Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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I guess I should reply to my own thread...
I am honestly torn...I really don't believe Casey intenionally killed Caylee. I think it was accidental overdose. So on that account I say no.
However, I have a 16 month old son whom I never, and I mean never get a break from no matter how bad I need it. I simply do not have anyone who can take him off my hands for an hour or 2 and give me some "me" time.....well let me take that back, hubby works m-sat just trying to keep us afloat in this economy....On Sundays he will let me sleep in an extra hour or two...
But other than that when I like to bathe in the morning baby is reaching into the water and splashing everywhere, when I want to sleep and he doesn't I don't sleep, when me and hubby want to go to dinner we gobble down our food in 10 mins or less before baby gets cranky, when I don't feel good and could just spend the day in bed, I can't, when I want to watch a favorite show and baby is having a tantrum I can't watch my show, when my single baby-free friends say they are going to Florida for the weekend I want to go with them but can't...
But I still don't drug my baby.
And here is what pisses me off the most...Cindy would have probably watched that baby ANYTIME Casey needed a break...My son has 3 different sets of grandparents who never care to watch him. Whom I sometimes ask just PLEASE take him for an hour or 2 and there is always some exscuse....
that pisses me off the most.
IMO Casey is one of the most selfish people I have ever heard of.

Oh do I know what you mean! If I lived close I'd gladly watch him for a couple of hours. (((hugs))).
I do support the death penalty when it is an appropriate sentence for a crime and a jury has deliberated and passed the sentence against the defendant.

I want KC to get the sentence that the Jury, who is going to evaluate the evidence against her, and will choose the appropriate sentence for her. In other words, whatever that Jury decides I will accept as the appropriate sentence.

Whatever sentence is given, I hope it is fair, it is impartial and it can't be contested on appeal and the appeal won.
I don't believe in the Death Penalty, but she qualifies according to the law in Florida so therefore I have no problem with her receiving it.
Oh do I know what you mean! If I lived close I'd gladly watch him for a couple of hours. (((hugs))).

TY...some days I just want to cry! I love my kids but omg can a girl get a break?
Respectfully quoted and BBM.

It looks as if I'm in the minority on this thread but for the very reasons I have bolded above, if KC is guilty (and I believe she is) she deserves the death penalty. I disagree that she wouldn't be happy in gen pop. She is/was a party girl. She doesn't deserve a long life in prison partying with the gals in the TV room. Heck she found ways of partying with the girls even in solitary. She is one of the bullies and wouldn't be a timid victim of those other prisoners who don't like child killers. She is liable to hurt them just as much as they are liable to hurt her. She deserves a short, lonely and miserable life. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but it's how I feel. I think there is no lower person as one who would kill her own child and then act like she's relieved and not one bit sorry. I half way expect her to respond, "Caylee who?" when someone brings Caylee's name up. Just my :twocents:

The thing is, you're looking at what Casey was able to do within a county jail while in her own personal cell, where she had control over who was allowed access to her.

In state prison, Casey will have no control over who she comes into contact with. She'll be surrounded by real bonafide gang members, murderers, drug dealers, etc... People who grew up on some of the most violent streets in Florida... not on Hopespring Drive.

She'll already be going into prison as a woman who blamed a half Hispanic - half Black woman for her crime... not to mention, I can bet at least half of these women are mothers and as vicious as they might be, would never even think to harm their own child, let alone kill them.

They will look at Casey for what she actually is. A coward! She will spend her life looking over her shoulder. She won't be able to ask the jail staff to "Make them stop" when they relentlessly taunt her about killing Caylee. She may get beat up... but, at least she will have a chance to fight back, unlike Caylee.

I don't want to see anyone get the death penalty.

I do believe KC is guilty. Personally I don't care one way or the other - the dp is available in Florida, and the prosecution has asked for it. If she indeed is guilty. she will be having a lot of sleepless nights considering the possibility of the needle and the end of her life. Caylee didn't have any time - i am sure she didn't know what death was.

