Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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I disagree. I think sometimes people need to see evil punished. It helps to make the world sensible again. Something as unabashedly evil as a child killer who is executed is a good thing. I agree it should not be a popcorn and fun times type of 'spectator sport'...but it sends a real and deliberate message - society will not tolerate people who harm or kill children.

I don't think that a desire for revenge is unnatural and therefore I do not think it is inherently unhealthy. Any sadness or darkness covering the execution has been brought on by the guilty party, not the victims or society. I feel we are avoiding the tough work if we simply put a child killer in a cell and essentially forget about them.

I definitely respect all points of view on this, so please don't misunderstand.

You framed this much better than I could have, thx- I am a more logical thinker than emotional (though my posts may not reflect that, sometimes we all have to purge emotion), so maybe I am more apt to compartmentalize KC than others, and I definately have a need for "symetry"-Not an eye for an eye, because I do not want KC bound with duct tape and murdered like Caylee was, but follow-through with the punishment that our laws (not precedents, laws) say "fits the crime."

I feel no need to attack or debate anyone here that is against the death penalty, it is too personal a decision for me to judge, but dialog on the matter (or type-alog) is good stuff.
I am for the DP, getting a needle in your arm is NOTHING compared to being raped and killed with an ax, gun, blunt object, etc.

I believe that if a person takes a life of another human being than their life should be taken from them as well.

unfortunately, Casey will probably not get the DP and even if she did she would be commuted to Life in prison w/o parole in ten years.
I really don't think that Casey gives a thought about what she has done. She only thinks about herself. That is how sociopaths are. But I like the thought of her being in prison the rest of her life and never being able to sleep with a man again...hang out at the clubs or do any of the things that she seemed to love to do. The other women in prison will hate her for what she did to little Caylee and she will have to watch her back constantly. Her life won't be a good one...the other women will make sure of that.

I also don't think a jury is going to give her the death penalty. Not that she doesn't deserve it but they will look at her age and I think that will stop them.

The jury might look at a picture of Caylee and decide KC needs the death penalty.

As far as KC never sleeping with a man again, Susan Smith has been caught having affairs with at least two guards while in prison. KC will have lots of chances.
Isn't it interesting that none of these killers gave their victims a thought...whether they wanted to die or not...BUT...when it comes to their own death...they fight and scream and try to find any way that they can to stay alive...COWARDS..every one of them.

It takes a coward to stand behind a gun. They NEVER think of the victims or what the victim's family has to endure.:(
I used to think I was pro DP, now I think I'm only for the DP if evidence is 100% proof positive in sealing the DP conviction. The biggest question that I ask myself is this: "What about if new technology comes out and happens to prove a person on death row is innocent? What about all the years that person lost? What about the people that have already perished due to the DP but have been exonerated through dna testing?" People in general never thought DNA testing could even be possible, but of course Scientists knew all along it was. Science is ever changing on a daily basis. Ok, now take into consideration the person is dead b/c of a prosecutor holding back evidence, a lab screwing something up or even erroneously reporting evidence in favor of the prosecution, people lying to be on that jury just to get a person sentenced to death, and what about the person signed on to actually be the person to push the button, lift the lever, or administer the needle - well, should they be sentenced to death if the person that died due to their beliefs happened to be innocent of all charges? Wouldn't that make them all murderers? How can somebody that puts someone else to death live with themselves if said convict was actually innocent all along? I don't think I could do it myself.

Now, if somebody screwed with my children (tortured, raped, & murdered them), and I happened to be witness to it, I sure as heck could take them out with my bare hands...don't even think Superman could stop me!

I think Casey should serve time for the death of her child...but I still don't know exactly how guilty she is. Based on the evidence put out thus far, it's not enough to warrant a death penalty.

Mr. Hornsby, if Casey is found not guilty of murder but maybe found guilty of a lesser charge relating to Caylee's death, what is the minimum mandatory sentence she could receive?

I just had to address this. The answer is NO.

They only decided if the person is guilty, based upon the info given to them.

If they are guilty, then they pay the price, set by the law.

If KC gets the DP, it will not be the Jury's fault.

The jury shouldn't even be concerned with what the pentality will be. They should only be concerned with wither or not she is guilty.

Only then should they concern themselves with figuring out if what the person is guilty of, fits what punishment as set down by the law.

