*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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Anyone heard know if aud 9 was the biggest house unspooling the movie that night? WOuld love to know if he selected that one cause it was the biggest?
IMO HIPAA is purely health records ....... IMO there silence is DIRECTLY related to all the trouble collage admin go into at Virg T with Cho

all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ liability stuff.

If you recall, Virg Tech had huge pr issues in terms of not addressing Chos increasingly alarming behaviors as we are seeing in this case. (they also got fined 55K for not warning students that morning)

Which makes me curious,did they see any signs of mental issues and ask him to withdraw.Saying that he withdrew on his own.We may never know.He failed the verbal test,but could take it over.Why didn't he?
I am not going to explain this right but last night the lady judge who anchors also said Colorado has an amazing law that goes somehing like even if you insane IF YOUR ACTIONS CAN BE DETERMINED TO INCLUDE EVIL WE WILL NOT BUY INTO INSANE PLEA.

I know I am saying it wrong but eveidently its real rare law
Sorry Cariis but I have no idea what that means.
I can google it though and I will see what I can find.
Which makes me curious,did they see any signs of mental issues and ask him to
withdraw.Saying that he withdraw on his own.We may never know.He failed the verbal test,but could take it over.Why didn't he?

They didn't ask him to withdraw.
Sorry. Not HIPAAA, but FERPA. Students are entitled to privacy.
Thanx did not know about that one -- so they are going to be able to say nothing huh? His professors and classmates would be hugh source for day to day functioning etc! Darn!
IMO HIPAA is purely health records

Yes, HIPAA is for health records. But FERPA (the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act) generally prohibits schools from releasing details about a student's grades or education records unless they get that student's consent.
Thanx did not know about that one -- so they are going to be able to say nothing huh? His professors and classmates would be hugh source for day to day functioning etc! Darn!

It doesn't apply to his classmates. They can talk all they want.
Which makes me curious,did they see any signs of mental issues and ask him to withdraw.Saying that he withdrew on his own.We may never know.He failed the verbal test,but could take it over.Why didn't he?
See I think that is exactly how it went down he started going off track months ago, looking disheveled grades start slipping attendance deterates they talk to him he agitates faculity discusses says we keep eyes on him then he does poor on test and out he goes poof

his parents educated and have resources IMOIMOIMO called them and said look we knew he is sprialing we have been coping with this for years -- woulf you just do the withdrawal as voluntary

by this point they just want him off campus sure dad we use form 1b intead 2a - give me his keys!
See I think that is exactly how it went down he started going off track months ago, looking disheveled grades start slipping attendance deterates they talk to him he agitates faculity discusses says we keep eyes on him then he does poor on test and out he goes poof

his parents educated and have resources IMOIMOIMO called them and said look we knew he is sprialing we have been coping with this for years -- woulf you just do the withdrawal as voluntary

by this point they just want him off campus sure dad we use form 1b intead 2a - give me his keys!

He is an adult. The school is not going to call his parents. And that is probably not legal under FERPA anyway.
**catching up here so my apologies if this lands amidst totally different discussion**

Re: all of the above along with much of the other content posted prior..
Question.. Are you trying to convince us that the mentally ill are amongst us????:waitasec:

Because if so your preaching to the choir.. I dare say nary a one of us doesn't associate, live with, or even personally struggle with mental illness on a daily basis.. We are fully aware of mental illness, some more than others ..

So, there need not be attempts at convincing anyone of mental illness.. That's not the issue here.. The issue is that you, nor I, nor the vast majority here have a clue whether this killer is truly mentally ill or just a fed up dude, tired of being the under dog, tired of not being recognized for his superior intelligence.. And well by God he decided he show all of us.. Cuz that very much is still a viable option on the table..

But as far as convincing everyone mental Illness is among us and that we'd be *shocked* as hell to know the meds our police, doctors, fireman, etc, etc are on and that most with mental illness function quite well throughout the majority of life..

I promise everyone here is fully aware of mental illness..jmo
I was responding more to the sense I had that so many posts were IMO like because JH planning skills that means no mental illiness. SO I thought hey a list of folks who have been able to highly productive, organized, etc etc still suffering.................

IMO, he was spoiled and coddled by family, teachers, mentors, etc. always being told how brilliant and special he was. He grew up believing he was better than everyone else. When he finally got to an academic environment where everyone else was just as smart, he couldn't handle it. He needed the constant reassurance that he was the best, the smartest and he couldn't handle it when he had to compete with others for that level of praise and attention.

He's a narcissistic psychopath who planned to get his revenge on all those people who didn't realize how great, brilliant and special he was. This plot was his warped, psychopathic way of regaining his star status and proving to the rest of the inferior people in the world how powerful he is.

The bizarre behavior is mostly an act, calculated to avoid responsibility for his actions. He's probably never been held responsible for anything in his life and is not about to start now.

