DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #6

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perfect timeing , thread closed as I hit "Post"!
Hi guys!

Maye I am hard core - but money is power. Peroid. These are "staff" folks, they are not going to question the "boss" - who is a man with a lot of money. It just would not occur to them, nor in the "role" relationship be something that would occur.

It makes sense that maid husband would be hesitant to call LE on his wives rich boss. That there would be a pause before doing so.

Bussiness is mean. Thus far the basic portait we have is he is a nice guy. But, in terms of bussiness dealings, govt relationships, we have a father suing a friend over $$, and a business entity which is not in good standing tax wise - dont remember the specfic angle, but it has been posted here several times.

He may have had nice parties, but when it comes to the bussiness side of the man I sense a different porttrait will emerge. Just MO

I don't think this has one thing to do with his business affairs. There is nothing supporting he was a different person in business relationships. Most million dollar company files lawsuits of some kind. It doesn't mean he was nasty and ruthless either. I am sure if he sued the friend he had a good reason for doing so. Friends aren't exempt nor should they be.
And it isn't uncommon for companies to be late in filing reports or paying for business license.

It makes me feel very sad that there is even rank speculation about Savvas implying he was something other than what everyone has said about him that personally knew him.:(

Somehow it just seems so unfair to me to judge him from afar when he cant defend himself and based on what?
Originally posted by JustK http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...Daron-Wint-Arrested-5&p=11802661#post11802661
We seem to have forgotten that the three adult victims were found doused in gasoline and in chairs.
I just had a thought re: What, beyond wanting to stop the torture of PS, could have continued to keep the adults contained or controlled? Then I realized, they were all doused in gasoline and we know that the killer left matches at the top of the stairs. Really, all he had to do was hold up the matches as the ultimate threat, especially if he had lit a few throughout the night and day that followed...

I can see the killer saying, "do it, or I will light this match..." But, it is beyond me why he chose to try to kill all the adults before he set the fire while leaving PS to burn to death....It is All So Incredibly Senseless!

BBM Where did the information about the victims being found in chairs and the matches at the top of the stairs come from? Thanks!
MyBelle wrote:
Banks don't do cash withdrawals of $10,000 over the telephone. For anybody. The only way Bank of America would do a cash withdrawal for SS was if he did the paperwork and submitted it before he phoned them on Thursday.

They can certainly be contacted ahead of time for a large withdrawal in order to insure that it's physically available at the bank branch. And no, SS would not have to be physically present for a withdrawal even though it's larger than $10,000. The paperwork you keep referring to can be filled out without him being there. BOA can fill out that CTR using the info they already have in their system. Besides, any co-signer on the account, ie: accountant, would have the same rights to conduct business as SS. If you have a joint account with your spouse, he/she can go to the bank, write a check for $40,000 wiping out the account and he/she has every legal entitlement to do so.
perfect timeing , thread closed as I hit "Post"!
Hi guys!

Maye I am hard core - but money is power. Peroid. These are "staff" folks, they are not going to question the "boss" - who is a man with a lot of money. It just would not occur to them, nor in the "role" relationship be something that would occur.

It makes sense that maid husband would be hesitant to call LE on his wives rich boss. That there would be a pause before doing so.

Bussiness is mean. Thus far the basic portait we have is he is a nice guy. But, in terms of bussiness dealings, govt relationships, we have a father suing a friend over $$, and a business entity which is not in good standing tax wise - dont remember the specfic angle, but it has been posted here several times.

He may have had nice parties, but when it comes to the bussiness side of the man I sense a different porttrait will emerge. Just MO

Am I correct in my recollection in that maid #2 didn't listen to the voicemail not to come in until the day after she received it? IIRC, that vm said to contact maid #1 family to let them know that she was staying overnight. If that is so, then I wonder what actions hubby of #1 did on Wednesday night when she didn't arrive home on Wednesday as supposedly he had not yet been contacted.

:thinking: Do I have this right (knowing that the information we have from #2/media may be incorrect, but is this what was stated? )
Besides, any co-signer on the account, ie: accountant, would have the same rights to conduct business as SS.
I don't know where it started that an "accountant" was the one withdrawing the funds from BofA, but this is unlikely. Accountants do not typically have bank signatory powers in corporations, nor are they typically officers of the company, and this is partly by design for checks and balances. (Otherwise there is no one to catch embezzling by those who do have those powers.) Typically in addition to the CEO, those with broad bank signatory powers would include the CFO, controller and corporate officers such as president, treasurer and sometimes vice presidents. Some of these people may be CPAs, but they wouldn't be called accountants.

AIW lists a CFO according to one company data mining site. Typically this is the most trusted and empowered financial figure in a company, the guy or gal who knows where all the bodies are buried. If a CEO wanted a lot of cash for an unusual reason, and couldn't get it himself/herself, he/she would normally turn to the CFO to get it. This is partly because the transaction needs to be accounted for, and the CFO has the broadest discretion for handling transactions that lie outside the normal course of business. (It's not by accident that CFOs often end up being the target of corporate fraud investigations. Part of their job is "creative accounting.") By contrast, a vice president of manufacturing might have extensive purchasing powers for materials, but not much discretion for other uses of corporate funds.

