Defense Team's Horrible Display Celebrating

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The only thing they were missing today at their "party" was the murderer herself.
Will they throw another party Thursday?

I have to stick to reading as I just get madder and madder and will get banned for life.
I'm so sick over this I have to sign off for the evening. I can only imagine what the prosecution team and the detectives who gave their all for Caylee must be feeling right now. This is a sad, sad day!


DS's bad behavior started the second she hugged Casey in the courtroom. People were tugging at Casey and Dorothy wouldn't let her go. She was all hunched over her and hugging and holding and crying and patting and sobbing and she didn't do a DARN thing for Casey the entire time she was on the case! What a sickening display. At one point, while still in the courtroom, I swear to God she actually made a motion like a teenager would while screaming "SCORE!" at a hockey game, you know, pulled her arm in and lifted her leg a little. It was beyond ridiculous. And when Barrett first went to hug Casey in court, I swear she said (lip reading here) "I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" and grabbed Casey.

Casey immediately turned into popular party girl. Did you all watch her getting finger printed? She kept turning around to talk to her new friends while the officer was trying to FINGER PRINT HER!!!!!!!!!! FOR GOD'S SAKE!

I'm so sickened. I get why Baez is happy, and frankly he was the most controlled of all of them I thought (sans the gunshooting incident). Mason? I couldn't believe what he said in the press conference. I only wish somebody had queued up his OWN little talking head assessment of the situation from a year before he joined the team.

Michele Medina? God help you, little girl, if you ever have a child and Casey wants to meet her to say what a wonderful mama you are.

Lisbeth, I wish you luck in your career. Starting out by defending a child killer, brilliant start. Really. blah.

I really need to find more synonyms for sick.
Not one of that bunch have one iota of class. They are disgusting and I hope that Karma catches up with ALL of them. That display was done on purpose....thumbing their noses at the rest of the world who KNEW their client IS GUILTY of murdering a defenseless baby!

We have to believe in Karma and that it will definitely catch up with them soon.
With champagne toasts, in full view of the media.

Hello you heartless defense team devils....there is still a dead child here. So if you are all so great and brilliant...what is the f...ING truth? What actually happened to that poor child? Do.something useful for society and uncover the truth....oh....but wait...the prosecution already did. Casey did it!
DS's bad behavior started the second she hugged Casey in the courtroom. People were tugging at Casey and Dorothy wouldn't let her go. She was all hunched over her and hugging and holding and crying and patting and sobbing and she didn't do a DARN thing for Casey the entire time she was on the case! What a sickening display. At one point, while still in the courtroom, I swear to God she actually made a motion like a teenager would while screaming "SCORE!" at a hockey game, you know, pulled her arm in and lifted her leg a little. It was beyond ridiculous. And when Barrett first went to hug Casey in court, I swear she said (lip reading here) "I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" and grabbed Casey.

Casey immediately turned into popular party girl. Did you all watch her getting finger printed? She kept turning around to talk to her new friends while the officer was trying to FINGER PRINT HER!!!!!!!!!! FOR GOD'S SAKE!

I'm so sickened. I get why Baez is happy, and frankly he was the most controlled of all of them I thought (sans the gunshooting incident). Mason? I couldn't believe what he said in the press conference. I only wish somebody had queued up his OWN little talking head assessment of the situation from a year before he joined the team.

Michele Medina? God help you, little girl, if you ever have a child and Casey wants to meet her to say what a wonderful mama you are.

Lisbeth, I wish you luck in your career. Starting out by defending a child killer, brilliant start. Really. blah.

I really need to find more synonyms for sick.


Oh Gnatcatcher, do NOT get me started on Cheney Mason. :maddening: The last thing I needed was a lecture from that mumbling modsnippety-modsnip.

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised now, really. After all, they're just following the example of their sweet li'l ol' client: party down while Caylee lies dead and cries out for justice. Bella Vita indeed!

Please tell me Baez is not going to follow up the festivities by entering a Hot Body Contest. My gag-reflex is working overtime today as it is. :sick:
There is a picture on fb of cm fliping the bird at the media at their little party. I dont know how to post a link to it. This whole thing makes me sick.
They have no class and have never been accused of having any. However I'm continuously surprised by their disgusting behavior. I hope DCS has to take KC home to live with her.
They are just like their client - no class.

I also hope the judge follows thru with charging JB with something. I hope CA's employer comes after her and I hope they charge her with perjury.
Surprise, surprise! They're paragons of horrible behavior!

I feel sure that others have noticed that this is the SECOND episode of drinking and partying that has occurred at the expense of this lttle girl's life. All that's missing among these attorneys is a "hot body contest."
Sorry I did not read your post before I posted practically the identical comment!
Was HHJP celebrating with them? He has got to be delighted.


Beyond JB and his interns smiling and quietly weeping today, beyond AndreaL's past antics that drive me so nuts, beyond LKB wanting to "educate" a sitting the looniness of this guy, CM, and DCS, who was crying to the point of shaking and jumping around like she forgot she had a juris doctorate. I can understand ego and puffed chests, or the being moved to weep-but middle fingers and buckwild school girl behavior are just bizarre. Even KC did not act like DCS. CM gives me the feeling he would kick the crutches out from beneath a small child if it got in his path. Yikes!
I would celebrate but do so behind closed doors because there is still a dead baby thrown into a swamp at the end of the day.

What bothers me about their celebration is they are doing it in such a public manner. I understand they feel like celebrating, they pulled off a pretty monumental feat. A private celebration amongst themselves would have been much more appropriate, IMO - and the type I suspect the SAO would have had had the results been different.

Okay. That is totally unprofessional and far beneath the dignity of his profession that he seems to be so proud. What an embarrassment for the whole defense attorney group as a whole. I was so impressed with HHJP. I have seen references to the respect that HHJP has for Cheney and they play golf together, etc. I sure hope that is not true after seeing his horrible display today - his comments after the verdict and now this. Unbelievable.

IMO classy.

I'm so sorry Caylee. Know you are loved by all of us sweet baby. WE wanted justice for you.

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