If there is any guilt to be had for mistakes, don't put it on the jury. Put it on those who made the errors or played false. IF someone held back info that could have proven innocents without a doubt, I think they should be charged with murder, if that person got the DP. I don't care who that person is.
I really don't think that Casey gives a thought about what she has done. She only thinks about herself. That is how sociopaths are. But I like the thought of her being in prison the rest of her life and never being able to sleep with a man again...hang out at the clubs or do any of the things that she seemed to love to do. The other women in prison will hate her for what she did to little Caylee and she will have to watch her back constantly. Her life won't be a good one...the other women will make sure of that.

I also don't think a jury is going to give her the death penalty. Not that she doesn't deserve it but they will look at her age and I think that will stop them.


Don't you think they will also look at the age of Caylee when she was murdered? IMO KC's age wouldn't bother me at all. Could you give me your thoughts on this please?
I disagree. I think sometimes people need to see evil punished. It helps to make the world sensible again. Something as unabashedly evil as a child killer who is executed is a good thing. I agree it should not be a popcorn and fun times type of 'spectator sport'...but it sends a real and deliberate message - society will not tolerate people who harm or kill children.

I don't think that a desire for revenge is unnatural and therefore I do not think it is inherently unhealthy. Any sadness or darkness covering the execution has been brought on by the guilty party, not the victims or society. I feel we are avoiding the tough work if we simply put a child killer in a cell and essentially forget about them.

I definitely respect all points of view on this, so please don't misunderstand.

I agree criminals must be punished and it may be helpful to send a message that leniency is not an option. However, right now spanking and hitting children is, for the first time in history, considered uncivilized and ineffective. Psychologists point out that using violence not only has a limited affect, it is abusive, and it sends a message that it is an acceptable way to punish and solve problems. The worry is that violence begets violence, which could very much be said about our culture today. We are also legislating our way to a point in which respect for human life appears to be paramount. I have always thought it odd that many people I know are anti-choice but pro DP; it seems an inexplicable dichotomy.

When the state can sanction violence against an individual, including torture or death, it has created a situation in which all of its citizens bear the responsibility for what quite a few believe is simply institutionalized murder. If it is a crime for an individual to kill another, how does not that hold true for the state?

A desire for revenge is not unnatural certainly, but it has not been shown to be healthy either. History is littered with examples.

I don't know if we are able to understand what causes evil exactly and until we do it might be prudent to avoid doing things as a society that are considered criminal in individuals.

I agree that we should not forget criminals; I believe that punishment is about working hard to attempt to make some kind of restitution to society, even if it could never begin to make up for the actual victims' pain and suffering. I don't want prisons to be comfortable little microcosms of society; I think they should be horrible and backbreaking and tough. If suffering is the closest we can get to punishment, then we should let them suffer.

I also believe strongly that criminals should be anonymous - their names and faces never seen in the media. The attention we give should be to the victim. We have too many people announcing to others they will be famous someday. And this case shows just how exploited a victim can be in that she is now supporting the family she was torn from.
I always struggle with the DP but feel that there are times when a crime is so heinous that it cries out for the DP (i.e. John Couey). If it comes out in court somehow that Caylee was alive when she wrapped duct tape around her mouth and put her in the trunk, to me that fits my definition of heinous and she deserves the needle. I also believe that like the chameleon she is, KC would adapt to prison life and have a grand old time, possibly "connecting" with some male guards along the way. I think the only thing that could possibly have an effect on her is the DP looking in the distance.
I always struggle with the DP but feel that there are times when a crime is so heinous that it cries out for the DP (i.e. John Couey). If it comes out in court somehow that Caylee was alive when she wrapped duct tape around her mouth and put her in the trunk, to me that fits my definition of heinous and she deserves the needle. I also believe that like the chameleon she is, KC would adapt to prison life and have a grand old time, possibly "connecting" with some male guards along the way. I think the only thing that could possibly have an effect on her is the DP looking in the distance.

Yes, there was a certain pathos to that case-Didn't he beg for them to lock him up and throw away the key the first time he got busted? His brain tortured him until the compultions took over, and he murdered poor sweet Jessica.
It was like the movie "The Fly," he had become so ugly and so little like a feeling human, he warned (the state ) people around him to end it then. KC does not seem to have that self-loathing, which in my mind, points to her as being a more ruthless, arrogant and conniving criminal.
I won't skip past your post.

For your post doesn't offend me, it saddens me.

