*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #1

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I agree totally. But already hearing on different news about banning guns.

This is the reason why we shouldn't.

You didnt have all this stuff in the Wild Wild West. Everyone knew every one was armed. Wouldn't have dared pulled something like this.

agree. nuts like this go for "target rich environments" where there are a lot of people and where there are bans on guns where they are least likely to be shot at so they can continue their plan. schools, theaters, etc. duh. allows carry in those places and there will be less problems
IMO this Aurora massacre was probably inspired by the norwegian massmurderer/terrorist Anders Behring Breivik.

And I see it as the same type of terrorist attack as Anders Behring Breivik commited.

James Holmes's aganda was probably not the same as Anders Behring Breivik's, however it is as if JH used Breivik's deeds as a recipe for his own horrible deed.

There are SO many similarities:

Both targeted a location with potential young people-victims.

Both choose to kill as many people as possible.

Both had parallel second crime scen/location involving bomb/bombs.

Both used timer mechanisms
ABB: for the car bomb in Oslo city
JH: to stop the techno music playing in his apartment at precisley 1AM.

Both used several simelar weapons, example; both had 2 Glocks each.

Both pretened to be somthing they were not:
ABB: a policeman
JH: a moviegoer

Both used more than one outfits throughout their crime.

Both wore bullitsafe west and helmets.

Both wore a specific black outfit:
ABB: Black ballistic outfits.
JH: Black police outfits

Both had a fantasy identity:
ABB: belive he is "knight Justiciar grand master" of a Templarorganisation
JH: The Joker (villain in the Batman saga).

Both used Hyundai cars, different types but both Hyundai brands,
ABB: possibly grey
JH: white .

Both took drugs in the hours before the attack.
ABB: steroid ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin before his rampage
JH : reports that JH had taken 100mg of Vicodin about two and half hours before the shooting.
Some have stated that it in fact was 100 mg of hydrocodone, the actual narcotic in Vicodin. Time will tell I guess.

Both used music as a part of their crimes.

Both used long time planing the crimes.

Both highly intelligent.

Both was "under the radar", neither had criminal records.

Both surrended calmly, willingly.

Both massacre commited in July:
ABB: Jul 22, 2011
JH: Jul 20, 2012,
JH: massacre was 2 days short of ABB's 1 year anniversery.

Both had high numbers of victims:
ABB: victims all together 102, 77 died, 25 wounded
JH: victims all together 71, 12 died, 59 wounded.
However JH probably inteded to kill many more but his amo round jamed, which saved lots of lives.

Additinal info of interest concerning this theorie:


Breivik had referred to other “cells” outside Norway that were ready to follow his example.
“He says there are two cells in Norway and others from the Western world,” Mr Lippestad said at a press conference in Oslo.

It's going to be interesting to know what JH's motive/inspiration was.

Personaly I do belive that, one way or the other, some kind of manifesto/explanation from James Holmes, will appear soon.
It might even already be out there somwere, its possible that it has just not been found yet...time will tell I hope...

Ok I found it!!! the links to all the images that was deleeted:)
SO here we go...

Adding more similarities:

Both had limited friends in real life.

Both had NOT been in military.

Both was seriously into video games an online activity.

Both seem to have orchestrated a "distraction crime" in advance of their "primary crime" in order to make that crime, BOTH bombings, occupie the police, so that they could do as much damage as possible in their "primary crime"
"Secondary crime": bombing in Oslo city
"Primary crime": massacre on Utøja
"Secondary crime": "booby trap" his own apartment and play VERY loud music
"Primary crime": massacre at the Batman Movie Theater

It was of great interest to me to read Jjenny's post #1381, which IMO explain perfectly what I have explained above. THANK YOU VERY MUCH Jjenny:

Jjenny: post 1381
Presumably he set this up (the bobby trap in his apartement) to allow him more time to allegedly kill people in the movie theater, but that didn't work. Since it didn't work for what he allegedly planned it for, perhaps he didn't care for it anymore.

"Investigators now believe that Holmes used a timer to set off loud techno music at the apartment just before midnight. It was meant to spur a noise complaint to police. The ruse theoretically would have drawn them into the apartment building, detonating a firebomb and then drawing all available police and rescue units to the other side of town before the shooting at the theater started. That would have allowed him more time to kill more people and left a much smaller police response to the theater shootings."


