Digital Forensic Evidence from Ricardo M UPDATED 1-24-09

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UGH! REALLY hate to even post this, but COULD Caylee have been drugged and used in *advertiser censored* movies or photos, or maybe even for sex with ???

Surely if they found evidence of that the DP would still be on the table!!
It makes sense to me that the defense wants RM's digital evidence b/c he is the only connection we know of to chloroform however thin it appears to be. JB wants to see what else RM had on his computer (and I want to know too). When I read AH's interview regarding sleepwalking/changing her pants in her sleep and not remembering doing it, the first thing that popped into my head was "I wonder if she was drugged?" Without her knowledge. Either with chloroform or some other substance. She was living with RM and JPC at the time and KC was staying over there now and then. I just wouldn't put any nefarious activities past KC at this point. I can see her doing that for kicks or as a kind of experiment.
He probably has turned everything over to LE...demand for discovery would lead me to think the defense is asking to see the same materials that LE has....which is interesting....I would think it either means that they think 1) there is something in Ric's computer (whether we've seen it or not) that is especially incriminating to KC and they want to try to find a way to mitigate it at trial, 2) there is something exculpatory, (unlikely since I think the prosecution would have been required to turn it over immediately in this case) or 3) KC in some twisted way wants to try and implicate Ricardo, or implicate someone else using evidence on Ricardo's computer...

Oh to be a fly on the wall....

CA has stated she believes "the nanny" is whoever is watching Caylee. I wonder if CA is still looking for which of Casey's friends is involved. In the jail video, Cindy questioned Casey about who's apartment was in the photo with the drums, and asked if it was the nanny's. It was Ricardo's (and Cindy knew this before she asked.) Hmmmm.

Amy said Caylee would sleep very soundly on the couch during loud parties & she thought it was odd..I bet looking back now she wishes drugging her dawned on her but why would it?..She had no clue how EVIL her friend KC was until it was too late.

I remember reading Amy saying in her LE interview about Caylee being sleeping very soundly on the couch during parties but I don't recall her saying she thought it was odd. However, I thought it was a bit odd.
I just don't buy that. SORRY!!! I just find it odd that he deleted the image right AFTER her arrest and BEFORE anyone was aware that chloroform was found present in the trunk. And HIGH LEVELS of it at that. If you had nothing to hide why delete that image? It just doesn't sound right to me.

Do we know for certain that he did delete it just after the arrest on July 16? If that is true, how did so many people find it on his MySpace (or FaceBook) page way after that date? I am not discounting what you are saying. Just not sure the date he deleted it has been confirmed as fact. :)
When was KC looking for recipes to make chloroform? Did she even know RM at that time?

This sounds like one of CA's fantasies about RM being Zanny.....

My thought as well.
]No... I do not think you would see a happy, healthy little girl in the nursing home video the day before and in the other videos.

NOT if she were drugged when it happened ... how would she ever know?

I know this case is tough but do not torture yourself with these kind of thoughts. AL liked kids and was a camp counselor,, liked Caylee enough to not want her around some of his roomies pot-smoking. TR (ex-cop) did not want her around at all and only wanted mommy. WW did not get to meet Caylee. JG loved her like his own and Ric... I think although he liked Caylee.. he really did not see himself ready for parenthood.
The defense is doing their job and making sure they see all the same evidence that LE has. Nothing more... nothing less....
They just want to see if Casey was on that computer.
When was KC looking for recipes to make chloroform? Did she even know RM at that time?

This sounds like one of CA's fantasies about RM being Zanny.....

Yes, they had been dating for a couple of months. The chloroform image appeared on RM's myspace one day after KC's searches. However, that same image appeared on a lot of myspace pages in March 2008. Also note that KC was big into digging up dark-humor images and posting them on Photobucket (this was not one of them). KC did not upload to Photobucket every day.

My speculation: KC was surfing the web for dark-humor sex images and ran across the chloroform picture. KC did not know what chloroform was and looked it up. Next day RM puts the image on myspace. A couple days later KC sees the image on myspace and does 12 minutes of intensive research. :rolleyes:

She searches how to make it. Probably sees how dangerous it is and how it can be used to assault another person. Looks up women's self-defense to protect herself. References suggest use of household weapons for self defense, so she searches on that. Shovel pops up and she searches on that. Then she realizes it was a stupid term to search for so she goes back to searching for images of unique Hooter's t-shirts (literary license on the last one).
I remember reading Amy saying in her LE interview about Caylee being sleeping very soundly on the couch during parties but I don't recall her saying she thought it was odd. However, I thought it was a bit odd.

