*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #3

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tumor would cause the type of violent action seen here. Months of planning and bomb making and steady acquisition of supplies and no other outward signs of violence or aggression don't seem associated with what I've read about violence and brain tumors. Now, I'm a lawyer not a Dr so what do I know but it would seem to defy common sense and be inconsistent with the type of sudden acts generally associated with brain tumors that are linked to violence.

The Brain Science Foundation explains that a tumor growing the left temporal lobe affects behavior, memory and emotions. A lesion in the frontal lobe alters inhibitions, mood, behavior and personality. As a result, alterations in mental status from a brain tumor vary from short-term memory loss to a violent and sudden display of emotion.


Ah, I found a law review article-I feel more at home. This again seems to indicate impulsivity associated incidents are likely than someone exhibiting basically no sudden acts of aggression but only one incident, long planned. This article also has an overview of the Charles Whitman case which also seems to confirm the event in CO is unlikely to be associated with an individual with a brain tumor. Whitman's behavior changed over time and he was aware of it.

Suddenly, however, Whitman began to suffer severe
headaches and frequently grew angry or acted aggressively. He
repeatedly wrote notes reminding himself to control his anger and to

As he continued to experience increased feelings of anger,
Whitman sought professional help at the University of Texas, where
he admitted to have attacked his wife on two occasions. In addition,
his doctor stated that “[h]is real concern is with himself at the
present time. He readily admits having overwhelming periods of
hostility with a very minimum of provocation. [He makes] vivid
reference to thinking about going up on the tower [at the University
of Texas] with a deer rifle and start shooting people [sic].”


Also, that law review article is entitled "USING COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE TO PREDICT FUTURE DANGEROUSNESS" and is fairly interesting and I got caught up in reading it and am now way behind here....

Anybody can google it all day long. Lots of people with abnormalities in their brain don't go on rampages.
Well it sounds like there will be a battle between FOXNEWS sources on when the package was received by the University. University claimed they got it July 23 , while FOXNEWS originally stated July 12 and they also reaffirming that July 12 on their site.

FoxNews.com's source reaffirmed that Holmes' notebook arrived before the massacre. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/2...-suspect-laid-out-plans-in-package-mailed-to/

But according to this link , there were 3 packages that was sent

Call7 Investigator John Ferrugia reported Monday that three packages were received by CU -- all with John Holmes' name on them

On that link too :
Holmes’s mother had confided deep concerns about her son’s isolation over the years and sought counseling for him, family friends have told the Denver Post.
I have a feeling this guy didn't read the comics but watched the tv show and or movies. I remember the Batman movies with Jack Nicholson and the one with heath ledger. They are both sinister but they have a different story lines. The one thing that sticks out to me: the Joker vs the riddler, pinguin, Mr. Freeze, etc. the Joker is more dramatic. Which, what he did was very dramatic.

When I saw him sitting in court this is the joker that came to mind, but this joker was not evil just a little mean, with his hair this the joker that I thought of
and there was always riddles
Have we posted this link: Mapping the Aurora theater shooting?

Anyone know why gas mask/additional blood was found so far away from theater 9? I thought I read that it was the non-regulation gas mask that tipped off police that he wasn't part of SWAT team.

....a google later...someone else has noticed this gas mask placement and thinks he could have been drugged and setup.


I don't buy it--Sounds out of the realm of possibility, more likely the reporters just had their details wrong
When I saw him sitting in court this is the joker that came to mind, but this joker was not evil just a little mean, with his hair this the joker that I thought of
and there was always riddles
Batman TV - "Surf's Up! Joker's Under!" (1967) - YouTube

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vgakLemPh_k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yeah, but as much as I loved the TV series ( had my daughter watch it recently- they play reruns on the Hub channel), apparently the movies are nothing like it, much more violent.
Have we posted this link: Mapping the Aurora theater shooting?

Anyone know why gas mask/additional blood was found so far away from theater 9? I thought I read that it was the non-regulation gas mask that tipped off police that he wasn't part of SWAT team.

....a google later...someone else has noticed this gas mask placement and thinks he could have been drugged and setup.


I don't buy it--Sounds out of the realm of possibility, more likely the reporters just had their details wrong

Interesting find on that gas mask and the availability of a security camera that was mounted in there. Wonder if that security camera was even working.

I tried reading your link and they were saying if JH was actually set-up? i doubt, but how about a 2nd person who ran that way?
Do I need to worry if my son identified with the Robin character?
The difference is we have posters here stating they know he is mentally ill. The only people who can know that for sure will be the psychiatrists who evaluate him.

And in my opinion his mom knew.
I knew 10 years before my daughter got a formal diagnosis.
She knew - moms know.
Yeah in hindsight all sorts of things become "obvious" especially if you can write a book about it. In the real world Ted Bundy wasn't evil around her, and most people are not one dimensional. That is why people live with sociopaths and have "no idea they could do such a thing!". They are NOT one dimensional, they can be honestly pleasant/polite/helpful etc....

BTW I am just finishing Ann Rule's book "Everything She Ever Wanted" right now, she is a pretty decent writer. Apparently Mr. Bundy gifted her with a new career.

