DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #6

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Some reports said that video from inside the home was erased. I'd like to know who erased the video and how. Or was this system simply deactivated and there was never any video. If it was erased...might there be some memory that hasnt been overwritten. Perhaps, the security system electronics were not burnt in the fire. Also, if it was wireless, do these systems send the data to a backup file on the internet or an in home computer? Anyone know how it might work?
If it's anything like my alarm system, the camera only comes on if the alarm is set off. If the system isn't armed, it's not capturing information on the camera. I don't live in a 4.5 million dollar home either so I guess some alarms are constantly taking video.
The pizza boxes were time stamped 9:14 and were in the bedroom with the 3 adults. Only one pizza was partially-partially eaten.

Exactly. The not-yet-hired defense attorney has claimed, so far, that the pizza was found outside in a garbage can and that Wint doesn't eat pizza. I'm sure we'll hear more claims that we know are untrue.
The pizza boxes were time stamped 9:14 and were in the bedroom with the 3 adults. Only one pizza was partially-partially eaten.

Ohhhhhh! I have a defense strategy for him to add! Perhaps the defendant had no idea that the hostages were being held upstairs. A friend just invited him over to offer him pizza, which only he partook of eating. And then after the defendant left, the REAL culprits took the crust upstairs to where the hostages were being held to frame him!
this is going to be a <modsnip> storm and it makes me shake my head.
I'm so hoping that SS and/or AS were able to leave some sort of clue or message inside the house. Please let LE find something like that!! Wishful thinking, speculation, not fact based on anything we know at the moment.
I have great trust in Chief Cathy Lanier and ATF/FBI... they have this.
I wonder how Mr. Lawyer Man will explain Wint having a pile of $100 bills. Maybe Wint found the money in the imaginary garbage can when he dumped the pizza that he didn't eat.

Wint doesn't like $100 bills, never touches 'em.
Some reports said that video from inside the home was erased. I'd like to know who erased the video and how. Or was this system simply deactivated and there was never any video. If it was erased...might there be some memory that hasnt been overwritten? Perhaps, the security system electronics were not burnt in the fire. Also, if it was wireless, do these systems send the data to a backup file on the internet or an in home computer? Anyone know how it might work?

I recently got a quote for adding video to my security system. The footage would have had cloud-based storage that I could access along with the rest of my security system information (codes punched, zone exits and alarms, etc.). Without the username and login, nobody could delete it (and I hope it would also have been backed up). That's of course not the only type of video security available, which ranges from CC TV with security guards watching to online systems you can install yourself and have sent to the cloud, to ones that feed an internal server resident onsite. It just really depends.
I don't think this has one thing to do with his business affairs. There is nothing supporting he was a different person in business relationships. Most million dollar company files lawsuits of some kind. It doesn't mean he was nasty and ruthless either. I am sure if he sued the friend he had a good reason for doing so. Friends aren't exempt nor should they be.
And it isn't uncommon for companies to be late in filing reports or paying for business license.

It makes me feel very sad that there is even rank speculation about Savvas implying he was something other than what everyone has said about him that personally knew him.:(

Somehow it just seems so unfair to me to judge him from afar when he cant defend himself and based on what?

It's just jealousy if you ask me, some people just cannot stand the fact that others have more, similar to the motive for this tragic crime IMO.
It's just jealousy if you ask me, some people just cannot stand the fact that others have more, similar to the motive for this tragic crime IMO.

Absolutely, I see and hear it all the time. When I see people that are well to do I am happy for them that they have what they have, yet I hear people (like me, not rich)all the time saying things that are telling that they envy those that are better off or jealousy like you say. Years ago when my sister and brother were going on a cruise I said I hope you guys have fun, when my other sister heard they were going on a cruise she said, Oh it must be nice. jmo idk If people want more work for it like those that have it. jmo idk
I have a few questions and one or two thoughts; how did dw arrive at the house? If he was the lone perp he would need to drive, ride a bike, bus, etc. What was his plan to get into the house? I don't think anyone would do this type of crime without having a sure fire way to gain access.
DW would need to bring several rolls of duct tape or quite a bit of rope with him. This would be bulky. He would need a back pack or some way to carry them.
DW would need to know how many people were in the house and what kind of people they were. Come to my house on any given day and he would likely encounter several 6 foot plus and well over 200 pound males. Not good odds for one man in a confined space no matter how well armed.
I think it had to be an inside job to some extent. I also think he will talk. He is the murderer of a child. He will need special consideration as to where he is locked up. In most prisons he will not last long in gen pop.
After watching a three day Law and Order Marathon one weekend, I,stopped watching that show altogether. If there was a rich businessman, a kid in an elite boarding school, or a family in a gorgeous apartment on the UES...yep, they were the villains. Boringly repetitive and predictable. But one wonders...what IS the PURPOSE?

