DC - They did it for the show - Couple Crashes White House Dinner

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How could they be invited with a wink? Who would have given them this winked invitation? A White House function is not the same as a casual neighborhood barbecue.

I would really, really like to know what the couple said to the Secret Service when they were trying to get in.
What state are you in? It's a sticky wicket here in Georgia with different Judges have different thoughts about it - some believe preparing a legal document without an attorney overseer is practicing law. I completely disagree!

In any event - I still do the same thing in several states - but for a larger company that takes all the heat!

ETA - I see now that you are in Georgia.

I was in Florida for most of my career I had an attorney try to say I was practicing without a license. Well I filed with the fourth district of appeals and then filed with the Florida bar and he dropped his nonsense. Georgia and Alabama basically have the same laws. Check your ethics you can fill out forms without an attorney but like I said your client has to know you are not an attorney and the form has to say so, and both you and your clients have to fill out the portion of the document that says they understand you are not an attorney and cannot represent them in court. I just moved to Georgia about a year ago and haven't had any problems yet.
I don't ...it is speculation at this point.


Is that Randy Jackson on the left? It wouldn't surprise me to see these two people in a picture with Osama Bin Laden. I'm sure there are thousands of pictures with the Senator now President Obama. He is by a elevator so he was either coming or going and the couple is not standing right next to him like good buddies.
Is that Randy Jackson on the left? It wouldn't surprise me to see these two people in a picture with Osama Bin Laden. I'm sure there are thousands of pictures with the Senator. He is by a elevator so he was either coming or going and the couple is not standing right next to him like good buddies.

That is Randy. Like I said it is speculation at this point. I do think that there is something weird going on though.....a little more to the story. Just a gut feeling.
That is Randy. Like I said it is speculation at this point. I do think that there is something weird going on though.....a little more to the story. Just a gut feeling.

I maintain that an official invite would have included a background check by the Secret Service, and the Salahis could NEVER have passed it. They had to have someone on the inside allow them access, and the Secret Service is being made to take the blame.
and there's more

People familiar with the inquiry into how the Salahis were able to attend Tuesday's gala, even though they weren't on the official guest list, said the Salahis exchanged e-mails with Michele S. Jones, special assistant to the secretary of defense and the Pentagon-based liaison to the White House. It was unclear how well the Salahis know Jones, but Jones includes the Salahis' lawyer, Paul W. Gardner, as one of her 50 friends on Facebook.

Several people familiar with the Jones-Salahi correspondence, including some who requested anonymity because it's part of an ongoing investigation, said the e-mails support the Salahis' case that they were cleared to attend Tuesday night's gala.

"There was e-mail correspondence confirming they were legitimately supposed to be there," said Casey Margenau, a close friend of the couple. "They understood they were invited."
The Salahis attended a recent awards dinner without an invitation, and multiple sources told MyFoxDC.com they snuck in to the event through an entrance meant for bus boys and caterers.

More at link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/11/30/state-dinner-crashers-snuck-black-caucus-dinner/

They were at the inauguration too.

Here's the money quote though
"I don't want to say it's like a kid getting his hand caught in the cookie jar, but in essence, that's pretty much what it was," said Lance Jones, a communications official with the foundation. "I had a sheet in front of me that said who was sitting at what table, and they weren't on that list."

Jones further explained to MyFoxDC.com how he discovered the Salahis, and what he did to have them removed from the venue at the D.C. Convention Center.

"I was told we had a couple sitting at our table that didn't belong, and as a result I walked back to security guards and I asked them to walk over with me-- that we might have a situation of some uninvited guests," Jones said. "I walked back to the table checked the list. Upon confirming that they did not belong, we escorted them out."

Why wasn't this the case at the ENTRANCE to the white house?
Well, if you have to pester one of your lawyer's friends for an invitation, never actually receive an official invitation (apparently), don't go through a background check (apparently), and are almost turned away at the door, you know you're not really invited, IMO.
New buzz phrase heard around Washington:

"We are committed to working closely with the Secret Service on this matter, Matt."

Just watched these knuckleheads on the Today Show (sorry, link not available at this writing -- interview still ongoing). Matt Lauer tried to ask them in several different ways if they had actually received an invitation to the event, and they never answered, only said that "they're committed to working with the Secret Service on this matter." Oh, and..."Soon All The Facts Will Be Known..." I'm beginning to despise that phrase.
New buzz phrase heard around Washington:

"We are committed to working closely with the Secret Service on this matter, Matt."

Just watched these knuckleheads on the Today Show (sorry, link not available at this writing -- interview still ongoing). Matt Lauer tried to ask them in several different ways if they had actually received an invitation to the event, and they never answered, only said that "they're committed to working with the Secret Service on this matter." Oh, and..."Soon All The Facts Will Be Known..." I'm beginning to despise that phrase.


Ha, that sounds like Jose Baez-speak. :innocent:
I did not read anywhere in the article that he was on a pro-Palestinian board. Can you link where you saw this? They had a Catholic wedding, and he made the sign of the cross, so I am guessing he is Catholic too?

What if they really were invited and someone in the White House just really screwed up. I am waiting to hear the facts...
I think they were invited with a wink - but the wink didn't translate to the guest list the SS saw. The guy on the board of a pro-Palestinian group would NEVER have passed screening to be a "technically" allowed guest.
I did not read anywhere in the article that he was on a pro-Palestinian board. Can you link where you saw this? They had a Catholic wedding, and he made the sign of the cross, so I am guessing he is Catholic too?

What if they really were invited and someone in the White House just really screwed up. I am waiting to hear the facts...


do a google search on Salahi + American Task Force on Palestine lots of articles about it.
Here you can see the e-mail exchange that they claim proves they were invited. This link should take you to a page where you can open up a PDF file.


I only skimmed this briefly so may be wrong, but all I see is the Pentagon woman trying to get them tickets but not promising anything, and she never gets them tickets and they show up anyway and get in, sending an e-mail later claiming that they were on the list.

ETA: Okay, there is one e-mail from the Pentagon woman supposedly saying that she is glad they had a great time. ??? I still don't see an e-mail from her that says "you have tickets and are cleared to go."

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