DCF Shelter Hearings

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On Monday, Teresa Sievers’ mother, Mary Ann Groves, filed a petition for temporary custody of her two granddaughters. The 11-year-old and 9-year-old girls stayed with family friends before moving into Groves’ Estero home while their father, Mark Sievers, is in jail.

In her petition, Groves says she has been caring for them full-time as a substitute parent.

“As a result of the father’s alleged acts and the resulting loss of their mother, the children have suffered severe psychological and emotional harm,” the petition states.

Video at link http://www.winknews.com/2016/03/24/mark-sievers-files-not-guilty-plea-in-wifes-death/

The not guilty plea comes one day after the public defender’s office was removed from representing Mark Sievers in court. The office said the interests of Sievers are so adverse and hostile to those of another client, they asked a judge to be taken off the case citing a conflict of interest.

And TS mother has the girls!
"On Monday, Teresa Sievers’ mother, Mary Ann Groves, filed a petition for temporary custody of her two granddaughters. The 11-year-old and 9-year-old girls stayed with family friends before moving into Groves’ Estero home while their father, Mark Sievers, is in jail."
And TS mother has the girls!
"On Monday, Teresa Sievers’ mother, Mary Ann Groves, filed a petition for temporary custody of her two granddaughters. The 11-year-old and 9-year-old girls stayed with family friends before moving into Groves’ Estero home while their father, Mark Sievers, is in jail."
You beat me to it! Best news since MS arrest.

Sent from Wonderland
I am thrilled to hear that the girls are with their maternal grandmother!
I am thrilled to hear that the girls are with their maternal grandmother!

That's probably why his smug arse was smiling in that hearing Monday.
I think it brought him joy knowing that Teresa's mother didn't get HIS girls without his 20 day fight or delay. I'm sure he enjoyed still having his "control." Even if it was DCF's fault, it still made him a smile and a wink happy.

TS's poor mom had to pay $310.00 dollars to file that petition for temporary custody. Moving to Florida could not have been easy for her, she has lived in Connecticut her whole life.
She had to uproot and move away from her family, friends and everything she had ever known. It just goes to show you there is nothing stronger than a mothers love!
I wonder if Teresa's mom will move into the house on Jarvis with the girls. I know that would be creepy but sometimes economics dictates the circumstance.
I wonder if Teresa's mom will move into the house on Jarvis with the girls. I know that would be creepy but sometimes economics dictates the circumstance.

No way!!!! I wouldn't even enter. It should be torn down. IMO
How did that change take place? Did the guardian just allowed the girls to stay with grandma? That's really great and should help in the future decision.
On Monday, Teresa Sievers’ mother, Mary Ann Groves, filed a petition for temporary custody of her two granddaughters. The 11-year-old and 9-year-old girls stayed with family friends before moving into Groves’ Estero home while their father, Mark Sievers, is in jail.

In her petition, Groves says she has been caring for them full-time as a substitute parent.

“As a result of the father’s alleged acts and the resulting loss of their mother, the children have suffered severe psychological and emotional harm,” the petition states.


Thanks tlcya... good news. I'm happy & sad at the same time. That last sentence there is tragic (but we all knew the obvious). They'll receive lots of love & care plus the therapy necessary. God bless & help them through this difficult journey. I've seen the impact of the sudden emotional blow to young kids with the loss of their mother---there one second, gone the next. This is always a cruel event but a loss such as this involving their other parent, unimaginable brutality right in the family kitchen of the home they lived in together is far worse & lasting emotionally.

Our friends' sister (mom with 2 young kids), killed suddenly one morning, car accident. Of all things.... her doctor husband was at the hospital, unaware, when she was brought in DOA. Staff had to tell him, it was awful. These kids, like TS kids, had lots of loving family & friends--they've done so very well, grown up now, all's good. TS kids have a great support system BUT a far more difficult path ahead due to the manner of their loss. I'm not trying to be super negative here, just truthful. TS family will proceed in a most positive way, I'm sure... and their mom will smile upon them from above. Love & prayers for each & all in this entire family.
I wonder if Teresa's mom will move into the house on Jarvis with the girls. I know that would be creepy but sometimes economics dictates the circumstance.

No contest... I would suffer economically before moving my grandkids back into the house WHERE their father took them back to live WHERE he arranged for their mother, my daughter, to be beaten to death with a #%?€ing hammer in the kitchen WHERE they all gathered as a family for meals, baking cookies, holiday dinners, etc.

How did that change take place? Did the guardian just allowed the girls to stay with grandma? That's really great and should help in the future decision.