It's a popular metanarrative these days. Probably this hinky lawyer is hoping for a lot of those viewers who have been schooled by these type of shows and their constant propaganda...to resent the SS family enough to let DW walk free. "You've got to be taught before it's too late...to HATE all the people...they teach you to hate."

His problem is VG. This amazing hard working woman suffered just a terribly...and so does HER family.
I'm so hoping that SS and/or AS were able to leave some sort of clue or message inside the house. Please let LE find something like that!! Wishful thinking, speculation, not fact based on anything we know at the moment.

Oh, yes! Have been hoping for that very same thing!!!! Thank you!
It would have to have been left in such a way as to be hidden from the torturer(s) so I hope if there is something it was not overlooked in the fire control and all that followed.
I totally agree with you. Business + lawsuits = very very very common. The businesses were all in good standing tax-wise, and for what it's worth businesses often get audited and you may end up having to pay more $$ to the IRS- they use the "tax lien" to do this- but it sounds worse than it is- it just means you owe more money. Yeah, if you don't pay it for a LONG time, they will do whatever they can to recover it, but it was paid off very quickly.

This is all normal business practice.

And furthermore making the leap from "lawsuits or tax things" to viciously killing and torturing this family is ridonkulous.

Please, stop the skepticism against this guy. I've noticed several posts alluding to the fact that he was rich so he must be involved in something criminal and that's obviously what caused this.

No, criminal scumbags caused this. The victims were good innocent kind and well-liked by everyone. Let's not blame the victims here cariis.

I know it is off topic on this forum, but it is standard LE procedure to examine a murder victim's personal affairs, especially financial problems or issues. This is done not to place blame on the victim at all, but to establish a list of potential enemies or motives. We still do not know who else might have been involved in this crime, so all aspects of the victims' lives are being examined by LE I would imagine.
I have a few questions and one or two thoughts; how did dw arrive at the house? If he was the lone perp he would need to drive, ride a bike, bus, etc. What was his plan to get into the house? I don't think anyone would do this type of crime without having a sure fire way to gain access.
DW would need to bring several rolls of duct tape or quite a bit of rope with him. This would be bulky. He would need a back pack or some way to carry them.
DW would need to know how many people were in the house and what kind of people they were. Come to my house on any given day and he would likely encounter several 6 foot plus and well over 200 pound males. Not good odds for one man in a confined space no matter how well armed.

I think it had to be an inside job to some extent. I also think he will talk. He is the murderer of a child. He will need special consideration as to where he is locked up. In most prisons he will not last long in gen pop.

I think this is a very good point
Who purchased the gasoline?

And was there any connection between DW and SS? -- I missed that part

And why SS out of all the other people on earth?
This is such a sad sad situation all around... I really applaud the father for releasing this statement. I read on another forum and they are calling for DW's family to be deported. SMH I know no one will hear their calls but it is a forum full of rich, entitled folks who want DW's family punished for something they had nothing to do with.


Have we heard anything from (or about) his bio mom? Anyone know if DDW lived with her at any time?
It's just jealousy if you ask me, some people just cannot stand the fact that others have more, similar to the motive for this tragic crime IMO.

Very true AND unfair. By all accounts, this family was well liked and respected, helped the community, labeled "philanthropists". That speaks volumes, IMO. AND...they are the victims.
I know it is off topic on this forum, but it is standard LE procedure to examine a murder victim's personal affairs, especially financial problems or issues. This is done not to place blame on the victim at all, but to establish a list of potential enemies or motives. We still do not know who else might have been involved in this crime, so all aspects of the victims' lives are being examined by LE I would imagine.

bbm I wouldn't.

I would imagine since the pizza crust dna results returned there was no need to go there. jmo idk I see Savvas as a very good business man and not running some shady business at all. jmo idk
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