Ted Bundy didnt "gift" her with chit!..
Many times killers write explanations before they commit the crime to intensify their personna, some "expert" said on tv. Writing about it beforehand can also be a cry for help, a warning, or threat. When he mailed it, if right before the crime, would seem more like it was to bolster his personna, a way of getting in his gear. But I am really leary of taking any info we get as real truth just yet. This is all MOO.
Do I need to worry if my son identified with the Robin character?
Hey, my sister made me a Robin costume for Halloween when I was 8, only I was a little girl with short hair, everyone kept mistaking me for a boy!

Denver Rescue Mission employee Pierce O'Farrill was shot three times in the attack Friday at an Aurora theater showing the new Batman movie.

O'Farrill was released from the hospital Wednesday.

James Holmes is accused of launching the attack that killed 12 people and injured 58.

O'Farrill tells The Denver Post that when he saw images of Holmes at his first court appearance Monday, he felt sorrow for Holmes.

O'Farrill says he wants to tell Holmes he forgives him and ask if he can pray for him.
A quiet son can be a mystery. She may have been in denial herself of signs because they were never that extreme, certainly not where she worried he'd shoot people. On the other hand, he could have left drawings of killing all over the house. Nobody knows, at least not yet.

She'd want to help him avoid the DP, so if there was something she probably will mention events.
Most of us know the Ford Pinto had design flaws huh? Did that mean that every Pinto blew up, nah , but when a Pinto blew up, compared to a Mercedes, we all, kind of, had hunches, that we understood, right away, why, the Pinto blew up.

Same stuff - if a patient comes in complaining about intense pain, and we check it, and we find the person’s appendix is a mess, we can reasonably conclude that the appendix is the cause of the pain.

Today’s stunning mailing, is, just that, stunning
And, it is very helpful in understanding stuff, in a progression.

I suppose the human animal is fond of order – it centers us.

Nothing is always, anything, always....
But I feel pretty safe in believing, without a need to ask all of you, that each of us, in our hearts, find shooting at 70 people an aberration.

It is quite bothersome. It’s akin to an itch we all are trying to scratch.

An impassioned group we are.

That is why we all are here, on this site,–attempts to in some way, maybe, get some understanding of this, even just a little grasp -- give us our order back!

Quickly if you don’t mind. .

In this tragedy, we already have the who, when, where, how – all we all need, now, is the why.

Why, is probably always the hardest huh? Something to check out. Yearning for an answer – reason?

There is a cause, in this instance, that far exceeds the simple notion of evil - and if we go further, what is that, actually, -this concept of evil that is so abundantly tossed about here? --

What does that even mean?

How do we know what that looks like ----this notion of evil?

Does throwing our hands up and declaring it is just evil, period, really authentically help any of us? Doesn’t that actually make us more powerless? Just evil. Done. Does that help any of us answer the WHY?

Is stealing a pack of Doublement gum evil?

Stealing money from a bank?

There are degrees here, saying JH or LM are evil and leaving it at that, superficial level, is IMO, a lost opportunity to maybe catch it before it comes around again.

And THAT hope, in and of itself, is worth trying to go beyond the simple notion of “he is evil”.

At the end of the day, if it turns out that is the answer -- he is just evil --we can go on , be helpless, and conclude that, evil just comes around now and then, so be it.

Why even bother pondering it, if that IS the answer?

Because, in truth, if that is the actual answer here, we all ARE powerless.

Grab a bullet proof vest and hope for the best……..
It appears the reports that the package sat in mail room for a week were false. University of Colorado says the package was received on Monday. And if that accurate this letter was not any sort of warning or "cry for help."

"Ed. note: An original version of this story stated that the package sent to the university sat unopened for days. In a statement released late Wednesday, the University of Colorado-Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus denied those reports and said the package wasn't delivered by U.S. Postal Service until Monday, July 23:"http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18563_1...from-colo-suspect/?tag=cbsContent;cbsCarousel
I think tha make sense.
Hey, my sister made me a Robin costume for Halloween when I was 8, only I was a little girl with short hair, everyone kept mistaking me for a boy!

Funny, I made my son a Robin costume!
I feel the need to comment on these brain tumor things... A family friend passed away after a long battle with brain cancer. She was in exceptional pain, and it was that combined with multiple other symptoms that led to her diagnosis- years before she passed away.

At the VERY end, she began to lose "sense of thing" and ended up doing some non-normal acts. But this was within the last few weeks of her life. None of them were violent acts, but rather due to lack of memory.

I find it exceptionally hard to believe that he is suffering from a brain tumor. After seeing the effects on this lady- there is no way he would have it impact him this dramatically without it being quite advance...

I know that people feel the need to find a reason to explain his actions.. however, I stand by there being true evil in the world... and this being a case of it. JMHO
Nobody said he had a brain tumor... JUST WHAT IF...

The effects of a tumor are not the same on all people. they are all different and it depend want part of the brain the tumor is one. Don&#8217;t get bent out of shape about any tumor.
I doubt he had one.
JMOO, if any of us want instant gratification as to WHY, we will have to lower our expectations because EVIL sometimes has no reasoning. Anyone following the cases on this site knows there is a catagory for the just plain evil/keep them locked up.
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