Discussion of the Transcriptions of the Testimony of Jodi Arias

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I believe that at a community college you can actually take a class without any kind of credentials... <snip for space>

Our local CC offers community education classes, not for credit, which are open to anyone. If you take classes for credit, you have to be enrolled. I suppose colleges can set their own criteria for enrolment, but it would be odd for an American student to not have at least a GED to be admitted. Kind of like applying to a PhD program without having a bachelors.

There may be exceptions, but you probably would need SAT or ACT results as a minimum. And little Missy Einstein would be sure to have said something about her "geniusy" results if she took those.
Yeah, Tulane University, one of the top colleges offers continuing education courses. They're mainly for certification or to build your resume. I've never heard of a high school kid doing this.
I doubt very much that Jodi ever finished any classes at the college. She is lazy and unmotivated and I'm sure it was too much effort for her to make it to classes.
As pp said, it was through DB that we learned she got involved with Mormons and PPL months before she ever met TA. TA couldn't have sent missionaries to her home at that time when she was living with Daryl, the hadn't met at the convention yet. In dbs "continuum" he gave on the stand she started changing before TA with all these new things that she got involved in Mormonism, ppl and then the law of attraction.

This is incorrect. She met Travis in September of 2006 in Vegas. This was her first PPL event. Travis gave her the Book of Mormon a week or two later and she started taking discussions with the missionaries around the end of September of 2006. She was still living with DB even after they broke up. Her interest in PPL and Mormonism started at the same time which would be in September of 2006. Besides the vampire stuff with Bobby and the new age stuff with Matt, DB testified she wasn't practicing any religion and only started to change in September 2006 after she came back from Vegas. He blamed PPL for the changes in Jodi. The "dabbling in Mormonism" comment is from when she went in a date with Abe after she had been baptized and Travis told her to date other people. She only became a Mormon because she knew Travis would not date or marry outside his faith. There is an interview out there with Elder Jensen and he talks about when he started teaching her and what it was like.
Our local CC offers community education classes, not for credit, which are open to anyone. If you take classes for credit, you have to be enrolled. I suppose colleges can set their own criteria for enrolment, but it would be odd for an American student to not have at least a GED to be admitted. Kind of like applying to a PhD program without having a bachelors.

There may be exceptions, but you probably would need SAT or ACT results as a minimum. And little Missy Einstein would be sure to have said something about her "geniusy" results if she took those.

Jodi said she missed taking her SAT because she knew she'd fail it, so she skipped school and went to a parking lot of CVS? to study and Bill found her, and she was grounded and that was one thing that led her to move out.
Our local CC offers community education classes, not for credit, which are open to anyone. If you take classes for credit, you have to be enrolled. I suppose colleges can set their own criteria for enrolment, but it would be odd for an American student to not have at least a GED to be admitted. Kind of like applying to a PhD program without having a bachelors.

There may be exceptions, but you probably would need SAT or ACT results as a minimum. And little Missy Einstein would be sure to have said something about her "geniusy" results if she took those.

My niece recently took two years of C college in Georgia starting junior year in high school. When I worked for an admissions office, I saw applicants who had racked up community college credits while working on their high school diplomas (these credits are often not accepted at elite colleges/universities but are a promising credential in an applicant).

However, I suspect JA only took Spanish and Sign Language as community education classes; both those subjects are frequently offered in that context. I doubt she has ever taken an SAT: she'd have scored very low on math, and I'll bet on English too, since I'll bet she thinks her vocabulary knowledge is beyond anything a typical high school senior might have. She'd be very wrong about the latter: she doesn't have an SAT-ish vocabulary at all. She has a flowery, overwrought, unsophisticated, vocabulary, not an academic or precise vocabulary.
One of the other things I noticed - how many times she was asked to speak up. I can just see the poor, pitiful me, barely being able to get the words out Jodi. It makes me really want to see her continue to so JM can get her out of that "I'm the victim" stance in front of the jury.

As soon as I saw that she was asked to speak up (and then repeatedly asked to do so), I immediately knew that she was testifying in her little-girl voice. You know, the soft-spoken Jodi of the 48 Hours interview, as opposed to the self-possessed, calculating, hard-edged adversary she was on the witness stand in the main trial.
FWIW, here's what Jodi says on Day 13 about skipping school/class/studying for a final:

NOTE: "Facial tell" = a nice way of saying... "that thing Jodi consistently does with her tongue..."

