Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

  • yes

    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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I believe she should be executed. She deserves no place on this Earth and would only use up valuable resources. She'll soon be forgotten.
I want to see Casey sit in the courtroom and have to hear all the testimony of her friends, her family and hear Dr G's description of Caylee' remains. I want her to squirm in her chair as she hears how the folks with LE got on their hands and knees and carefully looked for tiny bones and teeth. I want to see the look on her face when the duct tape is described along with the smell in the car. All the people who she pretended to care about will have to tell the miserable truth about what a liar she is. I want her to have to view the video of her shopping spree in Target while the whole country watches her face. She will be face to face with all the witnesses (except, of course Zanny the Nanny).

Then I want her sentenced to whatever the judge and jury decicde. I will be okay with that. I feel that at the very least she will get LWOP. I like that idea because she will no longer be in "protective custody". She deserves to be locked up with her own kind. If she gets the DP, she will be in solitary. She needs to be with "her people".
I think the most painful sentence for both ICA and her parents would be LWOP in general population. Killing her would be painful for GA & CA initially but over time they would come to terms with her death and go on with their lives. Personally, I don't want any of them to have a moments peace for the rest of their natural lives, so LWOP means never ceasing worry for GA & CA as to ICA's well being and ICA will constantly be looking over her shoulder for the rest of her natural life. I would be completely satisfied with LWOP....La Bella Vita ICA!
I think the most painful sentence for both ICA and her parents would be LWOP in general population. Killing her would be painful for GA & CA initially but over time they would come to terms with her death and go on with their lives. Personally, I don't want any of them to have a moments peace for the rest of their natural lives, so LWOP means never ceasing worry for GA & CA as to ICA's well being and ICA will constantly be looking over her shoulder for the rest of her natural life. I would be completely satisfied with LWOP....La Bella Vita ICA!

Ooooooo, very valid point re: GA and CA's misery.

I may have to re-think my Plan A or B and add Plan C, as you have nicely outlined above.
If death is the 'easy' option, why aren't lifers begging for it?

ICA chose the day her baby would die - it is only fair that us Fl residents afford ICA the same, and that she should know the date (and time) that her end will come.

( and I was anti death penalty before this case)
So, I think I would rather see her receive Life Without Parole. I do hope that she does not receive special treatment. I want her to be in General Population -- right there with the others. I hear that they don't like baby killers in prison. This may be a tougher sentence for her than the death penalty.


This is exactly how I feel about it.
Respectfully quoted and BBM.

It looks as if I'm in the minority on this thread but for the very reasons I have bolded above, if KC is guilty (and I believe she is) she deserves the death penalty. I disagree that she wouldn't be happy in gen pop. She is/was a party girl. She doesn't deserve a long life in prison partying with the gals in the TV room. Heck she found ways of partying with the girls even in solitary. She is one of the bullies and wouldn't be a timid victim of those other prisoners who don't like child killers. She is liable to hurt them just as much as they are liable to hurt her. She deserves a short, lonely and miserable life. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but it's how I feel. I think there is no lower person as one who would kill her own child and then act like she's relieved and not one bit sorry. I half way expect her to respond, "Caylee who?" when someone brings Caylee's name up. Just my :twocents:

I tend to think that ICA was popular with the boys. I don't think she's the kind of girl that other girls particularly like.
No, I don't want KC to get the DP - at least not with what I know or rather don't know at this time. I'm not "against" the death penalty but do need to know more about the crime than I know in this case. I've followed this case from the beginning and while I am convinced that KC killed Caylee, I am not convinced that it was a cold blooded intentional murder to free herself from the responsibility of a child. Also, I cannot stop asking myself what Caylee would want or would consider "justice" and I do not believe that she would want to see her mother executed no matter how or why and despite the fact that KC discarded her like trash and still refuses to admit what she did. I think that Caylee would rather see her spend her life behind bars so I believe that LWOP is a more appropriate sentence than DP in this case.
Here's a twist....I wish she were to get the death MY state. We don't mess around with long appeals-We go so quickly, in fact, that the Supreme Court gets ticked off at the way we flaunt our sovereignty and don't give murderers the time to seek out a liberal justice somewhere up the chain (Google John Mohammed Supreme Court appeal).

"John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor &#8211; said they were concerned about the rapid pace of the Muhammad case. Rules in Virginia allow for capital cases to move through the state system faster than the time frame set out under federal law."

Florida's jurors are KC's peers and they should speak with a loud voice. As much as I was ticked off about Compean and Ramos, as an example, the jurors in that case spoke, too, and even though I wanted them out, I (begrudgingly) understood Pres. Bush not being hasty to grant clemency in the face of a jury's decision. If KC's jury decides on death, bravo, and I wish it were more swift.
I think y'all know we Canadians don't have the death penalty. Except for dangerous offenders, we don't even have LWOP, which I find maddening. Life means you come up for parole at the twenty or twenty-five year mark. But don't get me started....

