Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 3

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Yes, and unless the prosecutor asks her pointedly, she's not to go there. But, don't worry, Jose will go there, you bet. jmo

That detailed testimony of hers was powerful concerning the 31 days and the lies Casey was telling.

The problem I see with it is it works for the DT too. Goes to her pretend world and I think Cindy knows that.
Argh!! This website is NOT available in my area!! :banghead:

I moved from California two years ago to England and these sorts of things irk me to no END!!!!

Anyone know how I can read this??

I will owe you tea and a crumpet. :seeya:


Go to (it's a normal website ;)) and type in the field Works for me! HTH
I/we need links to your proof. Period. End of story. That's how it works here.

A link to 'my' proof ? Do you mean the STATES EVIDENCE produced during the testimony of STATES WITNESS Cindy Anthony ? You need a link to THAT ? Really ?
By "that's how it works here" do you mean snark if every poster doesn't goose step to the persecution of Cindy Anthony ?
The woman is a victim. She deserves compassion & prayers.
There was no "fight" between the defendant & Cindy Anthony on 6/15/08. Period, end of story.
Cindy Anthony, the STATES witness, has testified to the events of 6/15/08. Her testimony was the truth. Period, end of story.
To believe otherwise, means the State themselves is part of some fantastical conspiracy to aid Cindy Anthony & protect her against the vicious slurs continualy hurled at her.
My Goodness, this woman is a victim caught in a nightmare. Leave her to her grief already & try to remember this tragedy is HER grief, not ours. To do otherwise means one has the same lack of empathy & compassion for others that Casey Anthony herself is guilty of.

Yours is a wonderful sentiment, unfortunately the truth and the A's is a very loose association. For my money, the NE is 100% accurate with their story. I don't see one single thing that I would doubt in the whole article. And as for CA's denial of a fight, I also believe she is protecting herself from perjury charges by telling what she has already testified to before. Like ICA, she isn't big on taking responsibility, and to admit the fight, which was the last straw and trigger for the killing would be in a way to admit her actions had a bearing on Caylee being killed.

As far as CA being caught in a nightmare, you are correct, but unfortunately it is a nightmare that she had a LOT to do with making. Had she not let ICA get away with all her lies, none of this would ever have happened... But CA is not big on taking responsibility as I said before.

I have much compassion for CA and GA, but I also recognize CA's role in this whole mess, and have always disliked her attitude, i.e., giving the police the wrong hair brush deliberately, insisting Caylee was alive and in PR and they know who has her... On and on. Her willingness to always accept ICA's lies and to defend her when looking for the truth was far more important.

CA has made her bed...
I think we learned it first from JG, who was told of the fight by LA...

Do we know how Lee found out about the confrontation? I assume either Cindy, George or Casey told Lee about it - if it's been mentioned which, I can't remember. Anyone recall?
A link to 'my' proof ? Do you mean the STATES EVIDENCE produced during the testimony of STATES WITNESS Cindy Anthony ? You need a link to THAT ? Really ?
By "that's how it works here" do you mean snark if every poster doesn't goose step to the persecution of Cindy Anthony ?
The woman is a victim. She deserves compassion & prayers.

Just because someone testifies to something does not make it the gospel. No one "goose step"(s) and you will not find much "snark" here. If people don't agree with you, it doesn't mean they are bad or snarky, it means they don't agree with you. All are free to post their opinion, but few share yours so don't be surprised if people are willing to state they don't share your view. I won't comment further on your "feelings'' but if you have some evidence, I'd love to hear/see it and we might discuss it.
Something was going on besides rainbows and butterflies.....CA told LE that she had print outs of her bank statements to show ICA's thieving ways. Also, was it during the Fathers Day visit that CA found out about the theft from grandma?
A link to 'my' proof ? Do you mean the STATES EVIDENCE produced during the testimony of STATES WITNESS Cindy Anthony ? You need a link to THAT ? Really ?
By "that's how it works here" do you mean snark if every poster doesn't goose step to the persecution of Cindy Anthony ?
The woman is a victim. She deserves compassion & prayers.

RE: BBM ABOVE; "that's how it works here" means that every member here has the right to state their thoughts as opinion(s) but when you post something, such as "There was no fight between the defendant & Cindy Anthony on 6/15/08. Period, end of story", that is stated as fact and must be supported by a link. Just because you happen to be of the opinion that the fight never occurred between Cindy and Casey does not mean that you can dictate to other members here that it is "period, end of story."
That detailed testimony of hers was powerful concerning the 31 days and the lies Casey was telling.

