Did Travis know Arias was coming to his house the night he was murdered?

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DNA Solves

Did Travis know Arias was coming to his home the night she murdered him?

  • Yes, he knew.

    Votes: 108 12.4%
  • No, he didn't know.

    Votes: 634 72.5%
  • Other combination (yes and no)

    Votes: 47 5.4%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 85 9.7%

  • Total voters
I think he knew but not until that last phone call hours before she got there and he was trying to appease her....she was one determined gal....

I voted yes he knew because I believe she called him before she was about to arrive (within a couple of hours). I know he was a late-nighter, but I thought he was up around 4AM watching you-tube videos (seemingly waiting for her). Otherwise, I would think he would have been in bed at that hour.

just my opinion.

Agree totally. I don't think they had sex that day, and I think he awoke to her taking pictures of him and he was not happy about it.

Not to be :what: but then what was the KY on the bed, and his penis looked like it had engaged in some sort of activity (red). This from the image of him on the bed. I do believe they had sex that day (6/4).

Just my opinion.

I voted "no he didn't know" and I'm not even sure he knew she took the photographs of him in the shower. To me he looks anguished, like he just told her to leave then went to take a shower and just wash off everything that had just taken place. In one of the photos he looks like he is praying. I think he thought he was alone until he finally noticed her there and that's when she began to kill him.
No. Had he known he might have told someone and it was imperative that NO ONE KNEW she was in Mesa.

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

I keep going back to their toxic relationship. He didn't want ANYONE to know he was still talking to her let alone seeing her. I'm sitting here shaking my head again. Oy! The last 2 calls Travis made to Jodi were at 3am June 2nd and they talked for over an hour. WHAT did they talk about for that long? And I'm not prepared to say the SEX never happened.

I do want to know what they did after the "sex". The roomates said the Floor Cleaner had not been put together on June 3rd. After Travis was killed, the floor cleaner was found assembled and furniture was piled on the sofa. Maybe Travis was putting it together just to try and get her out of his bedroom and closer to the front door so he could give her the boot...? And no, I don't thing JA offered to clean or anything like that. The state of the Living Room has always been a mystery to me. I guess it always will be.
No. Had he known he might have told someone and it was imperative that NO ONE KNEW she was in Mesa.

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

she claims to have parked in the driveway but the roommate says there was no car there

there was also testimony about neighbors that was alluded to someone seeing her there that day (arias claims her hair was different and she never talked to anyone.. so I think there is more on this.. re: her sneaking in the neighborhood that day)
Not to be :what: but then what was the KY on the bed, and his penis looked like it had engaged in some sort of activity (red). This from the image of him on the bed. I do believe they had sex that day (6/4).

Just my opinion.


I :what: noticed that too...his ... privates seemed :what: red...

I just don't know? Maybe she brought the KY and was trying to talk him into sex, a c'mon Travis, one last time for old times sake kind of thing. I would think that after TA's May 26th (ish) texts of 'you are the worst thing that ever happened to me and you are a sociopath' that he could resist? But, she did have the sex thing on him.

I don't think we will ever know what really happened that day, from when she got there, when he noticed her there, to how she killed him (shot or stabbed first). I watched all of her interrogation Youtube video's today with DF and man...he was so composed and right on her and just stayed the course knowing what she was, what she did. What a great detective. Superior job.
Not to be :what: but then what was the KY on the bed, and his penis looked like it had engaged in some sort of activity (red). This from the image of him on the bed. I do believe they had sex that day (6/4).

Just my opinion.


He could have engaged in sexual activity that day...but it could have been forced. Men can be raped. They can be forced into situations that they don't want to be in. Just because the physical body responds doesn't mean that it was welcomed or wanted. Thinking otherwise, IMO goes along with ALV's outdated thinking of men being the perp and women being the victims. There are a lot of young men sexually abused by women. I also think the ky was staged and the pictures taken for blackmail, in case other plans she may have had didn't work out. I know it sounds far fetched, but it's just a feeling I have. He was going to pay her in one way or another on June 4.
OK - maybe the phone calls were only to make sure he was at home. But what was guaranteeing he stayed there? How would she know he wasn't entertaining another female guest? Did she plan to kill her too? I dunno. I see it more like she told him she had to come to Mesa say to pick up something from Rachel - or somebody, and said she just wanted to come by and say good bye for old times' sake. And Travis, being the good guy sap that he was, said OK. And then one thing led to another "for the last time, and I'll take some pics of you for modeling purposes" or whatever...and basically lures him into bed and the shower. She even might have thought he would miss her so much (or miss her body so much) that he would be ready for Round 3 and she basically laid all her cards on the table and said she wanted to start over in Cancun. Travis said no, and we all know what happened after that. I just think counting on Travis to be home was way too iffy.
She didn't. I think she thought he'd have Mimi in his bed, and she'd kill her too!
Not to be :what: but then what was the KY on the bed, and his penis looked like it had engaged in some sort of activity (red). This from the image of him on the bed. I do believe they had sex that day (6/4).

