Dina Shacknai wants Max's death reopened; gives ICU pic to media

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Presumably he could have waited to give her such upsetting news when she picked up the phone in person. And why wasn't she answering her phone, by the way? By the way in her interview with Dr. Drew, Dina seem to say that up until the very end she somehow believed Max was going to be fine. So I am not sure why Rebecca was supposedly informed that condition worsened, while Dina was somehow still under the impression that Max was going to make it.

Jjenny, you raise a very good point. Why wasn't Rebecca answering the phone?

Could it be that she was being assaulted and murdered at the very time the alleged call came in? Iirc the tod was estimated to be between one and three am (give or take a few minutes). The call which allegedly came in at 12:50 am would fit into that time frame, no?

Another oddity, why would he choose to inform her so late at night when he could have told her earlier at dinner or later in the morning and at a decent hour.

Imo, the whole scenario smacks of police cover-up.
You missed my point. Any concerns and actions that Jonah may have had or will be taken might not be announced to the media because of his business. Many families do not like to use the media and I think there are strong indications that he might be one of them.

Besides not "liking" to have one's personal life scrutinized by the media and the world at large, Jonah's life work and business was/is on the line.

IIRC, the stock in his company had a steep decline following Rebecca's death and the uncertainty that existed until the formal legal reports were made public. NOTHING can be done to change the outcome of the two lives lost, but I think a career businessman would focus on re-establishing a company that embodies his life's work and the careers of many people.

Looking at the deaths through that lens, IMO, Jonah would like both his former wife's claims and Rebecca's family's assertions to fade from the public arena.

(IMO that isn't going to happen, but I understand, I think, his point of view; and, IMO, he won't make supporting statements relating to either investigation.)
For someone supposedly in love, I personally find his behavior peculiar. Allegedly calls her on the phone, and leaves a voice message (not even a conversation) to say Max's condition worsened? Then he finds out in a phone call she supposedly killed herself, yet he didn't even come to the scene? The body was there, naked, for hours, and no one seemed to care.

I think he was pretty overwhelmed by his son's imminent death. What do you think he was more torn up about? His 6 yr old son's condition or the suicide of his girlfriend?
My point is that...none of us know the feelings of these people. It seems to me that speculating about pieces of evidence is one thing...but inventing scenarios about the emotions of strangers is just...fiction-writing.

We know that JS has not commented. We do not know if that means he is "embarrassed" by DS...or embarrassed that he ever dated RZ...or just is trying to move on.

We do not know. We can each choose to create scenarios that are hurtful to DS or hurtful to RZ...but none of this really achieves a purpose.

There is plenty of detail in the facts of the case to be examined. We are not privy to these people's feelings or emotions....then or now.


The above BBM statements illustrate why I do not believe that Jonah's now non existent voice mail message should have been used by police as the motivation for Rebecca's alleged suicide. Likewise, speculation about Rebecca feeling guilty because she allegedly harmed Max as a motive for suicide is just that, speculation.

If you back up "facts" and claims with links it may help to avoid derailing the topic of the conversation by avoiding flaming emotions which seems to stimulate the need to speculate.
I think he was pretty overwhelmed by his son's imminent death. What do you think he was more torn up about? His 6 yr old son's condition or the suicide of his girlfriend?

Is Jonah an all or nothing type guy? I'm sure he wouldn't totally dismiss his intended's death. That would seem highly unusual, no?

He must have had his wits about him if he was able to arrange for his brother and Dr.Luber to come into town. Didn't he also have contact with a PR firm sometime thereabouts? Don't remember when that happened.

Also,iirc, he make some type of statement to assure stockholders that he was alright shortly afterwards. It was in one of the early articles.

Anyway, the point being I think you sell Jonah short by insinuating he wasn't able to function at all. I'm sure his functioning was reduced but he was still capable of attending to other matters besides Max's devastating condition.

