Defense What is their strategy? #1

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:praying:please tell me what CA's July 3rd Myspace letter says and KS's answer to it. So I don't have to go hunting...

July 3 Cindy posted this on MySpace:
Thursday, July 03, 2008: "My caylee is missing She came into my life unexpectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don’t know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother’s love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?"
How many of us have said "It smells like something has died" when we smell bad food or the like, but really have never smelled a dead human body (thank god). It is just an expression, not meant to be literal. On the other hand, those who have smelled human decomposition have all said it is something that you never mistake for anything other than what it is.

It seems pretty clear that both GA and CA started out with the truth anyway. Sorry, slightly OT.
When speaking of rotting food and the like, I've said this. However, I've never followed it up with "God, please don't let this be my granddaughter"
:praying:please tell me what CA's July 3rd Myspace letter says and KS's answer to it. So I don't have to go hunting...

... and this is the image that KC posted later that week
... "A reporter for WKMG, Adam Longo, commented, "This defense team is convinced Caylee's remains weren't in those woods until after Casey went to jail."

So this is an avenue to find reasonable doubt?

Let me get this straight:

Someone tips the A's PI's that Caylee is dead and where to look for her but they don't find her boby.
A meter reader later finds her body 30 feet from that sight.
Now the defense is saying that the body wasn't where they thought it was but was put at the same spot LATER???? You kidding me, right???:eek:
:blowkiss:Thank you FX Wiz and WhiteAngora.

Wow! FX Wiz, I'm with you. That is powerful stuff. Especially what CA said.
Let me get this straight:

Someone tips the A's PI's that Caylee is dead and where to look for her but they don't find her boby.
A meter reader later finds her body 30 feet from that sight.
Now the defense is saying that the body wasn't where they thought it was but was put at the same spot LATER???? You kidding me, right???:eek:
I take your point.

Also, are they saying this is the SAME body that scores of witnesses smelled and forensics confirmed was in KC's car?

If it was where was it after it was taken out of KC's car?

If it was not. Who was the other dead person?
I take your point.

Also, are they saying this is the SAME body that scores of witnesses smelled and forensics confirmed was in KC's car?

If it was where was it after it was taken out of KC's car?

If it was not. Who was the other dead person?

The other dead person is none other than (dramatic pause) Zani the Nanny :eek:
Actually I think everyone involved sortof acknowledged that the ZFG story was not true. Like she was forced to not tell anybody & make up the names & places. So... JB will have to say either it's true that she was forced to lie and actually the kidnapper's name is *****, OR JB says, are you kidding? Of course I don't believe her either because she has psychological problem X...
Actually I think everyone involved sortof acknowledged that the ZFG story was not true. Like she was forced to not tell anybody & make up the names & places. So... JB will have to say either it's true that she was forced to lie and actually the kidnapper's name is *****, OR JB says, are you kidding? Of course I don't believe her either because she has psychological problem X...

But the biggest problem I see with them sticking to the nanny story is that she has been saying there has been a nanny for years, but no phone number, no address and no one met her. If Casey just came up with the a generic kidnapper story after Caylee went missing, they might could try the "someone took my baby story", but that just won't fly with a imaginary nanny. I don't believe they are going to use a psychological problem because they keep claiming that more information is going to come out to show Casey's innocence.
The defense can strut their stuff and spin their tails. I think------the only ones they can possibly throw under the bus is one of the other A's and I don't think they can do that either. There is just to much on KC for it to be anybody else. I really doubt if the State is worried about it all.

As far as the body not being there------the dumb PI couldn't follow inst. and wasn't lookin in the right place. The spot Caylee's body was in, was never searched by TES. I don't have a link for that but have heard it several times here and on the news and at news sites. You guys have see it to.

Gonna have a hard time sayin it was Kronk. Why????? Because he found Caylee? Nah!
The other dead person is none other than (dramatic pause) Zani the Nanny :eek:
I know we keep being thwarted by doubling up of items: 2 knives, 2 garbage bags, 2 heart stickers, 2 toy horses etc But....

2 Dead Bodies?

OK I'll play, so where is the second "Zani" body now?
I know we keep being thwarted by doubling up of items: 2 knives, 2 garbage bags, 2 heart stickers, 2 toy horses etc But....

2 Dead Bodies?

OK I'll play, so where is the second "Zani" body now?

