DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #6

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Not surprising that a reporter is getting things wrong. The track has a large amount of corporate customers to take clients to and those karts are what JW raced professionally where that was his home track:
Until JW lost his job there, he was working full time at the place that was his home track for his professional racing career with that track also sponsoring his pro racing career when he competed at other tracks. JW as part of his job rubbed elbows with pro racer Kurt Busch who takes people to Autobahn as well as the pit crew for another pro racer and JW had also rubbed elbows with non-racing celebrities there as well. Given the job description stated by LE, I don't think JW was rubbing elbows with celebrity racers and non-racers like he was before and he wasn't getting to be at his pro racing career home track full time like how he was before.

It's $19.99 for a ten minute race. You have to be over 8 years old and 48" high to drive the junior karts. They have birthday and company parties. I'm not seeing this as a fast track to pro racing. IMO he'd make better connections with a fellow (and very rich) gearhead like SS
I think she lives in Florida. How could she help with the money? Also, do we know that the call didn't come from the sister?

If SS needed help getting more cash, he could have called in favors from a variety of business associates, senior employees and elite friends. Yes, it would sound desperate, but he was desperate, and frankly it would have helped him if one of these people smelled out something wrong and teased out the truth in a one-sided conversation.

"Savvas, it sounds like you're in real trouble, and you're in the kind of trouble you can't tell me about. If I'm right, don't argue with me, just listen to me and answer my questions. You're at your house, aren't you? Your family is with you? And somebody is there with you who needs money?"

SS might have had one of these conversations if he'd called someone smart enough to figure it out, someone who knew that SS would never call him for $10K in cash that had to be delivered in two hours.

I was assuming the phone calls were on speaker so Wint could hear what was said. I have no reason to think that, except it makes sense to me. JMO.
I think, And I hope, that little Philip was screaming to alert the person who his Dad was on the phone with. In my mind, I am still unconvinced that there was anyone else in the house other than Wint. If that is the case, he couldn't be controlling the phone and Philip at the same time, and I think Philip was trying to take advantage of that.
Interesting. Did you get a feel for if they were implying his involvement in any way?

Ok...forgive me if this has been discussed, but he works at a track...and the son supposedly got injured in a go-cart accident (the excuse)?? That seems like an odd coincidence.
Related or not, I think the girl is a con artist. She and her mother have dozens of criminal and civil cases in Maryland, Florida and Virginia (that I've found - could be more.) I actually think the daughter is trying to establish her mother's relationship to the murdered family - even if she is related, they have clearly not been in contact for many years and it is strange that this girl would come out of the woodwork in this way immediately after the murders. I think she smells money and/or attention. There sure are a lot of crazy, narcissistic people in this world!

I don't know. It's been said on here that she was the first to break the $40K amount and if she had inside information, she may be a relative or would have to have some way of knowing the information by knowing a participant. They could be con artists who also were behind this where they got rid of the relative they were jealous of and maybe that branch of the family feels that SS cut them out of their inheritance and are going to be contesting the will. Actually if she did break the $40K, I'd be extremely curious how she knew that if her branch of the family had been disowned.
No that is from the State Dept of Health

How do folks tell if this is real or photoshopped? It's just a photo, isn't it - or is it an actual link to an official site?
Also, it makes me really suspicious that just last week I was reading comments about the death of someone famous (but cannot for the life of me remember who) in any case, in the comments was a person claiming that they were a long lost relative and they even gave their home telephone # and asked the family to call her if they got the message. It was on a Yahoo news article - it was the craziest thing - and it reminds me way too much of this person.
Are we allowed to sleuth the niece/cousin of the victims?
I think DW and assoc were looking to get 100k and that is why this crime was so brutal.
You're being kind. Many---more than made fun of her, and yet now expect him or others to speak to media

To be fair, the comments I've noticed here on WS are very understanding of him not wanting to talk to the media. We're commenting on the fact that he is laying low and speculating about his actions and motives, but I think we all realize he is under no obligation to speak.
I noticed it was a 'certificate of live birth' ... isn't that the form filled out in hospitals & then turned over to the state? Afterwards, you obtain the 'birth certificate?'
It might vary by state. I live in Vermont and mine says certificate of live birth right on it, I just got a new copy at the beginning of the month.
Ok...forgive me if this has been discussed, but he works at a track...and the son supposedly got injured in a go-cart accident (the excuse)?? That seems like an odd coincidence.
He crashed just like race car drivers do?
And that person that he called would have had to have been "approved" by DDW, and I doubt he would allow that type of call...that would raise that type of suspicious. That may be me using hindsight, since DDW might not have been the smartest tool in the shed.