What possible joy could anyone take in watching a public hanging?

It reduces society to an animalistic level and serves no purpose other than a need for revenge and other sordid voyeuristic tendancies which I won't go into.

The world would not be a better place if this was to occur.

To each his own. Can you show me any where in my post where it said that it would give me joy?

Animalistic, revenge, sordid, voyeuristic? If you say so.

Your belief is that the world would not be a better place. My belief is that it would.
I agree with Autumnlover that Casey would adapt to prison. I can just see her pitting inmate against inmate, stealing from them, manipulating elderly or less heinous inmates out of their commissary money, flirting with male and female guards, making false accusations, having pen pals, etc. I think she'll get the death penalty with all the premeditation evidence that they have against her.
Even though we live in a civilized society not every member of our society is civilized. We have monsters among us that prey on the weak, elderly, young and the trusting. We have parents killing their children, selling them into prostitution. I feel that we have a right to let those type of people know that it is NOT appropriate nor will it be tolerated. So far I don't see where the possibility of life in prison is making these types stop their evil ways. We have more mothers killing their children now than we have in decades before. Why do these women think that they can do this and get away with it? Perhaps it is because it is less likely for a woman to get death than it is a man. If a father had done this then I feel that there would be no qualms about him receiving death. Women have fought for equal rights and that applies to prison sentences and death sentences to me as well. Perhaps if the likes of Susan Smith had received what I feel her true punishment should have been (death) then other mothers would think twice before following in her footsteps.

I have mixed feelings about the DP. I really don't know if I could vote for the death penalty if I was on a jury, and as such I don't know that I have the right to ask another jury to do so. Also if I couldn't vote for the DP, yet took no action against the DP then don't I also have as much guilt for the execution as does the person who commits the DP procedures. I don't believe it is a deterrent to crime. But I do believe it is justice. I think of other parents who loved their children and lost them to a criminal. And I believe it is an affront to make them relive each year, knowing that their child is dead and the person who killed them is alive. So you see I have very mixed feelings about the DP.

But with KC I see her as the type of person who will adapt to her circumstances. Really she is in isolation now, so in some ways going to prison will feel like freedom if she gets life. I see her going to school and telling everyone that she is going to be a lawyer. I see her working at whatever job they will give her, just to have something to do (but somehow I don't see her being real industrious about it unless she 'approves' of the job they give her.) I see her attending church, so that she can tell her family that she has 'reformed' and been saved (but again it will be because it is something to do.) I see her attempting to 'date' guards, but if that is impossible, she will have 'girlfriends', fellow inmates. I also see her getting involved in the prison 'party scene.' I have heard that it is easier to get drugs in prison than it is to get them outside.

It is because of the above, the fact that I believe that KC will adjust to the prison life that I think I could vote for the DP for her. I don't believe she would 'contemplate what she did wrong.' I think that forever she will believe that it was CA's fault, or GA's fault or Caylee's or someone else's fault, never hers. And she might complain about her prison life, but I really believe she would adjust to it and even learn to have a good time while there.

If she was on death row however, she would be in isolation. She would spend the rest of her life remembering her past life and fearing her future. She would probably continue to blame, but I think she might at least take it more seriously (no more high fiving.) Her ability to adjust would be diminished because she wouldn't have others to bond with, be entertained by or to entertain. Her life would be much more regimented and lessen her ability to be impulsive. More so than the death sentence, this is what I would like to see for KC.
I have mixed feelings about the DP. I really don't know if I could vote for the death penalty if I was on a jury, and as such I don't know that I have the right to ask another jury to do so. Also if I couldn't vote for the DP, yet took no action against the DP then don't I also have as much guilt for the execution as does the person who commits the DP procedures. I don't believe it is a deterrent to crime. But I do believe it is justice. I think of other parents who loved their children and lost them to a criminal. And I believe it is an affront to make them relive each year, knowing that their child is dead and the person who killed them is alive. So you see I have very mixed feelings about the DP.

But with KC I see her as the type of person who will adapt to her circumstances. Really she is in isolation now, so in some ways going to prison will feel like freedom if she gets life. I see her going to school and telling everyone that she is going to be a lawyer. I see her working at whatever job they will give her, just to have something to do (but somehow I don't see her being real industrious about it unless she 'approves' of the job they give her.) I see her attending church, so that she can tell her family that she has 'reformed' and been saved (but again it will be because it is something to do.) I see her attempting to 'date' guards, but if that is impossible, she will have 'girlfriends', fellow inmates. I also see her getting involved in the prison 'party scene.' I have heard that it is easier to get drugs in prison than it is to get them outside.