Look history of being held responsibility for his school performance, his lab work, etc etc! Spiralled IMO the last several months IMO
Ya know I'm very bothered by the man whose going around stating that the shooter had his regular dark hair Tuesday evening when he had beers with him.. This just cannot and is not accurate and is easily provable..so why does this guy feel the need to make up this lie??.. anyone??

I say easily provable as clearly the shooters dark roots were evident in today's court hearing.. Proving his hair had been colored for quite some time.. Not to mention the picture evidence proving the shooter had long since dyed his hair since early July..

Why is this guy lying???
maybe CO has a different standard for insanity-I will research but generally speaking-in most states-there just is not a "not guilty by reason of mental illness defense".
if anyone can find a current case in Colorado where the defense was not guilty due to mental illness (as opposed to insanity and incompetent to understand what is going on) then I would more than welcome it. I am not issuing that as a challenge but I would be interested in being educated on these types of proceedings in CO.
Colorado has NGRI, not NGMI. Here's an overview of some past cases. ( pdf ) Notably, though irrelevant to this case, some states have moved to change the wording to GBI (*guilty but insane*). Here's the wiki overview of that bit ( link )

Regardless, legal insanity is only raised in about 1% of all cases brought, and of those, very rarely won.

Aside. I am admittedly surprised they have NGRI pleadings for sex offenses.

IMO, he was spoiled and coddled by family, teachers, mentors, etc. always being told how brilliant and special he was. He grew up believing he was better than everyone else. When he finally got to an academic environment where everyone else was just as smart, he couldn't handle it. He needed the constant reassurance that he was the best, the smartest and he couldn't handle it when he had to compete with others for that level of praise and attention.

He's a narcissistic psychopath who planned to get his revenge on all those people who didn't realize how great, brilliant and special he was. This plot was his warped, psychopathic way of regaining his star status and proving to the rest of the inferior people in the world how powerful he is.

The bizarre behavior is mostly an act, calculated to avoid responsibility for his actions. He's probably never been held responsible for anything in his life and is not about to start now.


That is what I am thinking too. A narcissist psychopath mixed with paranoia.
I take things witnesses tell reporters with a grain of salt. Some of them might just want to be on TV.
See I think that is exactly how it went down he started going off track months ago, looking disheveled grades start slipping attendance deterates they talk to him he agitates faculity discusses says we keep eyes on him then he does poor on test and out he goes poof

his parents educated and have resources IMOIMOIMO called them and said look we knew he is sprialing we have been coping with this for years -- woulf you just do the withdrawal as voluntary

by this point they just want him off campus sure dad we use form 1b intead 2a - give me his keys!

Why do you keep saying he was spiraling for years,and his family had problems like this with him for years?

He graduated from UC with a degree in Neuroscience, with the highest honors, Phi Beta Kappa. Does that sound like someone who was 'spiraling' ?
Great article on JH
Although Mr. Holmes graduated with the highest honors, he didn't attend commencement ceremonies, school officials said.

In June 2011, a year after graduating, Mr. Holmes enrolled in a neuroscience Ph.D program at the University of Colorado, becoming one of six first-year neuroscience doctoral students. During the first year, members were required to take core classes together, many in small conference rooms. According to one classmate, Mr. Holmes rarely spoke unless spoken to. "James was always the first one there in the morning," this person said. "He was very quiet, sometimes pensive, like when you spoke to him it was almost like you were interrupting his thoughts

Look history of being held responsibility for his school performance, his lab work, etc etc! Spiralled IMO the last several months IMO

YES, perhaps the last couple of months he had some mental health issues. But you have been saying that his family knew about it for YEARS already. I think it is very unfair to do that to them.

He probably had adult onset of schizophrenia in the last few months. But his family has not seen him as much since he moved to Colorado. So I think we should stop accusing them of trying to hide his 'mental condition.'
I do not know if this was posted already. A Gag Order is Issued on the case.

"A gag order handed down in the James Holmes case Monday night is preventing the Aurora, Colo., Police Department from disclosing any information related to the investigation into Friday's shooting at the Century 16 Movie Theater, which left 12 dead and 58 wounded."
cece5300 said:
I don't generally think people who are depressed go on shooting sprees. Depressed people are too tired / unmotivated to plan something like this out, or they'd hurt themselves before they hurt others. IMO.

Depression effects every one differently.

As someone who has suffered debilitating depression, I agree with CeCe. The best description I've ever heard of depression is, you're slumping on your couch. There's a pill on your coffee table that if you take, will make everything better.

But in your depression, you can't even summon the energy to reach over for it.

That's exactly how I felt and I cannot think of any violent criminals who were diagnosed solely with depression as the root cause of their violence.

I'm way behind here so I apologize if this has already been addressed.
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