Did Darlie Routier murder her precious sons? Part 2

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Did Darlie Routier Murder Her Precious Sons ?

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Beautiful and well thought out post Erin. I'm glad you've joined WS, and look forward to reading more of your posts in the future :)

thank you. i've been reading WS's for years. i always tried to sign up but couldn't because i kept trying to use a yahoo address and didnt understand why it kept rejecting me. i never read the part about what type of email addresses were accepted. great sleuthing lol
i finally got signed up once i realized what the issue was in time for Casey Anthony's trial and I posted a lot there. After reading about the case for years it was nice to finally be able to post on something that was quite active and get immediate feedback on everyone thoughts during the trial. once the verdict was read it became harder and harder to go back to the threads. i found myself revisiting Darlie's case and now i cant shake it off. im back to where i was when i first discovered it. just shock and disbelief of what Devon and Damon must suffered that night. it haunts me.
I feel darlie is guilty and it makes me want to turn the case inside out and upside looking for any small gesture, comment or ah-ha moment to help me make sense of it all. deep down i know though that i cannot make sense of a senseless action. right now my focus is on darin. i swing back and forth on his role. i get hinky on his lack of deep grief, the failed lie detector, questions over Devon's CPR and the sock. currently i have decided he did not have anything to do with this crime. just purposely lied to cover for darlie's actions.
what are your current thoughts on this case?
I saw the Darlie Routier case on TV Friday evening for the second time. After watching the show a couple of years ago, I thought she has to be guilty. After watching again Friday night, I came away with the same feeling that she is guilty. She is where she belongs, IMO.
i could have answered two of the options together. yes she did it and yes he had a part in it in some way.
Hi everyone.....I usually follow up to date missing person cases on here, but thought I would go through some of the older cases. I had of course heard of this case but have just spent about 4 hours reading thru sites and pages on here.

First of all I think alot of her supporters find it hard to beleive that she could do this therefore they are convinced of her innocence. I have had a someone with this type of personality in my life and it nearly did my head in. For five years this person consistently lied about so much but were so charming and innocent acting that noone else but me (at first) could see through their lies and what they were really like. Eventually there have been a couple of others also see through them. This person no longer lives with me but is still part of my family but I dont get caught up in their life anymore as it nearly drove me crazy thinking I was the person who was wrong in my suspicions of them.

I have talked to qutie a few psychiatrists and asked them about it and have done quite a lot of research of this type of personality. The psychiatrist told me with the amount of family breakdowns in our modern society there are more and more of these personalities, especially females. After reading alot about Darlie and Casey Anthony I am convinced they are this personality type along with the young woman I know, and until you have lived, not just known, lived with one you can not begin to know what they are like. The first and the most important trait they all have is "its all about them". I know alot of people are self centred, but this really goes beyond self centredness, if it is not about them then it really does not matter to them, not really, their emotions do not run as deep as the rest of us......same with their guilt . Therefore the lying is very convincing as they have no guilt about the lies they tell so they come across as beleivable. I really can not explain it BUT I know for fact that there are people and lots of them with this type of personality. She honestly would not see what was wrong with the party at the grave, she truly would not understand why the majority of us think it wrong, and the inviting the press just tells me more that the whole thing was really about "her". I really feel for the Anthonys, the lies that girl spun, that is why they defended her, because they know that was who she was if you know what I mean, lying is part of caseys makeup. Like I have said, they are very hard to understand. They are narcissistic sociopaths. Read up on them.
I dont think she went to sleep. I think she had a fight with the husband, her sister was there, maybe he was giving her more attention, she seethed (is that a word) and the anger was directed at him. I think she was going to "show him" and killed the kids with anger directed at him and had full intentions of killing herself but as she is a sociopathic narcissis broke down and stopped when it started to really hurt. She then panicked and thought about what she was now going to do and set about covering up her tracks.....like Casey Anthony she has now convinced herself she is now believing her own lie. I also think the husband came downstairs and knew she did it and helped her cover it up.
I totally agree!!!

