Decomp smell **REVISIT**

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DNA Solves
It seems there was indeed decomp in the car when GA found gas cans. Remember, Casey shoved the gas cans at him, per Lee's statement. We don't know how close GA got to the car. Perhaps he smelled the overwhelming stench, but as the grandfather of the deceased, immediately blocked it out.

I believe this is why the gas cans were taken as evidence. To see if there was any forensic evidence on them.
Ok the whole idea that LE allowed the reeking car, and its reeking contents to sit for TWO DAYS AFTER Caylee was reported missing just makes me nuts! Not only does this give former LE/auto salesman GA ample opp'y to "detail" car, but CA plenty of time to spottreat, sort and sanitize the laundry and other contents, oy... I'm still convinced, as I've said in other posts, that chloroform WAS used simply to destroy odor/dna... but the nagging question still remains by WHOM. Again, LE has known date for searches and more precise info.
If (as I suspect) Caylee was moved just once from backyard (then driven to wherever she was left permanently), and she was no longer in trunk when car abandoned 6/27, there are two probable scenarios: either she was still in the backyard when Casey unexpectedly popped in "for some clothes" and found GA surprisingly home on break--after which she had to postpone/return later for a very decomposed Caylee (who could have then been disposed of anytime during the next ? days) OR... she may have already moved Caylee (on the day she was seen backing up) from the backyard (after which she could have had her inside that trunk for a very extended period of x. THIS latter scenario seems more likely because of the possibility fluids may have been allowed to seep over time. I don't know... I still question whether she would even have been capable herself of doing the final horrendous disposal, I think she may have been too far into denial driving around all this time unable-or unwilling-to face her daughter's decaying body. I know one thing: U of T Body Farm knows EXACTLY what stage those larvae, maggots and flies were in and again has much better info to determine timeline. Probably gases tell them alot about for how long, and how recently, Caylee was inside.
I hope there is no other thread on this (I thought it odd but I could not find one). If there is, then I hope it will be moved.

Anyway, in my opinion, since the trunk of the car smelled so bad for so long, it seems that decomposition fluids must have leaked in the trunk. If they did, and it seems they did, wouldn't there be DNA in those fluids? Nothing has ever been mentioned about that stain.

If the car smelled so bad, and Lee says GA was a clean aholic with the cars, how come he didn't scrub that smell out as soon as he got the car home. Has anyone ever mentioned whether the car had been washed inside and out?
I'm hoping there is some DNA they can use!

In JG's interview with LE he said he will give the DNA profile card he received when he had the DNA test done on baby Caylee after she was born.

So now we KNOW they have Caylee's DNA. And we know it is a reliable source for comparison.
IMO they tested and they are not going to release it. they are hoping she gives up the body so that they will have an air tight case.
Regarding the stain, sure I would like to know but honestly, why release any scientific information to Baez and his team before they absolutely have to.

Since George was such a clean aholic, the defense is going to have a hard time with "the hairs and stain have been in there forever" excuse IMO.

If I recall correctly, George was starting a new job that day, so maybe he didn't have time before he left for work (who knows).

I am surprised they had that car in their garage considering how terrible it smelled, then again I guess they didn't want the neighbors to smell it either.
This is gross, but I saw a show on discovery a couple weeks ago and didn't want to say anything until it came up, but they said that even in normal/average temperatures (whatever that means) a body in a trunk will be "squishy" and leaking within 24 hours because it is so much hotter in the trunk. Sorry.

As far as the stain goes, I am all for waiting, as much as I want to see what they have, until they have an airtight case, but my guess would be this. Stain glowed under a blacklight...there is DNA there.
I hope there is no other thread on this (I thought it odd but I could not find one). If there is, then I hope it will be moved.

Anyway, in my opinion, since the trunk of the car smelled so bad for so long, it seems that decomposition fluids must have leaked in the trunk. If they did, and it seems they did, wouldn't there be DNA in those fluids? Nothing has ever been mentioned about that stain.

If the car smelled so bad, and Lee says GA was a clean aholic with the cars, how come he didn't scrub that smell out as soon as he got the car home. Has anyone ever mentioned whether the car had been washed inside and out?

This is exactly what I was thinking too.
The decomp 'juices' (sooooo sorry for the detail) might have shown as a small spot on the trunk carpet but might have seeped down past the carpet.. Once on the plastic (or whatever solid surface the truck is made from) it spread out.
Also, the surface of carpet might have been cleaned of that little spot but no telling how big the spot was once it seeped in.
Scrub the surface all ya want but what's underneath continues to um...... rot more. The more rotting, the more smell.
Dang, I hate talking like this regarding a baby...makes me so, so, so sad to think in these terms.
Hello everyone -- first post here from a long time lurker.

When I was ten, our family took a two week vacation. Probably during the first couple of days we were gone, our housesitter died in our home. When we came home, the smell of decomposition was unbelievable. The smell of a decomposing human body is unique and distinctive and like nothing else.

