Defense at crime scene jan. 30

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Could this move of JB's be a catch 22 trying to be pulled on LE? Like "JUDGE, they said they already gave me all the photos they took of the crime scene and those photos were released to the public. Clearly, JUDGE they didn't take a picture of this particular tree that has an elephant hanging from the branches. See? Dr. Lee found the elephant but LE didn't therefore none of their evidence should be admissible!"

Reasonable doubt/mistrial, etc...

He's a goof...even KC (and this pains me to say) deserves better atty IMO...:behindbar
Could this move of JB's be a catch 22 trying to be pulled on LE? Like "JUDGE, they said they already gave me all the photos they took of the crime scene and those photos were released to the public. Clearly, JUDGE they didn't take a picture of this particular tree that has an elephant hanging from the branches. See? Dr. Lee found the elephant but LE didn't therefore none of their evidence should be admissible!"

Reasonable doubt/mistrial, etc...

He's a goof...even KC (and this pains me to say) deserves better atty IMO...:behindbar

WE the PEOPLE deserve her having better. WE are going to be paying for another trial, because he is clueless.
They may find anything LE left there that would not help their prosecution. If LE doesn't have it, they don't have to report it to the defence. That's they way it works.

The sad thing is, LE may have something they found but will never test it for fear the result that would contradict their position. That is also the way it works.

This is why the defense request's in court appear vague and seem to encompass so much. They are forced to ask for "everything" in order to make sure there isn't something that the LE would rather they never see.

That's the way it works!

I agree. But it has never seemed to me that The OCSO has wanted anything but the truth in this case. I really don't believe they would hide evidence, or not reveal something that would lead to truth.
I'm reserving my opinion of him, until I hear him say something in English.

*snort* :highfive:

After the Peterson and Spector trials, you could say I am less than impressed with the infamous Henry Lee.
BS! They could have gone into the scene and done an investigation on their own without those things just like OCSO did! The problem is JB's team never wants to do the work!

So so true, it's one whine and grip on JB's part after another. He is always crying "no one will let him do his job" well, part of "doing" the job is to rely on your own resources, not what others have done and sit back and expect someone else to hand you their work. JMHO
They may find anything LE left there that would not help their prosecution. If LE doesn't have it, they don't have to report it to the defence. That's they way it works.

The sad thing is, LE may have something they found but will never test it for fear the result that would contradict their position. That is also the way it works.

This is why the defense request's in court appear vague and seem to encompass so much. They are forced to ask for "everything" in order to make sure there isn't something that the LE would rather they never see.

That's the way it works!

:confused: What leads you to believe that is a possibility? It sounds like you're saying that LE is corrupt. Do you have proof of this?
after seeing dr.hl in the o.j. trial and phil spector, i wouldn't trust him to take my temperature.i think he says whatever he needs to say. remember, money talks.
I was thinking this same thing tfrohning. Has the scene been completely secured since the LE released it? From what I understand it became a site of curiosity for many people. Can we be absolutely certain that no one has trespassed on that property and inadvertantly left behind something?

I do wonder what it is they are looking for exactly?

Or are they planting someevidence for their experts to findat a larter date? I do not believe the Judge gave them permission to make multiple trips to the scene.
Or are they planting someevidence for their experts to findat a larter date? I do not believe the Judge gave them permission to make multiple trips to the scene.
Hard to believe anything "found" could be accepted as evidence. The public have wandered there now. I saw Greta walking about through where the remains were (I think) and beyond to show undisturbed brush.
Do we know if they were out at the crime scene today?
IMO he could have taken his own photos and then compared them to the ones he received through discovery. So at least he would have a baseline to begin with. He should have inspected the property when it "closely" resembled the time of the find. Now that the brush has grown, how can he even imagine what it looked like back in December? Nothing like viewing the scene at the time of discovery...and yes, I do know how much LE did to the scene. And, no...walking down to the cordoned off area for a photo op does not count.

Just more of JB games.
after seeing dr.hl in the o.j. trial and phil spector, i wouldn't trust him to take my temperature.i think he says whatever he needs to say. remember, money talks.

I agree with you, it really is not right how money seems to be able to change evidence. After the spector trial not many people trust him anymore IMO
Exactly what are they looking for out there? I would think that LE and everyone searching the crime scene found all of the bones that were to be found. I can't imagine what they think they will find unless Dr. Henry Lee just happens to come upon bones that no one else could see like he did the fingernail on the carpet at Spectors...the one that he didn't turn over like he was supposed to do. Instead he put in in a container and stuck it in his pocket and then denied that he found it but someone or more saw him and what he did with it. He played dumb on the witness stand if memory serves me.

