment set on fire around the same time. I remember thinking it sounded eerily similar. I agree it's probably loco, but we don't have anything else to do...
I think ItD is saying if someone invited DW over on Thursday morning and sitting on the back porch, shared his cold pizza with JW before carrying the leftovers inside and into the room with the victims, rather than DW being at the home the entire time, DW's attorneys could say DW ate the pizza, but only came by to see his friend and steal a car - not torture and murder 4 people. It's preposterous, but we're just trying to figure out how casting suspicion on JW helps DW from the defense attorney's perspective.

That's why the blood on the shoe will be paramount in this case, imo. And the DNA on the green vest in the stolen car. And of course the ransom cash in his hands days later.:cop:
Even at the earliest street closure, it still gives JW an hour and 20 minutes to drive there. It is possible for him to have made the trip before the earliest street closure.

Yes, assuming the closures coincided with where there was tape. It doesn't seem like that large an area; given that for serious fires there are usually a number of fire trucks and ancillary vehicles, plus law enforcement and EMTs, plus lookey-loos and press, I'm sort of surprised that he would have been able to park within that area over an hour after the fire started.
I think ItD is saying if someone invited DW over on Thursday morning and sitting on the back porch, shared his cold pizza with JW before carrying the leftovers inside and into the room with the victims, rather than DW being at the home the entire time, DW's attorneys could say DW ate the pizza, but only came by to see his friend and steal a car - not torture and murder 4 people. It's preposterous, but we're just trying to figure out how casting suspicion on JW helps DW from the defense attorney's perspective.

Or the crust could have come from another domino's pizza at a house in Maryland and brought to the SS house and thrown in the box with the rest of the pepperoni pizza.
Here are tweets from DC Police that bear on which streets were blocked off, which may shed light on how close one would have had to have parked to be stuck:

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
House Fire Update 3200 Woodland Dr NW MPD & FEMS reports the fire has been extinguished/Investigations continues. Street Closures are: Cont.

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
House Fire Update 3200 Woodland Dr NW MPD & FEMS reports the fire has been extinguished/Investigations continues. Street Closures are: Cont.

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
Motorist please seek an alternate route(s). There is no estimate time of when the streets will REOPEN. /7066
15 : 04

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
Flashing *34th St &M St NW Tech on scene Use Caution /7066
17 : 05

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
Update Street Closures remains: 3200 Woodland Dr. NW Woodland Dr NW/Garfield St 32nd St/Cleveland Ave Woodland Dr NW/Garfield St Cont.
19 : 04

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
31st Pl NW/Woodland Dr 34th St NW/Garfield St /7066
19 : 05

This is great! Doesn't tell us how far the crime scene tape eventually stretched, but I think we can safely assume it wasn't any further than these street closures. I made a map that shows where these are in relation to the house. The purple area isn't listed, but we saw from news reports where the tape was on that corner. Even though these tweets are only posted 1 minute apart, it looks like the 7:04 tweet was where the roads were inaccessible to the public from the time of the fire until days later. The 7:05 tweet may be when LE extended the perimeter. I wish someone could tell us if the crime scene tape went that far. That is really quite far from the house, considering the area where the press broadcast was just across the street at 32nd and Woodland. Maybe they saw something that far away, which expanded the crime scene?
BTW, the 34th and M isn't related - that's Georgetown.
3201 Woodland Dr NW roads closed - Google Maps.jpg
ETA: More accurate map
Thought about sealing parts of transcripts - could it be protecting those currently unnamed witnesses in the same way as the LE documents?

That's all I can think of right now.

I think it has to do, at least in part, with when the defense was questioning Owens about the money when DW was arrested. It appears that the prosecutor made an objection which the judge sustained. JMO
I still remember PS's voice "what are you doing?!!!" It did sound like he was very strong and not afraid but familiar with the person which still makes me suspect JW. We don't know if where he was before the delivery was all confirmed. Very disturbing to me still!!!!

I used some software to try to isolate his cries, but am not very good at it and never could isolate it enough that I feel confident in what I heard. I can tell you that it sounded like to me that he said "She (or he) does not! I do! (or But I do)" Again I could be completely wrong. I'm sure the experts have been able to listen to it stripped down. I was hoping to hear a name or something to tell us what was going on.
I remember it was discussed whether LE could withhold public disclosure of an arrest and/or court records. It seems that under some circumstances the answer is YES. Unless I'm totally misinterpreting which is possible. Though not specific to MD, this is about CT:


Law Enforcement Records Exemption

FOIA exempts law enforcement records from disclosure if they were compiled in connection with the detection or investigation of crime and disclosure would not be in the public interest because it would reveal:

1. the identity of informants or witnesses not otherwise known and whose safety would be endangered or who would be subject to threat or intimidation if their identity was made known;

2. the identity of witnesses who are minors;

3. witnesses’ signed statements;

4. information to be used in a prospective law enforcement action if prejudicial to the action;

5. investigatory techniques not otherwise known to the general public;

6. arrest records of a juvenile, including any associated investigatory files;

7. the name and address of the victim of (a) sexual assault or (b) risk of injury to a minor, or of an attempt thereof; or

8. uncorroborated allegations subject to destruction (CGS § 1-210(b)(3)).
CT is using the Federal FOIA as a model for their own standards. Oregon has similar.

Investigatory information compiled for criminal law purposes. The record of an arrest or the report of a crime shall be disclosed unless and only for so long as there is a clear need to delay disclosure in the course of a specific investigation, including the need to protect the complaining party or the victim. Nothing in this subsection shall limit any right constitutionally guaranteed, or granted by statute, to disclosure or discovery in criminal cases. For purposes of this subsection, the record of an arrest or the report of a crime includes, but is not limited to:

The arrested persons name, age, residence, employment, marital status and similar biographical information;

The offense with which the arrested person is charged;

Haven't found anything specific to MD or DC yet.

