DE DE - John 'Jack' Wheeler, 66, Wilmington, 30 Dec 2010

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
We are approaching the second anniversary of Mr. Wheeler's death.

I don't know if this link was posted previously, but it is a partial interview with his wife:

One thing noted was that his shirt sleeves were very dirty and that if looked like he had worn it for several days.

I think it's possible the CIA has already dealt with this and the guy who did this to him's head arrived in a package to the Chinese version of our CIA. JMO
SD, it doesn't look like that. He was disoriented and dirty. And there are smoke bombs.
This case has haunted me since the day Wheeler was discoveted in the dumpsyr
Oops, sorry. I sleuthed this case with others but not on this site. We focused on something entirely different than what you have here. Anyone interested in revisiting this case?
Oops, sorry. I sleuthed this case with others but not on this site. We focused on something entirely different than what you have here. Anyone interested in revisiting this case?

Sure, what's your theory?
Oops, sorry. I sleuthed this case with others but not on this site. We focused on something entirely different than what you have here. Anyone interested in revisiting this case?

I am as well.

I don't know of any new information.
It is hard for me to reference things on here as I am on my phone but will give you my theory.
It is my opinion that Mr. Wheelet was obssesed wih the house being.built actoss.from him. If ypu goggle earth, you can see. This had been an ongoing battle with the people.building this house for years. Attorney's were involved...probably a lot of money, but more importantly
for the people building the home ad supposedly she haf cancer.

I nelieve Wheeler came.home around the.26th, 27? Can't remember. I feel the he went to his home in New Castle and decided the sight of this housrmade him sick. (He truly was going
to lose his perfect view of the Delaware River. In my opinion, and it may be far fetched, I believe it wad Wheeler throwing.cherry ,bombs into this home.being built. One of the neighbors heard the commotion and yurnef on his porch light. This spooked the cherry bomb
thrower and the neighbor saw him walk off. He was not able to identify Wheeler but he thought the man's build was the same,

By this time, the fire dept had been called amd was soon at the scene. It is my opinionsa that Wheeler made his way nack to his house by circlng around back whete thete was an alley, Very easy to slip back back into his house undetected. I believe he then went up to his 3 rd floor (with no lights on) opened the window so he could hear wjat was going on
Are you local to this case? How did he end up in the dumpster? Thanks for posting this theory.
He did this so people would think he wasn't home and so he cpuld listen wothput being detected.

After this it gets murky. I am speculating but I think he had some visitors the next day. He was scared as he.had no protection except for his WP sabre which he took out.

I believe at that point, his visitors left and.he up to the pharmacy.
From what I undetrstand, his sense of direction was not good. He asks the phaacist (who he knew slightly for a ride to the train.

Somehow heanages to get to the trsin syation and has lost his briefcase along the way. In watching the videos, his wife, Katherine said he looked terrified. He was desperaye to find his car as he.needed to get the heck out of Dodge.

When he couldn't locate the car it isy far fetched opinion that he went to thehotel but didn't stay thete as there was no record. But.....

The next day.he's viewed in different clothes. I think he traded in his suit for a.hoodie and sweatpants at eithet a homeless shelter or goodwill

I guess where he was last.headed per thevideo was to a bad part of town
But at some point, he was bludgeoned to death and was either put into a dumpster or was taken somewhere where it would be hard to figure how he got there.

This sounds like a hit to me, but not the CIA kind. By someone who was seriously ticked with this guy and had haf enough.

After reading Klyce's history abpit her sister's death, itadee think it was youngsters
and then cleaned up a bit by someone older.

When the cops went.back to Wheelers home, I feel like they found the clotthes Wheeler had been wearing the nigjt of the cherry.bombs and I bet they were found on the 3rd floor.

Ok. Am I crazy or what?
Lots of typing errors. Sorry. Eyes hurt and this typing on my phone is too hard!
Are you local to this case? How did he end up in the dumpster? Thanks for posting this theory.

No, not local. Go back and either read posts or goggle
John Wheeler. Absolutely fascinating!! And incredibly sad.
Call me 'conspiracy sista' but I have always thought Wheeler's death was due to the Phosgene accident in Arkansas. Remember when all those birds and fish mysteriously died, and the government came up with some lame excuse?
IIRC, the Phosgene was scheduled to be 'delivered' to Afghanistan, at the time.
Mr. Wheeler sounds like he was in fear for his life and trying to elude those who were trying to harm him.
IMO, we will never know what happened here, because as Jack Nicholson famously said, "You can't handle the truth".
Well then, we're both. "conspiracy sistas". Why do you think Biden sealed everything up? Why would he.not allow the last video of Wheeler be shown? IMO he had a psychotic break.
Buti f this was done by the "government" why put him in a dumpster? No, IMO Wheeler had gone too far with the cherry bombs. He couldn't call the police because he knew they'd get him for that. Plus he'd be exposed as being a "nut". Who else would have known he was home? Only those who knew about the cherry bombs.

Google Earth his New Castle address. I can understand where he would be.beyond crazed.
Building on the "park" never should have been allowed but it was. Why?! Wheeler's arguements had finally been ended. He had no recourse.

Those who were unable for years because of Wheeler's opposition had to be extremely frustrated. Wheeler, even though he lost the battle, was going to continue to be a thorn in their sides. IMO, someone was sent to scare the.heck out of him. Well, they succeeded but it went to far.
Ok. I take the broad hint. I really feel there is an answer here. And not a hard one. It is sad that more has not been done to solve this. Unless, of course they have and they're not saying anything...even to Wheeler's son and Mrs. Klyce. I feel had it been my Dad, my husband, my friend....I'd be everyone's worst nightmare. And I would find the answer.
dotr- it's funny that you would post one of Radell's articles. I was part of her group who read every one of her articles, delaware online and any other article we could get our hands on and then discuss it until we were blue in the face. The reason I quit that group is because we were going to have to do it through Facebook which did not appeal to me. She made special concessions for a group of us but I couldn't continue as I was spending too much time on this case and neglecting other duties.
I am in the process of looking for a new blog, however. There are still lots of people interested in this case.
And as I recall, we pretty much discounted both cabbies. Thank you for taking the time to post these. I really need to figure out how to do it on my phone.

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