*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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Respectfully redacted by me.

Hey, Pax, show me a court order to medicate this coward.

I highly doubt he has had any access to any psych meds yet at all. It normally takes a long time before inmates who are booked can be evaluated by a psychiatrist and prescribed drugs. Even in emergencies, it is common for truly psychotic people to just lay their wailing or eating feces for days before help arrives.

In fact, one expert states: http://www.examiner.com/article/unl...s-was-medicated-during-first-court-appearance

I frankly think he looked more nutso in the original photo they kept showing of him. Sinister smile, to me. Weird eyes.

But the level of planning that went into this - nah. Once I learned about that, I just can't buy that this guy is that crazy. There's something off, of course. And I think you could see that to some degree before the massacre. But if he was acting that bizarrely before this event, I doubt anyone would have sold him firearms. At two different location no less. Nope, I find it very convenient that he is suddenly so crazy he can't function in court but for two months he was sane enough to meticulously plan a horrific tragedy. I'm just not buying it.

Obviously they did sell him fire arms and the guy in the store did say
his eyes were weird (not quoting him) So it may have been apparent to some that he is nutso.

Some mentally ill are Evil and dangerous.
some are just nutso....
He was peculating a while, then blew up.
Not so unusual for this type.
Agreed, we need the facts, until then we are just passing time.

Give him an MRI and that will answer a brain tumor issue!

"Ablow thinks that they should make him take an MRI to make sure there isn’t a brain tumor or infection of some sort. “Everything needs to be looked at here … we don’t have the ‘why.’ We need it and we might be able to get it and the answer might be, sadly, psychiatric illness.”
I have chosen not to quote anyone here, not wanting some posters to feel singled out.

However after reading several comments, it would not come as a surprise that JH will have plenty of penpals and most likely to get married in prison. Something he probably could not accomplish in the free world as I doubt that has has had a girlfriend.

That are nutso women out there, it can be so.
It would not be a first.
Did the college that received a suspicious package have a pc yet?
I dont think an insanity plea is going to work but I am not sure he is competent to stand trial right now either.

We will see as more facts emerge.

From today's hearing I think he is competent. But I am no therapist.

Once he sees all the crime scene photos he may become incompetent - temporarily - but would be medicated and talking with a psychologist until he was able to bare it. If he cares in that way.

He may be just fine with it all, and happy he finally "made a name" for himself.

Although, I have to agree with most of us here, something is wrong with him, or anyone that kills for the thrill of it. That just makes whatever diagnosis a mitigating factor though.
I dont think an insanity plea is going to work but I am not sure he is competent to stand trial right now either.

We will see as more facts emerge.

Why would he not be competent to stand trial? I don't see anything that leads me to believe he does not comprehend what is going on.

On the night of his crimes, he was very coherent, efficient and organized. Why would he be any less so 48 hrs later?
I have chosen not to quote anyone here, not wanting some posters to feel singled out.

However after reading several comments, it would not come as a surprise that JH will have plenty of penpals and most likely to get married in prison. Something he probably could not accomplish in the free world as I doubt that has has had a girlfriend.

I am guessing that's why he allegedly posted on several dating sites looking for dates. Will you visit me in prison? There likely females lining up as we speak.
Obviously they did sell him fire arms and the guy in the store did say
his eyes were weird (not quoting him) So it may have been apparent to some that he is nutso.

Some mentally ill are Evil and dangerous.
some are just nutso....
He was peculating a while, then blew up.
Not so unusual for this type.

But he didn't blow up. He planned this carefully for four months. IMO, blowing up is like that Canadian schizophrenic who suddenly jumped up and decapitated a guy on the bus.

Also, having weird eyes is not the same as acting crazy. People are saying he is acting bizarrely in jail right now. Well, I think it's clear he didn't act like that when he went in to buy firearms, "crazy" eyes or not.
Probably more like 30 to 45 minutes after taking a large amount, and can cause death.

The reason I said a few hours was because I recall reading that he had taken the Vicodin 2 1/2hrs before going to the theater. I can't recall how long Vicodin effects last.
Why would he not be competent to stand trial? I don't see anything that leads me to believe he does not comprehend what is going on.

On the night of his crimes, he was very coherent, efficient and organized. Why would he be any less so 48 hrs later?

BBM. Precisely. No one can explain that.
But he didn't blow up. He planned this carefully for four months. IMO, blowing up is like that Canadian schizophrenic who suddenly jumped up and decapitated a guy on the bus.

Also, having weird eyes is not the same as acting crazy. People are saying he is acting bizarrely in jail right now. Well, I think it's clear he didn't act like that when he went in to buy firearms, "crazy" eyes or not.