We had to move out of the house for a month while disaster services completed a full restoration, which included carpet and drywall replacement and disinfection with extremely strong, very specific chemicals. Everything in the house had to be cleaned; we lost a lot of our belongings, as the smell of death permeated objects that could not be cleaned or salvaged. To say it was vile is an understatement. It was an extremely traumatic event for our family.

The reason I'm telling this story is that even years later, occasionally we would catch a feint whiff of decomposition. It obviously wasn't as strong or new as when the incident first happened, but it was, like I said, a very distinctive smell. It finally stopped, but it just goes to show that the gases and chemicals that a decomposing body produces is just insane!

If a body were left in a car long enough to decompose to the point of smelling, I personally would have no doubt that the smell could linger in the car long after the body itself was removed. Yes, it's that strong and permeating!

OMG... Making plans to avoid having a house sitter- ever.
There are a number of shows from Discovery on Youtube. Like the ones about the crime scene cleaners:

I know that now, FuzzyMuffin as you got me hooked on those Discovery and National Geographic videos online now!
Like I didn't have enough on my plate and now if there is nothing on TV, hubby and I crunch in front of the computer screen and watch one of those crime or death videos. LOL
Shame on you! :crazy:

Rut Roh....I think this is considered waaaay OT for me to respond about these videos.
LE in speaking with Lee talked about receipts Lee had from various stores. I wonder if there were any that showed plastic bags were purchased.
Padilla said last night that he believes Casey put her in a plastic bag and and it tore which then released decomposition in the trunk.

Tonight he is saying she might have dumped the bag in a recycling bin.
That entire story was a made up one to muddy the timeline, and is a completely different one than George told Lee, BEFORE July 29th when Lee gave his sworn statement. He never got near her trunk. She had already thrown her clothes in there and slammed it shut and FORCEFULLY and with CURSING gave his gas cans back: "Here's your f'ing gas cans" was what Lee told the police George told him happened, and George was nowhere near the car.

Your post made me think: why in the world, if the trunk was ground zero for smell, would Casey toss her clothes in there (vs. tossing them on the front seat or something)? I can't see any way she would put even dirty clothes right on top of the smell's source, unless she was desperately using the clothes to obscure George's view of the trunk's contents.

What do you think of this scenario: there was still a body in the trunk the day Lee describes the "here's your f-ing gas cans" incident. George was pushing the gas can issue, so Casey had no choice but to get them from the trunk (to pre-empt him from looking in the trunk himself). To obscure any suspicious bags or bumps in the trunk while she grabbed the cans, she tossed her clothes in as she took the cans out. She gave him attitude and beat it out of there.

Later, George and Cindy create the story of George looking in the trunk because they are trying to establish that there was not a body in the trunk on that date.
It seems there was indeed decomp in the car when GA found gas cans. Remember, Casey shoved the gas cans at him, per Lee's statement. We don't know how close GA got to the car. Perhaps he smelled the overwhelming stench, but as the grandfather of the deceased, immediately blocked it out.
Anyone know what the date was when this happened, when George got the gas cans from Casey, the day of the week and time?
George's day off?
We haven't narrowed it down for sure, but it seems it may actually have been sometime between the 21st and the 26th, as it has been established she ran out of gas 2 Friday's in a row, the 2nd of which was the 27th-and the police report was filed on the 24th, and Tony brought her to the house on the 20th to retrieve the gas cans...I think that is all we have so far.:)
We haven't narrowed it down for sure, but it seems it may actually have been sometime between the 21st and the 26th, as it has been established she ran out of gas 2 Friday's in a row, the 2nd of which was the 27th-and the police report was filed on the 24th, and Tony brought her to the house on the 20th to retrieve the gas cans...I think that is all we have so far.:)

I'm a wreck!
It always struck me as strange too that once car IS finally picked up--July 15, when Cindy decides to go find Casey--where exactly is GA?? Reportedly he doesn't answer Cindy's calls nor show up for some period of time. I guess in the end LE's really only got GA's word as to the trunk contents/smell back on 6/24.

I always wondered about this too and I have found it odd. Did George go to work? A very strange time to go to work after finding the car and the condition it was in. Exactly where was he during these hours. Not only doesn't he answer CA's calls, but LA had to go over to the house because CA was so upset. If he was at work, strange, but that would explain it. If not, very very suspicious. I'm beginning to wonder if the body was still in the trunk and he disposed of it at that time.
Anyone know what the date was when this happened, when George got the gas cans from Casey, the day of the week and time?
George's day off?

I left my very elaborate time line at work, but I believe the date was the

Just curious... why do so many of you sleuthers believe the body had been stored in the trunk for more than 24 hours? I hypothesize KC disposed of it as quickly as she could... within 24 hours... and REALLY disposed of it, and that's why she's not sweating it. I get the feeling she knows the body will never be found. I can't imagine she would dump it in a dumpster next to the family car.
Why didn't LE ask TonE about smell in the car since he admitted he was with her when she got gas cans from parents house..IIRC it was June 20th.

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