DCF Shelter and Custody Hearings #2

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Some more from WINK

“I could be in jail over a year waiting for a trial,” he continued. “I don’t want to scare you but I’m just telling you the truth. I want you to know the truth because we tell the truth. That’s what we do to each other.”

Mark Sievers then told his daughters they may lose their house and to collect any personal belongings.

“I can’t pay for a year or two while in jail,” he said.

Audio wasn't working but I actually saw that part - Mark laughing and smiling, nodding.... I was wondering "Wonder WTH he is laughing about?" I never once dreamed it was when the tapes were being played.

Beyond flippin' weird and highly inappropriate.

Inappropriate, as at the funeral. Or, maybe just putting on the act of a concerned parent, trying to win custody for BS (in both senses of the term).

Sam Smirk........

Sam Smink

Edit: Whoops, You already listed Sam. sorry. Oh well, while I am here, just want to say that while I don't agree with Judge's ruling to continue to allow MS's jail conversations with the girls without an independent third party present, this is just a little bump in the road. The girls will eventually see Mark as the murderer he is and MS will be tried and convicted. It is a process.
Some more from WINK

“I could be in jail over a year waiting for a trial,” he continued. “I don’t want to scare you but I’m just telling you the truth. I want you to know the truth because we tell the truth. That’s what we do to each other.”

Mark Sievers then told his daughters they may lose their house and to collect any personal belongings.

“I can’t pay for a year or two while in jail,” he said.


Like the kids can do anything abut this either. He should be having his mom get the kids things out. The kids dont need to hear about his money woes. jmo.
Some more from WINK

“I could be in jail over a year waiting for a trial,” he continued. “I don’t want to scare you but I’m just telling you the truth. I want you to know the truth because we tell the truth. That’s what we do to each other.”

Mark Sievers then told his daughters they may lose their house and to collect any personal belongings.

“I can’t pay for a year or two while in jail,” he said.


Ha, a year or two in jail. An eternity in prison.

beach or others there may know more as to what reporters in that area are on Twitter. I think it's best/easier to go directly to Twitter & follow. Too difficult here on forum keeping up, so many people posting the same Tweets---by the time you get to the next page you miss up to 4 posts, crazy! I ATE A BOAT LOAD OF CHOCOLATE LOL! Twitter is easy. If I happen to see any other reporters Tweeting I'll post here who they are unless other WSs post that 1st.
I was thinking the same thing. There might be some legal technicalities that make the judge feel the decision to sever contact is not justified just yet. If the judge gives MS a chance to straighten up, then the decision will be much clearer and solid to all involved down the road when he proves himself incapable of doing so. I also think others are right that severing all contact right now might not be in the girls best interest. They need more time with a therapist to come to their own conclusions about what their father has been doing to manipulate them. If all contact is severed now, it might just cement their belief that it's them and daddy against the world. So sad.
I don't think some of us that are disappointed wanted all contact removed, just it be better structured and regulated. To have the liar BS suddenly supervise the letters and phone calls appropriately is a stretch IMO. I have a feeling she will continue to do exactly what MS tells her to do. So it doesn't really seem like much in that aspect has changed.....except now he gets to drag his daughters to jail once a week. Maybe the judge ruled for that because he thinks it will make the whole situation seem more real to the girls? I don't know. I remember we were so happy when MS was finally arrested because we thought the girls could start healing but it seems like things have only gotten worse.

And it irks me a tad because if those girls were given bruises or abrasions on their arms or legs by MS I feel like the courts would have stepped up and protected them. Instead, MS gave them bruises and abrasions on their hearts and souls and minds and because his damage hasn't left a visual mark it wasn't taken as seriously. Breaks my heart.
What kind of conversations does MS have with the girls when they're at BS' home? He can say whatever he wants? I'm emotionally exhausted, and it's only Monday. The Warriors better win tonight.

Go eat some chocolate, Paulas88.... I'm exhausted too, I'm sure most here are. Monday..... yay.
. . . He is Mr. TakeCharge....ya' know at some point, his over-the-top bossy ways just might get him in trouble with charges of elder abuse somewhere down the line. (Just thinking out loud on the last part.)

More likely they'll get him killed by a younger, tougher, do-it-yourself inmate who didn't hire out his kills.
I'm sure MS is exhausted too. Such an emotional day for him. <modsnip>
He must believe he is going to get away with the murder . Bet he blames BS that she didnt get custody. jmo.
Jacob Carpenter &#8207;@NDN_JCarpenter 1m1 minute ago
Mark's lawyer, Michael Mummert: &#8220;We've heard that he has made every effort to continue a close and on-going relationship with his children.&#8221;

Weak argument from a weak lawyer with a weak case. The same thing could said of a pedophile parent, and it means nothing under those circumstances or these (strong evidence that he arranged the murder of the girls' mother).
My opinion won't be popular..... I think the judge did this right for two reasons.