It is because of the above, the fact that I believe that KC will adjust to the prison life that I think I could vote for the DP for her. I don't believe she would 'contemplate what she did wrong.' I think that forever she will believe that it was CA's fault, or GA's fault or Caylee's or someone else's fault, never hers. And she might complain about her prison life, but I really believe she would adjust to it and even learn to have a good time while there.

If she was on death row however, she would be in isolation. She would spend the rest of her life remembering her past life and fearing her future. She would probably continue to blame, but I think she might at least take it more seriously (no more high fiving.) Her ability to adjust would be diminished because she wouldn't have others to bond with, be entertained by or to entertain. Her life would be much more regimented and lessen her ability to be impulsive. More so than the death sentence, this is what I would like to see for KC.

I want to thank you all for this thread - it is so thought provoking to me as a Canadian. We don't have the death penalty so it isn't something our juries face. I go back and forth on my own beliefs and if it was my child who was raped and/or killed? If I'm really honest with myself I think I might be looking for a gun.
No matter what, KC's life is over. If she was let out, someone would off her in a New York minute. If she got LWOP, then she'd be miserable the next what 60 years? That's if no one offed her in prison. If she got the DP, then her family would continue to suffer. I kind of like that, since they've all turned their backs on Caylee, supported KC and are desperate to sway potential jurors. So let's hope KC gets the DP, runs out of appeals and is put to death. Her family will not be able to stop it and that is the payback I wanna see happen. That despite their best efforts, their darling daughter will be put to death for her crime. If they don't get charged with obstructing justice for all their covering up, then this is the payback they deserve. Eff them all.

I sound cold hearted and I apologize, but this whole family has sickened me to no end.
I have mixed feelings about the DP. I really don't know if I could vote for the death penalty if I was on a jury, and as such I don't know that I have the right to ask another jury to do so. Also if I couldn't vote for the DP, yet took no action against the DP then don't I also have as much guilt for the execution as does the person who commits the DP procedures. I don't believe it is a deterrent to crime. But I do believe it is justice. I think of other parents who loved their children and lost them to a criminal. And I believe it is an affront to make them relive each year, knowing that their child is dead and the person who killed them is alive. So you see I have very mixed feelings about the DP.

But with KC I see her as the type of person who will adapt to her circumstances. Really she is in isolation now, so in some ways going to prison will feel like freedom if she gets life. I see her going to school and telling everyone that she is going to be a lawyer. I see her working at whatever job they will give her, just to have something to do (but somehow I don't see her being real industrious about it unless she 'approves' of the job they give her.) I see her attending church, so that she can tell her family that she has 'reformed' and been saved (but again it will be because it is something to do.) I see her attempting to 'date' guards, but if that is impossible, she will have 'girlfriends', fellow inmates. I also see her getting involved in the prison 'party scene.' I have heard that it is easier to get drugs in prison than it is to get them outside.

It is because of the above, the fact that I believe that KC will adjust to the prison life that I think I could vote for the DP for her. I don't believe she would 'contemplate what she did wrong.' I think that forever she will believe that it was CA's fault, or GA's fault or Caylee's or someone else's fault, never hers. And she might complain about her prison life, but I really believe she would adjust to it and even learn to have a good time while there.

If she was on death row however, she would be in isolation. She would spend the rest of her life remembering her past life and fearing her future. She would probably continue to blame, but I think she might at least take it more seriously (no more high fiving.) Her ability to adjust would be diminished because she wouldn't have others to bond with, be entertained by or to entertain. Her life would be much more regimented and lessen her ability to be impulsive. More so than the death sentence, this is what I would like to see for KC.

Good points and well said.
I have mixed feelings about the DP. I really don't know if I could vote for the death penalty if I was on a jury, and as such I don't know that I have the right to ask another jury to do so. Also if I couldn't vote for the DP, yet took no action against the DP then don't I also have as much guilt for the execution as does the person who commits the DP procedures. I don't believe it is a deterrent to crime. But I do believe it is justice. I think of other parents who loved their children and lost them to a criminal. And I believe it is an affront to make them relive each year, knowing that their child is dead and the person who killed them is alive. So you see I have very mixed feelings about the DP.

