*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #1

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This is my THEORY only....but I believe that he did not RECEIVE a phone call and then exit the theatre....I think that it will be found that he was MAKING a phone call which triggered the music to blare at his apartment. When he was preparing his armor and guns outside he KNEW it didn't work, as he heard no explosion or sirens moving in the direction of his apartment. Therefore, when LE did show up at the theatre and detained him, he informed them about the explosives at that time.



Do we know for how long the neighbor heard the music?
Is there a specific reason that it matters where his money came from? I doubt that there is any implication of liability for CU if they were giving him $24,000 a year as a lab technician. Nor would there be for his family if they were paying another $40,000 in tuition for him. I guess it could come into play somehow in a civil suit. But in the current criminal case, I am not sure why it would matter if any of his finances came from the school or family members.

The only reason i can think it would be of any importance is brainstorming why he may have been withdrawing from school.
This is sort of interesting, some Florida Private Investigator thinks maybe JH was part of a group associated with the whole Occupy Wallstreet gang - something called Black Bloc. The clothing JH wore is what Black Bloc members tend to wear. I won't be surprised to find out JH's 'message' ends up being some sort of political nut job statement.


Do we know for how long the neighbor heard the music?

Neighbors yesterday reported it looped through the same song for about an hour then went off.
Is there a specific reason that it matters where his money came from? I doubt that there is any implication of liability for CU if they were giving him $24,000 a year as a lab technician. Nor would there be for his family if they were paying another $40,000 in tuition for him. I guess it could come into play somehow in a civil suit. But in the current criminal case, I am not sure why it would matter if any of his finances came from the school or family members.

The only reason I can think of that it would be relevant is if he were involved in any illegal activities. IOW, if it is revealed that the he was living way beyond his means with no help from parents or other suitable sources-then where was the money coming from?
But at this point I am assuming he has student loans, help from his parents, a paid position, credit cards, etc etc.
This is sort of interesting, some Florida Private Investigator thinks maybe JH was part of a group associated with the whole Occupy Wallstreet gang - something called Black Bloc. The clothing JH wore is what Black Bloc members tend to wear. I won't be surprised to find out JH's 'message' ends up being some sort of political nut job statement.


I don't think that's credible. If you poke around that site, it's pretty clear he's not a reliable narrator.
Do we know for how long the neighbor heard the music?

i read somewhere earlier the music played for about an hour. either a setup to hurt other people or a way to sort of tell 'everyone' what was going on at that same time, at the movie theater. maybe a kind of 'moment of glory' thing??
New victim name released : Jesse Childress - male Airforce reserve member. Family notified at 1am this morning.
Is there a specific reason that it matters where his money came from? I doubt that there is any implication of liability for CU if they were giving him $24,000 a year as a lab technician. Nor would there be for his family if they were paying another $40,000 in tuition for him. I guess it could come into play somehow in a civil suit. But in the current criminal case, I am not sure why it would matter if any of his finances came from the school or family members.


This discussion was brought on by people kept asking where he got the money to purchase guns, protective gear, etc. Instead of having to take on student loans, it's quite possible that he didn't have to pay anything for his education and instead was getting a small amount of money for whatever it is he was doing. Which would mean nobody really had to give him the money.
Police Devise Plan to Enter Apartment of Colo. Suspect (link)
By Mark Santora & Jennifer Preston
New York Times, July 21,2012

Hoping to find some motive for what spurred a young man to go on a shooting rampage at a Colorado movie theater, local police and federal law enforcement officials on Saturday established a plan to disarm and then enter the booby-trapped apartment of the accused gunman.


For investigators, the primary focus remained on getting into the home of the accused gunman, James Holmes.

Sgt. Cassidee Carlson of the Aurora Police Department said that the authorities had a three-step plan to enter the apartment and preserve as much evidence as possible.

“The most immediate threat is the trip wire,” she said. If the experts can do that safely without detonations they will. If some devices need to be blown up, she said, they would do all they could to contain the damage.

“There are still unknowns,” she said. “We are not exactly sure of everything that is in there.”

Once the trip wires are rendered harmless, the plan is to remove the ammunition in the apartment, load it in sand filled trucks and then detonate it in a remote location.

Then, she said, the authorities hope they can investigate the apartment as they would any other crime scene.
I'm sorry, I need to say this, and please no tomatos...