I am here: [ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=32.872644,-96.655535"]Google Maps[/ame]
I agree with revamps. Here's a tidbit I retrieved from fordarlieroutier.org:
In the Criminal District Court No.3
Dallas County, Texas
No. F96-39973-MJ
In the Criminal District Court No.3
Dallas County, Texas
No. F96-39973-MJ
14 A. We both -- we walked back over to this
15 area here, and I could see that this child here was
16 laying on the floor on his stomach, on his left side of
17 his face and he was looking up at both of us making some
18 noises, like he was trying to breathe.
19 Q. All right. If you could -- if we
20 could position him, in general, can you describe how this
21 child was laying, you know, where his feet were, and
22 where his head was?
23 A. His feet were right here and his head
24 was on this end.
25 Q. Okay. So you've got his head here,
Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter

1 basically, and his feet are closer to the hallway; is
2 that correct?
3 A. Yes.
4 Q. He's on his stomach?
5 A. Yes, sir.
6 Q. And you say that he had his head
7 turned where he's looking up at you. Does he have his
8 head turned in this fashion then?
9 A. Yes, sir.
10 Q. And when he does that, can you just
11 point with the pointer where you and the defendant are at
12 this point.
13 A. Right in this area here.
14 Q. Are you able to see his face?
15 A. Yes.
16 Q. Are you able to see what he's doing?
17 A. Yes.
18 Q. Okay. And the defendant is right next
19 to you; is that right?
20 A. Yes, sir.
21 Q. This child here, this small child,
22 could you see whether or not his eyes were open at that
23 point?
24 A. They were open.
25 Q. And, was he looking in your direction?
Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter

1 A. Yes.
2 Q. Was he making any sort of noise?
3 A. Yes, he was.
4 Q. And what sort of noise was he making?
5 A. Like a gasping-type noise.
6 Q. Okay. So, this child -- this child
7 was not dead at this point, was he?
8 A. No.
9 Q. What did you do then?
10 A. I instructed her to get some towels
11 and put them on his back to try to stop the bleeding.
12 Q. And, what did she do?
13 A. Nothing. She kept telling me that
14 when she chased the suspect across the kitchen, that he
15 had dropped the knife by the utility -- somewhere over
16 here in this area, and that she had picked up the knife
17 and brought it back and set it on the counter. And she
18 told me that she thought she had messed up the
19 fingerprints.
20 Q. Well, at the time, Officer Waddell,
21 that you asked her again to care for this child over
22 here, this child with his eyes open? Did you feel that
23 she was capable of rendering assistance to this child?
24 A. Yes, sir.
25 Q. Okay. Why do you think that she was
Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter

1 capable of assisting this child?
2 A. Well, she appeared to know everything
3 that was going on inside the house. She was real alert
4 and able to tell me what had happened. I thought if she
5 was worried about fingerprints on a knife, she could
6 certainly take care of her kids.
7 Q. Okay. She didn't go over there?
8 A. No.
9 Q. And, again, let me just ask you again,
10 this second time when you requested that she assist this
11 child, and she didn't, why didn't you, yourself, now go
12 over here and do that?
13 A. At that point, I didn't know where the
14 suspect was. I thought he was still in the house. I
I agree with revamps. Here's a tidbit I retrieved from fordarlieroutier.org:
In the Criminal District Court No.3
Dallas County, Texas
No. F96-39973-MJ

Still nothing there Trooper. Is it on the.org siteÉ
Not sure why it didn't post. It's on the Guilty by Default website. Go to evidence, writ affidavit and look at Darin's affidavit. Darin states, "In the late evening on June 5,1996, I had a verbal disagreement with my wife Darlie Lynn Routier. During that discussion, my wife asked me for a marital separation.". This is completely opposite of what Darlie said. Who's the liar?