KN: Okay. Why did you leave your parent’s home to go live with your boyfriend?

JA: Um… I was kind of…becoming tired of the discipline, and I was three months until I was 18 and um…(Facial Tell) One day they um…decided to ground me until I was 18 because I was … I skipped one period in high school because there was a final, or my um… I was taking a college history class, U.S. History, and I wasn’t…I didn’t feel like I had adequately studied for the exam so I skipped that period…to study for the exam. And um…decided I would make it up the next day, so I parked my car (gesturing) in the parking lot of Rite Aid and just cracked open the book and I was studying it for that hour, and my dad (gesturing) somehow he found me and …it’s a small town, so…and so…um… I guess the school notified him that I wasn’t present for that class, so he found me and um…At that point they didn’t use physical discipline that day, but I was grounded ‘till I was 18 so I couldn’t fathom being grounded for three months when… When you’re grounded in my house, it meant no phone, no T.V., no friends, no social functions of any kind. Um…(gesturing) you’re in your room. Period. So…Um…

(Thanks to David Lohr for the YouTube Link)
I just said she was using her super secret sexy voice. I don't think her voice is sexy, but I think she is trying to come across to this jury as a meek, mild mannered delicate flower of sorts. She's not, but that is what she is "trying" but failing to portray. At least I hope she was failing, but until the jury decides her sentence we can't be sure.

I agree. The thing is, it's probably easy for her to be meek and soft-spoken and girlish for relatively short periods of time such as interviews; it's something else to do that when you are on the stand for hours and hours. I have no doubt that she managed to let her true self slip through the cracks here and there, and I hope it happened often enough that at least some of the jury members caught on.
I read them both. Nothing. She's trying to say she was being used for sex. And that it hurt her emotionally to the point that she snapped and killed him. Except she didn't snap, she planned the whole thing, probably because he wouldn't take her to Cancun, or because he wouldn't take her seriously as a good Mormon girl. Pick one. The jury has to see how transparent and evil this woman is.

Since she really only got to the beginning of their relationship, she only managed to make him seem like a ... normal guy. I'm pretty sure there are women on the jury who thought along the lines of "Yeah, I was with a guy who wanted *advertiser censored* in the car, and I GAVE them to him. I'm not necessarily proud of it, but I didn't kill him over it, either. And yeah, he didn't call me until a week later (or ever again). Jerk." I'm also pretty sure there are men on the jury who are thinking along the lines of "Yeah, I've gotten bjs in the car -- they were AWESOME! And, hey, she was ALREADY giving me bjs when I asked, so it's not like there was any urgency to call her every day. There was that ONE girl who acted kinda psycho, though. I'm lucky they didn't find ME sliced up in the bathroom. I REALLY dodged a bullet with THAT one. She was cute, too, and really good in the sack, but you can only take just so much crazy, no matter how good the sex is."
The point is this is what I see as JA reading how an abused person may behave, but not translating fully it in her behavior because she simply is acting out a made up story. This is something she's done all her life, researched and tried to be things she never was.

When you wrote that part about how she probably researched and tried to be things she never was, I immediately flashed on the scenes in Black Widow (the movie wherein Debra Winger's FBI character tries to track down and nab a woman who inserts herself into rich men's lives, marries them, and then kills them). Theresa Russell's character is shown checking out a stack of books at the library in order to research art history, town history, target man's history, etc., to the point where a library worker asks her if she's studying to be on Jeopardy or some other game show.
She said she was getting mostly Ds at the end of her junior year when she quit school. I don't understand the exchange student thing. Don't you have to have passing grades to go off o an exchange program? Jodi met Bobby J. at a carnival when she was 15. She described the way she met him and it was, in ways ,like when she met Travis in Las Vegas.

The way she described getting into the exchange program, it sounded like she did every part of it on her OWN, without any involvement from her parents for any part of it. She saw info about it, signed herself up for it, paid for it, etc. Did her parents even notice she had left (I'm sure they DID, since there was probably peace and quiet for the first time since she was born)?
I'd like to see JM be able to call JA's roommate from that time period(Jan/2007) when the "missionaries" were allegedly visiting her in her bedroom at all hours for "bible studies" that were apparently so suggestively noisy, that JA ordered her roommate to her room and to shut the door while they were there. Guess JA didn't want any competition for her new "marriage" pool....