So, yes it is highly unusual that he did not respond to his intended's death and subsequent and unprotected exposure to press photos and gawking teenagers.
I think he was pretty overwhelmed by his son's imminent death. What do you think he was more torn up about? His 6 yr old son's condition or the suicide of his girlfriend?

He couldn't find any time for the girlfriend he supposedly loved? It's not like he never left the hospital, is it? She was laying there naked for hours. And I still don't understand why it took so long for medical examiner to show up. I don't believe they could ever establish her time of death accurately because it took so long for medical examiner to show up.
How much crime is there in Coronado that medical examiner is so busy?
He couldn't find any time for the girlfriend he supposedly loved? It's not like he never left the hospital, is it? She was laying there naked for hours. And I still don't understand why it took so long for medical examiner to show up. I don't believe they could ever establish her time of death accurately because it took so long for medical examiner to show up.
How much crime is there in Coronado that medical examiner is so busy?

The medical examiner covers the entire county of San Diego. Coronado is a very small city adjacent to San Diego city, the medical examiner is a county function. And sometimes they take "a long time" to "show up"...they have a very busy office with lots of accidents and suspicious deaths.
For someone supposedly in love, I personally find his behavior peculiar. Allegedly calls her on the phone, and leaves a voice message (not even a conversation) to say Max's condition worsened? Then he finds out in a phone call she supposedly killed herself, yet he didn't even come to the scene? The body was there, naked, for hours, and no one seemed to care.

I've tried to position myself in the same situation, and I would leave the voice message rather than hanging up and not leaving a message when one could see there was a call.

Why would he rush to the scene when the police most probably would not let him inside anyway as they were processing the house for evidence. Does anyone know what the police told him or when and where they interviewed him?
I've tried to position myself in the same situation, and I would leave the voice message rather than hanging up and not leaving a message when one could see there was a call.

Why would he rush to the scene when the police most probably would not let him inside anyway as they were processing the house for evidence. Does anyone know what the police told him or when and where they interviewed him?

The whole situation with this supposed message is hinky to me. They were waiting for an MRI the next morning. So I have absolutely no idea what could have worsened in the middle of the night for him to call and leave that supposed message, considering he just saw her and his brother at dinner.
But assuming he did want to tell her something worsened, he could have left her a message asking to call him back.
And the scene wasn't inside, it was outside. She lay there naked for everyone to see.
Dina was accounted for during the time of Rebecca's murder. She was never considered a suspect. <modsnip> I can only imagine the horror that Dina has had to deal with due to Rebecca. I think she has been VERY polite under the circumstances. If I thought someone killed my only little, sweet boy, I'd NOT be so nice.


Can you provide a link for your first two sentences please?

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He couldn't find any time for the girlfriend he supposedly loved? It's not like he never left the hospital, is it? She was laying there naked for hours. And I still don't understand why it took so long for medical examiner to show up. I don't believe they could ever establish her time of death accurately because it took so long for medical examiner to show up.
How much crime is there in Coronado that medical examiner is so busy?

I'm not sure if Coronado has a Medical Examiner. I know they handed the case over to the SDSO because they had more resources to do a violent death investigation.

According to the SDSO Medical Examiner organizational chart they have the following number of Medical Examiners:

1 Chief Medical Examiner

1 Deputy Chief Medical Examiner

6 Medical Examiners

18 Medical Examiner Investigators

So as you can see there were plenty of Medical Examiners to go around. I also don't understand why Rebecca's body remained naked, uncovered and exposed until one of the 8 arrived over 13 hours later. I would like to see an in depth investigation done on the reasons for that major mess up.

The link for the organizational chart is below:

Thanks for your input Jessica. One question, though. Is the above all your opinion? Or fact? Do you have links/sources for all the above? Please provide, if indeed, those statements are factual. TIA
deanna- I am so sorry I did not see this message until now. What would you like links for?
BBM and snipped for focus

Are you suggesting that Rebecca was "forbidden" to attend Max's school functions and soccer games if Dina was present?