The problem I see with it is it works for the DT too. Goes to her pretend world and I think Cindy knows that.

As a parent, I think in fact I am 100% sure that Cindy knew a lot more than she told the police, public etc... in the beginning, but I do believe that she did not believe in her heart that her own daughter would turn on her own meaning Caylee, at first i thought it was an accident, giving her too much, and once too many times Chlor... even though it would be murder, but as more and more comes out daily, weekly, I do feel she killed her, and is willing to throw anyone under the bus that she can, in order in her mind, to walk free!!
Something was going on besides rainbows and butterflies.....CA told LE that she had print outs of her bank statements to show ICA's thieving ways. Also, was it during the Fathers Day visit that CA found out about the theft from grandma?

I am sure Cindy's coworkers could tell a different story than the rainbows and butterflies but alas we will not hear from them during this trial.

I don't have the link but I remember reading that Cindy saw a counsellor about ICA and she was told to practice some tough love. Everything wasn't puppy dogs and lollipops. There was a lying partying mother who stole from friends and family.

I saw the timeline where it shows the bank transfers from Cindy's BofA account. ICA didn't just take twenty bucks. There was a considerable amount of money going from the BofA account in the direction of ICA. You can't tell me it did not cause conflict in the home. On top of that CA and GA were supporting Caylee as well as providing room and board for ICA.
Go to (it's a normal website ;)) and type in the field Works for me! HTH

Wow. Those details fit in with much that has already been confirmed, some even during the trial. Sure do hope the rest comes out before trial ends. There's your motive, right there (not that the State needs one.) And that quote, straight from the horse's mouth, is about as close to a confession as we're likely to hear (thanks to AZlawyer);

"I don`t want to be one of those thousands of parents that has to deal with the possibility ... of knowing that their child`s alive and that they`re with someone else. The thought of that every day makes me sick."

Casey Anthony , August 14, 2008
As a parent, I think in fact I am 100% sure that Cindy knew a lot more than she told the police, public etc... in the beginning, but I do believe that she did not believe in her heart that her own daughter would turn on her own meaning Caylee, at first i thought it was an accident, giving her too much, and once too many times Chlor... even though it would be murder, but as more and more comes out daily, weekly, I do feel she killed her, and is willing to throw anyone under the bus that she can, in order in her mind, to walk free!!

I agree. At first I thought ICA was leaving Caylee in the car overnight and the child died of heat exhaustion. Then the search warrants etc. came out and I then changed my mind from accident/neglect to murder.
As far as I know, zero indendendent verification exists for where Caylee was --- after the nursing home visit the morning of the 15th. Everything we think we know about the next day or two is based on testimony from a family member.

If I were defending Casey, I would claim Casey is a compulsive liar and is completely unable to tell the truth. I would say she just confessed she made up the story about the accidental drowning as she made up all of the other stories and people. I would claim the "real" truth was Casey never came back home after the 15th because her mother had told her she was taking over custody of Caylee and Casey had to move out.

This story explains Casey's carefree behavior after the 15th because she did not know her Caylee was dead until much later. It also explains Casey's car being in the garage because she had to go back to get her stuff. It also explains the internet search. Who would want to break a neck more than Cindy wanted to break Casey's. Cindy is obviously the more aggressive of the two women. It also explains why Casey's parents did not report them both missing sooner.

Casey really did seem to be afraid of her mother and that helps to explain her cooperation in the cover up of yet another toxic family secret. Didn't they all know the jail visits were video taped? As a control freak, Cindy wanted to be sure Casey was never going to raise Caylee -- a gentle humane death was better. Caylee was sedated and the duct tape applied to make sure she would never draw another breath and her daughter would never regain custody.

I could almost believe this story that at least provides enough misdirection to create reasonable doubt. The evidence proves a dead Caylee was in the trunk but is there any proof for who put her there or for who abandoned the car? Too bad there were no securty cameras in the parking lot. I think there are fewer holes in this story than there are in the accidental drowning story.
I 100% believe that there was a fight on June 15th, 2008. Cindy had every right to be livid with Casey for stealing money out of the account that pays for her elderly grandfathers (and Cindy's fathers) care. But, IMO, Cindy was mad for all the wrong reasons.

IMO, Cindy wasn't livid about Casey actually stealing money... heck, Casey had been stealing money for years. One thing that I have learned from Cindy through all these years is that she HATES to be confronted with the imperfections of her family. It was one thing for Cindy to be the VICTIM of Casey's stealing and be able to garner sympathy from her mother (and others) for her unfortunate situation, but in Cindy's twisted thinking, it is an entirely different thing for her to be CONFRONTED with Casey stealing.

