Deposition Questions that could be telling for the Anthony's

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Dec 15, 2008
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What questions can you pinpoint that Lee Anthony dodged in his deposition? Better yet what are some questions that you could think of that could be more telling than the ones he answered in his first deposition? I think with the Anthony's deposition we could really see a lot of info that we have not directly heard yet with some good questions. We have such good sleuths on here and I just wondered if we could compile questions that could get more answers than the ones used by attorneys for ZFN. Earlier today the following was reported and got me to thinking....

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Attorneys for Zenaida Gonzalez filed a motion Wednesday to compel Lee Anthony, brother of Casey Anthony, to answer some tough questions he dodged during his deposition 10 days ago.
Did you talk about Caylee's disappearance with Casey when she was out on bail ?

Who is Caylee's father ?

Tell us about the fight on the night of June 15th.

Did you ever hear Caylee mention her "nanny", ZG ?

Have you signed any book, movie deal, any contract to make money off of Caylee's story ?

Did you hear that the remains might be off of Suburban Dr. and if so, who did you hear this from and when did you hear it ?

Why did you not forward this Suburban Dr. tip to LE ?

After you found out that ZG had a key to your home, did you immediately go and have the locks changed ? If not, why not ?

If you only wanted your Granddaughter found, why didn't you give LE the brush used ONLY by Caylee for DNA purposes ?

Do you know who murdered Caylee ?

There are so many possible questions, not that I would expect honest answers, but if they do lie it will be under oath.
(a) The LE has proven that almost everything that kc has told them was a lie...What convinces you to believe everything she tells you is true?

(b) Has she ever stolen from you, family or your friends? If so, when was the last time and how much money or property was stolen?

(c) Did you claim Caylee and casey on your taxes? Have you ever helped casey file hers? Has she made any deductions for child care? Did she claim Caylee as a dependent?

(d) Have you ever called Kodak to speak with casey in the last 3 years? When was the last time?

(e) Have you ever called or picked up Caylee at a babysitter's residence? Were you given the address and number of the babysitter in case of emergency?...If not, why didn't you insist on having the number?....Do you agree this is standard procedure in a family home?
The LE has proven that almost everything that kc has told them was a lie...What convinces you to believe everything she tells you is true?

Has she ever stolen from you or your friends? If so, when was the last time and how much money or property was stolen?

Those are definately some things that need answered because they can establish that he knows she lies and his reasoning or lack of can be questioned. Another poster questioned about when she wa released on bond and I find it crazy that no more has come of what she did when she was on bail. Did they speak to her at all, because I for one would be doing some serious questioning if she were my daughter. I would want the truth as would any parent. CA doesn't come across as any different---its how she handles that info is VERY DIFFERENT!! She should be telling the truth instead of covering up IMO!
If my client is not the ZFG in question, whom KC last saw her daughter with, How close to finding this babysittr and her sister are you? You must be actively pursuing ZFG and her sister for the kidnapping/murder of your niece, knowing that to find her would not only bring justice to Caylee, but would also clear your sister. How many ZFG's have you and your family looked at closely?
Since you always believe KC, she first insisted that Caylee was first dropped off to ZFG at Sawgrass Apts and then later told you a completely different story that ZFG took Caylee by force at Jay Blanchard Park. So which story do you believe is true?

Since the forensic report was released after KC was bonded out, did you ever question KC as to how human decomp ended up in the trunk of her car?
I remember from watching LA's deposition that there were two questions he dodged answering upon advice from his attorney. I think one was, "Do you know who murdered Caylee", but I don't remember what the second question was.

Does anyone remember the two questions asked that LA refused to answer?
Has Casey ever stolen money or anything else from you?
Well, of course not, she just took it in a backward sort of way. :rolleyes:

I remember from watching LA's deposition that there were two questions he dodged answering upon advice from his attorney. I think one was, "Do you know who murdered Caylee", but I don't remember what the second question was.

Does anyone remember the two questions asked that LA refused to answer?
I think one of them is does he know who the father is. Forgot the other one.
I remember from watching LA's deposition that there were two questions he dodged answering upon advice from his attorney. I think one was, "Do you know who murdered Caylee", but I don't remember what the second question was.

Does anyone remember the two questions asked that LA refused to answer?

Hi, Leila, :bow:

Found these in today's current news listed by Angel Who Cares :nluv: (sorry, didn't get the source)

- Does he know the father of Caylee?
- Is one of the possibilities that has gone through Lee Anthony's mind is his sister was one responsible for Caylee's disappearance?
Hi, Leila, :bow:

Found these in today's current news listed by Angel Who Cares :nluv: (sorry, didn't get the source)

- Does he know the father of Caylee?
- Is one of the possibilities that has gone through Lee Anthony's mind is his sister was one responsible for Caylee's disappearance?

I have no clue how Lee is going to explain this one:

snipped from link:

Thanks to Good Ol’ YouTube, we already know that one of those questions he has the answer to, and moreover, he L I E D during his deposition.

I remember from watching LA's deposition that there were two questions he dodged answering upon advice from his attorney. I think one was, "Do you know who murdered Caylee", but I don't remember what the second question was.

