Defense at crime scene jan. 30

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I understand. But you can see in my post and in Baez's motion that he did find the owner and made phone calls to this person. He did not return calls or respond to the certified mail. It forced Baez to make a motion to access the property without the owner's consent.

Baez himself is not a forensic crime scene investigator. He needs experts to do that. I am not questioning the propriety or thoroughness of OCSO CSI in any way. But we cannot make meaningful armchair proclamations about what the defense experts would or would not find. They may not have found any item of value. They may have desired to look at the scene with a mapping and photos of the found evidence. But without those documents from OCSO, they can't know where anything was located.

Baez needed legal access to the property, he needed the schematics and evidence photos from OCSO, and he needed his own expert investigators. He needed all of that at the same time. He was contacted and granted access to the scene at 11:30am on Saturday Dec. 20. By the end of that day the scene was marked 'no trespassing' and that was it for Baez.

He was refused the docs and photos by OCSO for fear of leaking them. He was refused access to the property by the owner who wouldn't respond.

I'm not saying Baez is a good attorney. I'm just saying that circumstances prevented him from conducting a proper investigation soon after OCSO was done with the site.

I am not an attorney, but have worked with them and judges for many years. I am using the knowledge I absorbed from my experience to tell you that a phone call is not notice. No way. No how. Notice, legal notice, has to be served through a court. Not directly from the attorney. Therefore, I repeat my assertion that the property owner's rights were violated.

And I also restate my belief that, under normal circumstances, the defense would be nowhere near a crime scene immediately upon LE's job was done. I do not believe evidence is being withheld from him. He just doesn't seem to have his act together.
This may be o.t sorta...but iirc...dr lee and mr. baden worked for phil sp defense... once the police finished combing the livingroom crime scene when lana was murdered, the above defense experts moved in to do thier own investigation... they found the missing piece of fingernail that the police couldnt locate... some speculated that it was not hers, and was planted by them... in any event the murder conviction resulted in a mistrial.
Again i heard of dr. lee finding evidence way after the police combed thru the scene... i am willing to bet that the defense will find other "missed" important evidence, that will help in establishing doubt in casey placing body there or murdering her daughter.

DR. Lee found two hairs in KC's car when he checked that out. They were turned over to LE. This is in the doc dump, but I don't know where. :)
The bold and italic words in the above quoted response was added by me.

Please post your source about the disks. I read that LA prepared ALL of them for JB.

Yeah, great! There was ONE real tip (the meter reader's) among several thousand psychic, delusional, attention-seeking, or misguidedly helpful tips. You 'spose JB could have found it, had he bothered to pick up what he requested?

Yes, I DID mean "bogus tip." Everybody knew those tips were bogus, in the thousands. Including JB.
I am not an attorney, but have worked with them and judges for many years. I am using the knowledge I absorbed from my experience to tell you that a phone call is not notice. No way. No how. Notice, legal notice, has to be served through a court. Not directly from the attorney. Therefore, I repeat my assertion that the property owner's rights were violated.

And I also restate my belief that, under normal circumstances, the defense would be nowhere near a crime scene immediately upon LE's job was done. I do not believe evidence is being withheld from him. He just doesn't seem to have his act together.

Short. Sweet. Complete. :dance::blowkiss:
Back to the crime scene issue...

I've been furious with this issue since it first became one. Who the heck does JB think he is? I mean, really?

In ordinary circumstances which these, admittedly, are not, the crime scene would have long since been investigated. LE does not halt an investigation to wait for a defense attorney to show up and "help" with the crime scene. Ordinarily, there's not someone already in custody. LE does the job they're required to do. The defense gets everything. But they are never entitled to "help" or "oversee" to make sure LE doesn't do something wrong.

This whole thing flies in my face. I hate the insinuations that LE is incompetent. I believe quite the opposite. They ARE doing their job; they are NOT in front of cameras or making cameo appearances on LKL or the Today Show or GR or anyplace else. Neither, btw, is the prosecution. The only ones acting in an unprofessional manner is the defense. Whining. Demanding things they're not entitled to to make themselves look like the victim.

And I say to the defense -- just as a reminder -- it IS all about justice for Caylee. Hmmm, don't think I've heard that in a while.

Well, SOMEBODY looks incompetant! Lemme see... was JB looking in a MIRROR, when he tried to snark LE. ;-)
This argument is really not going anywhere. JB has what he wants now. He cannot whine any longer and they are at the scene doing whatever they choose to do. I am sure we will see it all on Geraldo tonight as there is no doubt his crew is there filming the whole thing, imo.

Geraldo? Maybe they'll find another walled-up garage? ;-)
I understand. But you can see in my post and in Baez's motion that he did find the owner and made phone calls to this person. He did not return calls or respond to the certified mail. It forced Baez to make a motion to access the property without the owner's consent.

Baez himself is not a forensic crime scene investigator. He needs experts to do that. I am not questioning the propriety or thoroughness of OCSO CSI in any way. But we cannot make meaningful armchair proclamations about what the defense experts would or would not find. They may not have found any item of value. They may have desired to look at the scene with a mapping and photos of the found evidence. But without those documents from OCSO, they can't know where anything was located.

Baez needed legal access to the property, he needed the schematics and evidence photos from OCSO, and he needed his own expert investigators. He needed all of that at the same time. He was contacted and granted access to the scene at 11:30am on Saturday Dec. 20. By the end of that day the scene was marked 'no trespassing' and that was it for Baez.

He was refused the docs and photos by OCSO for fear of leaking them. He was refused access to the property by the owner who wouldn't respond.

I'm not saying Baez is a good attorney. I'm just saying that circumstances prevented him from conducting a proper investigation soon after OCSO was done with the site.