this is not odd for a child to sleep anywhere. I had two sons and I had musician friends and I would take the boys to rehearsals and they always fell asleep while there. How I don't know, but I wasnt drugging them as me and my friends had been sober for years. I have one son that has fallen asleep standing up. I have a picture to prove it.. kids are pretty adaptable to their environment. I am really starting to think that the computer searches are irrelevant to what happened to the angel.
WHOAAAA! Hold your horses everyone. The State has it, Baez gets it. Even if the State never uses anything from the digital forensics of RM's pc, cell phone or whatever else, Baez is entitled to have it duplicated and given to him for a reasonable fee for expenses. There does not have to be any admissible evidence on RM's tech. at all. The State collected it, examined it, ran tests and dug through it and made a report about the findings or lack thereof. Baez is entitled to it and it does not mean that RM is in any way involved in anything whatsoever.

I got the "Win her over. . . . with Chloroform" thing through an e-mail and laughed my head off when I saw it. I think it was titled "Dating Tips for Ugly Guys" or something like that. Kerplunk.

She had just dumped RM for another guy. Maybe he just "dumped" her too.
By the way, I have seen babies and toddlers sleep through full-blown Mardi Gras parades. :)
By the way, I have seen babies and toddlers sleep through full-blown Mardi Gras parades. :)
ITA about how kids sleep. My two were complete opposites. My daughter HAD to sleep in her bed and when she slept - you could drop a bomb right next to it and she wouldn't even stir. Now my son, please. He couldn't sleep in a bed. He would sleep any where and everywhere else and was a very light sleeper. I sneeze would wake him up.

They are now much older - with my son being grown and their sleep patterns are still the same.

So I guess it just depends on the child.
I agree that KC could have been looking up chloroform because of hearing about it from either RM (as in the "win her over" joke on his page) or other friends (here on WS, another of her friends was saying "we used to use chloroform on unruly detainees in the military", and "everyone knows it's easy to get, you can get it anywhere". He denied that he or anyone in their group ever used it but I would not be surprised if KC had simply heard talk about it and subsequently looked it up. Of course another of KC's friends also used the nickname "Nitrous" here when chatting on websleuths.
Haven't had time to catch up but have question... Isn't RM one of KC's friend's who used to post here with the name starting with "N"? May be wrong but sure thought it was RM.
I can't picture KC or her friends using chloroform to drug Caylee, if someone really wanted to drug a child to sleep, that would be the last thing you would need to use, likewise if someone wanted to murder a child. I really don't think any of them would risk harming a child by drugging them at all, nor do I suspect there was ongoing abuse of any kind (as mentioned above, Caylee was her normal happy, healthy self as late as the Father's Day video).
I used to always think if Caylee ever did get exposed to chloroform it most likely was by accident (i.e. someone using it as a recreational drug or for drug manufacturing and there was a spill)....of course now that her body has been found with duct tape over the mouth (if that is true), any accident theories are less likely....early on in the case I did wonder if JB thought to have KC tested to determine if there was any chance she had been chloroformed/drugged at some point. Just in case. Could explain some of her confusion, same person could have taken Caylee. I don't mean any of the above mentioned people, could be anyone.
purely speculation of course
whoaaaa! Hold your horses everyone. The state has it, baez gets it. Even if the state never uses anything from the digital forensics of rm's pc, cell phone or whatever else, baez is entitled to have it duplicated and given to him for a reasonable fee for expenses. there does not have to be any admissible evidence on rm's tech. At all. The state collected it, examined it, ran tests and dug through it and made a report about the findings or lack thereof. Baez is entitled to it and it does not mean that rm is in any way involved in anything whatsoever.

I got the "win her over. . . . With chloroform" thing through an e-mail and laughed my head off when i saw it. I think it was titled "dating tips for ugly guys" or something like that. Kerplunk.

She had just dumped rm for another guy. Maybe he just "dumped" her too.

ita.. Thank you..
Haven't had time to catch up but have question... Isn't RM one of KC's friend's who used to post here with the name starting with "N"? May be wrong but sure thought it was RM.

No, that is D who lives at Sawgrass. RM is the ex-boyfriend/friend that KC lived with along with roommates JP and AH at the Glenwood apartment before moving to AL's apartment, then moved back with them again for a week while AL was out of town.
I have posted this a few times, so sorry in advance, but the Chloraform searches on RM computer were only searched this Oct, although LE had the "win her over with chlorofrom" image, prior. This is important because it showed KC computer and RM computer searched Chloroform during the same time span.

I believe the chloroform was sexual in nature, the whole asphyxiation thing, which started with the 2 of them.

In short, red herring, it will not tie RM to anything, nor do I think he should be as far as Caylee's death is concerned

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