What I HAVE found under MD Case Search is Maryland rules 16-1001 through 16-1011. It appears Case Search is only required to display results for which the case's existence or a person's identity is not protected information under Md.Rules 16-1001 through 16-1011. MD Case Search has sealed some info recently. That's why I researched this. Surprised to learn what can be sealed.
Sorry, when I originally pasted the tweets, I accidentally cut out what's probably the most relevant tweet (in red) when I was reordering things so they would appear in chronological (rather than reverse-chronological) order:

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
House Fire Update 3200 Woodland Dr NW MPD & FEMS reports the fire has been extinguished/Investigations continues. Street Closures are: Cont.
Details 15 : 02

14 MayDC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
32nd St NW at Woodland Dr Woodland Dr NW at Garfield St 32nd St at Cleveland Ave 31st Pl NW at Woodland Dr 34th St NW at Garfield St Cont.

Details 15 : 03

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
Motorist please seek an alternate route(s). There is no estimate time of when the streets will REOPEN. /7066
15 : 04

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
Flashing *34th St &M St NW Tech on scene Use Caution /7066
17 : 05

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
Update Street Closures remains: 3200 Woodland Dr. NW Woodland Dr NW/Garfield St 32nd St/Cleveland Ave Woodland Dr NW/Garfield St Cont.
19 : 04

14 May
DC Police Department @DCPoliceDept
31st Pl NW/Woodland Dr 34th St NW/Garfield St /7066
19 : 05

Now you tell me.... New map.
Was that 3:02 the first notification about road closures in the area? (I'm assuming yes, but just double checking). Thank you for finding these!
Even at the earliest street closure, it still gives JW an hour and 20 minutes to drive there. It is possible for him to have made the trip before the earliest street closure.

Definitely, but how do the street closure and crime scene tape coincide? Even without the tape up, would he have been able to park his car within the area that was later taped, or would that area have been too full of fire fighters, LE and cars that had parked there before the fire for him to find a place? Would firefighters/LE let someone just drive up into an active fire/crime scene and park, or would he have been directed further away at that point?
This is great! Doesn't tell us how far the crime scene tape eventually stretched, but I think we can safely assume it wasn't any further than these street closures. I made a map that shows where these are in relation to the house. The purple area isn't listed, but we saw from news reports where the tape was on that corner. Even though these tweets are only posted 1 minute apart, it looks like the 7:04 tweet was where the roads were inaccessible to the public from the time of the fire until days later. The 7:05 tweet may be when LE extended the perimeter. I wish someone could tell us if the crime scene tape went that far. That is really quite far from the house, considering the area where the press broadcast was just across the street at 32nd and Woodland. Maybe they saw something that far away, which expanded the crime scene?
BTW, the 34th and M isn't related - that's Georgetown.
View attachment 78604
ETA: More accurate map

JW left Chantilly no sooner than at 1:34 PM, so his phone was 30 miles away when firefighters arrived:
Wallace was in Chantilly at 1:34 P.M, according to cell phone tower records, when firefighters arrived at the Savopoulos residence in Washington, D.C.—-placing Wallace 30 miles away from the crime scene.
And by 3:04 PM LE is texting that the streets are still closed (not that they are closing, but announcing the closure is still ongoing). That gives him alibi for not being at the scene when the fire was set, but at the same time being 30 miles away makes it harder to explain why his BMW was there. So far I still don't think we've heard anything about the Bentley and it doesn't sound like this would rule out JW taking the Porsche at 10:30 AM or some other time. What would be good to see was if the Porsche had been left there for hours and if so how many hours and what the person(s) who left it there look like. The 7:04 PM text was another confirmation that the streets were still closed, which to me it doesn't sound like they're announcing a new closure. It would help knowing where the BMW was parked if it was in an area that would have had a road closure immediately or sometime later as we've learned LE can have a very expansive definition of 'approximately.'
I agreer. The higher res photo shows it's just some trash! Not a buddy. It was an optical illusion in the burry screen shot!

OK - - just getting caught up reading almost .... whee that other thread was huge.

Anyway I seriously SAW someone in the video but it is not the person in front of the closest dumpster. That looks like garbage to me, BUT and I have not read these 27 pages on this thread yet but want to put this out there.

When I looked at the pix in Post 1076 by facundo and post 1119 I seriously see a man standing between the dumpsters .... so behind the first one and before the second one. He is wearing a white tank top. The guy with the bucket appears imho like he is going to "see" the man in another step or two.

Isn't that the man some here are talking about?
If so, wasn't the street packed with fire trucks and LE all the way to the cross streets during the time in which JW would have arrived at the scene? Maybe JW got there after most of the trucks left, but before the tape was moved out? If so, where was JW between his arrival at the S house and realizing his car was within the tape?
Fire m4.jpgFire p6.jpgFire r.jpg
Chief Lanier said there were no signs of forced entry. Even though there was a broken glass alarm LE has not changed from Lanier's statement. When Wint entered the house he probably just walked up to the front door, rang the bell and overpowered whoever opened the door. Didn't need a vest to do that. He got the vest from SS's garage. He probably put it on when he was leaving the house.

I agree. I thought I remember seeing a box of green vests to the right of the garage. Maybe the person who wore it originally for construction or remodel is the person's whose DNA is on it, as the 3rd DNA.

SS could be blood evidence or JUST SS moving the box/tray in the garage imho.
Was that 3:02 the first notification about road closures in the area? (I'm assuming yes, but just double checking). Thank you for finding these!
Before you assume yes, note those are the times of the announcement. They may not coincide with when the tapes actually were put up. The tapes may have already been in place by the time of the announcement.
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