Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #6

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IDK how to edit my last post but I want to point out that do not think it is just ONE person responsible for all these could be a group..who the heck knows.
Seems like there's been more than a few times where 3 young men will all go missing within the same week but different states such as Sly McCurry,WI(1/17/10),Eric Peterson,MN(1/19/10),and Jon Lacina,IA(1/22/10).

I agree. Accidental drownings "may" be common, but how often do they occur under similar circumstances on the same dates? I can even understand the several that occured on New Year's Eve, as supplying excessive partying as a factor. However, there is no explanation for the other random dates when more than one young man has disappeared and later been found drowned.
Also, the city of Lacrosse seems to have the most cases. Then, the man with the last name LaCrosse was found and the fact that several men's families claim that their son's cross necklace or charm was not recovered. Very strange to me.
What is with all the discrepancies in this case? Unbelievable.

Family cites new evidence in man’s death(Gregory Hart)
Retrieved cellphone data differ with police reports

Gregory Hart’s family believe he was beaten and killed and tossed into the river.

The family is not revealing the contents of his text messages.
I've read over this case for years as im an Eau Claire native, and its sad to see how many things work together or separately so well. I will just point out a few things i have noticed

1. to the Trane theory, the main reason i have to agree is my dad had worked for trane (which was bough by a bigger company, which in turn was bought by a bigger place) as long as i can remember, at least for the past 20 years of my life. When i originally asked he mentioned a few products available until *1997* which would immediately knock out people, he said it happened to a few technicians, it wasnt the sr-22 stuff or whatever it was some kind of freon, ill have to ask him again.

Oh ETA: The visine has been done to my friends before, ive seen it and had a small squirt in mine, all i got was nasty diarreah and vomiting for 2-3 hours

I am very interested honestly in the basis of a masonic temple or catholic initiation or hazing of some sort, where people are in groups but only one commits the "sacred" act. I realize this doesnt link with most cases but honestly i've read all these and still feel it's best i start here and la crosse where i have family and friends, people who i have worked with have posted on sites about friends lost here and close by that i will look into. I feel in all honesty its best i start here, and expand when ready.

The temple i feel is only valuable because of the few people i know who were offered to be sponsored, two turned down (avid readers on the world of secrecy) and one was asked and then never talked to again (really) by anyone in the temple after his first talk. I feel its odd also there is only one entrance and the doors have to be opened from the inside first, as well as there being an underground parkinglot next to the building, and a back door right on the river.

The St. Johns abbey explination is interesting to me because you can search the website and find facinations of alchemy from the priests and monks located in collegeville, as well as the fact that they housed over 20 sex offenders and hid names from LE as well as denied access proves they have everything to hide and secrets do no good.

Again, i must restate that its only possibilities but so interesting. I just pray for the relatives and people who care about these poor people mostly my age, and hope they can find peace someday.
wanted to add, i always thought the cell phone deal was only really often since 2002, when most cell phones i remember had a pic message available, and some (prob some college students, if you were to guess prob your upper class white jock) had video messages? Could be way off topic but that was when i remember getting a nokia with a camera first, and i was 16.

ETA: i also am very interested in the theory of the internet being associated, since networking was prevolant starting in 1997, starting with mostly cultural and some religious sites being the main starting points. It would generate a "breeding" if that works over time where you would tell friends or people you trusted about the site, and even then most likely they were somehow "hazed" in...Think of the hundreds of people who are tied in on the internet child pornogrophy scandals and how they initiate members by making them send pics and/or videos to join. Especially the way some of the killings work it could almost be groups being sent in competition or working with another (75% of the killings occured with less than half the moon out) and other things that make more ritualistic surroundings. A

All i know, is that these kids college age or whatever are almost always male, almost always white, almost always between 5'6 and 5'10 and between 140 and 170lbs, every time someone states another victim i think of how fast people our size have for metabolism. I am about that size and i have a grip of friends about there (im a little tall) but we are the ones who clear the buffet and have nothing to show for it. If GHB is present it would fly through my system, i feel pills as early as 20 mins after taking them. The last time i had tylenol pm i couldnt stay awake after 30 mins.
no one mentions terrorists... I think this is the most plausible guess.
no one mentions terrorists... I think this is the most plausible guess.

It's possible but nobody is taking responsibility for the killings. Terrorists always take responsibility through a public statement. JMO
I thought about that too.... however , I just don't think that the public would be notified of such a thing. Think of the frenzy and chaos that was evident during the y2k scare. Now picture every newspaper in america stating that terrorists are stalking and drowning americas' youth and the authorities are helpless in stopping it. This could be a very possible senerio.
I thought about that too.... however , I just don't think that the public would be notified of such a thing. Think of the frenzy and chaos that was evident during the y2k scare. Now picture every newspaper in america stating that terrorists are stalking and drowning americas' youth and the authorities are helpless in stopping it. This could be a very possible senerio.

Interesting thought.
Id assume if it was silenced the killer(s) would write saying post this or people will die. Zodiac, Unabomber, etc.