I am here: [ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=32.913664,-96.773433"]Google Maps[/ame]
Not sure why it didn't post. It's on the Guilty by Default website. Go to evidence, writ affidavit and look at Darin's affidavit. Darin states, "In the late evening on June 5,1996, I had a verbal disagreement with my wife Darlie Lynn Routier. During that discussion, my wife asked me for a marital separation.". This is completely opposite of what Darlie said. Who's the liar?

I am here: Google Maps

my vote goes to...drum roll....BOTH
my vote goes to...drum roll....BOTH

But no matter how you look at it their lies don't fit with any reasonable explanation for the murders. Keep in mind Darlie is the self-centered, money-hungry witch we have all come to know.

Scenario one..... Darlie threatens divorce and in a fit of rage kills the kids:

If she were serious about a divorce killing her kids weakens her case against Darin for monetary support. The more children she has the more money she gets. She's certainly not going to murder her meal tickets. She needs all the kids she can get to support her lifestyle.

Scenario two..... Darin threatens divorce and attempts to kill Darlie:

I don't know about you but if I knew someone killed two of my children and attempted to kill me I wouldn't hesitate to tell the cops everything I knew. I've even considered that she might have tried to cover for him to retain her meal-ticket hubby and lifestyle but who in their right mind is going to risk going to death row to protect someone who tried to kill them? I could possibly see her keeping quiet before her arrest but once she knew the DA was seeking the DP she would have fessed up. There is no way a self-center, egotistical witch is going to risk being put to death to protect a man who tried to kill her.

Scenario three..... Both threatened divorce, Darlie snapped and killed the boys and then Darin helped cover it up:

Nope. I cannot believe that any father, finding two dead or dying children knowing that their mother did it, could within a matter of seconds overcome the grief of his loss and protect the woman who murdered his children. And had he truly wanted a divorce from Darlie telling the police she did it would have been perfect for him. No worries about custody, child support or alimony when your ex is sitting in jail for murder.

Scenario four.... Both argued and then went to bed:

Had an intruder not broken in their marital BS would have remained a private matter. Both believed their squabble was a private matter that had nothing to do with the murders. As such they decided to keep it between them (foolish yes, but understandable) because they felt it would only needlessly distract the investigators from finding the murderer.

In the end you can only see it one of two ways and neither makes sense. Darlie killed the boys and Darin covered it up. My husband loves me more than anything but if I killed our killed our children the state wouldn't have been put to the expense of trial. He would have killed me himself right then and there. I would expect that Darin would have acted in a similar fashion, at least to the extent of telling the police Darlie did it.

Or Darin did it and Darlie is covering for him. I love my husband.... but going to death row to protect a man who killed two of my children and tried to kill me as well? Sorry, not happening. I love him but his butt would be in jail before my eyes ever even saw an orange jump suit. I imagine the self-centered, egotistical Darlie would be thinking something remotely similar.
Not sure why it didn't post. It's on the Guilty by Default website. Go to evidence, writ affidavit and look at Darin's affidavit. Darin states, "In the late evening on June 5,1996, I had a verbal disagreement with my wife Darlie Lynn Routier. During that discussion, my wife asked me for a marital separation.". This is completely opposite of what Darlie said. Who's the liar?

I am here: Google Maps

Oh well that is very old news. I knew that before the affidavit because Darlie Kee admitted it in a private email.

Both of them are liars, but if I had to pick, it's Darlie that's the pathological liar and so is her mother.
But no matter how you look at it their lies don't fit with any reasonable explanation for the murders. Keep in mind Darlie is the self-centered, money-hungry witch we have all come to know.

Scenario one..... Darlie threatens divorce and in a fit of rage kills the kids:

If she were serious about a divorce killing her kids weakens her case against Darin for monetary support. The more children she has the more money she gets. She's certainly not going to murder her meal tickets. She needs all the kids she can get to support her lifestyle.

