Deborah and Jeremy will be making TWO national TV appearances on 5/21 Monday

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Just watching The Today Show right now.... coming up on todays show DB and JI

IT'S ON NOW......Parents think stolen debit card holds new clues....$69.04 transaction in November leads to a UK website to change a babies name. This website no longer exists. The parents/lawyer found this info and gave it to FBI to investigate.


It just gets weirder.
Just watching The Today Show right now.... coming up on todays show DB and JI

IT'S ON NOW......Parents think stolen debit card holds new clues....$69.04 transaction in November leads to a UK website to change a babies name. This website no longer exists. The parents/lawyer found this info and gave it to FBI to investigate.

Ok, so someone explain this to me... If this new nugget is evidence to show SODDI, why oh why are we jeopardizing the investigation by publicizing this bit of info? Hrmm...
This is total BS, that the debit card was stolen in November and leads to a website to change a child's name, yet now the website goes to a stationary website.

How did someone steal the debit card in the first place back in November?
How does this website work? You mail them and tell that you have a kidnapped baby called Lisa Irwin and please can you change her name for me, and the website invents a new identity and sends you official looking documents for $69.04? Is it just a random name generator for hapless new fake parents who can't think of a good name for their stolen baby by themselves?

Edit: the screen cap on the video refers to a UK Deed Poll site

Here is another site about UK Deed Poll name changes
It appears to be pretty useless unless you're an UK national or a resident.
you can change your babys name for 69 bucks? Hummm now IF this is connected to the baby why of all ways to pay for this err ahh service would you use their card? Sorry this sounds like something to throw off the cops. just my opinion
Watching and am angry as I exptected to be. DB finds it unacceptable that its been 8 months and she has no answers from LE. Really? Really?!! DB can't be bothered to do everything she can, including sitting down with LE yet again, yet she finds the lack of answers unacceptable. :banghead: It's too rich that the parents and their attorneys have thrown up a significant roadblock in this case and then fault investigators for it.
IMO they shouldn't have done that interview. It just seemed off. "Weird internet thing"? Uhhh yeah. :what:
5/21/12 Today Show

Reporter: This is the house behind me where baby Lisa actually lived, and perhaps you can still see the missing girl posters plastered on the front door. They're still all over this neighborhood. New this morning, baby Lisa's father Jeremy says that his debit card number was stolen about a month after his little girl disappeared, and also says that the charges are suspicious. All of this as Kansas City police tell me while the case is still open, there have been very few leads.

Reporter: It's been seven months since 10 month old baby Lisa vanished from her crib in the middle of the night. And, Kansas City police say they don't have much to work with. But, Lisa's parents, Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin hope exclusive information provided to NBC news leads to a break in the case. According to Jeremy, one month after Lisa disappeared, his debit card was suspended because of fraudulent charges. Documents provided by Irwin show one transaction for $69.04, which he claims leads to a website that specializes in changing "your or your child's names." Kansas City police say they are investigating the debit card issue, but that it does not look promising or appear to be anything more than stolen card numbers.


Reporter: Now, over the weekend I asked Kansas City police whether the parents had continued to be cooperative with police. Police told me that while they have provided some information; none of it has been useful to the case, but they hope to continue to talk to baby Lisa's parents.


Reporter: Well, Lisa's parents Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin are now joining us exclusively along with their attorney Joe Tacopina.

Deborah, we can see you have a photograph, a button of Lisa on you that you're wearing. During that tape we were just watching, you couldn't stop crying.

DB: No.

Reporter: What do you want to say about where you are now 7 months after she disappeared?

DB: Um, I am- a mess. I am frustrated. Um, it has been almost eight months and we are not getting any answers. We understand that the FBI and the KCPD has a job to do, but we need answers. We need Lisa. And, it's unacceptable- the answer to us, we're looking at is unacceptable.

Reporter: When you say that you're frustrated, are you saying that you see that they're not doing enough or you're just unhappy with what they're telling you? Do you-

DB: I'm unhappy with what they're telling me. And it ju- it's been too long. And with this development, they've had for a long time and we still haven't heard anything.

Reporter: Uh, Jeremy- you- we just heard in this last report- um, you're talking about your debit card being used about a month right after Lisa disappeared. And, our producers, one of our producers, took a look at this and they looked at the company that was charged- um, um- through your debit card for $69.04 and it leads to a stationary website. Now, why do you make a link between that and this idea where it's a site where you can change your name or your child's name?

JI: Um, I don't know why it takes you there now but, uh, when we first found out about this in December, um- that's where it used to go was the website that uh- where you can change- somebody's name online.

Reporter: You saw this yourself?

JI: Yeah. We went through this back in the middle of December whenever we first found out about it, and- uh, we called them and we ended up talking to the office supply store and they obviously had no idea what we were talking about but uh- it all- it used to go to the name changing website and now there's something weird going on there where it doesn't go directly there anymore, um. So, there's some kind of weird internet thing going on.

Reporter: But why do you believe this could be a link- could be a break in the case of your missing girl?

JI: Well, somebody had my information and tried to use it on November 6th, um- and, whoever had it and used it, used it for $69 and it went through and got paid. They received some kind of- some kind of service for the money that was charged on my card. There were also two other charges attempted that day that were not paid.