Now that you mention it, the missionary thing hit a false note with me, too. I know she DID have missionaries come by, but missionaries have certain rules. I don't know what the current rules might be, but in 1974 missionaries were coming to our place because my mother and future stepfather were in the process of becoming Mormons. Mom was back in her bedroom when they stopped by (either she forgot they were coming or they stopped in without notice). I invited them in, but they refused. I told them it was okay and to just come on in while I went to get her (come on, FLIES are coming in!). They insisted in staying out on the porch until my mother came out to the living room. I thought it was VERY odd. After they left, I was telling Mom about their refusal to come in and how it baffled me. She said they weren't ALLOWED to be in a room with a woman alone (I was 18). I probably just rolled my eyes and made it a point to look tempting to them the next time they came over. :biggrin:
JA's premeditation for murdering Travis was so in depth with stalking & planning that it shocks you when you realize it's not a coincidence. There's something new everyday that pops up that makes even more sense in the planning.

I have never doubted JA had remote access or keylogger knowledge. I do believe BN or the scientist mentioned keylogger in testimony. Too late now to look it up. Pretty sure it was the scientist. (I snicker at scientist)
Jane Velez Mitchell learned while researching her book that the Bobby story could not be more opposite. He said SHE stalked him it was eerily the same as with Travis, electronic, following, going through his things, she was crazy bi polar, really truly getting scary. He finally booked it all the way to Hawaii to get away from her reach.

Much like Darrell. If a man says from jump I never want to marry you. You can live with me , sure I'll take free sex with someone 20 years younger than me, but I'm not going to provide for you, you have to pay 50.50 , and later tells you he plans to move soon to be closer to his relocated son.......does that really count as Jodi breaking up with HIM? He was already out the door, literally. It was just perfunctory things he was handling before his move.

The same with Matt. He moved AWAY . He started dating someone else. He left her. What part of that would mean she broke up with HIM? Her mind sees what she wants to see. Good thing the jury doesn't have that same Cooley's Looking Glass!

I recall from the first trial that there was a pattern of not being "officially" together, but that she was STILL being wooed by various men after their breakup. I suspect that if someone even SPOKE to her (even if it was just to tell her to FO), she considered that as being wooed. To acknowledge her existence at ALL is to woo her. Ergo, if they are still wooing her, yet they pursue other women, they are cheating on her, which justifies any and all corrective behavior on her part.
Now that you mention it, the missionary thing hit a false note with me, too. I know she DID have missionaries come by, but missionaries have certain rules. I don't know what the current rules might be, but in 1974 missionaries were coming to our place because my mother and future stepfather were in the process of becoming Mormons. Mom was back in her bedroom when they stopped by (either she forgot they were coming or they stopped in without notice). I invited them in, but they refused. I told them it was okay and to just come on in while I went to get her (come on, FLIES are coming in!). They insisted in staying out on the porch until my mother came out to the living room. I thought it was VERY odd. After they left, I was telling Mom about their refusal to come in and how it baffled me. She said they weren't ALLOWED to be in a room with a woman alone (I was 18). I probably just rolled my eyes and made it a point to look tempting to them the next time they came over. :biggrin:

This is still true. Elders cannot go to a home if there is only a female. There has to be another male there. If they are having discussions with a female investigator they will ask her to have another male present or they will bring a male member of the ward with them. If there is no male at the residence they will meet with the female investigator outside. They would never meet in an investigator's bedroom.
I recall from the first trial that there was a pattern of not being "officially" together, but that she was STILL being wooed by various men after their breakup. I suspect that if someone even SPOKE to her (even if it was just to tell her to FO), she considered that as being wooed. To acknowledge her existence at ALL is to woo her. Ergo, if they are still wooing her, yet they pursue other women, they are cheating on her, which justifies any and all corrective behavior on her part.

I thought that as welll until I realized it was PPL she was trying to sale them.
When Jodi's on the stand going through I did a very bad thing and making the call to Travis's voice mail she says that she was at the Hoover Dam. Her phone powered on around Kingman Az.. Eighty miles from the Hoover Dam. If she's fessing up to the truth then why continue to lie?

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