Scenario two..... Darin threatens divorce and attempts to kill Darlie:

I don't know about you but if I knew someone killed two of my children and attempted to kill me I wouldn't hesitate to tell the cops everything I knew. I've even considered that she might have tried to cover for him to retain her meal-ticket hubby and lifestyle but who in their right mind is going to risk going to death row to protect someone who tried to kill them? I could possibly see her keeping quiet before her arrest but once she knew the DA was seeking the DP she would have fessed up. There is no way a self-center, egotistical witch is going to risk being put to death to protect a man who tried to kill her.

Scenario three..... Both threatened divorce, Darlie snapped and killed the boys and then Darin helped cover it up:

Nope. I cannot believe that any father, finding two dead or dying children knowing that their mother did it, could within a matter of seconds overcome the grief of his loss and protect the woman who murdered his children. And had he truly wanted a divorce from Darlie telling the police she did it would have been perfect for him. No worries about custody, child support or alimony when your ex is sitting in jail for murder.

Scenario four.... Both argued and then went to bed:

Had an intruder not broken in their marital BS would have remained a private matter. Both believed their squabble was a private matter that had nothing to do with the murders. As such they decided to keep it between them (foolish yes, but understandable) because they felt it would only needlessly distract the investigators from finding the murderer.

In the end you can only see it one of two ways and neither makes sense. Darlie killed the boys and Darin covered it up. My husband loves me more than anything but if I killed our killed our children the state wouldn't have been put to the expense of trial. He would have killed me himself right then and there. I would expect that Darin would have acted in a similar fashion, at least to the extent of telling the police Darlie did it.

Or Darin did it and Darlie is covering for him. I love my husband.... but going to death row to protect a man who killed two of my children and tried to kill me as well? Sorry, not happening. I love him but his butt would be in jail before my eyes ever even saw an orange jump suit. I imagine the self-centered, egotistical Darlie would be thinking something remotely similar.

Scenario three, Darlie and Darin argue, Darlie says she wants a separation.
Darin says go ahead go. There was no money for child support or alimony, the house is being foreclosed on, the boat repossessed.(possible) Darlie's choice is to take three kids back to her mother's until she can get on her feet.

Scenario Four, Darin tells Darlie to get out if she wants a separation, but don't think you are taking my kids. Darlie,jealous that she is being kicked out of the huge house with nothing, kills the two boys as revenge on Darin. Darlie emotionally unattached from the boys now and seeing them only as extensions of herself kills the boys cause they are hers and she can do what she wants with them.

Actually, Darin's behaviour in the minutes after the murders proves to me he cared a lot more for his precious Darlie than those boys.
Actually, Darin's behaviour in the minutes after the murders proves to me he cared a lot more for his precious Darlie than those boys.

why were neither parent at either boy kissing, hugging, telling them to "hang on love, stay with me, i love you..."
sadly, my answer is yes. i cant believe it's been 15 years. nothing new has surfaced. things have gotten quiet. darin has officially moved on. what does darlie think night after night in her cell? thoughts of what she could have done differently. does she wish she could take it all back because it was wrong or take it back because she was caught?
on one of the shows about the case it shows the juror who apologized to darlie for sentencing her. the reported sounded amazed that darlie forgave him. the feel was to be that she is a kind christian woman. i hope this doesn't offen anyone but here goes...lots of people in jail, especially on DR find God. to me, they find solace in the New Testiment because it states forgivness. i think it helps them ease their minds of their crimes. Jesus forgives them and all is well. not saying in every case. just i question darlie's faith at times. everyone says how sweet she is, how accepting and forgiving and kind. it can come off as phony. no one is that perfect. maybe it is because i believe if she truly found religion and faith i would expect she would want to unburden her soul and tell the truth and seek forgivness for her actions. like Karla Faye Tucker.
maybe im asking too much. she may be terrifed to die and cannot confess for fear she will be put to death quickly. most people dont want to die under any circumstance. i couldnt imagine the fear of dying knowing what could be waiting for me due to my actions. those were her sons. sometimes this case just hits you hard.
i consider myself very compassionate and understanding but i ponder if i can just offer it willy nilly to darlie unless she steps up and does the right thing. that makes ME feel like im a bad person. maybe that's why some people want to believe she is innocent. believing she's guilty just stirs up so many emotions. makes me ponder love, life, religion, death, sorrow and what is expected of me as a person. am i to forgive what is not mine to forgive. am i to be compassionate to someone who did not show compassion? is it a betrayal to her sons or is it the right thing to do?
was darlie a good person who just snapped from post partum and the mix of diet pills and rage and has deep internal remorse for her actions. or is she a dangerous sociopath who took revenge on her children? i wish i knew what she really felt inside. do people believe she is a continued threat to society and should be put to death for that reason or do they feel she should be put to death because she killed her sons? i struggle with the death penalty except in cases of Ted Bundy and heartless murderers who relish in others pain and am interested in others thoughts on it. if there is remorse its hard for me to want it but that is not my decision to make. i honestly dont know what emotion i will feel when she is executed but i assume it will be an overall sadness because this never should have happened. her sons should be alive. her mother shouldnt have to experience the anguish of what has happened. even though darlie kee can come off wrong she must feel genuine daily suffering. she loves her daughter and that is natural.
this is such a tragic case no matter what the circumstance.