I won't name the CFO or link the data mining site due to TOS.
Originally posted by JustK http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...Daron-Wint-Arrested-5&p=11802661#post11802661

BBM Where did the information about the victims being found in chairs and the matches at the top of the stairs come from? Thanks!

I've seen in a few locations, googled and found

Savvas Savopoulos, 46, his wife Amy, 47, son Phillip, 10, and ... There was fire damage to all of the furniture in the bedroom where officials found Phillip. ... At the top of the stairs, investigators found matches and a match box.

The adults were bound to chairs and soaked in gasoline and th

Most recently, Savvas assumed significant responsibility as a judge on the International Court of Appeals of the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile in Paris, France. The FIA Court of Appeals is the final appeal tribunal for international motorsports. Savvas was unanimously elected to this position by the member nations of the Federation.

I wonder if the S family had more vehicles than we know about.
Am I correct in my recollection in that maid #2 didn't listen to the voicemail not to come in until the day after she received it. IIRC, that vm said to contact maid #1 family to let them know that she was staying overnight. If that is so, then I wonder what actions hubby of #1 did on Wednesday night when she didn't arrive home on Wednesday as supposedly he had not yet been contacted.

:thinking: Do I have this right (knowing that the information we have from #2/media may be incorrect, but is this what was stated? )

According to chatty NG (maid #2) she claims not receiving the vm from SS until the next morning (Thurs) and tried to call/text Amy S. She never states calling VF''s (maid #1) husband. In a local media interview the husband claims he went to the house because VF had not come home. In the interview he does not state receiving any telephone calls from NG. Not sure why NG didn't call the husband after getting the vm the next morning.
According to chatty NG (maid #2) she claims not receiving the vm from SS until the next morning (Thurs) and tried to call/text Amy S. She never states calling VF''s (maid #1) husband. In a local media interview the husband claims he went to the house because VF had not come home. In the interview he does not state receiving any telephone calls from NG. Not sure why NG didn't call the husband after getting the vm the next morning.

This speaks to NG NOT be involved in any conspiracy to me. Because she certainly would have contacted VF's husband the night before...just to prevent any complication from him.
Ficker on Fox5- DNA btw you can't see it :lol: it is like the govt's hair evidence it get's thrown out in many cases and I will get it thrown out in this case. :lol: He isn't even the lawyer for DW because the family hasn't yet decided per his own words... well he can't be believed, so... :lol:
Is this guy brand new? So did they just pick DW out of the air? Did DW just happen to win the money order lottery worth thousands that day? Come on...
I don't know where it started that an "accountant" was the one withdrawing the funds from BofA, but this is unlikely. Accountants do not typically have bank signatory powers in corporations, nor are they typically officers of the company, and this is partly by design for checks and balances. (Otherwise there is no one to catch embezzling by those who do have those powers.) Typically in addition to the CEO, those with broad bank signatory powers would include the CFO, controller and corporate officers such as president, treasurer and sometimes vice presidents. Some of these people may be CPAs, but they wouldn't be called accountants.

AIW lists a CFO according to one company data mining site. Typically this is the most trusted and empowered financial figure in a company, the guy who knows where all the bodies are buried. If a CEO wanted a lot of cash for an unusual reason, he would normally turn to the CFO to get it if he couldn't get it himself.

I won't name the CFO or link the data mining site due to TOS.

You are correct about "the accountant" angle as we really don't know that. So much we don't know. Were the account/accounts business or personal, for example. What we do know is that the money was withdrawn without SS being present. I DO think that a person of his wealth could accomplish a lot through phone calls. I'm sure he was well-known and no questions as to his identity or ethics. Even if there were no signatories on the accounts, I believe he could dial up someone at BOA and request a bank check be made out to a person of his choosing which could then be cashed immediately at the branch. I am in no way saying this definitely happened. Only that it could happen. I know when Rush Limbaugh was being investigated for AML/BSA violations, it was reported that he had repeated cash deliveries to his residence in the amount of $9900. These cash deliveries were accomplished without RL ever leaving his house. Done through a phone call. Can't remember if the delivery person was an assistant of some sort or a personal banker. Just trying to point out that very wealthy people can get things done. Bank personnel are under a lot of pressure these days to retain large accounts. And even smaller ones in good standing. I am not claiming to know exactly how SS accomplished the withdrawal or that it was routine. Only that it's very possible to do without breaking laws or even bank policy. IMO.
Am I correct in my recollection in that maid #2 didn't listen to the voicemail not to come in until the day after she received it? IIRC, that vm said to contact maid #1 family to let them know that she was staying overnight. If that is so, then I wonder what actions hubby of #1 did on Wednesday night when she didn't arrive home on Wednesday as supposedly he had not yet been contacted.

