Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 3

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There is a hole in my Cindy done it theory. Just remembered Caylee was seen with Casey at a Walmart after the 15th. Opps, Nevermind.

Someone claims to have seen them but there is no proof and there are some difficulties with the story. There was a link posted in one of the threads here about that.
There is no way the SA would bring this up as the A's have denied it and the DT would surely bring those denials up and indicate to the jury that the A's have lied.
There is no way the DT will bring it up as it provides a perfect motive for their client to have done what she is accused of. If the DT somehow gets this out in their CIC, their are truly inept. It is a non-issue, imo.,2933,402098,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: Are you able to -- do you have any information about the relationship that Casey might have -- because I know you've spoken to members of the family -- but the current situation between Casey and grandparents or her brother?

FUHRMAN: Well, I can tell you this. I think the brother is the closest to Casey, and maybe that might be because of age. But he seems to be the one that would be the best chance to of getting Casey to actually come clean with just exactly what she knows.

But I can tell you this. While I was still on the ground in Orlando, I talked to one of the immediate neighbors that is within earshot of the Anthony house, and he said that Casey Anthony had one hell of a temper. And he heard her swearing at her mother several times, so loud that he could hear it from his house, and that he would never talk to his parents that way. And he said even Father's Day weekend, that was going on. So whether that's true or not, it's something that he's observed and heard on repeated times. We'd never heard that before, and so that's interesting all unto itself.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did the parents or the grandparents -- did they say anything to corroborate that, or Lee, or anyone say anything that would tend to corroborate the neighbor's statement?

FUHRMAN: No. Exactly the opposite. In fact, I asked Cindy Anthony and George if there was a fight that they had with Casey that weekend or any time close to the time when she took Caylee and left, and they absolutely said not. And that seems to be, you know, a direct conflict with a neighbor who on that weekend said that there was, you know, an argument.

Read more:,2933,402098,00.html#ixzz1PGf5tra5
Something was going on besides rainbows and butterflies.....CA told LE that she had print outs of her bank statements to show ICA's thieving ways. Also, was it during the Fathers Day visit that CA found out about the theft from grandma?

I couldn't agree with you more, no rainbows and butterflies in that household! I would like to know when CA's mom told CA about the theft from her checking account as well! Im sure its out there somewhere but following this case for 3 years now has eaten up all my brain cells, lol! Also, i remember reading this years ago, lol, but a wonderful poster w/computer knowledge stated a date/time when the nursing home visit was downloaded on the A's computer... Wondering if this is consistent with CA's testimony when she states she, ICA, and Caylee watched the video on their computer on the 15th. Is this true? I wonder if the date mix up (9th) is when the "big fight" was and at that point CA told ICA "NO MORE HELP." Maybe all the calls on the 16 were because Zanny couldn't babysit after all, lol, but CA and GA didn't answer the calls sticking by their "NO MORE HELP" decision?

I have lots of sympathy for CA and GA but they are far from painting the truth about what was going on in their home. I have no doubt they can shed more light on why this happened but they're never going to tell, they are going to keep on protecting their daughter and making excuses for her for the rest of their lives!
Because the only person/s who could testify to that is Cindy or maybe George & Lee and they all deny it ever happened? Anyone else testifying to that would be hearsay. I personally don't believe the fight ever happened on the 15th, and I never believe ANYthing that comes from the Enquirer. JMO.

BBM Generally, I agree with you. But they did nail John Edwards to the wall, and look what he is doing today. And NE got that ball rolling.
That is a plausible scenario. I just havent seen enough evidence that convinces me this was a murder long in the planning. I think it was an act of rage and revenge. What sets this young woman out from the rest is how she handled it.

She imo very quickly put Caylee in the trunk then hey ho its off to Tony's.
All's well with the world. Think I'll get myself a tatto next week.

I agree with this.
It is hard to believe, but about five years ago in Iceland (my native country) in a kindergarten, the entire staff was fired. The reason? They had TAPED THE MOUTHS OF THE LOUDEST KIDS!!!! This happened in my old kindergarten, where I was looked after when I was a kid...
So shocking, and I can´t believe it happened there. Icelanders are normally very kind and easy on children.
I think Caylee died from the duct-tape over the mouth and nose, BUT it cannot be proven. The defense can say that it was put there after Caylee died to prevent body fluids leaking.

