Dennis M (Kid Finders Network) stole all of the memorial flowers for Caylee!

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The guy said he was the camera guy's "worst nightmare". I think I tend to agree. True evil. You can tell alot about a person by the company they keep.
Something my dear departed mom used to tell me was "Birds of a feather, flock together"
Why would the A's be involved with this man. Ask yourself that about a lot of their supporters!

That says it all.
What a shame though.
That's some class act.
Am I the only one who thinks KFN is leading the Anthonys on? Creating false hope that Caylee is alive to further their own agenda and keep their own names in the news?

I think KFN needs to be exposed. This is just disgusting. There is a special place in the afterworld for people like him. Stealing gifts intended for Caylee is CREEPY! Hope he enjoys all the publicity regarding his making an *advertiser censored* of himself yesterday. He may think he is everyone's worst #@$! nightmare, but I am not afraid of him. He can lie, enable and encourage the As all he wants but I am not going to stand for this:mad: SO WRONG!
..... This $#@! has got to stop!!! They had absoultely NO RIGHT to remove all that was left for precious Caylee!!!
Kid Finders & Dennis cannot lose Cindy being on board with them.

They are feeding her delusions.

Caylee is their Poster Child and they need Cindy to believe she's alive to retain that Poster Child for donations and media.
Kid Finders & Dennis cannot lose Cindy being on board with them.

They are feeding her delusions.

Caylee is their Poster Child and they need Cindy to believe she's alive to retain that Poster Child for donations and media.

Yeah, it sucks when a business loses their biggest account.
Kid Finders & Dennis cannot lose Cindy being on board with them.

They are feeding her delusions.

Caylee is their Poster Child and they need Cindy to believe she's alive to retain that Poster Child for donations and media.

I agree that is the only reason they are hanging out, and I would bet that is the reason George drove around with that billboard.It is nothing more than to generate money, the minute he stops they will leave.
Look on the bright side. There is no way that Kid Finders will come out of this unscathed. Thus, less donations and support. They forget that the Caylee case is worldwide. They have made a major error with their recent antics.
He didn't come off as a very nice guy that day with the camera man. Not a fan!

Frist impressions make lasting impressions and he came across , at least to me, as a crazed individual.
Our Donation thread was shut down because we were investigating this guy and KFN. I hope something becomes of what this guy has done and is doing.

Wasn't it shut down because it was now in the hands of LE?
Something my dear departed mom used to tell me was "Birds of a feather, flock together"
Why would the A's be involved with this man. Ask yourself that about a lot of their supporters!

I was just going to say the same thing and you said it first!
Dennis M from Kidfinders is the creepy little dude in the blue shirt that went after a photog at Blanchard Park the other day.

Was he the guy threatening people and swearing like a vulgar, uneducated sleeze!?
I sure hope Fox News or one of the other stations gets wind of this and reports it. I want what he did exposed for all to see!
Thank you to both of you that posted this. I haven't heard from him yet again today and was told he was supposed to be in meetings for a while longer. He will be calling me back and I'll confirm with him.

I appreciate the feedback, I just want to make sure no rumors are going around in his name, Lord knows the man catchs enough flack from everyone as it is! LOL!


If Des said she spoke to LP, she did. She has been going back and forth with him since about the time he entered this case. Any information she gives from LP comes directly from LP. :)

These people from Kid Finders are SICK for trying to stop people from searching for a missing child. I mean.. they're KID FINDERS for crying out loud!! :behindbar And stealing people's flowers is just outrageous. They have no right!!
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