I'm going to start watching the trial with two options for ICA, and two only. They are the death penalty or LWOP. Then I am going to watch every second of the trial, review every shred of the evidence, completely ignore the whining in the mitigation phase, and make my decision based on what I heard during the first part of the trial. It will be one or the other. Not a chance I will swing to accidental and let's not even discuss the pie in the sky idea of not guilty.

I have a huge amount of confidence in JA, LDB and most of all, in HHJP's final decision.
It seems to be premeditated, and since that is the law that's been decided for such heinous crimes, then I hope she gets the deserving penalty just like any man or black widow who murdered a husband. If Casey gets LWOP she'll eventually blend and make a life in prison, manipulating younger or slower witted prisoners along the way. Also, her parents and family will never be free of her as long as they live.
I would prefer for Casey to get death. IMO Life is not punishment enough for her. We have already seen that she has no concern for Caylee at all so why would she suddenly feel remorse after being found guilty? Casey reminds me alot of Susan Smith. Two prison guards have already lost their jobs for having sex with Susan Smith. Susan Smith has found ways to make her time in prison more bearable and this is exactly what I feel that Casey would do. Susan Smith was not immediately put into general population because of her saftey with the other prisoners. That makes me think that the same would happen with Casey. Casey has already shown that she is able to get guards to break the rules for her and I feel with a lifetime in prison that will only get worse.

Caylee was never given the chance to go to school, make new friends, take dance classes, be in girl scouts, go to her prom, get married or have children of her own. Caylee will never see another birthday, play in the sand or even breathe fresh air again. Why should Casey, who took Caylee's life in such a horrific way, be allowed to live another day?!?
I voted NO...I'd rather her do LWOP but don't really care one way or the other...she's a waste, huge waste, that will never change..JMHO

Death is different, too bad we can't ask Caylee! My hope is that she is haunted by Caylee each and every night she lays her head down on her pillow, while she's got a cold slab of concrete for a bed.

I look at the years upon years of appeals if she were to get the DP, having to listen to more rubbish out of this familys mouths.

I can picture CA making ICA the martyr, hanging on to the nanny defense. Why she didn't give up the "real" perpetrator of this crime and how she'll die for her secret...I'd rather have the A's visit her weekly in prison, spend more money for her canteen and have them broke in more ways than one.

Then I think about jailhouse justice and how she will get hers in the end. She can't be kept in PC for the rest of her sorry life. She can earn that $.11 cents an hour, made to pay for her room and board and her education while she sashays down the corridor. Give her a menial job and she'll be forgotten about in no time at all...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Its such a tough call. With the death penalty she will be protected for the rest for her life and it will be a long wait. Shes comfortable in her current environment and a death sentence will put her in a similar environment. She could live with that, shes has shown us. Now if she gets life without parole she may face some routine punishment in general population. She would have to watch her back every minute of everyday, somehow that makes me happy. In a lot of Caylees pictures, Caylee looks as if she is waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. A little fearful of her actions, somewhat guarded. I would love for Casey to feel that way everyday for the rest of her life.
I don't believe in killing people as deterrents. I believe the death penalty should be given only in extreme cases such as serial killers where to leave the remotest chance that the killer could be released is to put society in harm's way (think Charlie Manson).

I don't want ICA to get the death penalty. I want her to spend years being deprived of the very thing she wanted so much that she was willing to kill her beautiful daughter to get: freedom. Freedom to go anywhere and do anything she wanted to do. In this case the death penalty would be an easy way out for the killer. ICA cut Caylee no slack, and the State of Florida should not cut ICA any slack either.
i had to vote death on this b/c there was not a lwop button. this was a henious crime and deserves death, but kc being w/ inmates in general pop.. w/ women who do love their kids but their crimes took them away from their kids, yeah kc will be in a for a rude awakening..child abusers and child murderers dont fare well in the pokey from what im told. she gets all frustrated and big and bad when shes being visited by her folks, but im sure she trys that bluff w/ general pop, and they will knock her down a few pegs...
"torismom003" brought a good point, w/ susan smith living the high life behind bars, and kc bragging she gets the guards to bend rules for her...
im swinging towards death on this one. honestly id be happy w/ either death or lwop. but leaning towards death @ this moment.
i had to vote death on this b/c there was not a lwop button. this was a henious crime and deserves death, but kc being w/ inmates in general pop.. w/ women who do love their kids but their crimes took them away from their kids, yeah kc will be in a for a rude awakening..child abusers and child murderers dont fare well in the pokey from what im told. she gets all frustrated and big and bad when shes being visited by her folks, but im sure she trys that bluff w/ general pop, and they will knock her down a few pegs...
I think life in Florida is life without parole, isn't it? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
I wonder how ICA is going to ACT in court when all her "friends" and family testify, when all the evidence is shown and she has to look at it. I hope that between now and then she comes up with something better than "Make him stop." That was laughable.
do the inmates on death row get to chose the execution?

i didnt know they had the needle.. i thouhgt it was gonna be ted bundy fry time
A life for a life ............ the death penalty seems appropriate. The only issue I have is that by the time prisoners go through the appeals process the death penalty seems to turn into 25 years then death.
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