Did the jury get it wrong, or...

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Did the jury get it wrong?

  • The jury got it wrong

    Votes: 1,051 81.9%
  • The state didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

    Votes: 179 14.0%
  • The Defense provided reasonable doubt and the jury got it right

    Votes: 55 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I do believe that a case that has no direct evidence does not justify seeking the death penalty. In that, I fault the SA although they presented an absolutely brilliant case.

The other thing that has led to this miscarriage of justice imo, is the insistence that potential jurors know next to nothing about the case. In other words, let's get the most uninformed about currents events that happen in their own communities.

All I know is that this is a terrible terrible verdict and I am highly suspicious of the people who came to it after a mere 10 hours of deliberation. It says to me that they were tired of sequestration and wanted to get on with their summer. They make me sick to death and frankly I hope they live to rue their uncaring haste. What a waste they turned out to be....a huge waste.
Casey had never worked and she won't have to now. Expect her on all of the talk shows, writing a book and a movie deal. The bookers are probably knocking down the door of the Anthony home as we speak.

If anything gives me any comfort it was the look on George Anthony's face. He is a broken man, has been dragged through the mud and knows exactly where this is going. Casey will want to go home and Cindy will let her. I don't see George hanging around for that.

And if he does he will be no more than Cindy's and Casey's lap dog..I hope he gets out ...
Besides the fact that no one is going to pay for Caylee's murder, what really bothers me is that JB's career is set now. That he can continue to be as smug and arrogant as he is. And, IMO, he does not deserve to be that smug and arrogant.
Not that it will do any good. But I best at least one of the jurors is going to dig into the case now that it's over, and will see what we all have seen. And I hope that juror has that "oh my god moment", knowing that they got it wrong.
I am nauseated. I am so sick. No justice for Caylee. Wait till the jurors read of all that went on out of their sight. Wait till they read of all the evidence that was witheld. Of course, there is noting they can do. I truly feel like retching. JB's smug proud peacock look was horrific.

I hope the jurors find out what she really did and they have to live with it for the rest of their lives. Sickening!!!!
Maybe the jurors were protesting the state's death penalty. Maybe it was a political verdict.
Just weird. Especially since they refuse to meet with media.
I voted they got it wrong.

I will be about as fascinated with HOW they got it wrong, and why, as I've been with everything that has come before the final verdict.

Every jury is a crapshoot (I'm quoting a million folks here). It amazes me that human beings of the same exact species can arrive at such an opposite conclusion.

I don't believe for a second the jury just wanted to go home. I think they arrived at their verdict like an arrow toward the bullseye. I just want to know why.
I don't care about what happens to Casey Anthony. I will be unwillingly curious and with some regret and shame, will continue to watch this train wreck.
The system is fine. This particular group of jurors are not.

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The system is not fine. It is completely broken. This result proves it absolutely. Three years of stalling. Stuff that was kept out. Stuff that was allowed in...the allegations of sexual abuse without any proof whatsoever, the slandering of witnesses permitted. The requirement that jurors be as ignorant as can be found regarding the case, and the letting off of many, many potential jurors for a plethora of reasons, assuring that the jury panel will NOT be representative of the community. This is a horrid result. I am ashamed of this verdict and that our system produced it. In the future, if I hear anyone say how great our system is, I may want to throw up right on the spot. This is a travesty.
common sense. she denied and accident and she said she was the last existing person with her child. so did her family. george denied the pool accident. Casey never testified to it. So how did they find her not guilty?

This was a shameful travesty and it breaks my heart.
I can't talk. I'll just resectfully quote your post and say ditto.
No justice for Caylee.
I am ashamed of the American Justice System.
Jose's misunderstandings and need for education, side bars, I think is what helped the DT. It left the Jury thinking the SA was keeping things from them.
All I know is that I keep thinking that this is some kind of a nightmare I am in and that i will wake up soon. I guess i still can't believe it. I never would have expected such a verdict. It still shocks me.
It's possible to believe someone did it, and still believe that it wasn't proved beyond a reasonable doubt. I doubt all of the jurors think that Casey is innocent. I doubt all the jurors believe there was abuse, or that George Anthony had anything to do with it.

All I believe is that all of them believed it couldn't be proved beyond a reasonable doubt with the evidence they were presented and allowed to consider.

ITA, thanks for voicing my thoughts.
I can understand not getting 1st degree murder and that it left some evidence to some doubt, but I thought at least she would get manslaughter or aggravated child abuse since she was the last one with her. Until one of the jurors talks and I doubt they ever will it will remain a mystery.
Well, if Casey writes one word about her abuse, I hope her father can go after her for libel. I even wish her father would go after her civilly...like they did to OJ. I don't think Cindy would...no matter how much she says she's suffered...I think she'll be too busy trying to make money...and making sure others don't capitalize on this if it means less for her.
This jury should be ashamed of themselves. So much for justice. Pathetic. They now have murder on their hands if you ask me. Justice was not served.

And to think ICA will become a millionnaire over this with book, tv and movie deals.

It makes me sick. Shame shame shame on this jury. I blame them 100 percent. NO one but the jury. The prosecution put on a good case. The defense was laughable.
Besides the fact that no one is going to pay for Caylee's murder, what really bothers me is that JB's career is set now. That he can continue to be as smug and arrogant as he is. And, IMO, he does not deserve to be that smug and arrogant.

OJ's attorneys only had a year or so in the spotlight. Most of the defense is dead. Died pretty young due to disease. (God working) Robert Shapiro does that stupid commercial for legal zoom, but he is never asked for his opinion on anything. F Lee Bailey has made the stupidest comments and mistakes and unfortunately will die a joke. Too bad, because he was a really respected lawyer at one time.

The public will make sure the world is righted on its axis.

Marcia Clark is around occasionally but not much. and she was prosecution. And Mark Furhman has the most prolific career following the trial. The defense blamed all on him. The world righting its axis.
Kathi Belich said juror #7, the one who works for child welfare was crying in the court room. I bet she knows they got it wrong.

Well that makes me even sicker - why didn't she hold out and have a freaking hung jury ??!?!!??!!?!??!
This jury should be ashamed of themselves. So much for justice. Pathetic. They now have murder on their hands if you ask me. Justice was not served.

And to think ICA will become a millionnaire over this with book, tv and movie deals.

It makes me sick. Shame shame shame on this jury. I blame them 100 percent. NO one but the jury. The prosecution put on a good case. The defense was laughable.
Personally, I think the first thing she'll do is get a guy, spend time drinking, and get a new tattoo that says, "Murder Pays".
I think the jury must have been asleep or tuned out during the trial because I cannot for the life of me see how they found her not guilty. It makes NO sense. If there was just one of them maybe two who had doubts....I could understand that. But for all TWELVE to decide that she was innocent, after less than 12 hours?????? IMO an injustice has been done. I don't know what to make of it, but its shocking and sickening and just UNREAL.
Guys I know I could take a stand against 11 other people who wanted to disagree with me and go against the flow but could you all?

I'm almost 60yrs old and have had a lot of life experience and don't care to offend anyone (in a nice way) am assertative and will stand for what I believe but I wonder about peer pressure. It's awfully hard to uphold one's stand against 11 people who want to go home. I just can't believe all 12 felt the same way initially.
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