Does anyone remember the two questions asked that LA refused to answer? Anthony Depo.pdf

11 Q Do you know who the father of Caylee?
12 A I don't know that 100 percent.
13 MR. LUKA: Objection. Certify. You don't
14 have to answer that question.
1 MR. MITNIK: You're instructing him not to
2 answer it?
3 MR. LUKA: That's correct.
MR. MITNIK: We don't agree with it, but we'll
6 take it to the judge.
20 A In all due respect, you -- you're not going to
21 be -- you're not going to find that answer from me. I
22 would have kicked that door down a long time ago myself.

7 is one of the possibilities that has gone through your mind is
8 that your sister was the one responsible for the
9 disappears?
10 MR. LUKA: I'm going to object and certify
11 that question. Don't answer.
12 Q Are you instructing him not to answer?
13 MR. LUKA: Yes, I'm instructing you not to
14 answer that question.

10 Q Did you ever ask -- did you ever ask Casey --
11 and I don't want to guess into what she told you, but
12 did you ever ask Casey, look, if something happened as
13 an accident, and that you accidentally or something
14 happened to Caylee and she accidentally passed away,
15 tell us that? Did you ever ask her that question?
16 MR. LUKA: I'm going to object.
17 Q You can answer. Go ahead. Did you ever ask
18 that question?
19 MR. LUKA: No, I would instructing you not to
20 answer that question at this time.
22 MR. LUKA: If you want to go before Judge
23 Rodriguez you can and you can argue it out but at
24 this time I'm going to.
um, a lot o these questions are interesting, and yes they were not answered... but morgan is not trying to solve caylee's murder. she is zfg's attorney and dealing with her case, thus while we would all like answers to a variety of questions asked and unasked, a judge will not compel lee to answer questions not pertaining directly to zfg/morgan case. :bang:
I am confused about ZFG anyway, and hope some can shed some light for me. First, I understand her claim of what has happened to her life since this all began and her name was brought into it. I guess I just do not understand what Lee or any of the others are going to offer her in court? With those questions SL Zero ITA that they do not pertain to her case. I mean KC did say she was not the ZFG she was talking about, really the media is the one who got her name and photo out there ya know. It is just all so weird.
I am confused about ZFG anyway, and hope some can shed some light for me. First, I understand her claim of what has happened to her life since this all began and her name was brought into it. I guess I just do not understand what Lee or any of the others are going to offer her in court? With those questions SL Zero ITA that they do not pertain to her case. I mean KC did say she was not the ZFG she was talking about, really the media is the one who got her name and photo out there ya know. It is just all so weird.

The problem is that Casey has refused to go on record saying this ZFG is not the ZFG to whom she was referring. She won't do it because she is keeping every avenue open to blame anyone and everyone except herself for the death of her daughter.

Even if she came out now saying ZFG is not THE ZFG, the damage is done. ZFG has a case, trust me.

As far as the importance of the family's answers to questions in the civil case, these questions are extremely relevant. Without the missing child, there would have been no accusation in the first place. The family can show that Casey never mentioned a ZFG until accusing ZFG of a kidnapping. The family's answers would help show that Casey had been lying about ZFG.
How about - "If your sister was NOT employed, WHY would she need a nanny???"

He was asked about how Casey could afford a nanny, but not about why in the heck would she NEED one...:waitasec:
I would like for George to be asked who was being watched when he said "they're being watched," in reference to Caylee's kidnappers. And who did he have watching them? Where were they being watched at?
This, IMO, is very pertinent to the ZFG case and GA cannot deny saying it. My guess is that he will admit noone was being watched, that it was simply a ruse on TV to try and flush the imaginappers out.
Hi, Leila, :bow:

Found these in today's current news listed by Angel Who Cares :nluv: (sorry, didn't get the source)

- Does he know the father of Caylee?
- Is one of the possibilities that has gone through Lee Anthony's mind is his sister was one responsible for Caylee's disappearance?

Thanks Green-Eyed Blonde! I knew there were two that were major questions. I remember now that Lee was asked if he knows who the father of Caylee is, and his attorney wouldn't allow him to answer that. I remember thinking at the time..........he could have said, "no", but instead he declined to answer the question, which must mean that he does know.
What questions can you pinpoint that Lee Anthony dodged in his deposition? Better yet what are some questions that you could think of that could be more telling than the ones he answered in his first deposition? I think with the Anthony's deposition we could really see a lot of info that we have not directly heard yet with some good questions. We have such good sleuths on here and I just wondered if we could compile questions that could get more answers than the ones used by attorneys for ZFN. Earlier today the following was reported and got me to thinking....

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Attorneys for Zenaida Gonzalez filed a motion Wednesday to compel Lee Anthony, brother of Casey Anthony, to answer some tough questions he dodged during his deposition 10 days ago.

I hope the court grants this motion, and LA is compelled to answer the questions he didn't answer in his first deposition. Thanks for starting this will be interesting.
Thanks Green-Eyed Blonde! I knew there were two that were major questions. I remember now that Lee was asked if he knows who the father of Caylee is, and his attorney wouldn't allow him to answer that. I remember thinking at the time..........he could have said, "no", but instead he declined to answer the question, which must mean that he does know.

I remember being confused as to why his attorney told him not to answer that question. How could that hurt his client (Lee) if he said who he thought (or was told) who Caylee's father was? He could have said no, he could say that he was told that so and so was. But instead the attorney says he couldn't answer?

Is that because it would harm his client? Or is he trying to protect something in KC's case? I can't see how it would harm KC's case in the first place, except it might go to motive. But it isn't his job to try to protect KC's case, his sole responsibility is to protect LA. So why did he refuse to allow him to answer?

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