Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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I suspect even more unsettling information will come out on this women. Odd, how she picked the word revenge. imo

BBM. ITA. To me, someone who selects that particular word appears to have a pretty established bias about the DP in general.
The dislike for this juror is palpable just only hearing their voices, at least we hear 11 intelligent and unbiased individuals were chosen but I really want to hear how the heck this woman got on the jury in the first place. Seems like a no brainer that what we know now about her should have gotten her dismissed for serving
but assume it would have to be in front of all counsel, Jodi, Travis family. But a little beyond my knowledge base-how potential juror issues get actually addressed in criminal trials. But clearly it's the judge's JOB to understand if/when juror messages are really alleging what amounts to misconduct, failure to deliberate or other circumstance that means proper deliberations are not occurring. The jury may not have worded their message(s) to the judge in correct legal terms (obviously) but the situation should have been understood and addressed. But I also assume the messages were seen by counsel. Would love to hear from Juan on this. Not sure if we will. I would go so far to say that the whole jury should have been questioned about the situation.

Thank you Boytwnmomm!!

AzLawyer, your thoughts?
GRRRRR!!!! Stealth juror wanted to focus on Jodi's re-written journals. Garbage in, garbage out. Casey Anthony did the same thing. Bet Casey's laughing now.
Well folks, time to change the laws in Arizona!

Those of you who are citizens of that sunny state need to work together and get bifurcated penalty sentences done away with! One penalty phase only, immediately after verdict, by the same jury, and IF a jury hangs then that's it, no more. It's insane that a 2nd attempt is allowed for death. "One and Done" is the best way to proceed on that, IMO.
Frankly that's cold comfort. And tell that to the Alexanders.

Exactly. The only right outcome would have been an unanimous vote for death.

Anytime one vote can snatch the correct punishment away is a very sad day for the victim, their family, and for justice overall.

This is not directed at you elementary:

But I see some are already saying it is Juan's fault for not striking this juror. Juan gets only so many strikes and he had to give just cause to strike her.

With her saying (and lying imo) that she could set her own personal dv experience aside JSS wouldn't have let her be struck anyway. I posted about that earlier and was fearful there would be one who would believe the abuse simply because they were abused.......therefore anyone that claims they were abused would be believed without question. :mad: That is a very narrow shallow mindset that does unfortunately continue to exist among some women who have suffered from dv abuse. There was never any substantiated evidence showing JA suffered from any abuse whether from her family and certainly not Travis. In fact it was packed with evidence that she fit the profile of a dv abuser and victimizer to a tee by the evidence brought in against her. So this juror just believed it because JA said so. BARF!

And I have seen countless cases where some of the jurors have endured dv abuse in their lives and they did not let that sway their opinion. In fact some of them said since they had suffered from abuse themselves it helped them to know the defendant was lying about the claims made. Each time I was selected as a juror I had to write in great detail about being a victim of abuse. It never got me knocked off a case and it never entered the deliberations either.

I cannot even imagine the pain and anguish Travis' family must feel on this very sad day. I think it would have been easier on them if the votes were far apart like before with 8-4 but to know that 11 of those jurors wanted JA to pay the ultimate punishment for what she did to Travis has to be hard to swallow and will haunt them the rest of their days. The just punishment was so close........almost at their fingertips.........only to be snatched away by one lousy vote.

Sammie, to answer you from the last thread.

I do not agree that justice has been served. Justice isn't only about the conviction..........it goes much deeper than that..........the just and correct punishment is just as important especially in this case where the mitigation factors were a farce and the aggravators far outweighed them. Anytime a defendant isn't give the correct punishment for a despicable horrific crime they deserve to receive is a day justice was denied, imo.

that juror? I'm baffled here. Also attending mtgs so have one ear on phone and reading here & twitter. But I'm again appalled by the fact this juror wasn't removed based on what I'm hearing.

Now I feel bad for these jurors. AWG-freaking Jodi ruins everyone and everything!

Truer words have never been spoken.
From News20:
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 17s17 seconds ago

Jurors thought they put Travis Alexander on trial. #JodiArias


Hear that JSS, Nurmi, Wilmott, MLDR ... oh, and Jodi :gaah:

Nurmi can have his pyrrhic 'victory'. Last laugh's on him and his reputation.
Nicole Goodman Esq ‏@msesquirette 6m6 minutes ago
Nice to know there's juror misconduct and no recourse! #JodiArias
The one hold out had her mind made up from the beginning. The DP was a form of revenge. Why Why was she allowed on to cause all this frustration.
It sounds as if the holdout wanted revenge herself. Maybe she couldn't hurt her own abuser. But, she could strike out at Travis (a man) . I'm guessing for some reason she identified with Jodi...maybe the holdout didn't get validation from her friends and family and saving Jodi's life was her way of finally standing up for herself and to passive-aggressively get even with people in her own life who she thinks let her down.

Since Juror names were not released, how did they find her facebook already?
To think if was not for that one juror we would have had the DP verdict the next day :sigh: :sigh: :sigh:
HOW did this juror slip past the interviewing process? SMH

I don't think JM would have been able to keep her out just for DV history or after she stated - on paper and in person - that she was able of giving the DP.

That juror is a liar. And I cannot stand her. The evil ***** could be on her way to deathrow right now!
Note to hold out juror: Lifetime movies are not fact.
Sounds to me like the hold out totally identified with the killer , maybe from the Lifetime movie? Either way, she was totally biased and not death qualified and should not have been there.

That said, as sad as I am for the Alexander's, I think JSS will give killer LWOP, especially after hearing these jurors. How could she not?

Because she THINKS like the defense and juror 17. Good a reason as any.
So if it comes out that the judge knew this woman watched the movie and did not take her off the jury could something happen to the judge for not making sure they were not bias to begin with.
Stealth juror wasn't even stealth!

She talked about her history with DV during voir dire! It wasn't a secret to either state or defense. RED FLAG right there! Putting someone on a jury who shares the same primary mitigating factor attempted by a defendant is just asking for immediate bias. The state already knew the mitigating factors the defense would argue and they knew DV was one of the big ones. The defense knew to play their case up to this juror and they did. Can't blame them for that, it was a smart move.
It sounds as if the holdout wanted revenge herself. Maybe she couldn't hurt her own abuser. But, she could strike out at Travis (a man) . I'm guessing for some reason she identified with Jodi...maybe the holdout didn't get validation from her friends and family and saving Jodi's life was her way of finally standing up for herself and to passive-aggressively get even with people in her own life who she thinks let her down.


JMO...Or maybe she wanted to make sure she had a memorable part in the next annoying made for TV movie about JA. UGH.
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