JH moved from his home state california to Colorado in October 2011.
He was a very lonely guy, it was very hard for him to get friends, in fact, as far as we know, he didn´t get any friends in Colorado.
Aside from studying JH proabaly played a LOT of video roll playing games, possibly violent once, and enjoyed it, combined with a rising frustration of his loneliness.
Then...9 month after he arrived in Colorado, July 22, 2011, the absolutely HORRIFIC Anders Behring Breivik massacre and bombing occured...it hit the entire world.

THIS sitUation IMHO might have started somthing within James Eagan Holmes.
A bad seed was possible planted.
JH felt that if he could pulll of somthing like that he could get release from his long time built up hate and frustration and he would be famous, the whole world would know he HE was.
He had exactley ONE year to plan the whole thing, it should be carried out on the 1 year anniversery of the ABB Utøja massacre, July 22, 2012, THAT would make dubble horror.
But then JH found out about the Batman movie midnight sneek premiere would occure July 20, 2012, two days premature...hmmm, NO problem he thinks, he just get it tripple horror, it is just 2 days short of the ABB Utøja massacre one year anniversery but ALSO on a sneek midnight premier of the last in a Batman movie triologi The Dark Knight Rises!
In his world it is PERFECT!
He decide to make his dream/nightmare come true...

In the next posts, I would like to add some images, that I have put together, of ABB and JH's outfits and weapons, in order to compare the two and try to back up my theorie, that JH was inspired by ABB's horrible deed and possibly used ABB's approach as a model.

Links to all the images will be posted at the end of those images

Thanks for your patience;)

In adding to my above thoughts about his leaving through the emergency exit door to supposedly take a phonecall.. in all o my experiences and even with a movie theater door specifically.. from what I have always seen is that when one leaves through one of these emergency exits that it sounds an alarm.. i know someone earlier was speaking of back in their ighschool days they'd sneak friends in the the emergency exit so as to not have to pay.. but to my knowledge and from my experience this is no longer able to be done due to the fact that the doors are strictly an emergency exit and will sound an alarm when opened..

I suppose not all theaters are this way and in now recalling this was specifically a mall theater Id bet that these emergency exits would be a main source of how to exit the theater especially she a movie is over AFTER HOURS OF THE MALL.. so i guess I've just answered my own question:crazy:


I've wondered about this possibility after I read that article on dailymail earlier. Thank you for mentioning it, the comic strip character has the red hair and also played the led zeppelin song several times. Holmes had the red hair and also put some song (apparently techno) playing very loud on repeat on his apartment. The neighbour mentioned that she knocked on his door to complain about the music and almost opened the door because it didn't seem to be locked. I know it is irrelevant to talk about this in the scheme of things, but could it be KMFDM "Stray Bullet"? this song is related to the Columbine and Jokela School shooting, its genre is industrial music, some people call it techno especially people who aren't into this type of music.

"The neighbor, Chris Rodriguez, told the Scripps affiliate in Denver he and his girlfriend started hearing loud techno music coming from above them at midnight.

"Usually the complex is very quiet, nobody has parties, so that was the first time we actually had a party or a lot of noise at the complex," said Rodriguez.

After about 15 minutes, Rodriguez's girlfriend decided to knock on the door and ask them to turn the music down.

"She went upstairs to the apartment, and she knocked on the door pretty hard, she knocked two or three times and yelled into the door, 'Hey, can you turn that music down, we are trying to sleep,'" said Rodriguez.

Rodriguez said that no one answered and his girlfriend didn't even hear any footsteps. While she was listening at the door, she noticed that the door moved.

"The door moved a little bit, and the handle jiggled a little, and she was contemplating going into the apartment, but something told her don't do it," Rodriguez said. Rodriguez said his girlfriend then went back to their apartment and called police.""

Read more: http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/ne...k-knight-rises-shooting-suspect#ixzz21IUvfRLj

Was deadly Colorado shooting inspired by a 1986 Batman comic book?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...inspired-Batman-comic-book.html#ixzz21IE4QIzn

Note the location of this comic and the color of the guys hair.