He didn't act poorly in Court today either. ;) That leads me to believe rumors of him acting up in jail are just that, rumors.
Other than to say they stand behind him. "He is their son"

I hope they do. They need to. It may not help him but it will help them as they go thru this horrific painful process. They can still love their Son yet hate what he did.
some of us Websleuthers are interested in discussing the whys and hows of such an brutal, unexplained act of violence. yes, of course, the why doesn't excuse the action. We all know he committed an evil act. saying it over and over really doesn't interest me. What interests me are the whys. then proactive measures can be taken to help reduce the number of these shootings.
On the night of his crimes, he was very coherent, efficient and organized.

Actually in hindsight I do not think so.

Had he been the one to phone in the disturbance at his apartment, then waited on it to be responded to, heck he could have easily watched for twenty minutes while chaos ensued and then gone on his rampage. That would fit your coherent, efficient and organized statement but the way it was carried out was sloppy, juvenile to leave to chance the apartment when it would have been easy to set that in motion beforehand.
I hope they do. They need to. It may not help him but it will help them as they go thru this horrific painful process. They can still love their Son yet hate what he did.

I don't think they need to do anything. People deal differently with this sort of thing. Not everybody is going to stand behind a family member accused of some horrible crime.
I agree! It's progressing and in an adult THAT IS NOT NORMAL!
Could even be...
Myasthnia gravis (thyroid issues) or a brain tumor!


If they exam him and find out he is just evil that's fine too...
and I will believe it but until I'm told differently, my feeling is he
may really be ill!
Insane? NO WAY!

Are you trying to say his eyes protruding (not progressing?)
And graves disease - thyroid issue? Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disease.

(I am a RN - just trying to help you explain properly) - I see protuding eyes too but have seen worse. I think he def is on meds today and has a major mental illness. I would not be surprised by a schizophrenia diagnosis. He is early adulthood when alot of mental illness emerge.
Originally Posted by Benny08
I have a buddy that commented on one of the guns that JH used.. the AR15.

He said they are not as powerful as being made out to be. He said they designed to injure, not kill (military mindset being take someone down but not kill them which means at least one more soldier has to help carry the wounded off the battlefield)

Not sure how accurate that is but thought I'd pass that along here and see.

Originally posted by FootWarrior
I would rate that as complete BS.

The AR15 is a semi-automatic weapon, a civilian version of the M-16. It uses a low-caliber (.223), high velocity bullet designed to pass through the body. A legal, non-reconfigured AR-15 uses bullets only a step above a .22 rifle. Compare that to an illegal AK-47 which uses bullets that have a lower velocity and are designed to cause maximum damage when it enters the human body. I believe that most people have a knee-jerk reaction to the look of the AR-15 and instantly compare it to a fully automatic weapon.
This post isn't making any judgements on JH's choice of weapons, but to give a bit of background on the weapon. Make no mistake, it's a deadly weapon, especially in the wrong hands.
The above is MO only.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the victims, their families, and JH's family and friends.
he did was mental illness, it would have had to be of such severity that he would never have been able to achieve what he did and go unoticed about his business, ging to class, his job, paying bills, functioning etc. Either he was so mentally ill that it caused him to do this horrible act or he's not mentally ill. Mentally ill people I have worked with aren't generally mass murderers. It is also only discrimination if a disabled person can do the job-so, if he was so mentally ill that he was a mass murderer I don't think anyone would be compelled to hire him. But, it does not appear that he did suffer any mental illness that was known to anyone so I don't get why we keep talking about it as though it were some established fact.

The reality is that we have no knowledge that he has ever suffered from any mental illness of any kind. There is simply no basis to ascribe such a condition to him. There is no objective evidence that he was anything other than a rather introverted nerdy student who did well in school. I think it is unfair to people with mental illness to diagnose him with one because he colored his hair and plotted over many months to kill a lot of people at a Batman movie. I don't assume most criminals are mentally ill and I'm not going to assume this one is unless there is some evidence. It's pretty easy for a neuroscience student to feign outward attributes of mental illness, especially after the fact. But he had no problem ordering and building an arsenal and incendiary devices and carrying out what apepars to be a well thought out plan. So, when did he become mentally ill?[/QUOTE]


Where did I say he was? I was responding to another poster about mental illness and entry into graduate programs. Don't put words in my mouth.
Actually in hindsight I do not think so.

Had he been the one to phone in the disturbance at his apartment, then waited on it to be responded to, heck he could have easily watched for twenty minutes while chaos ensued and then gone on his rampage. That would fit your coherent, efficient and organized statement but the way it was carried out was sloppy, juvenile to leave to chance the apartment when it would have been easy to set that in motion beforehand.

Took a long time to dismantle that supposedly "sloppy, juvenile" booby trapped apartment. Most people would not be able to set anything like that up if their life depended on it.
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