Deputies seek public’s help in HaLeigh case/update:woman contacts LE

Yes, could it be a decoy, disguise? Seems sort of too obvious because doesn't just about everyone now a days know cameras are everywhere?

If you wanted to throw someone off with your appearance so you could stay anonymous, how and where would you drop the letter off? I don't think it would be a newspaper for me.

I would type, or glue stick letters on paper while I wore glove, drove at least 2 cities away, if not 2 states LOL :dance: So leaving it at the bank makes me tend to believe she may not care if she's discovered? Can't you call in anonymous tips?

Is the reward money the motive now? Maybe Misty being safe and away from those that are a threat to her, now this woman feels Misty is safe and can reveal the tip? Lots of questions, I'm on a roll with my thoughts.

Could it be a letter, but also proof positive of some type of evidence, not just a letter? hmmmmm

Bank? I thought she was at the newspaper lobby.
So do you think the speed of the video is actual? If so then she really got in and got out!! My gut says she may not have realized there would be a camera at the paper and was either fueled by fear or this could be a farce.
I have seen many a day in hospitals and docs offices. Every doc/PA/RN etc has always had their ID (looked like a drivers license) clipped to them. The ony people I ever remember with those little plastic name tags are the lab techs, phlebotomists and food and cleaning people. I could be wrong, of course.

You know what, I'm thinking along the same line as you.
I'm about 150 miles from Satsuma. My DIL is a nurse in our city and she has a nametag with her picture on it because she works at the hospital. This woman seems to have a nametag on but too small to have a picture on it so this leads me to believe she may be medical assistant in some doctor's office, clinic or maybe even a dentist's office.

I was thinking that too - or maybe some type of home health...
Does there seem to be an insignia on the sleeve of her scrubs?
People who work in psych facilities often wear scrubs. This lady did not strike me as a RN.
maybe after the note was released, it made her remember 7.5 months ago someone calling saying their friend is hurt/sick/od what should they do? that friend was someone that knew someone that knew someone. People call me all the time with question, like do I need to go to the ER, cant I just put superglue on it to stop the bleeding...
I don't usually post here but I have a sense that the Sheriff's office is reaching out to identify her because either:

1) Haleigh was seen/treated at either a dr's office/emergency room etc and this woman witnessed or was part of this treatment and has just realized who she was & that she didn't belong with the people she was seen with?


2) She has seen MC in a professional setting very recently (since her being MIA) and possibly heard a conversation or read a chart etc regarding something said that may be deemed a patient privacy issue however felt it had to be reported and is attempting to do so without jeopardizing her position?

These thoughts just came to mind along with the fact that the Sheriff obviously deems this person extremely important and the tip credible enough to want this woman identified ASAP.
People who work in psych facilities often wear scrubs. This lady did not strike me as a RN.

Could work in a nursing home or a assisted living facility too. St. Augustine has its' share of senior citizens.
I have seen many a day in hospitals and docs offices. Every doc/PA/RN etc has always had their ID (looked like a drivers license) clipped to them. The ony people I ever remember with those little plastic name tags are the lab techs, phlebotomists and food and cleaning people. I could be wrong, of course.

I have a cousin in medical school and she has to wear scrubs with her name badge attached. It's hard to say.
Vet and animal clinic employees wear scrubs alot also I think.
I'm about 150 miles from Satsuma. My DIL is a nurse in our city and she has a nametag with her picture on it because she works at the hospital. This woman seems to have a nametag on but too small to have a picture on it so this leads me to believe she may be medical assistant in some doctor's office, clinic or maybe even a dentist's office.

P.S. oh, and the loafers wouldn't pass muster in the hospital setting.

Baznme, I too thought dentist office the first I saw her. Or even a spa or massage place, a physical therapy office. Her hair is in a pony tail and it looks bleached, not so much a natural blonde.
But, doesn't seem, as you pointed out, that she has any official identification on her person.
Here is a picture of a group of lab techs and phlebotomists - check out their scrubs. They are not from Putnam county - I just Googled it, but thought it might be helpful for this allowed? If not, I'll delete, just let me know.

Somewhere there is a database that shows all licensed medical personnel in the State of Florida. If anyone could find that and get access, picture ID's are posted along with their credentials. Possibility she is there waiting to be found.
Mostly, I'm wondering WHAT was in that envelope and WHY hasn't it been reported by this news outlet???
ETA: It was dropped off yesterday, or am I wrong about that?
Mostly, I'm wondering WHAT was in that envelope and WHY hasn't it been reported by this news outlet???

I would guess that whatever it said, the paper felt it was important to alert LE first. Could mean it's good . . .
I would guess that whatever it said, the paper felt it was important to alert LE first. Could mean it's good . . .

I really believe it is!

I"m thinking something big will be breaking soon and we'll know what happened to Haleigh.

Just praying she's still with us!!!
I'm thinking she knows what I know concerning LE on this case. I think it screams volumes of why she chose the newspapers instead of LE, or an attoryney involved in the case, or even the courts. District Attorney, whoever. She very obviously wants the public to know, get it first hand without all the inconsistencies and spins being done in this case to a detriment.

My thoughts on the choice of drop off point is gathered from past cases where a newspaper office has been used - Son of Sam, Zodiac to name a couple. Having worked in the newspaper business for so long, it seems a common place to leave off information in ongoing criminal cases, knowing the message will make it to LE.
To me it means the person does not want to be involved in the case by keeping away from the cops. Then again, maybe this woman is delivering a message for someone else. Just because she dropped it off, does not mean it's a message or letter from herself.

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