Digital Forensic Evidence from Ricardo M UPDATED 1-24-09

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CA has stated she believes "the nanny" is whoever is watching Caylee. I wonder if CA is still looking for which of Casey's friends is involved. In the jail video, Cindy questioned Casey about who's apartment was in the photo with the drums, and asked if it was the nanny's. It was Ricardo's (and Cindy knew this before she asked.) Hmmmm.

I'm sure they are still wondering that. As any grandparent/parent would be. Imagine if your daughter starts living with lots of different people at a couple of apartments, all their friends coming and going from those apartments, and also starts working (or helping out) at a club, and then your granddaughter goes missing. Any parent would expect LE to investigate everyone who had been around their granddaughter, just to rule them out. That's a normal and reasonable expectation. I hope a lot of investigation has gone on that we haven't heard about.

yes, there were so many parallels between KC's stories of Z of course and RM, the drums, their apartments are supposedly set up alike and look alike, both have two roommates, in both cases one of their roommates' name starts with a J and works for television/publishing media or something along those lines, the other roommate works for a restaurant, Zani took a trip to Tampa for her sister's wedding or something (RM went to Tampa for a wedding), Zani's roommates' or sister's car accident, car totaled, (AH's car accident/totaled). What else? No accusation toward anyone of course, it's just curious, oh also, the part where KC took LE to the old folks home across from the RM/JP/AH apartment.
this is not odd for a child to sleep anywhere. I had two sons and I had musician friends and I would take the boys to rehearsals and they always fell asleep while there. How I don't know, but I wasnt drugging them as me and my friends had been sober for years. I have one son that has fallen asleep standing up. I have a picture to prove it.. kids are pretty adaptable to their environment. I am really starting to think that the computer searches are irrelevant to what happened to the angel.

ITA, my niece is nine now, but up until she was about five she could and did sleep through everything.

I honestly don't think when Casey was looking up choloroform in March that it had anything at all to do with Caylee. I have wondered though if she found out then that chloroform is a very potent cleaning agent and she tried to use it to clean her trunk.
It makes sense to me that the defense wants RM's digital evidence b/c he is the only connection we know of to chloroform however thin it appears to be. JB wants to see what else RM had on his computer (and I want to know too). When I read AH's interview regarding sleepwalking/changing her pants in her sleep and not remembering doing it, the first thing that popped into my head was "I wonder if she was drugged?" Without her knowledge. Either with chloroform or some other substance.

me too, doogiesgirl.
ITA, my niece is nine now, but up until she was about five she could and did sleep through everything.

I honestly don't think when Casey was looking up choloroform in March that it had anything at all to do with Caylee. I have wondered though if she found out then that chloroform is a very potent cleaning agent and she tried to use it to clean her trunk.

my 6 year old was so soundly asleep throughout a fireworks display on New Years Eve that I couldn't wake him to see it. Other times, he may get up several times in the night just to come in and have me walk him back to his bed :)

That's an interesting point about finding out then about using it for deep cleaning, or I guess she could have heard that too from friends who were talking about its uses, (like the one who was talking about it on here with his military stories of chloroform having been used on detainees. Which I found pretty bizarre by the way because my husband had a command in Iraq and never heard of any such thing, but then Abu Graib and so on show us abuses like that could occur so you never know.) But anyway, KC hung around this guy a lot, and his army buddies even, so I'm sure she heard all his stories along those lines. Could have then looked it up. (I know when I go to look something up on the internet, I springboard to so many other weird topics related to it, any computer searches on my computer would probably look pretty weird.)
Yes, they had been dating for a couple of months. The chloroform image appeared on RM's myspace one day after KC's searches. However, that same image appeared on a lot of myspace pages in March 2008. Also note that KC was big into digging up dark-humor images and posting them on Photobucket (this was not one of them). KC did not upload to Photobucket every day.

My speculation: KC was surfing the web for dark-humor sex images and ran across the chloroform picture. KC did not know what chloroform was and looked it up. Next day RM puts the image on myspace. A couple days later KC sees the image on myspace and does 12 minutes of intensive research. :rolleyes:

She searches how to make it. Probably sees how dangerous it is and how it can be used to assault another person. Looks up women's self-defense to protect herself. References suggest use of household weapons for self defense, so she searches on that. Shovel pops up and she searches on that. Then she realizes it was a stupid term to search for so she goes back to searching for images of unique Hooter's t-shirts (literary license on the last one).