Reporter: Joe-

JT: And if I can just tie it up, we've provided this to the FBI. And, the cache- the page that we caught in November, you know, when looking at this when we found- the credit card company calling us was a website that actually advertized "change your child's name" on the website.

Reporter: You saw that yourself?

JT: I saw that myself. Our investigators have seen it. We turned it over to the FBI. I mean, you know, it's just another coincidence. When you pile them up in this case, they're overwhelming. You have that coincidence, and maybe it's nothing, but you know- of all things, a website from the UK that provides a service to change your child's name over the internet for $69 and there's a fraudulent charge on his card. We also have a phone call- 11:57, the night baby Lisa disappeared, um- to a woman from Deb's phone that had never been called before- this Megan Wright. She was the on again, off again girlfriend of this Jersey Joe, the person we think should be looked at very carefully here- yet, no one- because the phones went missing with the baby, remember. And that phone had never been dialed out from Deb's phone ever before.

Reporter: You know, you stopped short of saying investigators aren't doing enough. Are you saying investigators aren't doing enough?

JT: Well, I- I- here's what I'll say now. I know the FBI is in constant contact with Deb and Jeremy and without counsel intervening because this is not about a defense of them, this about them finding answers and finding their baby. They speak with the FBI agents frequently and routinely. From the get go, the KCPD had pigeonholed them, unfortunately. And, it's right to start with them as suspects but they alleviated other potential avenues of evidence. And they've missed massive opportunities here, including three witnesses who identified a man holding a baby that matched Jersey Joe's description after midnight with just a diaper on. It's inconceivable that that wasn't followed up on immediately.

Reporter: Well, we want you to have the right answer. We want you to be able to find your girl. So, to that end we want to tell anyone who has any information about baby Lisa Irwin to call this number. 816-474-TIPS. Deborah, Jeremy, Joe, thank you so much all three of you this morning.

Deb: Thank you for having us.
This is total BS, that the debit card was stolen in November and leads to a website to change a child's name, yet now the website goes to a stationary website.

How did someone steal the debit card in the first place back in November?

Not that I'm defending them at all (just offering insight) but you don't need the actual card, just the number to use it. And you can get the number in a variety of ways -- from making note of it from actual use (like in a restaurant); from buying stuff with it online; from someone using a skimmer, etc. It happened to me.
JT talks about Jersey and that he should be looked at very carefully.

JMO: Jersey had nothing to do with fraudulent charges on JI's debit card in November because he was arrested October 14.
DB seems angry at the police again/still.
I guess the police would have to know this isn't a red herring placed by the defense team. Did the Irwins report the debit card missing in October?
How did the kidnapper get it? JI doesn't keep his wallet with him when he goes to work?
Cops in cases like this other than run down leads usually need tips to get any where does not look like they got enough good tips and the perp did a good job humm

Whatever happened with those 3 phones? I know you can track down the calls made and then go from there with the numbers that were called. I smelled a rat immediately with the phones missing.

A stranger abduction would not know about thier phone or care for that matter other than preventing or slowing down the parents calling 911.
Wow! If this case wasn't so sad it could be used as a comedy routine. These people amaze me at the things they think the public will believe. MOO
A search of Google News shows that only one news outlet has picked up the story of them talking about Today....and they don't even mention this new debit card thing. I'm interested in seeing how much coverage this new "development" gets.

I'm convinced Today had them on the show because of how ridiculous this new claim is. Ann Curry says that the producers looked up the website and it was a stationary website. And from what I've gauged from watching the show, I think LE had the biggest eye roll when they were told about this.
JT: Well, I- I- here's what I'll say now. I know the FBI is in constant contact with Deb and Jeremy and without counsel intervening because this is not about a defense of them, this about them finding answers and finding their baby. They speak with the FBI agents frequently and routinely. From the get go, the KCPD had pigeonholed them, unfortunately. And, it's right to start with them as suspects but they alleviated other potential avenues of evidence. And they've missed massive opportunities here, including three witnesses who identified a man holding a baby that matched Jersey Joe's description after midnight with just a diaper on. It's inconceivable that that wasn't followed up on immediately.
Happy to hear that DB and JI are talking with the FBI.

But has JT morphed the witness accounts a little here? I thought MT identified the neighbor guy, not Jersey. And didn't the baby have a t-shirt on in some versions of the tale?

(A baby that matches Jersey Joe's description wouldn't look too much like Lisa, would it :D ?)
I'm going to be looking around the Internet for comments about this new "development". I think very few people are going to buy it, and it's just going to create more criticism and pressure on D&J.
So it appears if you used the parents card it was an effort to get the cops to look overseas for the baby. If I were a cop on this case that would make me start looking even harder at the home base
did they tell the name of this website at the time the charge was made? I didnt catch that
LE: "While they have provided information, none of it has been useful"

LOL. And I'm pretty sure they said that AFTER getting the news about this stolen debit card.

And it does not look good in terms of PR to have the defense lawyer on camera with them!!!

OMG ... I am sorry, but this NEW "debit card" theory is bull dinky ...

And that's the "best" they could come up with ?

:waitasec: They sound DESPEARATE !

As I suspected, the show was about Deb and Jeremy -- and NOT Lisa ...

All JMO and MOO ...


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