The only real interesting point i have is the amount of deaths and suicides in specific colleges along the river line. I have walked from water street across the bridges in the dead of winter a good amount of times, never seen anyone running down by the river unless in a big group. Why just Eau Claire, La Crosse, and not River Falls, Hudson, or any of the other small colleges in the area?

Also, i read the article and i have never met anyone who has ruffeed themselves, or taken GHB, if it was in the system along with alcohol i would assume the alcohol came in first. Also, i cant assume the person was from Wisconsin or has spent much time around Eau Claire or La Crosse, but he was right on with the 300 places to get liquor statement. Plain and simple, people dont drink here socially, they get wasted and party. Brief on Smiley Face Murder Theory - FINAL.pdf

I don't know if this has already been posted, but it's a brief from the Center for Homicide Research in Minneapolis, MN that attempts to debunk the theory. Most of their points are valid, but there are some that are debatable.

I believe these drownings need to be taken at a case-by-case basis. It is possible that some involved foul play...but I don't see how this means that the same killer(s) are responsible.

The one thing I found interesting in that was when they wrote about the word Sinsinawa. They mentioned that it is a common word used in much of the midwest, even though I never heard it before, to name streets, towns etc. But what caught me is that they mentioned the Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary of the Order of Preachers which is a Catholic womans order located in Sinsinawa, Wisconsin. I wonder if anybody has ever looked into this, I know a few people have suggested that this could be the work of a Catholic cult.

On another note, didn't the two retired detectives that were working this say that they had information, including names, that they were going to release? Correct me if I'm wrong but they haven't released anything. Does anybody know if they plan on releasing anymore info?
What has always stuck with me is that some of these cases the term dry drowning was used, so the victim did not have water in the lungs. Why?
Were they already dead? Paralyzed?

The victim would not have water in the lungs due to laryngospasms which caused the airways to constrict preventing water from entering the lungs. Lack of fluid in the lungs normally indicate either of two things. Victim was deceased prior to entering water OR suffered from "dry drowning". An ME would have to determine, if possible, which occured first.
I don't believe I've really worked on this case since I moved,.......probably the summer of 2009. I'm sure there's been many more students disappear and found deceased since that time, and under the same circumstances.

IIRCC, there were no victims under similar cercumstances in Calif. ........until today.

Just received a call from my 22 yo daughter. She told me that last night she and a group of friends went looking for a missing friend of hers. He'd been missing since last weekend.

All I know is he was out with a group of friends celebrating someone's birthday and he disappeared. My daughter said she didn't know the group he was out with but she understands there's 'different' stories of what happened that night. She was on her break so couldn't go into further detail.

My daughter doesn't need to look anymore, they found him. :( floating in the Newport Harbor.

Missing Irvine man last seen in Newport
Alan Sun-Long Lin, age 22 (almost 23), student at UC Riverside, last seen at 1 a.m., Saturday at Rudy's Pub and Grill at 3110 Newport Blvd. in Newport Beach. This was a week ago.
Male body found floating in Newport Bay

This last article doesn't say he's id'd, but my daughter said she just got a call from a friend and it is him. :(

I'll have to watch this and see what happens.

So young and so much life ahead of him. It's very sad.

Fran, So sorry to here about this young man, and that your daughter and her friends are dealing with his loss. I still haven't seen any explanation of how young men with no reason to be anywhere near a harbor or river go missing and then end up in a body of water.

Some of these cases also have very disturbing indications that LE is content to close the case as accidental drowning. I've lived along rivers all my life and never knew anyone who drowned who wasn't messing about on the river already. If a group was horsing around on a river bank or dock, swimming, drinking on a houseboat, etc. and then fell in, well, that makes sense. The Pittsburgh Steelers have play in a stadium on the river--with hordes of young males drunk BEFORE the game starts tailgating--no one drowns. I don't know if these cases are linked, other than by MO--kill a young man and toss him in the river or harbor. But I'm not buying that all of them are just accidents.
Thank you pittsburghgirl. You know I felt bad about posting a while after I did, because I realized that all of the local news didn't have him id'd. I thought, just maybe, her friends had jumped the gun, and it would turn out not to be him. But I see this evening, they did make a positive id. :(

I'm going to wait a few days to see what comes up. It's an open investigation and they still have to do the autopsy. My daughter is scheduled to go out of town tomorrow, so she most likely won't know anything further until after she returns.

I'll watch and see if anything comes in the news. The problem in California, is there are so many people, something like this doesn't get much press. I didn't even know he was missing until my daughter called me today when they'd already found him.

She actually called me because she knew about these cases. I told her I'd search around and see if I can find out anything.

So far, it just looks like he went out with a group of friends to celebrate his g/f's bday. My daughter said she's not sure what happened because, from what she's been told, the stories don't match or are confusing.

Do these kids really go out in groups and get so wasted they don't remember what happened? I seriously never thought that could REALLY happen. I hope none of them did something stupid.

I know his family is devastated. I can't even imagine being confronted with such a loss. So young and so much promise.

What a shame.