:thinking: Do I have this right (knowing that the information we have from #2/media may be incorrect, but is this what was stated? )

This link has lots of info from VF's husband. I at first thought maybe he was working a night shift on the Wednesday pm and didn't realise his wife had not returned home that day until Thursday morning but if he did, it's not mentioned. He does state he called and called her but, nothing.

This is such a sad sad situation all around... I really applaud the father for releasing this statement. I read on another forum and they are calling for DW's family to be deported. SMH I know no one will hear their calls but it is a forum full of rich, entitled folks who want DW's family punished for something they had nothing to do with.


The statement from Dennis Wint reads as follows:

“I would like the family of the victims to know that our thoughts and prayers are with them. We did not know any of the victims, Mr. Savvas Savopoulos, his wife, Amy; 10-year-old son, Philip; or Ms. Veralicia Figueroa, an employee of their family.

But my family and friends also grieve this tragic and senseless loss. It pains me that my son, who lived with me and my wife (his stepmother) for a brief period over the years, is charged with this crime. We do not have any of the details and have been cooperative with the authorities throughout the process.

What we do know is that this crime was egregious and heartless and we hope that whoever committed these heinous crimes—my son included—will suffer the consequences of their actions. This violence is in no way an indication of the life we live or the values that my family embraces.

We understand that there is a desire from many in our community to know more and to hear from us. But we would respectfully ask members of the media to respect our privacy and our desire not to have any additional comments or participate in any interviews as this case moves through the judicial system.”

Dennis Wint
Just trying to point out that very wealthy people can get things done. Bank personnel are under a lot of pressure these days to retain large accounts. And even smaller ones in good standing. I am not claiming to know exactly how SS accomplished the withdrawal or that it was routine. Only that it's very possible to do without breaking laws or even bank policy. IMO.

I do think there was a limit to what he could get done in only getting $40K as I don't think that was either a pre-planned ransom demand by DW or an amount that SS would propose for the life of his family if he could have gotten more.
This speaks to NG NOT be involved in any conspiracy to me. Because she certainly would have contacted VF's husband the night before...just to prevent any complication from him.

This link has lots of info from VF's husband. I at first thought maybe he was working a night shift on the Wednesday pm and didn't realise his wife had not returned home that day until Thursday morning but if he did, it's not mentioned. He does state he called and called her but, nothing.


:tyou: Just so strange that he didn't follow up earlier to get to the bottom of it vs. waiting overnight, and was trying to figure out why he didn't. Guess we just don't have an answer on that. :blush: Now I recall this has been discussed before.
This link has lots of info from VF's husband. I at first thought maybe he was working a night shift on the Wednesday pm and didn't realise his wife had not returned home that day until Thursday morning but if he did, it's not mentioned. He does state he called and called her but, nothing.


From your link: "He went to the Savopoulos home to see what was going on and saw two parked cars at the house, including a blue Porsche that was parked on the street."

This is the first I've read about a second car parked at the house. Do we know which car that is, and who owned it?
From your link: "He went to the Savopoulos home to see what was going on and saw two parked cars at the house, including a blue Porsche that was parked on the street."

This is the first I've read about a second car parked at the house. Do we know which car that is, and who owned it?

Wouldn't that be the White Range Rover, and the Red Audi parked on the drive and the blue Porsche on the street?
From your link: "He went to the Savopoulos home to see what was going on and saw two parked cars at the house, including a blue Porsche that was parked on the street."

This is the first I've read about a second car parked at the house. Do we know which car that is, and who owned it?

Here is the actual audio interview with the husband ... I think the "two" cars are the Range Rover & Audi because in the audio interview he states the Porsche was on the street, outside the driveway.

This is such a sad sad situation all around... I really applaud the father for releasing this statement. I read on another forum and they are calling for DW's family to be deported. SMH I know no one will hear their calls but it is a forum full of rich, entitled folks who want DW's family punished for something they had nothing to do with.


I agree with you wholeheartedly, but I wish we as a society could stop categorizing and demonizing people, poor OR rich. There are plenty of people who feel "entitled" and it has to do with their attitudes and lack of empathy and morals...not their financial situation. I think DW might well be an example of an "entitled" person...because he sure thought he was "entitled" to stuff that belonged to others.

The SS family, while wealthy, felt motivated to help others and give to charities...set up programs to teach the unemployed skills.

"Entitled""belongs to every demographic...not just always "the rich."
This is such a sad sad situation all around... I really applaud the father for releasing this statement. I read on another forum and they are calling for DW's family to be deported. SMH I know no one will hear their calls but it is a forum full of rich, entitled folks who want DW's family punished for something they had nothing to do with.


DW's father's statement is classy, compassionate and heartfelt. I wish we saw this type of thing from perps' families more often.

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