I understand, from a psychological viewpoint, that anger is necessary. I know why people are raging against this man. But, I just can't feel anger toward him. I am disgusted, horrified and heartbroken at his actions. I believe in the days to come, we, as a nation, will need to have an open dialogue about gun control, early intervention for mental health and the impact of violence in our society, among other things. But, this man was disturbed. He was ill. I just cannot fathom an alternative. He is intelligent and calculating, but not in his right mind. It is a sickening, terrible tragedy, but I view it the same as the disaster in Japan or hurricane Katrina. There is no one, in my mind, to rail against, because he was not in his right mind.

I can easily hate parents who kill their children, or rapists, pedophiles and terrorists. And, if the coming days bring evidence that he did this political reasons, I may feel differently. But, today, I only feel saddness and pity. I honestly pray God will have mercy on his tortured soul.

I do agree that we need to lift up and honor the innocent victims of this senseless act. We need to remember their lives and names, and do all we can to lessen the pain for their families. We don't need to remember his name. I just can't keep reading (comments from news sites, mainly, not necessarily here...) hate filled comments. Calling him a coward and a monster will not ease the hurt. Anger and hate will not heal the damage done yesterday. Compassion, empathy and understanding will.

Okay, I am done, go easy... All moo...

I really don't understand why you think this particular man was disturbed, as opposed to "parents who kill their children, or rapists, pedophiles and terrorists."
That's very interesting. Did they ever discover what "cells" he was referring to? I wonder if they are both connected to some virtual video game like second life ........

No but they were rightwinged for sure, and ABB claimed that he was part of a modern secret Knigh Templar organisation, but refused to share further information.
Police have neither been able to find this organisation , however they have not rueld their existance out compleatly.

Concerning Video games and online activity, here are some quotes, there is probably MUCH more:


He (ABB) led an active life online, railing against Muslims and Marxists in debate forums


Call of Duty
Breivik said he spent up to 16 hours per day playing the violent Call of Duty video game in preparation for the attacks

World of Warcraft
Anders Breivik, the right-wing extremist who has confessed to killing 77 people during a murder spree in Norway
last summer, played the violent computer game World of Warcraft nearly seven hours a day for several consecutive
months before his attack, prosecutors say.
According to prosecutors, Breivik played Warcraft under the aliases "Andersnordic" and "Conservatism."

Modern Warfare
He has previously stated that he played Warcraft, as well as another "first-person shooter" game called Modern Warfare, for hours daily.

Both ABB and HJ had limited social life and skills (ABB more social that JH I belive), and I belive they both lived more through the internet that in real life.
Any chance they had contact online?
It´s possible, but honestly... kind of unlikely, unless of course it turns out that JH's agande is very close to ABB's aganda.
Time will tell...
Anyway, I really DO belive that police, both in US and in Norway, should take a look at this connection theorie angle, meaning they should get in tuch with each other.

Think IF there actually is a direct connction and there are more "cells" ready to attack somtime in the future!!!??? UGHHH.
And even if there is no direct connection, and thise kind of people are "just" inspired by each other, it is STLL as big a problem, and the LE needs to work together across states and countries.

Just my humble opinion of course ;):)
Neighbors yesterday reported it looped through the same song for about an hour then went off.

I posted this upthread. It's a soundcloud account. 2 of the songs loop for about an hour. One 45 minutes and one 49 minutes. Both songs are techno.

I realize it says Germany for the location, however, I found a few other places with ldmaster used with Germany as location, but same age as shooter.

Per CNN Authorities still trying to figure out how to get into the apartment without tripping the wire. Bomb head guy says he's never seen anything like it. :what:
If the shooter went thru the trouble to do all the booby traps, why do you suppose he notified the police that he had bombs in his apartment? Why not just let them go there and find it themselves and get blown up?
I posted this upthread. It's a soundcloud account. 2 of the songs loop for about an hour. One 45 minutes and one 49 minutes. Both songs are techno.

I realize it says Germany for the location, however, I found a few other places with ldmaster used with Germany as location, but same age as shooter.


Good find. It's possible that he could have remotely started and stopped the music via using one of many smartphone apps that allow you to remotely control your computer or networked media center through your smartphone. I'd read that the music played was "dance" so you might have nailed it mrsu; great find.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2
If the shooter went thru the trouble to do all the booby traps, why do you suppose he notified the police that he had bombs in his apartment? Why not just let them go there and find it themselves and get blown up?

It doesn't make sense you me either. Although on Good Morning America this morning, I noticed that the reporting of this changed to the shooter suggesting to police that they check his apartment (without stating shooter tipped them off to booby traps). I hadn't heard it reported this way previously.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2
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