*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #3

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Castroville classmates stunned: As a youth James Holmes was 'friends with everybody'

“I remember him being exceptionally intelligent. He excelled in academics. He always was in the top of the class ... He was a pretty good athlete, too. But he wasn’t a loner back then — he played, he got along well with all the kids. He was a nice, quiet kid. You’d never think that something like this ... But in thirteen years, a lot can happen.”

Elkins, also 24, affirmed his friend’s assessment of Holmes as gregarious. “He always got picked first, for flag football, for example, because he was fast. He was friends with everybody else, too. I had detention quite a few times, and I never saw him in there.”

“You know, there’s kids, like bullies, they don’t get along with other kids, or the whole population, or just the student body. Like social outcasts, that you can tell, but he wasn’t like that. He got along with everybody,” says Martinez.

What happened? James Holmes in 5th grade

Jimmy was well-dressed, neat, wore glasses, liked to read and excelled in all academic areas. He had two really good friends, both sharp like him — in fact, top of the class.

“How can we know?” I answered Chris. “Perhaps he became psychotic. It shows up in people in their 20s. Maybe he used wicked sanity-eating drugs like OxyContin, meth, crack, and it destroyed his mind. I don’t know.

Looks like James Holmes childhood was "normal". He seemed rather well liked in elementary school. Of course that means nothing later in life.
A good look at his victims, the horror of his actions and their stories...would he feel anything then, yet, ever?
Trying to keep up with all the posts, but I've gotten a bit behind. Forgive me if this thought has already been put out there, but I was wondering about the whole movie theater connection. Do you think someone from the university (his counselor or ex?) was going there that night? Could he have been planning to do this on campus but changed his plans when he lost access to building 500? How soon do theaters know their "opening night" schedules? Would he have known about the Batman premiere in May when he first started buying guns or was the theater shootout a more recent idea? Could the original plan have been to lock himself in a boobytrapped apt when they came to evict or arrest for loud music?
From Wikipedia:
In January 2012, six months prior to the film's release, tickets for midnight IMAX showings in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles went on sale and sold out immediately.

So in Jan or perhaps earlier, JH would have known the film was to be released in July.
He appeared to be in shock in court. Like he had no clue where he was or how he even got there.
I am going to create a forum a little later so we can break out the discussion into different topics. Then you can talk about what YOU are interested in discussing and not everything else.

Would you vets explain how the forum works to some of our new members that may not know? There will not be any general discussion thread once the forum is created and that always throws people off a bit.
help from you guys to 'splain the ins and outs of a whole forum to spread out in would be appreciated.

Thanks I will create it a little later.
I am going to create a forum a little later so we can break out the discussion into different topics. Then you can talk about what YOU are interested in discussing and not everything else.

Would you vets explain how the forum works to some of our new members that may not know? There will not be any general discussion thread once the forum is created and that always throws people off a bit.
help from you guys to 'splain the ins and outs of a whole forum to spread out in would be appreciated.

Thanks I will create it a little later.

Thank you. I am sure that we can discuss particular topics per thread on that forum better :)
I am going to create a forum a little later so we can break out the discussion into different topics. Then you can talk about what YOU are interested in discussing and not everything else.

Would you vets explain how the forum works to some of our new members that may not know? There will not be any general discussion thread once the forum is created and that always throws people off a bit.
help from you guys to 'splain the ins and outs of a whole forum to spread out in would be appreciated.

Thanks I will create it a little later.
YEA!!!! Thank you JBean for the forum!!! In a forum, we get to organize our thoughts and information. For instance, we can have threads about:..... JH's scholastic career, Victims, Motives, Mental Illness, etc.... In other words, we can break our thoughts into organized threads. Thanks again JBean!!!
A father of one of the dead victims told The Post that cops revealed to him that Holmes was adopted. Police said the San Diego-area couple who raised him are not cooperating in the probe.
“They’re not talking to us right now,” Aurora Police Chief Daniel Oates told ABC News of Robert and Arlene Holmes, 61 and 58.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/you_re_no_tough_guy_now_qCaDbL0bp6MXY8NiTX6x3K#ixzz21hIA0PKO

Adopted? and Family not cooperating with LE?

This is from the same article. BBM That night? IMO, the snap to start killing started months ago.

"It’s still unclear why Holmes snapped that night."

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/you_re_no_tough_guy_now_qCaDbL0bp6MXY8NiTX6x3K#ixzz21hPD8ceV
I am going to create a forum a little later so we can break out the discussion into different topics. Then you can talk about what YOU are interested in discussing and not everything else.

Would you vets explain how the forum works to some of our new members that may not know? There will not be any general discussion thread once the forum is created and that always throws people off a bit.
help from you guys to 'splain the ins and outs of a whole forum to spread out in would be appreciated.