But with KC I see her as the type of person who will adapt to her circumstances. Really she is in isolation now, so in some ways going to prison will feel like freedom if she gets life. I see her going to school and telling everyone that she is going to be a lawyer. I see her working at whatever job they will give her, just to have something to do (but somehow I don't see her being real industrious about it unless she 'approves' of the job they give her.) I see her attending church, so that she can tell her family that she has 'reformed' and been saved (but again it will be because it is something to do.) I see her attempting to 'date' guards, but if that is impossible, she will have 'girlfriends', fellow inmates. I also see her getting involved in the prison 'party scene.' I have heard that it is easier to get drugs in prison than it is to get them outside.

It is because of the above, the fact that I believe that KC will adjust to the prison life that I think I could vote for the DP for her. I don't believe she would 'contemplate what she did wrong.' I think that forever she will believe that it was CA's fault, or GA's fault or Caylee's or someone else's fault, never hers. And she might complain about her prison life, but I really believe she would adjust to it and even learn to have a good time while there.

If she was on death row however, she would be in isolation. She would spend the rest of her life remembering her past life and fearing her future. She would probably continue to blame, but I think she might at least take it more seriously (no more high fiving.) Her ability to adjust would be diminished because she wouldn't have others to bond with, be entertained by or to entertain. Her life would be much more regimented and lessen her ability to be impulsive. More so than the death sentence, this is what I would like to see for KC.

ITA with your assessment of KC. She is unlikely to change or feel remorse in life or in death. So neither probably would bring about that effect.

The only person I am thinking about here is SP. Not all defendant's families act as ridiculous as KCs. They are already going through the shame and guilt of wondering if they are at fault. To extinguish their child is as cruel to them as what happened to the family of the victim. To me, it is like a debtor's prison years ago in which the son could be punished for the financial sins of the father. I could care less what happens to the convicted as long as they are out of society. I don't think prisons rehabilitate or are even designed to. I don't think hardened criminals even care what they have done. I don't want them to have an easy life at all - no law degrees, no perks whatsoever.

I do care about not turning into the same kind of person that could remorselessly kill another, even if sanctioned by the state. And I care about the families of the convicted. Killing the child they raised and probably loved will not bring back the life that child took - it only adds to the misery and suffering. We are blaming a family and punishing them for something we have no idea if they caused or could have even prevented.
I understand JBean, I really do..
Matter of fact, I used to feel the very same way you do, before I realized what was happening to the children in this world..
I'll tell you what changed my mind.
The Gulf War..
I watched our local news of a solider who was killed being brought back with a flag draping his casket...I don't know, something in me that day just ignited.. especially after that morning hearing of a local woman who burned her child whom was 3 or 4 at the time with hot grease so bad that the little one died....
All of this in one day was too much and that was the very day I decided that the death penalty was right..
Now, I agree that the system is flawed, and I do believe that much must be proven in order to agree to a death sentence..
I think I will always remain on the side that anyone who kills a child on purpose should get the death penalty, however, I want it proven without doubt.

I'm with JBean at least in terms of having a general philosophical disagreement with the death penalty.

And, regardless of how horrendous the crime, revenge is NOT a reason to apply the death penalty.
I'm with JBean at least in terms of having a general philosophical disagreement with the death penalty.

And, regardless of how horrendous the crime, revenge is NOT a reason to apply the death penalty.

I don't look at the death penalty as revenge.
I look at is as Justice.. :innocent:

Revenge in my opinion in this case would be stuffing Casey's body (after killing her the same way she killed Caylee) in a couple of black plastic bags, then stuffing her into a laundry bag and throwing her off into the bushes on the side of the road to rot until she was nothing but bones....
I don't think Casey should be sentenced to death. Not because I don't think she deserves it if she killed her daughter but because I think there are some things the government should stay out of. Taking someone's life is one of them. If only one innocent man is strapped to a gurney and his life taken by the government that is enough, imo, to do away with the death penalty. We all know this has happened more than once. Can you imagine being innocent of a crime for which the state has strapped you down and are readying a lethal injection? Like I said, one time is too much for this to happen and the only way to insure it doesn't is to do away with the death penalty.

That being said, if there were a way to insure that not one person is executed for a crime he did not commit AND Casey was proven to have murdered her precious daughter, then I would have no problem seeing her life taken from her as punishment.
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