Detail From Kolar's Book

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I feel that JR was molesting JB and Patsy caught him, in a rage she tried to smash him in the head with the flashlight but accidentally hit JB. She always seemed to have so much anger towards JR and he was always watching her during interviews to make sure she didn’t slip up and reveal the truth.
I guess I’m really dumb but why did they have to change her underwear?
I don’t understand this, they had hours to stage the crime scene so why not go upstairs and get her regular underwear. Also why didn’t they find semen anywhere and why was she only digitally penetrated, this is not usual, who would have the control to not fully rape her if they were that sick!!!!

Maybe the person doing the 'dressing' wasn't accustomed to putting clothes on JB.
So it would have been JR, BR wouldn’t have wiped her down and put clean underwear on her, JR has never expressed any sadness about the loss of JB, cold as ice!!!

I agree JR or Burke, more likely to be the latter as JR would be aware oversized underwear would be out of place, suggesting staging?

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I have always believed that JonBenet had those oversized panties on to camouflage a pull up that Patsy required her to wear to the Whites because they were going to be there for several hours. The size 6 panties that she normally wears would have been too small to fit over a pull up and I believe that is the only way JonBenet would agree to allow it.

So, there is a good possibility that JonBenet was never redressed!
I have always believed that JonBenet had those oversized panties on to camouflage a pull up that Patsy required her to wear to the Whites because they were going to be there for several hours. The size 6 panties that she normally wears would have been too small to fit over a pull up and I believe that is the only way JonBenet would agree to allow it.

So, there is a good possibility that JonBenet was never redressed!

Unlikely, the black velvet pants worn to the White's party are a tight fit and a recent purchase by Patsy and JonBenet whilst on a clothes buying trip.

No way would JonBenet be wearing pull ups to a party, never mind two pigtails, see autopsy report!

I have always believed that JonBenet had those oversized panties on to camouflage a pull up that Patsy required her to wear to the Whites because they were going to be there for several hours. The size 6 panties that she normally wears would have been too small to fit over a pull up and I believe that is the only way JonBenet would agree to allow it.

So, there is a good possibility that JonBenet was never redressed!

I think it's more likely the pull-up diapers were put on after JonBenet wet the bed that night. Steve Thomas said there was a large package of diapers hanging out of the cabinet outside of JonBenet's bedroom.

Then the diaper would have been removed as events evolved.
Unlikely, the black velvet pants worn to the White's party are a tight fit and a recent purchase by Patsy and JonBenet whilst on a clothes buying trip.

No way would JonBenet be wearing pull ups to a party, never mind two pigtails, see autopsy report!

JonBenet even wore pull ups to protect the pageant dresses when she was competing. So, the pull ups were certainly used!
I think it's more likely the pull-up diapers were put on after JonBenet wet the bed that night. Steve Thomas said there was a large package of diapers hanging out of the cabinet outside of JonBenet's bedroom.

Then the diaper would have been removed as events evolved.
For sure, pull ups played a roll that night!
I have seen sorrow within Patsy and also anger directed at JR, I think she caught him molesting JB, grabbed the flashlight in a rage and tried to smash his head in, she missed and hit JB. She wanted to call 911 but JR said no, because the molestation would have been discovered, he convinced PR that they would both go to jail and leave BR without parents. Terrified and devastated PR wrote the RN, she thought that JB was dead, JR realized that JB was still alive but he couldn’t get help for her because of the evidence of sexual abuse, he had to finish her off, he staged it to make it look like a psycho did it, or to try to implicate BR. As he wiped away his evidence and put clean underwear on her he decided to tie her wrists and use PR’s paintbrush to garrote her, it made it look like a deranged sex offender had attacked her, there had to be an explanation for her vaginal injuries. Something went wrong with his plan, he was supposed to move her body to a different location as if she had been kidnapped!!
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Because the person who originally assaulted and redressed JonBenet is not the same person who either whacked her on the head and/or asphyxiated her!

Somebody was staging a crime-scene after the fact and they were not in full possession of the facts, so they made mistakes, e.g. size-12's left on JonBenet.

This somebody wanted minimal contact with JonBenet's body so changing underwear was discounted, maybe they saw the Bloomingdale's logo and Day Of The Week Wednesday and thought they will do?

Its possible the person who assaulted JonBenet was not physically mature enough to rape JonBenet and that the signs of sexual assault are fake?

It’s also possible that the abuser was in Georgia. They might have known about it and needed to cover that up.
I think it's more likely the pull-up diapers were put on after JonBenet wet the bed that night. Steve Thomas said there was a large package of diapers hanging out of the cabinet outside of JonBenet's bedroom.

Then the diaper would have been removed as events evolved.

I thought the reason why the package of diapers was hanging out of the cabinet was because that's where LHP hid Burke's pocketknife.
I thought the reason why the package of diapers was hanging out of the cabinet was because that's where LHP hid Burke's pocketknife.