1. MS and legal team are saying that he is the custodial parent and has the right to make decisions. If the judge cut off all contact or limited contact so much that it was too hard for him to have contact then I think MS's lawyers would try and get that overturned with a different judge--- one who has not seen MS and his shenanigans and will only read the transcripts. Giving him a chance to screw up again ( and we know he can't help himself) makes it so that MS is accountable to this judge

2. The judges role is to seek what is in the best interest of the children. Supervised phone calls and supervised visits might make many happy. But, the girls will be driven further into MS's camp because they already feel like he is being mistreated. All that supervision would make it so that the girls get angrier at MAG. We have to remember the judge has a duty to remember that MS is innocent until proven guilty and if he is not appropriate in calls then he should have the right to fix his behavior. When he is convicted of murdering their mother, the girls need a strong support system that can pick up the pieces. The girls thinking the judge and MAG are not trustworthy and against them having a relationship with their father will not serve to build a support network that will be able to do the job.

:tyou: for putting into words my thoughts.

Yes!!! The focus being on the girls, and not mark!!!
Mark should have to call only once a day at most. Too many calls really eats at their custodian. Like walking on eggshells as to when the phone will ring.

I'm sure DCF will get every call and jump on the first chance to limited video visitation once a week. Don't think Mark will be able to control himself all that much...

Didn't the judge said visitation can happen but not required. Hint can.

I think it's up to Mary if she let's them visit. Since it said can. Idk. I don't think she was ordered to do so. Like she isn't ordered to pick up the phone all the time. I would unplug his calls after 5 minutes. Every time. Jmo
I don't think some of us that are disappointed wanted all contact removed, just it be better structured and regulated. To have the liar BS suddenly supervise the letters and phone calls appropriately is a stretch IMO. I have a feeling she will continue to do exactly what MS tells her to do. So it doesn't really seem like much in that aspect has changed.....except now he gets to drag his daughters to jail once a week. Maybe the judge ruled for that because he thinks it will make the whole situation seem more real to the girls? I don't know. I remember we were so happy when MS was finally arrested because we thought the girls could start healing but it seems like things have only gotten worse.

And it irks me a tad because if those girls were given bruises or abrasions on their arms or legs by MS I feel like the courts would have stepped up and protected them. Instead, MS gave them bruises and abrasions on their hearts and souls and minds and because his damage hasn't left a visual mark it wasn't taken as seriously. Breaks my heart.

MS's parental rights cannot be terminated at this point, he is still the parent of record. When he gets convicted, they can move to terminate those rights. At the moment, the girls need their dad, no matter how bad he really is. Their world has been broken apart, they need to at least have some contact with their father. Although I, too, would like the phone calls supervised, I feel that the judge did everything he could to make sure those girls were safe at MAG's. He laid down the law about making sure the shenanigans stop during the phone calls, and all visits and letters will be monitored as well. While it may not be in the best of taste to bring the children to the jail once a week, at least they can see their dad there, even if they cannot touch him. They NEED this, as children.

I agree that if there were any way to keep them from this issue, it would be best, but due to MS's ability to manipulate, they are already far into it, and jerking them out with no notice would do far more harm then good. It would make them distrust MAG's and the maternal family and feel that what their father has been saying is true. Just MHO
Totally agree. The nightmare continues.

ESPECIALLY considering the Guardian ad litem specifically testified saying she thought all contact should be monitored. FGS, the GAL's only advocates for the girls! Not any of the adults - not Mark, not Bonnie and not Mary Ann. Only the girls.

Mary should tell him all conversations are recorded and put a recording device on her phone. Now Bonnie may not. Idk.
Is Florida a two person consent to record phone calls? If no, then MAG could record the phone calls. If yes, she would have to tell him and get consent to record.

Answered my own question----- Under Florida law, in most circumstances all parties to the call must consent to the recording of the call in order to make it legal to record the call. This type of restrictive law is sometimes referred to as a “two-party consent” law but in in reality, Florida has an “all-party consent” law in place. Chapter 934 of the Florida Statutes governs the Security of Communications and Surveillance Operations within the State of Florida. Florida Statute § 934.03 is the State of Florida’s primary wiretapping law, which governs the interception and disclosure of wire, oral, or electronic communications. Florida Statute § 934.03(1) lists what acts are illegal, including but not limited to the use of any electronic device to intercept an oral communication or phone call. If you violate the statute, you are committing a crime. Pursuant to Florida Statute § 934.03(4), the crime could be a third degree felony, which is usually punishable by up to five years in state prison. In addition to the criminal penalties for illegally recording a call, you may also be liable for civil fines and penalties pursuant to Florida Statute § 934.10. ~http://www.uscriminallawblog.com/2015/07/27/is-it-illegal-to-record-a-phone-call-in-florida/
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