...Jesse Grund later reveals to his father that Lee Anthony told him that she and Cindy had an altercation that night that culminated in Cindy strangling Casey.

“What Lee [Anthony] had told Jesse uhm, was that the fight the night before had escalated to the point that uh, Cindy had wrapped her hands around Casey’s throat and was trying to strangle her.”...


It has been 56 days since Caylee disappeared. As far as anyone knows, her mother Casey has not spent even one of those days looking for her.

Eyewitness News has learned that an intense fight right before Casey left with Caylee in mid-June was over money that Casey had stolen from her own grandparents, from an account dedicated to paying for assisted living expenses for her grandfather. Tensions had been building over the theft.
I couldn't agree with you more, no rainbows and butterflies in that household! I would like to know when CA's mom told CA about the theft from her checking account as well! Im sure its out there somewhere but following this case for 3 years now has eaten up all my brain cells, lol! Also, i remember reading this years ago, lol, but a wonderful poster w/computer knowledge stated a date/time when the nursing home visit was downloaded on the A's computer... Wondering if this is consistent with CA's testimony when she states she, ICA, and Caylee watched the video on their computer on the 15th. Is this true? I wonder if the date mix up (9th) is when the "big fight" was and at that point CA told ICA "NO MORE HELP." Maybe all the calls on the 16 were because Zanny couldn't babysit after all, lol, but CA and GA didn't answer the calls sticking by their "NO MORE HELP" decision?

I have lots of sympathy for CA and GA but they are far from painting the truth about what was going on in their home. I have no doubt they can shed more light on why this happened but they're never going to tell, they are going to keep on protecting their daughter and making excuses for her for the rest of their lives!

I didnt know much about S Peterson case so went and read a little last night and yes, CA especially will be like SP's Mother. wow that lady insisted Scott was pinpointed by the police, he didnt do it, they were so in love (how does his GIRLFRIEND fit in here:crazy:) but yes, I do think CA will always say KC didnt do it. I feel sorry for her, losing Caylee. But, she needs to come out and admit her daughter had alot of troubles and was no fit parent. Its too bad she didnt realize how dangerous KC could become to Caylee:(
Let me preface by saying, I hope nobody ever has to go through what George and Cindy went through and will continue to go through.

With that being said, the relationship between Cindy and Casey to me was very toxic. They both knew how to push each other's buttons and I think they were pushed often.

I remember when my sister and her first husband divorced. My nephew was 3 at the time. They were both fighting and often times put my nephew in the middle. He came to me one day and told me his new name was Stretch Armstrong because his Mom was pulling his one arm, his Dad the other. It made me so sad.

I think Caylee was in the same position. Both Cindy and Casey used Caylee as a bargaining chip. Poor, poor little sweet angel.

Again, while I totally sympathize with Cindy, she doesn't get a free pass from me. I feel she enabled Casey so much, why should have Casey had to change?

My Mom may have forgiven me the first time I stole money from her, but you can bet your backside there would have been consequences had it happened again. Casey knew she could come up with some sob story or use Caylee to get away with it.

My theory about what happened in this whole thing, I think Cindy may have come to her senses. She threatened to throw Casey out of the house and keep Caylee. Casey would now have to become responsible and fend for herself with or without her daughter. Panic and anger set in and she did what she thought she had to do.

The whole thing just angers me to no end and is so sad. I don't think we ever will know the whole story.

Whatever happens to Casey, for some reason I do not see Cindy cutting off contact with her.
If George and Cindy really decided to go the "tough love" route after the theft,fight etc.. they both(but especially Cindy) probably felt guilty and blamed themselves for whatever Casey did after that-hence the ambivalence about Casey's responsibility.
As far as I know, [there is no] independent verification for where Caylee was after the nursing home visit [on] the morning of the 15th. Everything...we "know" [my quotes] about the next day or two is based on testimony from a family member [except for a Wal Mart sighting on the afternoon on June 16th by James Thompson which is probably inaccurate].

I'm sure that thousands of you have long come to this realization, but my epiphany is recent about this important point--the only people who can tell the final story of Casey and Caylee immediately before her disappearance are the Anthonys.