KC's terror until May would be satisfying to me, followed by her knowledge of the endless hours, days, weeks, months, years of her life, stretching onward, forever, in the dullness, sameness, routine ennui of the rest of her natural life. No concerts, no swimming pools, no ocean, no chili, no privacy, no freedom.

Just as long as KC and CM do not walk out of the courtroom arm in arm.
Oh do I know what you mean! If I lived close I'd gladly watch him for a couple of hours. (((hugs))).

Me too. I raised my 4 kids by myself from the time they were 4, 7, 8, and 9 yrs. No grandparents close by or anyone else. I can remember feeling like running out of the house screaming my head off at times but of course I didn' It isn't easy though.

I think of all of the moms who do have family to watch their kids any time they want them too. Sometimes I wonder if the babysitters are really appreciated or just taken for granted. I love to watch my great granddaughters but when my granddaughters start to expect me to babysit when they holler or get upset if I say no when I can't do it...that is when I will put the breaks on and stop being available at all.

As far as Casey goes...I really don't care what they do with her as long as she is locked up for the rest of her life. Either way is fine with me cause I just really don't care what happens to her. I'm hard hearted when it comes to Casey Anthony. All I have to do is picture little Caylee sitting at that table in the nursing home singing "You Are My Sunshine" and I want to strangle Casey with my bare hands. How could she???
Yes, I am for the death penalty when the crime ends in the death of an innocent child!
Me too. I raised my 4 kids by myself from the time they were 4, 7, 8, and 9 yrs. No grandparents close by or anyone else. I can remember feeling like running out of the house screaming my head off at times but of course I didn' It isn't easy though.

I think of all of the moms who do have family to watch their kids any time they want them too. Sometimes I wonder if the babysitters are really appreciated or just taken for granted. I love to watch my great granddaughters but when my granddaughters start to expect me to babysit when they holler or get upset if I say no when I can't do it...that is when I will put the breaks on and stop being available at all.

As far as Casey goes...I really don't care what they do with her as long as she is locked up for the rest of her life. Either way is fine with me cause I just really don't care what happens to her. I'm hard hearted when it comes to Casey Anthony. All I have to do is picture little Caylee sitting at that table in the nursing home singing "You Are My Sunshine" and I want to strangle Casey with my bare hands. How could she???

I don't even have a sitter.....
I have been constantly day-dreaming of getting a job, and putting my boy in day-care so he can socialize and play with other kids, which he doesn't hardly ever get to do....
but at the same time, the other night I dreamed I put him in daycare and one of the workers blacked his eye and broke his ribs....made me glad he is home with me 24-7.
I do support the death penalty when it is an appropriate sentence for a crime and a jury has deliberated and passed the sentence against the defendant.

I want KC to get the sentence that the Jury, who is going to evaluate the evidence against her, and will choose the appropriate sentence for her. In other words, whatever that Jury decides I will accept as the appropriate sentence.

Whatever sentence is given, I hope it is fair, it is impartial and it can't be contested on appeal and the appeal won.

I completely agree with you on this. I believe the DP should still be on a case by case basis. Still too much to learn in regards to DNA and many out there that are still imprisoned falsely.

That being said,there are certain inmates I believe that need to suffer to think about their crime each and every day and there are those that need to be extricated from this Earth.

The repeat sex offenders, predators whom are potential serial monsters I have no place for them and I feel they should be executed.

Someone like Casey should feel the pain, the remorse, the punishment, never be allowed to have things, go out to dinner, feel pretty, have Holidays, have chilli, have her picture taken and feel beautiful, flirt, open presents on her birthday,enjoy the beauty of the ocean, the mountains or even taking a cruise.
She should in turn think about Caylee NOT being able to open her presents on Birthdays NOT being able to experience the Wonder of Santa, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. Having her first kiss, meeting the love of her life.

