Defense What is their strategy? #1

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3 words: Money, Money, Money.

But who in the world is paying the tribe of attorneys for Casey? Someone has to be footing the bill and it isn't the Anthonys. Are people sending in that many donations? These guys all charge a bundle an hour and think of the hours they will each spend on this case over the next year. I wonder how many attorneys are still on the case. They seem to come and go.
You are right. IF the defense goes with an accident theory, Casey HAS to take the stand.


I can't figure out how they are going to change "the Nanny did it" to it was an accident or one of her lovers did it. There is a reason Baez wants everything from the one ex lover's MySpace and his computer. The guy that made the crack about chloform on his MySpace. Now I could see Casey making up some story about this guy taking Caylee.

I wonder if this new attorney has even read all of the docs and checked out all of the evidence. The Pros has all of the videos where Casey and her parents are talking about the Nanny taking Caylee. I would think they will play that tape at trial. Heck, the Pros could even have the lady that Casey said was the Nanny to come testify about being accused of being the Nanny. I just don't see how they are going to get rid of the Nanny story.

Is there the possibility that they are going to say that Casey over medicated Caylee and she died? She put to much chloform on the rag she put over Caylee's nose and mouth? Or she gave her to much medication that she stole from her mom? It still leave the Nanny story hanging out there.
I can't figure out how they are going to change "the Nanny did it" to it was an accident or one of her lovers did it.

I think they are just going on the premise that they can counter each piece of evidence by a "what if" scenario so that perhaps ONE juror will believe that means reasonable doubt.
I think they will just attack the evidence and the people presenting it without a real defense. Do they have much of a choice? No one believes anything Casey has stated and the 31 Days wipes out any defense strategy, imo. I don't see them winning this case in court as long as they keep the DP off the table. Finding the one juror without a single working brain cell when deciding her fate will be next to impossible.

What they will say after the verdict is read: APPEAL! It is all they can say...besides "OOPS! Sorry, Casey...but we kept you off Death Row while we were lining our pockets with cash from an anonymous donor in the process. Here...have another candy bar." ;)
Is there the possibility that they are going to say that Casey over medicated Caylee and she died? She put to much chloform on the rag she put over Caylee's nose and mouth? Or she gave her to much medication that she stole from her mom? It still leave the Nanny story hanging out there.

I do think this is a possibility her lawyers may try to play out. She simply made up the nanny story because she was scared. She then made it look like a kidnapping by abandoning her car, putting duct tape over Caylee and putting her in the woods. As far as RM, they may say he influenced her in some way through his site that referenced chloroform. I do not think this defense will fly.

Even if jurors are sympathetic to a murderer, I think and pray they will be more sympathetic to a murdered child.

I wonder if they will try to blame the accidental death by- KC claiming she gave Caylee one of the two cold and allery medicines that were recalled a few years ago. If she claims she didn't know about the recall and didn't know it was expired, and that Caylee acted weird, at which time KC called her parents and a few friends not knowing whether to be concerned or not and Caylee went to sleep and never woke up. Feeing guilty as she didn't know how ill Caylee really was, she then was frightened and panicked and decided to bury the body.

I don't believe the story will fly, but I can't see anything to do with any chemicals as accidental. Caylee was not an infant. GA and CA did not keep chemicals at Caylee's disposal, I'm sure.

Caylee would have had to be given a chemical or locked in something where she had to breathe chemicals. A car trunk, a locker, a cleaning closet. None of these would constitute an accident. Along with the tape it is deliberate.
I think Tony's testimony will establish premeditation.

Casey was on the phone to Tony all of the night of June 15 and into the next day. He knows when Casey made arrangements to stay with him and whether or not Caylee was invited.

He was with Casey on June 16 right after Caylee died.

The defense will have to either destroy Tony's credibility or twist whatever he says so it can be seen another way.

The problem with over medication is why would Casey do it either the night of June 15 OR during regular naptime in the day? Casey wasn't partying. There wasn't a man anywhere near.

George says Caylee was alive at 1 p.m. on June 16.

By 4:30 p.m. Casey was at Tony's apartment and Caylee was dead.