Just because they have stuck to their story doesn't mean that it is the truth, but there is no one else that can prove that it is not.

Something pushed Casey over the edge on June 16th, though, and it probably wasn't the result of a cuddle session on the couch the night before.

It's almost too novellike to construct a major conflict between CA and KC that occurred in which ultimatums were made that resulted in Caylee playing the role of the final ultimatum, but I do believe that what Cindy thought would be the last word on Casey and Caylee's disposition in the Anthony home incited Casey's final statement on that particular matter. Cindy could not deliver a greater blow on June 16th, unbeknownst to her on that particular day, and Casey has continued to torture her ever since. The end of the 31 days was just the beginning of Casey's final destruction of her mother, a condition which Casey probably feels is fully justified to this day.

Only the Anthonys know what happened on the 15th and the day that Caylee disappeared, but their credibility is so suspect that changing what could be a lie to the honest-to-God truth would still sound like a lie to me.
Have you ever noticed before that when you meet someone who constantly lies, even when they don't have to, that they themselves often are unable to articulate or even forget what the truth was in the first place. I suspect they don't remember anymore.
Have you ever noticed before that when you meet someone who constantly lies, even when they don't have to, that they themselves often are unable to articulate or even forget what the truth was in the first place. I suspect they don't remember anymore.

What the heck; you met my relatives ???? :floorlaugh:. Did your eyes flutter like everyone else's do when talking to them. :floorlaugh: Oh the stories they tell.
I didnt know much about S Peterson case so went and read a little last night and yes, CA especially will be like SP's Mother. wow that lady insisted Scott was pinpointed by the police, he didnt do it, they were so in love (how does his GIRLFRIEND fit in here:crazy:) but yes, I do think CA will always say KC didnt do it. I feel sorry for her, losing Caylee. But, she needs to come out and admit her daughter had alot of troubles and was no fit parent. Its too bad she didnt realize how dangerous KC could become to Caylee:(

I agree with this.
It is hard to believe, but about five years ago in Iceland (my native country) in a kindergarten, the entire staff was fired. The reason? They had TAPED THE MOUTHS OF THE LOUDEST KIDS!!!! This happened in my old kindergarten, where I was looked after when I was a kid...
So shocking, and I can´t believe it happened there. Icelanders are normally very kind and easy on children.
I think Caylee died from the duct-tape over the mouth and nose, BUT it cannot be proven. The defense can say that it was put there after Caylee died to prevent body fluids leaking.

There is NO other purpose for taping duct tape over the nose AND mouth of a child except to asphyxiate her. The SA put the Death penalty back once the remains were found. That tape had to have been applied forcefully for it to have held the mandible in its anatomical position for all those months in a swamp. The Florida Supreme Court has already said that putting duct tape over a dead person is not logical or reasonable so I hope they don't claim that is what happened
I don't see why Casey had to of been pushed over the edge the night before the 16th. The state proved that she was the only one home looking up bad things online way back in March. Lee has said that he last saw Caylee on Cindy's birthday and what Jesse told was told to him by someone who had it told to him. I don't think an actual fight would have been motive, but the theft and being discovered would have been. It's also been proven by cell pings and texts that she was home all night and didn't even leave the area until she went to Tony's the next day. If Cindy and Casey cried over the granddad being put on hospice, that just shows how manipulative she is to have stolen from an elderly terminally ill man. I believe they had already discovered the routed birthday check stolen from the grandma, but hadn't discovered the thefts of nursing home funds yet, but Casey knew it wasn't going to be long.
What the heck; you met my relatives ???? :floorlaugh:. Did your eyes flutter like everyone else's do when talking to them. :floorlaugh: Oh the stories they tell.

:floorlaugh:We must be related.:floorlaugh:
Have you ever noticed before that when you meet someone who constantly lies, even when they don't have to, that they themselves often are unable to articulate or even forget what the truth was in the first place. I suspect they don't remember anymore.

You have to have an excellent memory to lie like that.
I keep seeing lots of comments on the supposed fight between CA and ICA on 6/15... which got me to thinking...

IF you don't believe anything that comes out of ICA's mouth, WHY do you believe the fight happened?

I don't think it did.. I think lied to JG about the fight.. I think she needed him for some reason that we aren't aware of yet and told the lie to get his sympathy at that moment.

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