Cindy has never had a problem telling people that Casey is a liar, a thief, a sociopath, etc... but notice if anyone tells HER that Casey is a liar, a thief, or a sociopath, the woman goes bat-#$^%-CRAZY!

I really hope that this all makes sense? For some reason, it is not coming out the way I want it to?

That is so true! She tells TL: you'd better be rich, she will steal you blind, GA tells JG (from his interview) hey you treat her right, but she isnt in a good place right now, in other words: she treats you like dirt?
yet, noooo even though theyve smelled the WORST smell in KC's car and havent SEEN Caylee in 31 days, CA says: it was rotting pizza.
and......KC was just the best little Mommy in the world". :banghead:

And, another thing Ive wondered about. the car. If it smelled so bad, why did they put it in the hot garage? It seems to me if you need to air an car out you leave it out, all doors open, trunk open, etc NOT parked in a hot garage.
And, another thing Ive wondered about. the car. If it smelled so bad, why did they put it in the hot garage? It seems to me if you need to air an car out you leave it out, all doors open, trunk open, etc NOT parked in a hot garage.

They were hiding it!

And, about the fight...I remember reading somewhere that the neighbors heard the fighting which surprised me because I figured in FLA in June that windows would be closed and air conditioning on. Even though the houses aren't super far apart, I was thinking that must've been a HUGE and LOUD fight for neighbors to hear.
A link to 'my' proof ? Do you mean the STATES EVIDENCE produced during the testimony of STATES WITNESS Cindy Anthony ? You need a link to THAT ? Really ?
By "that's how it works here" do you mean snark if every poster doesn't goose step to the persecution of Cindy Anthony ?
The woman is a victim. She deserves compassion & prayers.

Cindy is in my prayers.
They were hiding it!

And, about the fight...I remember reading somewhere that the neighbors heard the fighting which surprised me because I figured in FLA in June that windows would be closed and air conditioning on. Even though the houses aren't super far apart, I was thinking that must've been a HUGE and LOUD fight for neighbors to hear.

The windows would be closed with a/c on. Here in June it is hot and muggy. Yesterday (June 13) the heat index was around 100. a hot garage
is last place you can "air" out a car! And GA said he took battery out so she couldnt come and get it but there are other ways to disable a car.
Take distributor cap off? I think is one.
Yes, and unless the prosecutor asks her pointedly, she's not to go there. But, don't worry, Jose will go there, you bet. jmo

It would be really stupid for JB to go there after setting up his "drowning" story, so you're right he probably will go there. JMO

Yours is a wonderful sentiment, unfortunately the truth and the A's is a very loose association. For my money, the NE is 100% accurate with their story. I don't see one single thing that I would doubt in the whole article. And as for CA's denial of a fight, I also believe she is protecting herself from perjury charges by telling what she has already testified to before. Like ICA, she isn't big on taking responsibility, and to admit the fight, which was the last straw and trigger for the killing would be in a way to admit her actions had a bearing on Caylee being killed.

As far as CA being caught in a nightmare, you are correct, but unfortunately it is a nightmare that she had a LOT to do with making. Had she not let ICA get away with all her lies, none of this would ever have happened... But CA is not big on taking responsibility as I said before.

I have much compassion for CA and GA, but I also recognize CA's role in this whole mess, and have always disliked her attitude, i.e., giving the police the wrong hair brush deliberately, insisting Caylee was alive and in PR and they know who has her... On and on. Her willingness to always accept ICA's lies and to defend her when looking for the truth was far more important.

CA has made her bed...


Do we know how Lee found out about the confrontation? I assume either Cindy, George or Casey told Lee about it - if it's been mentioned which, I can't remember. Anyone recall?

IIRC, LA was told by CA. This is why it hasn't come up. I believe CA told LA and LA told JG and LP about it. There are too many people removed from the fight. I also seem to recall that LA wasn't at the house that night. :waitasec:
Yea, I don't understand why we're not hearing about Cindy's attempts to take Caylee away from Casey and Cindy's constant threats to her about it.

Hopefully we'll hear it at some point.

Because the only person/s who could testify to that is Cindy or maybe George & Lee and they all deny it ever happened? Anyone else testifying to that would be hearsay. I personally don't believe the fight ever happened on the 15th, and I never believe ANYthing that comes from the Enquirer. JMO.
There is a hole in my Cindy done it theory. Just remembered Caylee was seen with Casey at a Walmart after the 15th. Opps, Nevermind.

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