Discussion of Audio of Casey Anthony's jail visits released

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Very strange - of course they would release her if Caylee came home. But KC knows Caylee won't be coming home so she trips over her answer - "er potentially, I don't know..." IMO

Cindy doesn't say if Caylee comes home, she says when they 'find her'. Casey's response is because she knows Caylee will be found dead, and she therefore won't be exonerated.
EXACTLY!!!!! But this would mean she told her mom Caylee was gone on the 16th, am I wrong? confused? Please help me clear my thoughts up!

CA found out Caylee was gone (kidnapped) on 7/15, IIRC. After G & C picked up the car at Amscot, after CA found KC at AL's with AH's help - just before the 3rd 911 call. My head is swimming too - lol!
When listening to these two women, you can reverse their words, "me" and "you" at any time. That is how the enmeshment works.

This is the most verbal exchange I've heard between the two, and it rather creeps me out. They not only "get" each other, they are totally supportive of the outrageous behavior and thought process in each other.
Know what's creepy to me about this interchange? It plays off like Casey is telling Cindy that she's done what Casey has always thought Cindy has tried to do: kill her daughter. "I'm just like you, Mom. Everyone says so." translates to "You tried to kill me and who can be surprised that I did it to my own child."

Now that is profound, Debs!
COuld this be after she was bonded out and re-arrested? CA said KC couldn't sleep in her own room for about a week cause Caylee used to share the room with her. KC slept on an air mattress in G & C's room during that first week.

No. These tapes were during her initial arrest. There's no bond yet.
June 16, I think Casey left a message for her mom or talked to her on the phone and told her she and Caylee were staying with Zani.

When Casey is in jail she is telling Cindy and George the REAL reason she didn't go home that night was because she couldn't face going home without Caylee. And she also says she knows she should have told them about Caylee being kidnapped sooner. <sniff, sniff, sniff>

That Casey was far from tears when videoed at Blockbuster smooching with Tony is beside the point.

Casey is crying and trying to get sympathy while she is in jail. This is Casy's way of explaining why she lied to George and Cindy for over a month and was a thief.

ITA--That makes sense. This video/visitation was on July 25 and she had not been bonded out of jail yet so this does not pertain to her refusing to sleep in her bedroom at home. I think this is her "excuse" for not telling them sooner about the kidnapping--just playing the role of the distraught mother who can't explain Caylee's disappearance.
Cindy doesn't say if Caylee comes home, she says when they 'find her'. Casey's response is because she knows Caylee will be found dead, and she therefore won't be exonerated.

Good catch, BeanE. That is correct.
Know what's creepy to me about this interchange? It plays off like Casey is telling Cindy that she's done what Casey has always thought Cindy has tried to do: kill her daughter. "I'm just like you, Mom. Everyone says so." translates to "You tried to kill me and who can be surprised that I did it to my own child."
That is why it is useless to expect to hear anything significant because of their style..no good anything comes out of their connection to each other. It is sick and hard for many to understand. They are one and the same, period. kc never developed an ego or identity other than what she has garnered from Cindy.
CA found out Caylee was gone (kidnapped) on 7/15, IIRC. After G & C picked up the car at Amscot, after CA found KC at AL's with AH's help - just before the 3rd 911 call. My head is swimming too - lol!

Thank you! ;)

I'm drowning!!
I don't get it. If they are talking about after the 911 calls that does not make sense since Casey was there the night of July 15th before she was arrested on July 16th. If they are talking about June 15th or 16th and the big fight between Cindy and Casey happened which may be the trigger for her killing Caylee then it still makes no sense because what could Casey have had told GA that would have made any difference if Caylee was dead already.

Oh these tapes are going to drive me nuts. Great. I have listened to what, 3 minuets out of 5 hours of what is going to be available. How is one suppose tell what is true and what has been scripted for the live performance.
In the Take Your Pain Away video the thing that comes off weird to me is how careful she is of using the past/present tense in talking about Caylee. Not sure if people have mentioned this yet, I don't have time to read all the pages, but it is weird how much she emphasizes how Caylee has had the best grandparents then repeats that she "STILL HAS" them. She does this at least 2 times, corrects herself to using the present tense, even though saying they "have been" the best grandparents isn't necessarily completely past tense.

1. "Caylee's been so lucky to have you"

and later

"Caylee IS so lucky to have both of you"

2. "I can't even put into words how glad I am that she's had both of you"

and then

"And that she STILL HAS both of you"

In both cases the second statements just don't seem necessary. Reminds me of the Scott Peterson statement analyses.
Sorry if this has been posted already. After listening to the audio with CA telling KC Caylee's 3rd bday is coming up towards the end of that clip CA says "they think you guys did something to her" who are "you guys"?
(bolded by me)

More notably, I noticed the correction of the tenses. They caught themselves the moment the words came out. It would have been more believable if they had not corrected themselves.

It's almost like I could hear her little mental voice (which, strangely enough, sounds like the robot from 'Lost In Space') saying, uh oh, slipped up there using past tense, danger, danger, correct to present tense immediately.

Already a thread on this, expect it to be merged.
The timing of these releases is really getting funny, I feel like I'm watching a stud poker game.
"I'll call your girl in Orlando Mall and raise you 700 pages of documents,
"I'll call your Wanda story and raise you all of the jail visitor videos." pretty tit for tat, isn't it?
I don't get it. If they are talking about after the 911 calls that does not make sense since Casey was there the night of July 15th before she was arrested on July 16th. If they are talking about June 15th or 16th and the big fight between Cindy and Casey happened which may be the trigger for her killing Caylee then it still makes no sense because what could Casey have had told GA that would have made any difference if Caylee was dead already.

Oh these tapes are going to drive me nuts. Great. I have listened to what, 3 minuets out of 5 hours of what is going to be available. How is one suppose tell what is true and what has been scripted for the live performance.

Maybe she's referring to the gas can day or car chase day?
Because the media requests them and by law they have to release them.

I believe I heard that this case is giving lawmakers the issues to change the sunshine law -
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