Once again, this is first I've heard of this. Whose "rule" was this? Was this just for the dating period or ???? Frankly, this seems a little spiteful to me.

@Tink56- This information was actually states by Dina at her press conference.
deanna- I am so sorry I did not see this message until now. What would you like links for?

Originally Posted by Jessica2012 View Post
MyBelle, I agree with everything you have written. The odds were not against him surviving from get go...the paramedics were able to restart circulation within two rounds of medication.
The specialists initially thought he would make it. I believe help was not called when stated, and that was why he did not survive because of a lack of oxygen. You are completely right, it is not ok for a grown adult woman to stand around and do nothing, or do something else instead of calling for help.
C.P.R., no C.P.R. it does not matter. The bottom line is, she told many different stories to many different people, avoided every question about the accident, and acted very suspiciously. In the police car, she stated to X<modsnip>"Dina is going to kill me." Why would she state that if she were just an innocent bystander when the child "fell"? She did not remember how she had found Maxie, and she did not know what happened, but when Nina asked her where the fall happened from, she pointed at the bedroom...the bedroom which only contained hers and Max's fingerprints. When the paramedics arrived, she remembered enough to blame the dog, and to say that Max was not asked to ride his scooter upstairs. How would somebody who was taking a shower at the time of this fatal "fall" and hypothetically was too in shock to give c.p.r., be able to come to a conclusion of how the child ended up in that condition in the two minutes it would have taken for paramedics to arrive?
Doesn't sound right to me.

Your post of 08-10-2012 @ 12:14 PM

All of the above statements, Jessica. BTW you can view what links or sources I'm requesting by clicking on the arrow by my name. That will take you to your original post/statements.
@Tink56- This information was actually states by Dina at her press conference.

Does anyone else have verification of this "rule"? Did Jonah confirm this assertion? Does LE have a record of this allegation?

Simply having the person invested in making accusations state something does not make it fact, IMO.

P.S. Jonah and Rebecca's relationship was a longer-term relationship (?? 2 years). The rule seems excessive in this instance. They were not just starting to date.
Jonah was in love with Ms. Zahau - he probably doesn't really want to know the truth...its easier for him for believe Max's death was an accident.

But if I was Dina, and I thought someone had killed my child, I'd be throwing daggers too - dead or not dead.


And Ms. D Romano probably despised Rebecca Zahau - Ms. D Romano probably doesn't want to know the truth...in her anger and jealousy, its easier for her to believe and concoct a story where Rebecca was actively responsible for Maxie's tragic demise.
Well, first of all, that is all coming from Mary Zahau, who has an agenda, and also may be covering for Rebecca. IMO, Mary knows that Rebecca hurt Max.

If I were a Mother, I would not want my ex's "girlfriend" to attend school functions either. A fiancee' would be different, but a girlfriend, no.


This SAME article also has a statement from a source close to the Shacknai family that states Rebecca and Max shared a very close relationship.

&#8220;While Rebecca and Max shared a very close relationship, Max absolutely loved and adored his mother, Dina, and the two relationships simply cannot be compared. Dina was Max's mom, and certainly that was the strongest bond Max had with any woman," a source close to the Shacknai family states.

Dina was accounted for during the time of Rebecca's murder. She was never considered a suspect. <modsnip> I can only imagine the horror that Dina has had to deal with due to Rebecca. I think she has been VERY polite under the circumstances. If I thought someone killed my only little, sweet boy, I'd NOT be so nice.



Ms. D Romano was not accounted for. Ms. D Romano's PHONE was accounted for.
Jonah was in love with Ms. Zahau - he probably doesn't really want to know the truth...its easier for him for believe Max's death was an accident.

But if I was Dina, and I thought someone had killed my child, I'd be throwing daggers too - dead or not dead.

Rebecca's mother believes someone killed her child. So you agree if she wanted to throw daggers she has the same right and the same right to ask for an independent investigation just like Dina has for Maxie?
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