Just my opinion.

the bottle of KY could have been brought by Jodi just as a photo prop to make it look like they had sex, just like the picture of Caylee reaching for the sliding glass door handle- illusion that proves nothing.
I voted no for all the above reasons AND the fact that when Detective Flores asked her that, she stone-walled to the max.... every time!
I don't think he really wanted to see her... So she didn't let him know she was coming...

However... On another WS thread... There is reported evidence from HLN that JA made quite a few phone calls (to TA) on her trip...

I don't know what to think of that...


hi, i dont know what to think about HLN but didnt she have her phone shut off? I voted no. He was through with her. :seeya:
If he knew she was coming, then I would have to think it wasn't premeditated.

If he knew, then he would possibly tell other people. I don't think she EVER told him, not even on the phone that day. He could have told a roommate or whoever. Makes no sense to plan everything the way she did and then tell him she was coming and chance him telling others.

She had Travis' Facebook and e-mail passwords and Travis was on the computer the night Jodi was headed for his place. He would have had to keep up with his network of PPL people and advising them of his comings and goings. Plus lots of his social life would have been arranged or discussed online and he probably USED his online calendar to keep track of both his work and social schedule. Most "flirts" keep their Facebook window open and their chat on, when they are online. Which would have been a big hint that Travis was home and not in bed with another woman the night before he was murdered.

I think Jodi hacked into Travis' computer several times a day to keep up with his comings and goings. That way she could be "involved" in his life and feel close to him even when they were hundreds of miles apart and Travis wasn't speaking to her.

Despite the DV's expert opinion, I think Jodi stalked and went after her man with the same gusto that Seal Team 6 went after Bin Laden.

The more thought I give it, the more I think he wasn't expecting her. JA's testimony is that she parked the rental car in the space she usually used, the middle spot in TA's driveway. The roommates would have had to noticed this car when leaving for work, if this is true.

JA also said that TA was up on his computer, with the Napoleon by his side when she was at the door. Even creepier, she stated she watched TA in his office before he noticed. TA's street looks fairly quiet, so again if this were true one would think that the dog would start barking at the sound of a car, lights on, etc pulling into the driveway. JA specifically said the dog didn't bark. I call BS. Unknown car, late at night = the dog is going to bark.

After murdering TA, JA sent an email that w/ something like: sorry I didn't visit, you were just too busy hon! don't be sad! what was the purpose of mentioning NOT visiting and the fact he was too busy? Knowing she wrote it thinking it would be used to prove her innocence, I think that this was his response when she pushed for a visit -- I'm too busy, working and getting ready for Cancun.

TA brushed her off, maybe rattled off his schedule for the next few days to prove how much he had to do. I think this is partly why she showed up at 4AM, because he'd definitely be there, alone (in his bedroom at least). I think she was also focused on doing something crazy with her hard drive, lap top and TA's lap top. Probably parked down the street, snuck in, did the computer stuff - taking about 1 hr and 1/2. Leaves, gets breakfast maybe and comes back after the roommates are gone and parks in the spot and pretends she's just stopping through, and maybe TA was already awake and cleaning, putting together the mop and surprise.

If the roommates didn't notice a random car there in the morning or hear anyone come into the house late that night (dog bark, door open, headlights, voices, the youtube videos) then I don't think anyone knew she was in the house at 4AM. And if TA was paranoid about his roommates suspecting he was having sex with JA, I doubt he'd want to watch videos in his office when they could want a drink from the kitchen. Also doubt he'd let her park in plain sight, either.
She didn't. I think she thought he'd have Mimi in his bed, and she'd kill her too!

That triggered a thought in my head. Maybe that was why JA had both gun and knife. Maybe she had planned a murder /suicide. TA stabs Mimi and then writes good-bye note (forged by JA), and shoots self. Possible?
the bottle of KY could have been brought by Jodi just as a photo prop to make it look like they had sex, just like the picture of Caylee reaching for the sliding glass door handle- illusion that proves nothing.

I think the picture of Travis on the bed looks very different than all the others. Almost as if it was taken by a camera phone, secretly. Isn't that the only picture with "unallocated clusters" printed on it? I wonder if she at some point put her memory card into the camera and deleted. It doesn't look like the photo of TA was taken with his new camera.
That triggered a thought in my head. Maybe that was why JA had both gun and knife. Maybe she had planned a murder /suicide. TA stabs Mimi and then writes good-bye note (forged by JA), and shoots self. Possible?

RE: Mimi - I just realized JA died her hair brown in 3/08, the very same month TA goes his first 3 dates with Mimi. That must've been so bizarre, she was trying to mold into what she thought he wanted. :what:
I voted no. The reasons have already been stated much more eloquently than I could.

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