Thanks I will create it a little later.

When we transition from a single-thread discussion like we have here to a multiple-thread forum, it can be confusing at first. Some pointers:

- The purpose of a forum for discussion of a case is to allow space for posters to develop and focus on specific ideas related to the case. This is a change from what has been happening here, where all ideas have been added into one single continuous discussion stream. Forums help us focus our conversations, and can be immensely helpful references when cases come to trial or when verdicts are appealed.

- Forums are made up of individual threads that all relate to the topic of the forum. In this instance, you might want to consider starting individual threads such as:

* Messages of Support to Victims & Their Families
* JH's School Background
* Package Sent to Anschutz
* Evil, Mentally Ill, or Insane?
* Timeline of Events


- Once the forum is started, the general discussion threads will be closed permanently, though they will remain available and accessible for you to review. Posts in a topic-specific thread that begin to veer off topic will either be deleted or moved to a more appropriate thread.

As always, the TOS and Rules apply. Be respectful of one another. Provide links when & wherever possible. Use your alert buttons wisely. And sleuth well in your new forum.
YEA!!!! Thank you JBean for the forum!!! In a forum, we get to organize our thoughts and information. For instance, we can have threads about:..... JH's scholastic career, Victims, Motives, Mental Illness, etc.... In other words, we can break our thoughts into organized threads. Thanks again JBean!!!

We should start a thread on contradictory reporting. How much more contradictory can it get?
He is spitting at guards? He is not spitting?
Package sat in the mail room for a week? Package arrived on Monday?
There were 3 packages send? There was one package send?
Person who the package was sent to was a psychiatrist? Or a psychologist? Those are two different things.
Doesn't the media check their sources?

"According to knowledgeable sources, reports that Holmes was spitting at guards in jail are "simply false.""
Originally Posted by Curious Me
Do I need to worry if my son identified with the Robin character?

Robin is awesome!!! I adore him lol. My brothers were comic book nerds and I grew up on them, eventually marrying a comic book nerd lol :)

Call7 Investigator John Ferrugia reported Monday that three packages were received by CU -- all with John Holmes' name on them
JOHN Holmes?
Robin is awesome!!! I adore him lol. My brothers were comic book nerds and I grew up on them, eventually marrying a comic book nerd lol :)

JOHN Holmes?

LOL... might be a typo but who knows lol.... all kinds of articles are coming out of nowhere and contradicting to one another.... next thing you will see is ... he was an adopted son of mitt romney :)

Well it sounds like there will be a battle between FOXNEWS sources on when the package was received by the University. University claimed they got it July 23 , while FOXNEWS originally stated July 12 and they also reaffirming that July 12 on their site.

FoxNews.com's source reaffirmed that Holmes' notebook arrived before the massacre. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/2...-suspect-laid-out-plans-in-package-mailed-to/

But according to this link , there were 3 packages that was sent

Call7 Investigator John Ferrugia reported Monday that three packages were received by CU -- all with John Holmes' name on them

On that link too :
Holmes’s mother had confided deep concerns about her son’s isolation over the years and sought counseling for him, family friends have told the Denver Post.

John Holmes? Is that someone new?
A father of one of the dead victims told The Post that cops revealed to him that Holmes was adopted. Police said the San Diego-area couple who raised him are not cooperating in the probe.
“They’re not talking to us right now,” Aurora Police Chief Daniel Oates told ABC News of Robert and Arlene Holmes, 61 and 58.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/you_re_no_tough_guy_now_qCaDbL0bp6MXY8NiTX6x3K#ixzz21hIA0PKO

Adopted? and Family not cooperating with LE?

I'm adopted, so I get it.
One never really knows what the two family trees will pass along.I always thought I was losing my mind until I met my bio-family and found out 3/4 of them were like that as well.
Whatever is wrong with them, was passed along. Just plain coping (eta:and meds) is the key for most of us capable of normal thought.
This guy is beyond. I wonder what snapped and when or if it has been building for many years. His "superior brain" has nothing to do with much of it except he knew certain things most people don't. (unless they study on the internet)
"My client was so smart, he went off the deep end." Don't think so.
imo moo jmho ect...
The postal delivery man said :

He said the psycho dyed his hair orange-red in May — the same month he started getting packages in all shapes and sizes.
“He started getting the packages about every other day or so,” he said. The parcels were not from Amazon or Zappos, like other college kids usually get.
“They were bigger,” the man said, stretching his arms out.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/nation...ith_plot_5Gvy23sURWTyP7Nx68t6pJ#ixzz21hhr7Za9

so when he did an oral exam on june 7 - his hair was already orange?
Hmmm....maybe some reporters lurking around here can ask the University that question next time?
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