From my experience, once a temporary home has been established and the environment checked out( we called it house safety check here in my state) then the minor children can be placed with relatives . Some house checks are easy than others. Pretty sure DCF played a role with this. The family friends placement was very short term until some things got checked off the list in regards to the new home placement
That's probably why his smug arse was smiling in that hearing Monday.
I think it brought him joy knowing that Teresa's mother didn't get HIS girls without his 20 day fight or delay. I'm sure he enjoyed still having his "control." Even if it was DCF's fault, it still made him a smile and a wink happy.

TS's poor mom had to pay $310.00 dollars to file that petition for temporary custody. Moving to Florida could not have been easy for her, she has lived in Connecticut her whole life.
She had to uproot and move away from her family, friends and everything she had ever known. It just goes to show you there is nothing stronger than a mothers love!

JMO but I would think she'll be there for them to finish school then hopefully, if all goes well with the legal system, she can take them back to CT before it's time for school to start in the Fall. Specifics will need to get worked out but they need to be far away from the circus of local MSM since all aspects of this trial will be blasted out from tv, radio, papers, etc. If they're in public or private schools, other kids hear stuff & talk---just the way it is. They've suffered enough.
This is really great news for Teresa's girls and her family.

They have so much evidence against Mark Sievers- he's frickin delusional- even if everything is circumstantial, no one else stood to gain directly from this murder but Mark. Bye bye nagging wife with normal expectations from a partner- hello $4 million dollars and change.

I hope Jimmy Ray turns on him and pleads guilty when he's shown the evidence they have against him. I cannot wait to learn what is in the sealed plea from Curtis.

If Curtis did this for Mark weather it be misplaced brotherly love or he's in love with Mark, I have no problem connecting the story told to AW's coworker at Nicoletti's about a different version of why RB may have went missing. The wild thing would be to learn that Mark was the most depraved of them all.

He IS a monster and he will never have access to those little girls again.

I wonder if the handoff to MG was because of the family chosen by Mark wanting it for them or if the girls told the judge that's where they want to be. Anyone know how that would work or how that went down?

No matter- they are there and we can all breathe a sigh of relief. I bet Mark was fuming when he found out. That SOB can't be put away fast enough for me. The best thing will be the day that it's over- no more court dates or attention just forever to rot in a jail cell with men of his own ilk and worse.

I despise that man.

Pretty sure DCF played a part in the girls going to Mary. Relatives can have minor children temporarily placed with them along with conditions from the agency. They are not out if the woods yet re DCF but it's a start. The family friends had no say where the girls can go. They too had a list of do's and dont's. DCF still has custody of the girls .
DCF still has custody of of the girls. Read my above post
Thanks. Guess I was thinking they had to stay where they were placed until a judge ruled. This is a good move . I bet MS is extremely PO'd.

It's easier to remember it this way......until a judge terminates DCF's involvement, DCF will alway call the shots for any minor children in their care. Relatives that have children placed with them still have to follow the rules set forth in the action plan. Once all steps are completed by bio parents if the child is abused ( such as ordered therapy sessions and parenting classes) then DCF will step down and the judge will order custody back to the parents. In this case, MS has to be convicted to allow another party to gain full custody. Mary's petition states her desire to have temporary custody. That of course will change once MS is convicted.

Groves said she moved to Florida from Connecticut "to care for her grandchildren in their time of need" and that she and the girls "have always had a close and loving relationship. The children feel safe and comfortable in her care."
She also mentioned that all other potential caregivers want to enroll the girls in public school after they were homeschooled for years, and she thinks that would be awful for the girls: "Due to the trauma the children have suffered in the last year, a change from homeschooling would be detrimental to the children and not in their best interests."
Groves isn't requesting any child support and said in the document that she would not ask the court for a visitation schedule with their father.

Didn't see this posted yet but sorry if it is a dupe. Sounds like good news for the girls.

Thank you for posting this article River. That 3rd picture of TS's mom crying brought tears to my eyes. Bless her sweet heart, what a nightmare MS has caused her and her family. I can't even imagine the pain TS's family has had to endure. She probably hasn't even had time to grieve for her own precious daughter yet. Can you imagine how hard it must be when Mark calls her to speak with the girls?
Collect calls from jail can be very costly. Since they are court ordered, I wonder if TS's mom is the one that has to pay for them? I certainly hope not!

From the article River posted:

Mark Sievers has 20 days to respond to the court filing, which was filed Monday when he appeared before Judge Lee Schreiber for a sheltering hearing. The hearing was continued to April 18 and June 21.

Two more hearings?
I wonder if the fact that MG didn't ask for visitation w/MS for the girls could be because the girls don't wish to see him? If so, that's a step toward positive progression on their part (in my opinion). It would (maybe?) mean they are no longer under his "spell." God bless them, and their sweet Grandma, and all others who knew and loved Teresa. :(

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