The issue of them being leaked was discussed. The law covering such pictures, etc. All in readiness for when such things would be turned over to JB. But the court agreed that JB was asking for them way out of step.

But based upon when this was being discussed and what was going on at the time.. I just want to be clear about what your trying to say. Are you trying to say that as pictures was developed from the cameras, that a copy should have been automatically sent to JB?? That wouldn't have worked either. Remember the tips problem. JB still doesn't want to pay for his request. he wouldn't pay for that 'auto' either. When it tossed tons of useless stuff.

As this was being discussed in court, the evidence was being taken from the scene. It wasn't processed yet by the LE. What was being denied, was him and his team going to the crime scene while the LE was there.

When the stuff was processed, it was sent to him. He was denied nothing. So I don't see where you get he was denied anything. Really I don't. He even complained about it being a mountain of evidence to go through. Wow! I bet that is what the LE thought. Yet they got through it and sent it to him.

I seriously don't see how the LE could be giving them reports, as they were driving away from the scene. Very little of it had been analized, etc. Yet he wanted the area ASAP and the LE gave it to him. He was not denied access to it.

In this day and age of computers, we are starting to think things should be given to us/done in a flash. Microwave cooking is to slow. I want it now! LOL! That just isn't realistic.

What is realistic, he wanted them to do a rush job. When folks rush,they are more likely to make mistakes. Mistakes he would have used to his advantage. Cause he can ask all he wants and it doesn't mean anything. But they make a mistake.. and that counts for something. They should not rush, just because he demands the stuff now.
What are you talking about? OCSO investigated the crime scene with all the evidence sitting right there on and in the ground. That stuff was removed before Baez would be given any chance to enter the woods. How would Baez's forensic experts even begin to know where the skull and bags were laying? Were they supposed to take wild guesses? :confused:

They have access to ALL the crime scene photos. The trees are right there and they can use the landmarks to "figger it out". They are experts, after all!


After standing from the road at a memorial, and viewing the released crime scene photos (which were heavily redacted for us non-LE), even I could tell you within 5 feet where the skull was located, Hot Dog.
And they were already granted access to the site after the State was done gathering evidence, but they declined. :waitasec:

My thoughts exactly! :confused:

It's like a toddler being told to wait his turn to play with a particular toy and then when it is his turn, he doesn't want to. <stamping his feet> :rolleyes:
Ok, I'm preparing myself for the 'big defense team bombshell'.

I apologize in advance Mods, but I have no faith in the expertise of Dr Henry Lee or in his ability to be an honest and on the up & up person. I think he is underhanded, I don't just trust him, and I'm waiting expecting to hear of his find of some huge bombshell evidence that the State "overlooked".

I'm reserving my opinion of him, until I hear him say something in English.
My bad. I should have explained a little better. I meant he could have found him, perhaps with a street address, instead of a P.O. Box. He could have had one of his cracker jack private investigators make a personal call on the man, instead of sending him a certified letter out of the clear blue sky. In other words, if he had tried, he could have made personal, direct contact, which perhaps would have netted him permission.

And if the property owner still had declined, which I would have done were I he, there would have been sufficient notice to the property owner to represent his position in court, instead of Baez trampling his rights.

That's our Jose! All charm. Subtlety. Diplomacy.

His people skills are certainly equal to his legal erudition. :eek:
Why doesn't JB just check out the WS photo thread. We have done it all for him.
There are a range of stuffed toys, a book several photographs, 2 or three back packs, 4 or 5 very very tiny human skulls, a stroller, blankets a tartan thing, a teddy bear, and my favourite, a perfectly formed but small kitten.

omg...HIGHlarious!!! truly!
From what I have read and heard...there is nothing on this earth that can even compare with the smell of a rotting body. I doubt that ham could even begin to compare.

Rotten ANYTHING doesn't smell the same. Once yo smell it, you never forget it.
The issue of them being leaked was discussed. The law covering such pictures, etc. All in readiness for when such things would be turned over to JB. But the court agreed that JB was asking for them way out of step.

But based upon when this was being discussed and what was going on at the time.. I just want to be clear about what your trying to say. Are you trying to say that as pictures was developed from the cameras, that a copy should have been automatically sent to JB?? That wouldn't have worked either. Remember the tips problem. JB still doesn't want to pay for his request. he wouldn't pay for that 'auto' either. When it tossed tons of useless stuff.

As this was being discussed in court, the evidence was being taken from the scene. It wasn't processed yet by the LE. What was being denied, was him and his team going to the crime scene while the LE was there.

When the stuff was processed, it was sent to him. He was denied nothing. So I don't see where you get he was denied anything. Really I don't. He even complained about it being a mountain of evidence to go through. Wow! I bet that is what the LE thought. Yet they got through it and sent it to him.

I seriously don't see how the LE could be giving them reports, as they were driving away from the scene. Very little of it had been analized, etc. Yet he wanted the area ASAP and the LE gave it to him. He was not denied access to it.

In this day and age of computers, we are starting to think things should be given to us/done in a flash. Microwave cooking is to slow. I want it now! LOL! That just isn't realistic.

What is realistic, he wanted them to do a rush job. When folks rush,they are more likely to make mistakes. Mistakes he would have used to his advantage. Cause he can ask all he wants and it doesn't mean anything. But they make a mistake.. and that counts for something. They should not rush, just because he demands the stuff now.

Great post!
I'm reserving my opinion of him, until I hear him say something in English.

Well, now that you're back too, I'll suggest you don't hold your breath while you wait for that!
From what I have read and heard...there is nothing on this earth that can even compare with the smell of a rotting body. I doubt that ham could even begin to compare.

You are correct. It has a very unique smell that's different from animal decomp that I've smelled. It's almost a sweeter rotten smell. Like GA said, once you smell it, you never forget it.

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