That defense team could have gone in to the crime scene right after LE were finished. They didn't. Then they have the nerve to write a motion whinning that they weren't allowed to go in. THE TRUTH...they wanted to wait until ole Dr. Henry Lee was available to go in with them and he couldn't come to Florida until now :furious:

I totally agree with you .What a joke! After that who would believe him.
Hard to believe anything "found" could be accepted as evidence. The public have wandered there now. I saw Greta walking about through where the remains were (I think) and beyond to show undisturbed brush.

IIRC, I saw Greta walking in the backyard many months earlier in the case, as well. Opportunities abound for new things "found"!

I wonder if GR has a grudge against Greta.
IIRC, I saw Greta walking in the backyard many months earlier in the case, as well. Opportunities abound for new things "found"!

I wonder if GR has a grudge against Greta.

Exactly! But the defense will be able to use it against the prosecution wherein accusing them of shoddy police work...they can say that now LE can't use the evidence b/c they left evidence that in turn became contaminated...once a part of a piece becomes tampered with or becomes contaminated, then the whole piece or rest of the pieces could be deemed inadmissable...which in turn will be used to create reasonable doubt. How much ya wanna bet our dear Dr. Lee finds a multitude of microscopic forensic evidence. What makes me mad is the fact that he should start with checking out any and all stains on KC's clothes...panties, jeans, purses,'s amazing the evidence that can be found from socks (they're fibers are usually thicker and evidence is "smashed & smeared" into the fibers due to the pressure from the feet), etc.! If he's able to find anymore evidence not found by LE, KC could not only get off of this murder wrap, but she could turn around and sue the OCSO claiming they "targeted" her! Of course, it'll be a very long time before she gets out of jail anyway, b/c of the stealing & stuff...but it's something to think about. They specifically didn't go after KC for manslaughter based on her actions while her daughter was missing and the lies she told LE. Instead they went with a murder charge. It's easier to prove manslaughter. I worry that even though the evidence is damning, it still could be categorized as circumstantial. They need something stronger, imo. I pray that if KC's as guilty as I think she is, then she gets her due punishment.
Exactly! But the defense will be able to use it against the prosecution wherein accusing them of shoddy police work...they can say that now LE can't use the evidence b/c they left evidence that in turn became contaminated...once a part of a piece becomes tampered with or becomes contaminated, then the whole piece or rest of the pieces could be deemed inadmissable...which in turn will be used to create reasonable doubt. How much ya wanna bet our dear Dr. Lee finds a multitude of microscopic forensic evidence. What makes me mad is the fact that he should start with checking out any and all stains on KC's clothes...panties, jeans, purses,'s amazing the evidence that can be found from socks (they're fibers are usually thicker and evidence is "smashed & smeared" into the fibers due to the pressure from the feet), etc.! If he's able to find anymore evidence not found by LE, KC could not only get off of this murder wrap, but she could turn around and sue the OCSO claiming they "targeted" her! Of course, it'll be a very long time before she gets out of jail anyway, b/c of the stealing & stuff...but it's something to think about. They specifically didn't go after KC for manslaughter based on her actions while her daughter was missing and the lies she told LE. Instead they went with a murder charge. It's easier to prove manslaughter. I worry that even though the evidence is damning, it still could be categorized as circumstantial. They need something stronger, imo. I pray that if KC's as guilty as I think she is, then she gets her due punishment.

I imagine that LE documented the carp out of what they found, where they found it and every square inch of that crime scene. I mean, what does the defense hope to find? Do they think that they'll just dig down an inch or two and find a 3 page confession letter from ZFG? I think any attempt by the defense to claim any evidence at that scene will quickly be proven as planted. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your statement as much as I am frustrated with the antics of this defense team. We can only hope that Dr.L picks the wrong vial and accidentally plants Spector's fingernail on the dump site. The people that processed that scene were top notch. From OCSO to the FBI to the ME's office, every single one of them are highly trained professionals. It always gets me irrate when a defense team tries to say that LE is framing their client. It worked for OJ, JB will probably try it here. Like LE has nothing better to do. Yeah, I'm sure at the morning briefing they all discuss "Who are we going to frame for murder today? Anyone got any ideas?" It's just the same ol' silly smoke and mirrors. I wonder what year they cover that in law school?

We can only hope that Dr.L picks the wrong vial and accidentally plants Spector's fingernail on the dump site. The people that processed that scene were top notch. From OCSO to the FBI to the ME's office, every single one of them are highly trained professionals. It always gets me irrate when a defense team tries to say that LE is framing their client. It worked for OJ, JB will probably try it here. Like LE has nothing better to do. Yeah, I'm sure at the morning briefing they all discuss "Who are we going to frame for murder today? Anyone got any ideas?" It's just the same ol' silly smoke and mirrors. I wonder what year they cover that in law school?

Bolded by me


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