Maybe Patsy saw the knife when she took the pullups out (assuming LHP actually put it there). Is that possible?

Patsy putting a diaper on JonBenet correlates well with other things we know or are pretty sure about: that Patsy didn't take JonBenet to the bathroom before putting her to bed that night; that Patsy would take her to the bathroom around midnight; that JonBenet wet the bed that night; that her red turtleneck was removed; that she was found wearing underwear that was too large, but would accommodate a diaper.
Maybe Patsy saw the knife when she took the pullups out (assuming LHP actually put it there). Is that possible?

Patsy putting a diaper on JonBenet correlates well with other things we know or are pretty sure about: that Patsy didn't take JonBenet to the bathroom before putting her to bed that night; that Patsy would take her to the bathroom around midnight; that JonBenet wet the bed that night; that her red turtleneck was removed; that she was found wearing underwear that was too large, but would accommodate a diaper.

This is from Patsy's June 1998 interview-
11 PATSY RAMSEY: There were some spots on it,
12 and I was kind of looking at them thinking that when I
13 got back from the lake I would take it to the
14 dry-cleaner or whatever.
15 A kitchen knife.
16 TOM HANEY: What would that be doing there?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know.
18 TOM HANEY: It does look like a kitchen
19 knife.
20 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh. I don't know what it
21 is doing there.
22 TOM HANEY: Do you recall yourself having
23 anything to do with that knife being there?
24 PATSY RAMSEY: No. Is it on something? Is
25 that --
1 TOM HANEY: I think that is just a shadow,
2 but a reflection off the --
3 PATSY RAMSEY: There. There is a tiny
4 yellowish color there. Can you see that?

5 I'm not sure if that is one of my kitchen
6 knives, to tell you the truth. That must be something.
7 TOM HANEY: We would have that.
8 PATSY RAMSEY: I could see that. In the
9 picture it looks like it is a very thin blade, like a
10 grapefruit knife or something.

This knife was on the counter under the cabinet that had the package of diapers/pull-ups. She mentions the color yellow (pineapple?).

1. Patsy goes from the basement to the kitchen to get a knife. (Either she does this on her own or John tells her to get a knife.
2. She brings the kitchen knife (knife #1) to the basement to cut the cord. Fibers adhere to the blade.
3. She takes knife #1 with her back upstairs, bypasses the 1st floor, and goes up to the 2nd.
4. She sets knife #1 down on JonBenet's bed. (I think I remember reading that there were cord fibers found on her sheets.)
5. She retrieves some items from JonBenet's room.
6. She takes all the items and knife #1 with her to the laundry area.
7. She sets knife #1 on the counter.
8. She opens up the overhead cabinet and retrieves knife #2.
9. She takes all the items back down to the basement.
This is from Patsy's June 1998 interview-
11 PATSY RAMSEY: There were some spots on it,
12 and I was kind of looking at them thinking that when I
13 got back from the lake I would take it to the
14 dry-cleaner or whatever.
15 A kitchen knife.
16 TOM HANEY: What would that be doing there?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know.
18 TOM HANEY: It does look like a kitchen
19 knife.
20 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh. I don't know what it
21 is doing there.
22 TOM HANEY: Do you recall yourself having
23 anything to do with that knife being there?
24 PATSY RAMSEY: No. Is it on something? Is
25 that --
1 TOM HANEY: I think that is just a shadow,
2 but a reflection off the --
3 PATSY RAMSEY: There. There is a tiny
4 yellowish color there. Can you see that?

5 I'm not sure if that is one of my kitchen
6 knives, to tell you the truth. That must be something.
7 TOM HANEY: We would have that.
8 PATSY RAMSEY: I could see that. In the
9 picture it looks like it is a very thin blade, like a
10 grapefruit knife or something.

This knife was on the counter under the cabinet that had the package of diapers/pull-ups. She mentions the color yellow (pineapple?).

1. Patsy goes from the basement to the kitchen to get a knife. (Either she does this on her own or John tells her to get a knife.
2. She brings the kitchen knife (knife #1) to the basement to cut the cord. Fibers adhere to the blade.
3. She takes knife #1 with her back upstairs, bypasses the 1st floor, and goes up to the 2nd.
4. She sets knife #1 down on JonBenet's bed. (I think I remember reading that there were cord fibers found on her sheets.)
5. She retrieves some items from JonBenet's room.
6. She takes all the items and knife #1 with her to the laundry area.
7. She sets knife #1 on the counter.
8. She opens up the overhead cabinet and retrieves knife #2.
9. She takes all the items back down to the basement.

The knife LHP says she put in that linen cabinet (presumably that one) was, iirc, Burke's red pocket knife. That was found in the basement, I think. That's the one I thought you were talking about.

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