The Jogger? Caylee's daddy?
The Jogger? Caylee's daddy?
Ok That's a start.
Also there are probably a dozen or more people named by KC that have not been located yet. I think we are gunna need a spread sheet?

We still need to ascertain where the second body is NOW.
I know we keep being thwarted by doubling up of items: 2 knives, 2 garbage bags, 2 heart stickers, 2 toy horses etc But....

2 Dead Bodies?

OK I'll play, so where is the second "Zani" body now?

Now its alledged that there is a possible link to child *advertiser censored* and this case. Perhaps it's the guy who did the filming. OK after reading that I have to go :puke:
(One thing Casey and I have in common! Only I will remember what happened in the morning...)
Ok That's a start.
Also there are probably a dozen or more people named by KC that have not been located yet. I think we are gunna need a spread sheet?

We still need to ascertain where the second body is NOW.

What body, Buddy? It was pizza, remember?
What body, Buddy? It was pizza, remember?
I don't believe the pizza story, and neither does C &G in my view.

And besides the smell noticed by the A family, LE and everybody else who has been near the Pontiac, there is forensic evidence confirming a hair from a dead body, and human decomposition products.
And NO, I do not think that squirrel pee is chemically equivalent to human decomposition!
But the biggest problem I see with them sticking to the nanny story is that she has been saying there has been a nanny for years, but no phone number, no address and no one met her. If Casey just came up with the a generic kidnapper story after Caylee went missing, they might could try the "someone took my baby story", but that just won't fly with a imaginary nanny. I don't believe they are going to use a psychological problem because they keep claiming that more information is going to come out to show Casey's innocence.

I'm sayin they are NOT sticking with the Zanny story, although they might still say there was a transient hispanic babysitter who she "trusted but shouldn't have".

I know, they're throwing all the poop they can onto a wall and just hoping some of it sticks, lol.
AquarianEssence: There are certain things we need to keep in mind. First of all, KC was an avid photographer who took TONS of pictures--she didn't have one picture of this ZFG who had supposedly been her close friend for 4 years and took care of her daughter for 2.
The fact that law enforcement officers who have smelled death, said that car smelled exactly like human decomposition, air samples showed it might have been, and hair that could have been Caylee's was in the back is no coincidence.
If you look at the e-mails from Universal, it uses the EXACT type of typing that KC uses (an excessive amount of commas) and almost every e-mail address that was on it, bounced back as not being a valid one. For the ones that didn't, it was likely she was just pulling email addresses out of her head and some of them turned out to be actual ones. LA himself said that no one could find a JMH and KC had no contact information for him either in her phone or online. The Timer55 thing is BS too because records show it was created in May.
Several people said she wasn't wasted when she was at Fusian and weed is not the drug you would take to try to deal with pain. Weed is more to make you relax, if I was trying to put my mind in a completely different place, I wouldn't smoke weed but instead take something stronger. Also recall that during those times she got a beautiful life tattoo, went shopping for clothes and beer (but nothing for Caylee), arm in arm at Blockbuster with TL the day she said Caylee was taken, and was having Im conversations saying how great her nanny was and how much she trusted her. All cell pings show she was no where near JBP on the day she said ZFG took Caylee.
The duct tape had the Henkel logo on it and if you look in the duct tape thread, someone contacted Henkel and they said that exact duct tape wasn't made since 2007. In other words, that tape DEFINITELY came from the Anthony's.
I don't think the prosecution will say she was jealous of her daughter, rather, based on all testimony and statements from her friends, there was tons of tension b/w her and CA when it came to Caylee (CA wanting Caylee to call her mom, the issues on her 2nd birthday, SP saying "KC probably hated CA more than she loved Caylee"). KC at one time admitted to her friend she wanted to be committed after Caylee was born.
KC also searched for neck breaking, household weapons, death, self defense, and how to make chloroform all around the same time on her computer. It's no coincidence that she searched how to make chloroform and chloroform was found in the trunk of the car.
KC's first call to her house from jail (when she didn't know she was being recorded) shows absolutely no remorse. She demands her boyfriends number, tells her friend "all they care about is getting Caylee back", and groans when her friend starts to cry about Caylee.

A grand jury indicted her before there was even a body found. Now that a body has been found where KC used to bury pets and with all evidence pointing back to her house, theres not a doubt in my mind she is guilty as sin and will be convicted.

Thanks for the reality check, well said.:)
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