But this whole things is being looked at in hindsight, and since it doesn't seem as if SS had "shady business dealings", I am not entirely sure that anyone he called would have raised their "waving red flag". Would you have said "OK, this is weird...but I know this guy and he isn't shady. I am not calling 911 about this!"

In SS's position, if I agreed to submit to any calls at all, I would try to think of anyone in law enforcement or the courts (DAs, prosecutors, attorneys) I knew personally, and call them on their cell phone. I would use the pretext that they were someone else entirely, such as a banker or CFO.

"Steve, I've got an interesting situation here and could use your help. I really need to get $40,000 in cash to my house on a deadline. I need the cash in my hands by 10am this morning at latest, and I'd knew you'd be just the right person to call in this situation. You'd know exactly who to call and could keep this hush hush. I don't want to raise an alarm or a ruckus here. Also I've got Amy and Philip at home here with me, but Amy's tied up and can't help. Do you think you can handle this for me?"

While they might laugh off the request at first reaction, doubling down would get their attention. And yes, they'd know who to call.
In SS's position, if I agreed to submit to any calls at all, I would try to think of anyone in law enforcement or the courts (DAs, prosecutors, attorneys) I knew personally, and call them on their cell phone. I would use the pretext that they were someone else entirely, such as a banker or CFO.

"Steve, I've got an interesting situation here and could use your help. I really need to get $40,000 in cash to my house on a deadline. I need the cash in my hands by 10am this morning at latest, and I'd knew you'd be just the right person to call in this situation. You'd know exactly who to call and could keep this hush hush. I don't want to raise an alarm or a ruckus here. Also I've got Amy and Philip at home here with me, but Amy's tied up and can't help. Do you think you can handle this for me?"

While they might laugh off the request at first reaction, doubling down would get their attention. And yes, they'd know who to call.

I would think that SS had scripted what he was going to say before he made calls. I doubt Wint just let him call and whoever he wanted and was able to talk freely. Wint probably held PS at knife point so SS won't go off track? Just a theory
Do you really think, "no way did he do it," or are you simply not convinced because you don't think any of the things people have been citing as evidence rise to a high enough threshold? Just curious.

ME (not whom you asked) ... no way was the driver involved in ANY WAY at all in the deaths of SS nor his family/nor VF nor complicit in any way. MY OPINION. Out in the open.
I would think that SS had scripted what he was going to say before he made calls. I doubt Wint just let him call and whoever he wanted and was able to talk freely. Wint probably held PS at knife point so SS won't go off track? Just a theory
No, I do not believe it was scripted for him, what to say. Talk about a red flag. jmo lmao can you imagine?
ME (not whom you asked) ... no way was the driver involved in ANY WAY at all in the deaths of SS nor his family/nor VF nor complicit in any way. MY OPINION. Out in the open.

Oh, I meant it as a general question to anyone. At first I thought, "meh, ok, he took pictures of the cars and the cash, tacky but not evidence of murder," and at first, I thought the idea that they might be trying to steal cars was beyond preposterous, but as the coincidences started to pile up, I changed my mind. I just wondered if there's something about him that reads "INNOCENT" to some people (because that was never my take, I sort of thought I didn't know enough about him to know and felt it could go either way since that's what I think about most people surrounding those who are murdered), or it's more like, "not guilty because nothing here really convinces me".
I still am having a really hard time believing that W1 wanted to have his little friend killed. W1 seems immature, stupid, and a blowhard. But a coldblooded killer? I am not so sure.

And IF he was involved, would he have sent that $ pic to his girlfriend????

His little friend?! W1 worked for the father. That doesn't make the 28 year-old the 10 year-old's friend.
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