(Just want to make sure that my posts are not beeing deleeted this time:)

ABB in full black police outfit w/helmet, authentic images from his bombing in Oslo

ABB black police outfit + Glock, images which was shown at ABB's trial

ABB Ruger mini14

ABB's Glock

http://www.webarms.com/gun suppliers/mossberg shotguns/mossberg shotguns.htm
ABB pump action shotgun (NOT ABB'¨s actual shotgun due to there is no avaible picture of it, this one I found by google
as far as I know ABB did not use this weapon in his crime, BUT he decribed it in his manifesto )

ABB gas mask, this is an image, among many, which ABB himself added to his manifesto, which means he didn´t use it in his crimes
BUT he decribed it in his manifesto.


JH's ballistic black outfit and weapons (this image is NOT JH himself, it is a model or manequeen clad in exactleyw what JH wore June 20, 2012)


JH's weaponds


JH's gas mask
If the reports are true that his grades had dropped - was that a cause, or an effect? Did he "go nuts" because he couldn't handle the pressure of school, or did his school work suffer because he was too busy planning the shooting/bombing?
they won't release his booking photo for "investigatory reasons" so what about his appearance is the issue here? I know he colored his hair but what about his appearance needs to be kept from public view. I guess my imagination isn't what is used to be cause I don't get it. But I'm sure someone here will have ideas-can always count on that!

That's a great point.

But how does this:

Work if he's on suicide watch, which the article also reports.

Oh, dude.... inmates are the sources. I'm worried they're making up crap for money.
It's a strange world, isn't it?

I think it's a possibility because it doesn't appear that Holmes intended to die. a) He was a walking tank with all that armor on. b) He took pain killers before he executed his plan. c) He surrendered without a struggle. And, of course, d) he left an online message requesting visitors in prison.

It is rather strange he did not commit suicide or had a police kill him, which typically is the fate of a mass murderer. I wonder why he surrendered so willingly as he had the chance to flee or suicide.
I just heard the best story on CNN. Josh (I believe Nolan) from his Hospital bed. He intends to go back to that Theatre and sit in that same seat. Just to say you did not win. Good for him :rose:
Yes, no future gun control laws, we might lose our place as laughing-stock of the industrialized world. Why ever think to propose solutions to take guns out of the hands of madmen? Perish the thought. We must never think ahead; we must only throw our hands in the air, forever in despair, and bury our dead.
It is rather strange he did not commit suicide or had a police kill him, which typically is the fate of a mass murderer. I wonder why he surrendered so willingly as he had the chance to flee or suicide.

He wanted to bask in all his evil glory that he pulled it off?

Look at me...........I'm mad as hell...........look at what I did?
I've wondered about this possibility after I read that article on dailymail earlier. Thank you for mentioning it, the comic strip character has the red hair and also played the led zeppelin song several times. Holmes had the red hair and also put some song (apparently techno) playing very loud on repeat on his apartment. The neighbour mentioned that she knocked on his door to complain about the music and almost opened the door because it didn't seem to be locked. I know it is irrelevant to talk about this in the scheme of things, but could it be KMFDM "Stray Bullet"? this song is related to the Columbine and Jokela School shooting, its genre is industrial music, some people call it techno especially people who aren't into this type of music.

On Youtube, there are a couple of rather techno sounding songs called or referencing the Joker - someone more familiar with that genre might have a better idea if any of them might be related.
The theory of his using his apt as a distraction to allow his reign of terror to last longer and the loss of life to be higher de to the fact emergency respondents would be all at the apt explosion..

This was specifically stated as several of our opinions as to the motive of the apt very early on.. within hours of the murders.. within the very first several hundred posts(waaaay prior to any media even thinking of reporting) of this thread you'll see several having stated this as their thought very early on.. as usual us, here at WS are miles ahead of media.. local.. national. Or otherwise..
I just heard the best story on CNN. Josh (I believe Nolan) from his Hospital bed. He intends to go back to that Theatre and sit in that same seat. Just to say you did not win. Good for him :rose:

The question is what they do with that theater.
Maybe he didn't cooperate for that mug shot. Perhaps it`s him acting. Wow i think i have crumbs under my Quotation mark and Apostrophe key :waitasec:
Yes, no future gun control laws, we might lose our place as laughing-stock of the industrialized world. Why ever think to propose solutions to take guns out of the hands of madmen? Perish the thought. We must never think ahead; we must only throw our hands in the air, forever in despair, and bury our dead.

And we must never become sheep either......
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