Deposition Questions that could be telling for the Anthony's

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Do you think she took the video camera so when they go to trial, they will remember to keep their lies straight?
They omited to report if George and Cindy and BC will be able to communicate during the "break"
CA to GA this morning:

And don't even think for a minute that I won't know what you said in there. I am going to record the whole thing, so if you even TRY to tell the truth about what you know, I WILL know and there will be hell to pay - do you hear me????
5:00pm !! The recordings shall be made available! ~there is a god!!~

I'm so happy to hear that, I was afraid they would be suppressed.
Can't wait to hear what they say about their little :princess:daughter.
:blowkiss: just want to make sure we keep our a's in the order ga gave them!:crazy:

Yeah!! And then KC changed to flatter whomever she was talking to next...geez louise, these people....
They omited to report if George and Cindy and BC will be able to communicate during the "break"

Yep. I'm really curious about that one too. Also, if Cindy will be able to review the video on her camera.
I'm so happy to hear that, I was afraid they would be suppressed.
Can't wait to hear what they say about their little :princess:daughter.

They will only tell lies, lies, and more lies.
CA to GA this morning:

And don't even think for a minute that I won't know what you said in there. I am going to record the whole thing, so if you even TRY to tell the truth about what you know, I WILL know and there will be hell to pay - do you hear me????

That really makes me ill that she would use scare tactics like the video taping with George (I totally think that is why she is doing it, too!).

I'm guessing she didn't like the things she heard from previews interviews when she wasn't present.
Lawyers began questioning Cindy Anthony under oath around 1: 30 p.m.

George Anthony finished shortly before 12:30 p.m.

Attorney John Morgan said George Anthony responded to a lot questions but refused to answer some, including details about an incident when Casey Anthony kept him from looking into the trunk of her car and a conversation he had about the ladder on the side of their pool.

He plans to request the judge to force George Anthony to answer those questions, Morgan said.,0,6179979.story
oops forgot this part,

The lawyer – who is representing Zenaida Gonzalez - was surprised to learn that George Anthony did not know about the tip that sent private investigator Dominic Casey looking in the wooded area near the Anthony home in November. He learned about this after the remains were found a month later, Morgan said. And George Anthony heard the tip came from a psychic.

Casey Anthony's attorney, Jonathan Kasen, was not at the deposition. Morgan said he was "shocked" that her attorney hasn't attended any of the depositions. He said Anthony had even filed a counter claim against his client.,0,6179979.story
Lawyers began questioning Cindy Anthony under oath around 1: 30 p.m.

George Anthony finished shortly before 12:30 p.m.

Attorney John Morgan said George Anthony responded to a lot questions but refused to answer some, including details about an incident when Casey Anthony kept him from looking into the trunk of her car and a conversation he had about the ladder on the side of their pool.

He plans to request the judge to force George Anthony to answer those questions, Morgan said.,0,6179979.story

I hope that he already has the paper work filled out so all he has to do at the end of the day is fill in a few spaces and send it off to be filed......:rolleyes:
OK........... so now she is an expert videographer? As another WS'er called it just now, "The Cin-Cam"

oops forgot this part,

The lawyer – who is representing Zenaida Gonzalez - was surprised to learn that George Anthony did not know about the tip that sent private investigator Dominic Casey looking in the wooded area near the Anthony home in November. He learned about this after the remains were found a month later, Morgan said. And George Anthony heard the tip came from a psychic.

Casey Anthony's attorney, Jonathan Kasen, was not at the deposition. Morgan said he was "shocked" that her attorney hasn't attended any of the depositions. He said Anthony had even filed a counter claim against his client.,0,6179979.story
I'm surprised that GA made that statement and I have to wonder how true it is.

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