Knowing what I know personally about the particular type of diet pills Darlie was taking, and the potential adverse affects they can have on a person's mental and emotional state, I have always believed that if Darlie is guilty, that the diet pills and the effects they had on her were the catalyst in her being driven to commit this horrific act.

This being said about the diet pills, obviously not everyone experiences this reaction to them nor resorts to such extreme violence as Darlie did. Why? IMO, for this to have happened, we have to look at the individual as each response to this type of medication will be different, i.e., we have to look at the whole picture.

From what I remember in Darlie's case the following attitudes and behaviors were apparently/ reportedly present prior to her committing this violent act against her own children:

1)Darlie's pre-existing postpartum depression
2)Darlie's pre-existing apparently innate shallow, superficial, and, I think this is key, very narcissistic personality
3)Darin and Darlie's increasing financial problems and pressures
4)Darlie's very materialistic wants and desires.

I've often wondered if Darin had something to do with this heinous crime, and even entertained the idea HE was the "intruder". But it just never seems to point at him in the end. I remember he admitted that he had previously had someone set up as part of an insurance scam to break into their old house, and that after the tragedy of his boys death, he had driven by the old house and stopped and looked, wondering about the cut window screens. I personally believe he was thinking, "My God, did Darlie do it?", and "was this where she got the idea to cut the window screen"?

I personally only believe in the death penalty in special cases, and in cases based on more than just circumstantial evidence, which is what this case is based on, solely circumstantial. I especially think it's quite sad that Texas seems to have an overabundance of prosecutors who are way too excited about the infliction of the death penalty.
In Darlie's case, I believe she should have either another trial or have her sentence changed to life in prison. TJMOO:)
my vote goes to...drum roll....BOTH

Only question I have here is, if Darin was involved why didn't Darlie turn state's evidence against him, at least at some point? Why go to death row and never, never implicate Darin? JMO
I have to say that for a while I was on the fence, I tried my best to believe the intruder theory. In a lot of ways it seemed to make since. But I kept thinking about Darlie just sitting there talking to 911 all that time instead of helping, holding, trying to save, or at the very least give love to her little boy in his dying moments. I think this had more impact on me in my conclusion that Darlie must be guilty than anything else. No loving, innocent mother could just sit back and do absolutely nothing while her precious, beloved little boy lies there unable to breathe, bleeding, and dying right in front of her. If she was able to talk on the phone, she was able to help her son, TJMOO.
And that business about her trying to stop the bleeding with towels she was wetting at the sink, :rolleyes: puhhhlease..... That along with her very obvious over-focus on the knife that she 'shouldn't have picked up, cause they coulda got the prints, maybe', (paraphrased) etc...... That didn't help either. It really makes me sick all over when I think about it. JMOO

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