This sounds so much more likely to me than most of what I've heard on this subject (esp on TV)
my 6 year old was so soundly asleep throughout a fireworks display on New Years Eve that I couldn't wake him to see it. Other times, he may get up several times in the night just to come in and have me walk him back to his bed :)

That's an interesting point about finding out then about using it for deep cleaning, or I guess she could have heard that too from friends who were talking about its uses, (like the one who was talking about it on here)

My niece slept through the parade and fireworks at Disney World :D

From the time I heard about the high levels of chloroform in the trunk I have wondered about the cleaning aspect. I mean if you are desperately trying to get rid of the smell of decomposition and the off the shelf stuff wasn't working.......:waitasec:
yeah, if anyone knew a body had been there they could have been using that as a last resort to try to get rid of trace evidence or the smell (not necessarily KC)
I don't even know why I'm posting my own personal opinions but yet I am. I do not now, nor have I ever believed for one single second, that KC regularly placed Caylee in the trunk of her car or EVER chlorofomed her...NO WAY! She's a stupid girl. The first time would have killed Caylee.
Now, ask me how I believe Caylee died. A pre-meditated death by the hands of her own mother of course! Conflicting statements? No way. I'm betting many out there will agree with me.
I agree that KC could have been looking up chloroform because of hearing about it from either RM (as in the "win her over" joke on his page) or other friends (here on WS, another of her friends was saying "we used to use chloroform on unruly detainees in the military", and "everyone knows it's easy to get, you can get it anywhere". He denied that he or anyone in their group ever used it but I would not be surprised if KC had simply heard talk about it and subsequently looked it up. Of course another of KC's friends also used the nickname "Nitrous" here when chatting on websleuths.

Just to clear this up, Nitrous is also very much into racing and muscle cars, and his Avatar refers to the NOS used in racing (we have a race car set up for NOS as well)

The attorney for Casey Anthony filed a motion late Friday afternoon seeking more information about an ex-boyfriend of his client's who posted a picture on MySpace that showed a man and woman with the title "win her over with chloroform."

More at link.

It would be SOP for the defense to go after sex partners who had access to Caylee, so it doesn't surprise me at all to see the bus driver turning the wheel in this direction. The interesting thing would be to know what Casey says about Ricardo now. How can she implicate him when she's made up this *advertiser censored* and bull story of Zanny?
He's going to say that RM's myspace/facebook posting is the reason that she was looking up chloroform. He's probably right. But it's one thing to look it up and yet another to sort out how to make it and use it!

Get ready for another doc dump if the judge grants the motion. I must admit the dumped lover "RM" was on my suspect list at one time and when "the heart sticker" came to light I wondered "What If..."
The "I'm gonna teach you a lesson" would fit in as well, as would the fact that KC stated to CA that the pic of Caylee was taken at Zani's apt when in fact it was RM's apt. Is it possible that RM was Zani? Agh this case!
He's going to say that RM's myspace/facebook posting is the reason that she was looking up chloroform. He's probably right. But it's one thing to look it up and yet another to sort out how to make it and use it!


I think your right, I don't think I would go as far as to google it if I saw it on a love interest MS page, but it makes sense in general.
I must admit the dumped lover "RM" was on my suspect list at one time and when "the heart sticker" came to light I wondered "What If..."

I think he's an obvious candidate for a defense dummy and it's an obvious move for Baez, it's practically giftwrapped for him.... Casey let Caylee sleep in bed with them, he posts crap about chloroform and thinks it's funny. Giftwrapped.

From the defense point of view, it's a darn shame she made up all those stories of Zanni and Universal etc. Had this chick kept her yap shut, she'd have a whole lot better shot right now.
This case gets stranger by the minute.
Could Ricardo have something to do with this. Casey may be lying, But I keep going back to what she said," Im not in Control of any of this". Could she herself been Chlorform by someone else and while she was knocked out. Someone did something to Caylee and when she came too she found a dead Caylee in the Trunk. She paniced because she was afraid herself, she dumped the body out of desperation. But I just cant get out of my mind either. The out partying at the Club.
I sure do like how Baez wants the State to do all the work for him. Is there a reason he doesn't call Rico into his office for a deposition? Don't lawyers do that all the time?
The "I'm gonna teach you a lesson" would fit in as well, as would the fact that KC stated to CA that the pic of Caylee was taken at Zani's apt when in fact it was RM's apt. Is it possible that RM was Zani? Agh this case!

Singing...How do you spell BINGO!!!
I sure do like how Baez wants the State to do all the work for him. Is there a reason he doesn't call Rico into his office for a deposition? Don't lawyers do that all the time?

He has to pay for the court certified stenographer to take that deposition and then pay for the transcipt. $$$$ It's all about not spending it.

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