Yes, I want ICA to spend the rest of her life in Prison and think about what she has done. And quite frankly I am willing to spend my hard earned tax dollars to see that she suffers for years and years.
If she is convicted (which is inevitable) , than, under Florida law, she deserves the DP....however, while I don't believe the state would actually kill her, she deserves the status in a "dead woman" walking. Cindy and George, also, deserve the status as Parents of a Death-Row Convict. Maybe it would one day wake them up to the truth. Because, in the end, that is all anyone wants in this case is the truth. The lying by the convict and her family has been abominable.
I think the DP is too good for her. It's too much of an easy way out. I'd rather her get LWOP. The worst part about that to me, though, is that as a resident of FL, I have to pay for it. Despite that, I'd still rather have her get LWOP because then she has to wake up every day remembering what she did and why she is there. Of course, that would require her to give a rat's poop and I don't think she does....that's a whole other thread in itself.
I also do not care if she gets the needle or not, as long as she never gets a moment of free air again. Unfortunately our perps have more rights than victims. Now, if we could go back to public hangings, march them out the door and hang them from the tree outside, that may stop some of this foolishness. LWOP would hopefully get her out of the news faster, and in general population. They really don't like like child killers.
I flip-flop on this subject. I support the DP, however I am going to have to wait until trial to answer this. If I can then. It is different in that we are not privy to view the autopsy photos, the duct tape (murder weapon, imo), and other forensic evidence up close and personal. Today, I want to say I would prefer LWOP for several reasons. I think CASEY would suffer more with a LWOP verdict.

HOWEVER, when I think of the duct tape evidence - the 3 pieces strategically placed to block her airwaves, the "missing piece" (because there is one edge the tear pattern doesn't match up with the 4 pieces found) and indicates that Caylee at some point removed a piece (the "missing piece") to be able to breathe. Which, in turn, means Casey had to have discovered that Caylee had thwarted her plan. At that point Casey had a chance to change everything...she could have chosen to abort her evil plan and save Caylee. This wasn't like a crime of passion where she did something impulsively and regretted it....if my theory is correct, she had a second chance to make things right. Instead, she makes the choice to tear off another piece to replace the piece Caylee had removed and then tear off yet another piece (Q104 -which I believe was used) to bind her wrists behind her back so that Caylee could not remove it again. Well, that is when I begin to lean toward the DP. We're talking about an innocent 2 1/2 yr. old toddler witnessing the mother whom she trusted betraying her in the most henious way imaginable. (This is ONLY my humble opinion of the cause of death after studying the duct tape evidence ad nauseum. I realize others have many differing theories. This is just mine and is subject to change after hearing testimony during trial.)

I'm going to have to see how the duct tape evidence unfolds during trial, hear Dr. G's testimony and that of other experts before I can make a decision. I have a particular aversion regarding crimes against children, especially murder by a parent. And the fact that Casey has shown ZERO remorse, in fact quite the opposite. When I think about that 1st phone call home where she doesn't give a flip about anything but getting Tony's phone #, I get :furious:.
So, I think I would rather see her receive Life Without Parole. I do hope that she does not receive special treatment. I want her to be in General Population -- right there with the others.


Couldn't agree more. LWOP in Gen Pop.

Study her like a guinea pig.
Death Penalty!!!! She DESERVES it.
I used to want her to get the DP, but now I'd rather see her spend the rest of her life in jail. I don't know if she will begin to accept responsibility for what she has done, or if she feels remorse but I wish her the worst nightmares imaginable every night of her life.
I do support the death penalty when it is an appropriate sentence for a crime and a jury has deliberated and passed the sentence against the defendant.

I want KC to get the sentence that the Jury, who is going to evaluate the evidence against her, and will choose the appropriate sentence for her. In other words, whatever that Jury decides I will accept as the appropriate sentence.

Whatever sentence is given, I hope it is fair, it is impartial and it can't be contested on appeal and the appeal won.

I totally agree with this. I can respect the jury's decision regarding the penalty imposed.
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