Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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I don't think JM would have been able to keep her out just for DV history or after she stated - on paper and in person - that she was able of giving the DP.

That juror is a liar. And I cannot stand her. The evil ***** could be on her way to deathrow right now!

Each side is given so many "excused" for no reason at all. They could have excused her.
To think if was not for that one juror we would have had the DP verdict the next day :sigh: :sigh: :sigh:

It's amazing. The first vote would have been 12-0 and they'd have little to deliberate.
Each side is given so many "excused" for no reason at all. They could have excused her.

They are given a limited amount. What if JM used his up on other worst candidates?
these jurors are lay people. They don't know the legal standards. To me, once this issue surfaced, the jurors should have been questioned about this juror. Just like they got questioned when Nurmi thinks they did something wrong. It's pretty normal for jurors to be questioned in chambers going by this trial.

Whatever notes came out should have been seen by counsel too. I would love to hear from Juan on this. To me, if the jury send out an indication of a serious problem, the judge is obligated to investigate whether or not the jury uses the proper legal description in the note. I really want to hear more about what went on and how it was dealt with. But this sounds funky to me. If a jury wants someone off right from the beginning then it should be fully investigated and followed up on later in the case of allegations that a juror is not deliberating in good faith or bringing in outside info etc.

Me too. I didn't hear them say that they specifically told her about the Lifetime movie. Sounded more like they just said they wanted consideration of an alternate without giving specific details.
She must have taken a page from the book of JA because it sounds like this juror couldn't even give an instance where she'd give someone the DP, curious as to what questions are asked to qualify for that.

You know, with the circus and atrocity this turned out to me, I shouldn't be surprised JA ended up with a ringer
So if it comes out that the judge knew this woman watched the movie and did not take her off the jury could something happen to the judge for not making sure they were not bias to begin with.

You would hope!
Because she THINKS like the defense and juror 17. Good a reason as any.

No she doesn't, that's not fair. I am very critical of how she handled her courtroom, the trial, the schedule...but she has done NOTHING to show she isn't tough on crime. Check out her record. She will sentence Jodi to LWOP.
these jurors are lay people. They don't know the legal standards. To me, once this issue surfaced, the jurors should have been questioned about this juror. Just like they got questioned when Nurmi thinks they did something wrong. It's pretty normal for jurors to be questioned in chambers going by this trial.

Whatever notes came out should have been seen by counsel too. I would love to hear from Juan on this. To me, if the jury send out an indication of a serious problem, the judge is obligated to investigate whether or not the jury uses the proper legal description in the note. I really want to hear more about what went on and how it was dealt with. But this sounds funky to me. If a jury wants someone off right from the beginning then it should be fully investigated and followed up on later in the case of allegations that a juror is not deliberating in good faith or bringing in outside info etc.

Each side is given so many "excused" for no reason at all. They could have excused her.

Juan only gets 10 strikes. He probably used them all on other people and had none left for her. He may not have even thought she was deserving of a strike.
HOW did this juror slip past the interviewing process? SMH

Juror could have lied. For sure I think #17 lied that she only saw "bits" of the movie. Maybe she and Jodi are birds of a feather.
Keifer hands down.

Troy Hayden already talked to her as she was escorted back to the transport- he asked how s he was and she said disappointed in the verdict-
Then she exp lained that she understood that "some people were disappointed in the verdict" (Alexander family)
At that point She saw the cameras and covered her face with papers.
This is why a majority vote ought to be enough for a death sentence.
Which is what anti-DPers like to assert. Even on victim friendly forums.
I am one of the anti-DPers on a victim friendly forum. "Revenge" is not the reason I am against it, the reason I am against doesn't belong on this thread ... All the evidence was there, JA admitted she killed him, what she did was atrocious horrific and totally Premeditated. I would have slept fine if she had received the DP
Ok, I know I am going to be slammed for this but I just have to get it off my chest.

After listening to these jurors I am convinced that the court system and the Judge callously victimized these jurors by refusing to consider their complaints of a juror that would not review relevant evidence. I mean we are willing to put our trust in the average juror to make very difficult decisions but we ignore their pleas that a juror is refusing to deliberate.

I absolutely cannot believe this is ok with anyone, no matter what your stance on the DP is.

I can't believe that there is no remedy for this GROSS MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE.

I have, too, reluctantly come to the conclusion that the Judge Stephens was and is, indeed, callous. I feel for the 11 and Travis' family and loved ones. Stephens just did not care, up there from her ivory tower. It was all about her reputation. And she continues to drag this torture out. She is completely indifferent to suffering.
but assume it would have to be in front of all counsel, Jodi, Travis family. But a little beyond my knowledge base-how potential juror issues get actually addressed in criminal trials. But clearly it's the judge's JOB to understand if/when juror messages are really alleging what amounts to misconduct, failure to deliberate or other circumstance that means proper deliberations are not occurring. The jury may not have worded their message(s) to the judge in correct legal terms (obviously) but the situation should have been understood and addressed. But I also assume the messages were seen by counsel. Would love to hear from Juan on this. Not sure if we will. I would go so far to say that the whole jury should have been questioned about the situation.
i agree and throwing my unverified legal expertise in.....it was stated the holdout juror wrote her own note to the judge that the other jurors were not privy to.....she may have stated she was definitely deliberating and the judge (imo) improperly let it go at that and took it that the panel was unhappy with that one juror's steadfastness of her position......a slippery slope to say the least......not questioning the jury was the latest of judge stephens' mistakes imo
So angry.

The 11 jurors are pissed. They say she refused to deliberate, would not give any reasons for why she thought Jodi deserved life. Talked about the Lifetime movie in deliberations. They feel she had an agenda going in. They asked point blank if she actually believed in the death penalty and she said absolutely but then called the death penalty a form of revenge. They asked her what it would take for her to give death and she wouldn't answer. She should never have been on jury. The other jurors were working hard looking at evidence and trying. They said it seemed to become more about pride for her than an actual belief.

Well, I guess Jodi's "appeal" fund and Maria De La Rosa (through the PI) did their job. My only hope is that someone, somewhere has been investigating this, as well, undercover. I hope we find something out... soon.
anyone have a link for the footage of trial thats been released? too tired to stay up til later and watch it on fox
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