How did Casey know at 1 p.m. in advance of the overmedicating that Caylee wasn't coming home?
In all honesty, I just can't see that Baez really wants this to go to trial. I think he was trying to do a deal which fell through...a KC confession to an "accident" and her leading the police to the body for a lenient sentence. And I think the state may have been ready to go for it. They had taken the DP off the table, and law enforcement is always keen to locate the remains. It's virtually a moral imparitive to them, and up until they did, they hadn't been able to locate Caylee's little body. Once that happened, LE was no longer so willing to play ball...especially with the heart encrusted duct tape around the baby's skull. Personally, I believe Baez is still hoping that if he puffs up his chest and brings in a cadre of scary lawyers that he might still be able to pull some deal short life without parole out of his little bag of tricks. LE, I think, "just ain't gonna go there no more."
My worry is that the Defense will have a field day with creating "reasonable doubt" with the location and happenings of where Caylee's remains were discovered. Most likely blaming LE on the first RK story of a bag in the woods (which I believe was the one where the LE person didn't go in far because of a snake), then we have in the latest doc dump, the KW person (the one with the shovel and trespassing charge), and LE just left the bag of toys/clothes/father's day balloon at the site. They may go for the "sloppy police work theory" to create reasonable doubt. Unfortunately they only need one juror to be swayed. Thank goodness we have so much more evidence for a conviction regarding the evidence, forensic..links to the A's home, etc. to combat whatever the Defense decides to challenge.
ITA, especially with the bolded part. If she didn't murder Caylee, why would lie about talking to her a month later. This trial is going to be a science lesson for all of us.

Shaymus! I never thought of it that way! Brilliant!!!!
I think they will just attack the evidence and the people presenting it without a real defense. Do they have much of a choice? No one believes anything Casey has stated and the 31 Days wipes out any defense strategy, imo. I don't see them winning this case in court as long as they keep the DP off the table. Finding the one juror without a single working brain cell when deciding her fate will be next to impossible.

What they will say after the verdict is read: APPEAL! It is all they can say...besides "OOPS! Sorry, Casey...but we kept you off Death Row while we were lining our pockets with cash from an anonymous donor in the process. Here...have another candy bar." ;)

Uh, maybe they will give her gum. Can they have gum in prison/jail?
I think they will just attack the evidence and the people presenting it without a real defense. Do they have much of a choice? No one believes anything Casey has stated and the 31 Days wipes out any defense strategy, imo. I don't see them winning this case in court as long as they keep the DP off the table. Finding the one juror without a single working brain cell when deciding her fate will be next to impossible.

What they will say after the verdict is read: APPEAL! It is all they can say...besides "OOPS! Sorry, Casey...but we kept you off Death Row while we were lining our pockets with cash from an anonymous donor in the process. Here...have another candy bar." ;)

I think this is the closest scenario. I seriously doubt this new attorney can overcome the facts of the case. I am not surprised he is saying she is innocent, as that is what he was HIRED to do, but I am curious about the bond hearing.

If they let her out on bond, she will be GONE !!
They know she can't overcome the evidence, and with the "deep pockets" she has backing her, giving up a million dollar bond would be nothing. They do it everyday in drug cases.
I think this is the closest scenario. I seriously doubt this new attorney can overcome the facts of the case. I am not surprised he is saying she is innocent, as that is what he was HIRED to do, but I am curious about the bond hearing.

If they let her out on bond, she will be GONE !!
They know she can't overcome the evidence, and with the "deep pockets" she has backing her, giving up a million dollar bond would be nothing. They do it everyday in drug cases.

So wait are they really having a bond hearing or is TM just saying he wants one? I really believe if they had a bond hearing we would know exactly what kind of defense they are going for because in order to TRY to get her out on bond they would have to provide some specific, compelling reasons.
My worry is that the Defense will have a field day with creating "reasonable doubt" with the location and happenings of where Caylee's remains were discovered. Most likely blaming LE on the first RK story of a bag in the woods (which I believe was the one where the LE person didn't go in far because of a snake), then we have in the latest doc dump, the KW person (the one with the shovel and trespassing charge), and LE just left the bag of toys/clothes/father's day balloon at the site. They may go for the "sloppy police work theory" to create reasonable doubt. Unfortunately they only need one juror to be swayed. Thank goodness we have so much more evidence for a conviction regarding the evidence, forensic..links to the A's home, etc. to combat whatever the Defense decides to challenge.

Can someone link me to the dogs where it states LE left the clothes/ balloon? GIA
The problem with over medication is why would Casey do it either the night of June 15 OR during regular naptime in the day? Casey wasn't partying. There wasn't a man anywhere near.

George says Caylee was alive at 1 p.m. on June 16.

By 4:30 p.m. Casey was at Tony's apartment and Caylee was dead.

How did Casey know at 1 p.m. in advance of the overmedicating that Caylee wasn't coming home?