PS....I'm grateful they at least found him. To be faced with the 'not knowing' would be much worse.....fran :(
I saw some reader comments on local news articles about this young man. Just because his name is mentioned here, doesn't mean there is anything criminal about his demise. It just means there is a similarity on his disappearance and later locating him drowned, with many of the mentioned college students in this forum.

There is no indication at this time, that this wasn't anything other than an accident. This young man was set to graduate from UC Riverside this spring. He was working part time at an engineering firm, using the skills he was studying in college.

I'm not sure if this is correct, but one of the comments mentioned something about the victim had gone to the pub with a group and had left his own car at the home where the party originated. It appears, PERHAPS, his friends left without him and he MAY have gotten confused when he was ready to go home.

We'll see..................oh, and I guess it seems some Asians have some type of mutation for the function of processing alcohol in one's system. Sometimes their consumption of alcohol is prounouned. Hmmmmm...............wonder if this means anything in this case? :confused:


PS.....this is just individuals discussing the processing of consumed alcohol...
I'm going to have to think about this. I hate to keep changing my mind, but something bothers me about this case.

My daughter is out of town, but called me today while she was waiting for her ride at the airport. hmmmmmm

1. Alan Lin met a group at his g/f's house and they planned on going out to celebrate her birthday. Because Alan wanted to drink, he left his car at his g/f's house and they all went in one car.

2. They went to the pub and they lost track of Alan.....

3. The group left without Alan. This was Friday nite.

4. Alan spent week days in Riverside where he attended school and he lived with three roommates. During the weekend he lived in Irvine with his parents and he worked.

5. Monday when Alan didn't show up at his Riverside residence and I THINK when he didn't attend class, his roommates called his family and said, "Alan never returned from being gone this weekend. (they thought he was in Irvine) Upon hearing this, Alan's family said, "He didn't come home this weekend at all."

6. Alan left his car at his g/f's house. IF he didn't pick his car up, why didn't his g/f wonder what happened to him? Why didn't she report him missing? Call his parents? Call friends?

Something isn't right here.

Body Recovered From Fall Creek Gorge
Cornell sophomore William Sinclair identified as victim
A utility crew found the body of Cornell student William Sinclair in the Fall Creek Gorge below the Thurston Avenue Bridge Thursday morning. Cornell President David Skorton acknowledged Sinclair's death in a statement released Thursday night to the Cornell community.

After the utility crew called 911, four rescue team workers from the Ithaca Fire Department were sent to the scene, descending into the gorge from the North side to recover the body. One of our WVBR reporters was on the scene as they completed the recovery at 12:44 PM. The bridge was reopened at 1:00 P.M.

Cornell Vice President of Communications Tommy Bruce issued a public statement about this discovery to the Cornell community, stating that Ithaca Police are still investigating the matter.

Sinclair was a sophomore in the Cornell College of Engineering. Skorton's statement did not elaborate on the circumstances surrounding Sinclair's death, "out of deference to the family."

Stay with WVBR as this story develops.
WVBR News - Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blair Grandstrom and Dwight Clark were studying some sort of Engineering as well....
I wanted to chime in and correct your comments:
1. Not Alan's girlfriend. The birthday girl is one of Alan's friend from Jr. High. He left his car at birthday girls house because they all carpooled in another girls car
2. They went to 2 pubs- They did not lose track of Alan until around 1:00am

3. The stories still does not match up. Why was Alan's car parked in front of the friends house and no one reported it? No one reported him missing.

He did not come home that weekend, something wasn't right. Tuesday came along and one of Alan's classmate calls his sister telling her he did not show up to 2 important classes

I'm going to have to think about this. I hate to keep changing my mind, but something bothers me about this case.

My daughter is out of town, but called me today while she was waiting for her ride at the airport. hmmmmmm

1. Alan Lin met a group at his g/f's house and they planned on going out to celebrate her birthday. Because Alan wanted to drink, he left his car at his g/f's house and they all went in one car.

2. They went to the pub and they lost track of Alan.....

3. The group left without Alan. This was Friday nite.

4. Alan spent week days in Riverside where he attended school and he lived with three roommates. During the weekend he lived in Irvine with his parents and he worked.

5. Monday when Alan didn't show up at his Riverside residence and I THINK when he didn't attend class, his roommates called his family and said, "Alan never returned from being gone this weekend. (they thought he was in Irvine) Upon hearing this, Alan's family said, "He didn't come home this weekend at all."

6. Alan left his car at his g/f's house. IF he didn't pick his car up, why didn't his g/f wonder what happened to him? Why didn't she report him missing? Call his parents? Call friends?

Something isn't right here.

COD is drowning, but how he drowned is still unknown. We he alone? Was there someone who might have pushed him? Why are there no witness' willing to come forward with any valid information?

Alan Lin's COD is drowning. It will take up to 12 weeks for toxicology reports to come in. There was no trauma to the body.

For now, it appears a tragic accident. Although, LE is still talking to persons that were at the pub the night Alan disappeared.

May he RIP,
Autopsy shows student drowned

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