*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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I hadn't seen this article before....maybe he's not as smart as we thought?


But a graduate student who worked with Holmes at the Salk Institute’s Computational Neurobiology Laboratory had a far different view, recalling him as a “mediocre” student who was enormously stubborn.
“I saw a shy, pretty socially inept person,” said John Jacobson, now a PhD candidate at UC San Diego in philosophy and cognitive sciences. “I didn’t see any behavior that would be indicative of violence then or in the future.”
But “he should not have gotten into the summer program,” Jacobson said. “His grades were mediocre. I’ve heard him described as brilliant. This is extremely inaccurate.”

Since it was reported he refused to talk to investigators, I doubt that he kept up for hours being questioned.

I am quite sure they checked on him at least every fifteen minutes to make sure he didn't hurt himself. And since he was probably on suicide watch, they don't shut off the lights, so I doubt very much he got any sleep.

IMO, JMO, :moo:
See...to me, it looks like he used hydrogen peroxide to bleach it, turning it the lighter orange color, and then used a red dye/spray in color to get the darker red/pink color. ANd that it was starting to grow out from the original process.

There are 'kits' available at pretty much any pharmacy, Walmart, etc..for changing hair color...have a teenage nephew, and they do this on Halloween, party nights, summer camp or whatever silliness...can be red, blue, green, whatever....I suppose it's better than a tattoo...but it is not uncommon...

Some are semi-permanent...bleaching, then slowly washable color (thinking that's the case for JEH), others are just sprays...

Holmes did succeed academically as an undergraduate at the University of California at Riverside, graduating with honors in a neuroscience program that is considered very demanding. He then won a spot at the prestigious neuroscience doctoral program at the University of Colorado's Anschutz Medical Campus.

A lot of mental illiness does not emerge fully till late adolescence and early adulthood -- throw in his inteligence he could have compensated for years.

But IMO, the widely reported isolative behaviors IMO indicate a simmering mental illiness that obviously has become more profound in the last half a year or so

think marinating something...... coffee pot brewing ....

I am thinking that LE has not allowed him to sleep since he has been in custody, if it's true he took something (vicodin)?he might be having withdraws? If I look at his picture and just look at him... to me he looks like he would be immature acting for his age (24). Maybe a little simply minded. jmo
I hadn't seen this article before....maybe he's not as smart as we thought?


But a graduate student who worked with Holmes at the Salk Institute’s Computational Neurobiology Laboratory had a far different view, recalling him as a “mediocre” student who was enormously stubborn.
“I saw a shy, pretty socially inept person,” said John Jacobson, now a PhD candidate at UC San Diego in philosophy and cognitive sciences. “I didn’t see any behavior that would be indicative of violence then or in the future.”
But “he should not have gotten into the summer program,” Jacobson said. “His grades were mediocre. I’ve heard him described as brilliant. This is extremely inaccurate.”



It was discussed this morning. This guy was a fellow student. It contradicts what the professors said about the suspect. I'll believe the professors over an angry dude who wants to distance himself from the accused mass murderer.
I wonder were he got the funds to buy the weapons and supplies to make traps at his apartment?
Me too I went to the site he bought from THE STUFF IS EXPENSIVE and quiet frankly disgusting. As I was clicking thr I was thinking if someone is a SWAT team member would the boss buy them the toys?

And lets come up with a non cruel reason why tear gas should be able to be purchased online - or did he make it?
I am surprised the his teachers are saying anything to the media considering the fact that they will probably be facing a liability claim when all is said and done.
IMO mental illiness is not a all or nothing entity ... it is a changing entity every day............... because of lack of info reporting is giving notion that for two months he has been ordering ... IMo he may have ordered (when active delusional. manic ordered 15 items) and then calmed and not done any planning for weeks

we also must account for his brillance - because most of us would not know how or want to do this imo for all we know money may have been a factor in his need to order slowly , over time.

He could have planned his whole evening , when feeling ok in 5 hours - you know what I am saying - hate typing beleive it or not!

moreover, the sophisticated booby trap his apartment, he, IMO he would have to have done the apartment kinda quick - by that I mean I do not think it took him weeks - he still had to live inside the unit!

again IMO not a constant state of being, stressors change its manifestations daily...........

I think I was responding to the vicodin he took that day not his mental illness. That will be up to the experts to decide if he has or not. From what the police described of his apartment, it didn't sound like that could be done in a few hours.
Mental illness or not, think he is very competent to stand trial.
Me too I went to the site he bought from THE STUFF IS EXPENSIVE and quiet frankly disgusting. As I was clicking thr I was thinking if someone is a SWAT team member would the boss buy them the toys?

And lets come up with a non cruel reason why tear gas should be able to be purchased online - or did he make it?

Was it tear gas or smoke bombs?
I tend to believe if there were spitting concerns, he would be wearing a spit guard/face mask type apparatus during transport as well as in court. But I'm not sure
Or IMO I would suppose he was having a reasonably bad evening on Friday morning and may have calmed -- especially visitng with dad?????????????
Another thing;He is not mentally ill. Every time something like this happens then people like this get slapped that label to get out of being held responsible.

He sprayed bullets into a crowd of strangers knowing that he would either be killed or spend the rest of his life behind bars. Would any sane person decide that this was a good idea?

There is almost no doubt that this shooter is mentally ill even if he doesn't meet the rather narrow legal definition of insanity.
I suffer from mental illness and still was accepted into a graduate program. A person with a mental illness can not be refused a right to an education because they suffer from MI. Colleges don't have access to medical records of students either. Refusing someone into a program because of a disability is discrimination.

According to reports, Holmes did very well in school until recently. He obviously deserved the scholarship or he wouldn't have received it. Why should it have went to someone else? The people awarding the scholarship could not have known he would go on a mass shooting spree.

Prayers and thoughts for the victims.

Thank YOu!
He does look pretty crazy, but I'm sure I could look just as crazy (esp with hair like that). He has had a while to practice crazy.
Yes i do believe a lot of time was spent on this particularly on studying and making those liquid bombs and etc on his apartment . The acquisition of the weapons and armors he used was already the end part of this.

Tmz is also reporting that he is about to be kicked out from his apartment too because he left the school and that apartment is only for enrolled students.
I read that too! Certainly having no source of income lately (being imo told he cannot continue in the program - cutting off funding) , buying swat suits, being evicted, quitting school, being homeless, planning to kill people, opening of batman would in my opinion certainly be a list of stressors leading to excaberation of imo his mental illiness .........
Maybe because he is an adult?
Or they know that his IMO , long chronic mental illiness, will result in him being ruled unable to be tried ! Gotta remember mom career nurse.......
He looks bored and does not care. I have read of defendants looking like that at trial and they were not mentally ill.

Hey HMSHood, thanks for the comparison. I've just watched a short video of JH in court , they showed here on a brazilian tv channel and my sister said he looked more like Bozo and Ronald McDonald than the Joker. :floorlaugh:
I agree with you, I think he seemed bored and a bit upset , I expected him to smile like the Joker or something similar. He acted completely different from Anders B Breivik who was very arrogant, smiled, smirked, did nazi salutations and obviously was very proud and had no regret of his actions. I actually wonder if JH understands what is going on or he is acting this way because he just doesn't care anymore.... IDK
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