I believe GA's testimony of the conversation that allegedly took place between himself and KC on June 16 will turn out to be a mistaken recollection. I think he was actually recalling June 9 in relation to KC saying neither she nor Caylee would be home that night - because June 9 was the night that they both stayed over at RM's.

He has already been proven to be mistaken about the clothes Caylee was supposed to have been wearing as at 12.50pm on June 16 - they are not what was found with her remains even though her death appears to have occurred within the following 3 hours. There is also no sign of the backpack he described Caylee carrying.

I just don't find it feasible that KC would calmly inform GA that Caylee was not coming home if what she really intended was to kill her that day. I don't think she would make such a statement when it would effectively be tantamount to an announcement. A person would have to be truly callous and evil to be able to glibly make such a remark, and contrary to the majority view I just don't think KC is that heartless.
I think the defense has three strategies:
1) SODDI - try to cast reasonable doubt by finding others who may have had the means, motive, and opportunity to kill Caylee. Not sure they can find enough credible information and spin to go for this defense. I think they will try though!

2) Accidental death and cover-up. Caylee drowned or had a bad reaction to some childrens medicine (as someone suggested) or fell and hit her head etc etc. Casey panicked and tried to cover up. This would likely result in some charges - but not life in prison or death penalty. She would also be charged with obstruction of justice.

3) Accidental death and cover-up. Casey used cloroform to put Caylee to sleep temporarily. She gave Caylee the wrong dosage - panicked and tried to cover up. This would also result in charges, (child endangerment, abuse, assault) much more serious I would think then the above accidental death scenario.

I cant help but think that if they were going to go for 2 or 3 ( and I doubt they will present 3), they would have tried to make a deal. Maybe they are still trying to come up with something that can fit #1 and if not go for #2.

I have no doubt they will try to obscure the facts, and if they draw the jury into Casey's craziness, I am sure the jury wont know what to believe. I think this is why the prosecution is smart NOT to go for the Death Penalty

What I want to know is, if they try her for murder one, and the jury doesnt agree can they find her guilty of a lesser charge or is that it?
First of all, the guy may be good in civil cases, but he is another idiot about Florida law - she can't get bond........duhhhhhhh

I think George is going UNDER the bus.
He set himself up by saying he "saw" Caylee the morning if the 16th when she was obviously already dead. KC is going to say George abused her and maybe even say he molested her. When Cindy choked her the night of the 15th she left and that is why she was out partying - she "thought" her parents had Caylee.

They will set it up as an accident
with George and since he had the only other key to her car, he put Caylee in the trunk of KC's car. KC found her and had a psychotic break after George told her he would kill her and the whole family if she told. He told her he would get her out of it if she would keep her mouth shut. If she didn't keep her mouth shut they were all dead. Because he bought a gun when she was out on bail, she has her proof.

I am not sure about your scenario - except I do think that Casey could and would throw George or Cindy under the bus if she had to... I would not surprise me if the defense came up with something like you suggest.
My best guess is because Jose has told her to keep her mouth shut. He needs to come up with some kind of defense and her saying ANYTHING is not going to help him at this point. He already has enough damage control!

Yes, agreed at this point - but what about back in August, September, October, and November. If the "real kidnappers/killers" were out there, the news had already broken, and casey already arrested and charged - why not go after the "real kidnapper"?
I believe GA's testimony of the conversation that allegedly took place between himself and KC on June 16 will turn out to be a mistaken recollection. I think he was actually recalling June 9 in relation to KC saying neither she nor Caylee would be home that night - because June 9 was the night that they both stayed over at RM's.

He has already been proven to be mistaken about the clothes Caylee was supposed to have been wearing as at 12.50pm on June 16 - they are not what was found with her remains even though her death appears to have occurred within the following 3 hours. There is also no sign of the backpack he described Caylee carrying.

I just don't find it feasible that KC would calmly inform GA that Caylee was not coming home if what she really intended was to kill her that day. I don't think she would make such a statement when it would effectively be tantamount to an announcement. A person would have to be truly callous and evil to be able to glibly make such a remark, and contrary to the majority view I just don't think KC is that heartless.

The collar to a size 3T pink shirt was found with Caylee.

Caylee wouldn't wear shoes or the sunglasses to take a nap. I don't think it is unusual for a toddler not yet totally potty-trained to need her skirt and pull-ups changed.

According to Cindy's interview:
No the only thing that was left that was Caylee's was what was in the car, her backpack and that's what George had seen her with the the morning of the 16th of June when he left
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