DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #7

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No mention of the doorbell in the charging documents that I can find. What I do find is this:

Mr. Savopoulos told W-l to leave the money in the car inside the garage.

I did not mean 'literally' that he was told not to ring the bell. I meant that he was told to leave the $ in the garage and go. Thus, do not come inside.

Obviously he could not say that to the housekeeper.
I also don't understand why anyone would want W1 to know he was delivering a load of cash. Why would SS tell/AIW employee take 4 bundles of cash out of his pockets or meet the new driver at the bank? If it was me, I would have that $40,000 bundled up in a way that it wouldn't be obvious what it was... And wasn't easy to open/tamper with on the way to SS. Was this done in a rush, so that's why they met at the bank instead of at AIW office?

W-1 was instructed to meet the employee at AIW, then both went to the bank and went inside.
His statement said he went into the garage and located a key to unlock the car, put the envelope on the seat and then locked the car and closed the garage. So the key according to his first statement is kept somewhere in the garage.

Yeah, but didn't he change that to say the car was unlocked (so ostensibly, no key needed)?
I do not think it is weird to take money out of one's pockets. I would much rather have money concealed on my person than carry out of the bank in an obvious bag or envelope.

My husband always puts cash in the inner pockets of his suit coat. They are perfectly designed for cash and are hidden and secure.
I don't know, but my guess that he didn't want to talk about the red bag for the same reason he decided not to leave the money in the bag. Instead, he switched the money to a manila envelope, which would be more businesslike. The red bag, by contrast, was very unbusinesslike. Maybe he didn't feel like talking about how he carried $40K in a grocery tote.

Maybe, you know, the bag was specifically embarrassing to him:




I presume that the bag was an undignified way to convey $40K cash, so he came up with a manila envelope. Later in the aftermath of the murders, he didn't feel like talking about the stupid red bag or his stupid texts of the cash to his girlfriend, either.

As a teenager, I once got in trouble for burning the sleeve off my windbreaker, in a lounge at "very important place" where I worked. I wasn't really creating a fire hazard (stone floors), but, you know, very important places aren't thrilled to hear about deliberately setting one's clothes on fire. So, I was hauled in to the head guy's office to explain myself.

"Why were you burning the sleeve off your jacket?" he asked me.
"Ah ... to match the other sleeve," I stammered. "The left arm was missing. I decided to make a vest out of it."
"So, your jacket came with one sleeve?" he asked.
"Not exactly."
"So, how did it come to have one sleeve?"
"The left sleeve burned off."
"Burned off."
"And how did the left sleeve burn off?"
"It caught on fire while I was driving, sir."
"Was your car on fire also while you were driving?"
"No sir. I was smoking."
"So you were driving down the road, smoking, and noticed that your jacket was on fire?"
"That's right, sir."
"And what did you do about that?"
"I pulled over. There was man watering his garden with a hose, and I asked him to put out my jacket."
"Which he did?"
"Yes sir. I thanked him and went on my way."
"Do you have a special attraction to fire?"
"No sir. I was just trying to even it out."
"Because wearing a jacket with one arm would be crazy."
"That's right, sir."

Sometimes young guys do dumb things, which makes sense to them or are funny to them in the moment, but sound really stupid later when spelled out in a different setting. In my case, I thought it would be amusing to make a vest out of my ruined jacket, never dreaming that the whole story would end up coming out to the big boss.

Very funny! The bag wasn't so embarrassing that he didn't want to take a photo of half the cash in it, though...
See, all along I was thinking a different kind of money bag.


Maybe his gf left her purse in his car and he texted her, look what I had to use your bag for today (think of money in it.)

I've seen a pic of DW with a filtered cigarette in his hand. If he's still smoking I'm going to predict the moron also left a cigarette butt at the scene too.
Seriously, we do or at least I do, lol! For a two days I was wondering who/what the heck IT was. I figured it wasn't Information Technology and I figured NG wasn't National Geographic, but...

Just so I'm getting this right: does IT mean "it" as in "witness" so as not to give away the sex/gender of the witness? If so, it seems (ba dumb bum) like there could be a better way to state it.

Yep, IT is a gender-neutral pronoun. :)
Case Players.jpg
I think that's exactly why law enforcement made a point of clarifying those specifics. Good job, LE!
Jewelry, cars, art can all be easily tracked by LE. Wint wanted cash and I think he became outraged when he discovered not all the money had been delivered as promised.


Jewelry... just pop the stones out of the settings and sell the loose stones. Untraceable. Cars can be stripped, no way to identify where the parts came from. Art is difficult, though.

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I should really be asleep. Oh, wait, I think I am.:)

I slept but the dog woke me up whining cause he wanted water, now he's sleeping and I'm awake. I tend to like the quiet of the night though, I'll just drink some coffee to make me sleepy.
. rbm some de-bbm

Yes, agreed, many ppl w "stacks of cash" to dep or w/d - wd/use bank bag or equiv.

Maybe my brain cell (singular) is not properly functioning ATM, but IIRC,
a poster here said - w link backup - that $40,000 in 100's = ~ 1 3/4" thick.
IOW a volume that cd/fit easily in a man's typical suit jacket pockets. Or blazer.
If that's correct, then in $50 bills, still less than 4 ' thick.
JM2cts, could be wrong.

I think it was 100s, because that's what they found in the truck at arrest. I was wondering why anyone would put $40,000 in their pockets in front of people, but then I realized that the bank may have still been closed when they picked up the money. Still seems weird. If JW went into the bank with the employee, why wouldn't the employee just hold the stacks as s/he walked the distance from the banker to the driver in the lobby? None of this really makes sense...
I do think the locked/unlocked car scenario is interesting from another angle. It isn't clear from the charging docs if the police caught him in that lie or he just changed the story. If he just changed the story, why? What difference would it make to stay with that lie? The police would not know one way or the other. But if the police did know he was lying originally, how did they figure that out? What would cause them to know the car was unlocked at the moment W-1 entered the garage? I can't come up with anything. So I'm assuming W-1 just up and changed his version. But it seems unnecessary.

More importantly, why would they care enough about this lie to put it an official doc. ? There is more to the story that we don't know.
Cause the guy he got it from had it in his pockets right out in the open? I'm assuming it was a guy cause women normally don't have red velvet lined pockets.

Why not put it directly in the manila envelope that he had with him because it seemed more business-like/SS told him to bring it, skipping the red bag altogether?
The statement says they met at AIW and both went to the bank and went inside.

Ah, yes, thank you. I guess my question is: employee didn't need driver at the bank to get the money. Wouldn't it make more sense for the employee to pick up the money, bring it back to AIW where he could put it in a sealed package and give that to the driver? By taking him with him, if SS told him he was picking up a package, W1 now knows it's money, and apparently, he knows how much right away.
I also don't understand why anyone would want W1 to know he was delivering a load of cash. Why would SS tell/AIW employee take 4 bundles of cash out of his pockets or meet the new driver at the bank? If it was me, I would have that $40,000 bundled up in a way that it wouldn't be obvious what it was... And wasn't easy to open/tamper with on the way to SS. Was this done in a rush, so that's why they met at the bank instead of at AIW office?

Good thought ^ there. IDK.

If DDW was directing/scripting Mr S' phone call(s) or texts to long time AIW employee, what would he have Mr S say or text to l-t AIW employee?
Maybe his gf left her purse in his car and he texted her, look what I had to use your bag for today (think of money in it.)


I still think $40,000 would be more impressive than $20,000 if it was just a lark.
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