Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #10

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In time Jodi will be allowed to interact with the population. They will be the worst of the worst. It will be a form of justice.

Do we know who else is in Lumley (max), where her cell is? I believe Devault is there and the psycho who says she should be on death row (but we'll at least secretly be glad she isn't if she's on the same unit as JA), who is guaranteed to mess with Jodi and her head.
no he just assumed that based on what they said in the note. They did not disclose the count, but said something to the effect of "the other 10 people feel..."

I need to go back and watch, but I think he actually knew j17 was the only one for life.

The DT fought way to hard to keep this juror. Why? Really, she could have gone either way. JM was actually concerned that she could have voted for death and that if she did it could have been appealed b/c of her being dishonest.

It really bothers me to think that at this point JM knew there was a problem with this juror, and possibly w/o even knowing that he had prosecuted her husband. Was the fact that JM had prosecuted j17's husband the only thing the DT knew about J17, and is this why they fought so hard to keep her? Or, was there something more? How did they know that she'd end up being so valuable to the DT?
I'm still not 100% sure what the rule is regarding what lawyers, defence or prosecution, can say in terms of what they know to be true or false. During the Oscar Pistorius trial a South African lawyer told us that they cannot knowingly lie to the court but also pointed out how can you prove they are lying or that they know for sure their client's innocence or guilt. In one of the stories I read in those anthologies I mentioned there is a bit where te defence lawyer first says 'My client did not commit this crime' and the journalist says he then changed it to the unperjurial 'The evidence will show my client did not commit this crime' though the distinction between the two is beyond me. All I know is that defence lawyers who get people off on technicalities or have an 'ends justifies the means' approach, as happened in the Arias trial, or prosecutors who go ahead knowing that the defendant is likely innocent are IMO completely amoral. On one level I find them worse than the people they are defending or prosecuting - at least the defendants have a motive for deception that goes deeper than money or their career.

BTW, paid professional juries are a good idea IMO. The law is a complex and confusing web so it would be a step forward to have people who are more familiar with it than the likes of I. We don't use our peers for medical or educational decisions yet we do for legal ones, which can have even more far-reaching consequences. I'm not the first to say this but if I were guilty of a crime I reckon I'd like to take my chances with a jury and if innocent, I'll take the judge.

Paid professional jurors sounds like a good idea in theory, but then I think about "paid professional witnesses" like ALV and get worried!!
From the MC Superior Court ‏@courtpio · 1m1 minute ago

Sentencing in State v. #jodiarias is set for Monday 4/13 at 8:30 am.

Judge Sherry Stephens has approved live coverage.
Paid professional jurors sounds like a good idea in theory, but then I think about "paid professional witnesses" like ALV and get worried!!

Mmmmm - good point. There would also be all sorts of opportunities for corruption or jurors might go 'rogue'. OK back to the drawing board. A panel of judges perhaps? They're never corrupt eh. :)
I looked up the e-book on Amazon and read some of it. I don't like the way the author spoke about the art teacher.


The excerpts on Amazon from that book are surprisingly articulate and well written! I haven't seen the part about the art teacher, but I do like how the author is willing to ask a lot of questions about why Jodi flunked kindergarten.

A) So, what is the speculation on why Jodi flunked kindergarten?
B) What is the speculation on why Jodi was expelled from private school?
The excerpts on Amazon from that book are surprisingly articulate and well written! I haven't seen the part about the art teacher, but I do like how the author is willing to ask a lot of questions about why Jodi flunked kindergarten.

So, what is the speculation on why Jodi flunked kindergarten?

I bought it and am reading it now. It's good - there's a nice tone of sarcasm all the way through towards Arias plus good analysis of her testimony and all of its (and her) flaws. I think she's a bit harsh and judgemental on some of the other players - they were young and I feel she mocks them for working at Subway or whatever and that bugs me a bit but overall the writing is very good. And even though she is too harsh on the supporting cast of ex-boyfriends IMO she is pretty funny in how she goes about it, especially Bobby Juarez's vampire thing. And of course the main barbs are saved for the 'leading lady'. She has her number that's for sure. Almost makes me want to watch the direct testimony with the book in hand - I've always avoided that and just jumped straight to the cross.

As to why she flunked kindie - a baseball bat used for non-sporting activities, stealing Madison's butterfly drawing and claiming it as her own, choosing to take the 'Don't feed the goldfish' sign literally, projectile vomiting pea soup? Could be any of those IMO. I'm up to where she confronted Bianca - the whole Matt thing is also both funny and illuminating - as the author says, Arias doesn't have a heart but she does have an ego and it keeps getting broken by these no-good cheating boyfriends.
Exactly. That is it in a nutshell. Some people are just born EVIL. They had a normal upbringing, and they are not mentally ill, either. They are just sadistic monsters who get off on the pain and suffering of animals, children and adults. It escalates. There is no cure. We cannot pretend to "understand" them. They are pure evil and should not be a part of society because they will continue to cause harm - there is no cure for evil. Travis knew and sensed CMJA was one of these evil monsters. He told her she was evil and a "corrupt carcass". And she murdered him. Thank heavens for people like JM, who put her away before she could murder others. AFAIC, her defense team are a disgrace to humanity.

Yup...and as far as knowing right from wrong, some people do and some do not. IMO, most do.

I had all flavors of abuse heaped on me as a child and entered adulthood quite bitter about it all. I had major trust and self-esteem issues, some of which still linger to some degree today. I do believe childhood is important in shaping the kind of adult we are to a certain degree but I agree with you completely that some citizens can have a great childhood and still grow up to be bad news.

I went through a lot of therapy and sought out self-improvement methods with a vengeance because I harbored a lot of hatred toward certain individuals for far longer than I wanted to. It interfered in my life in too many ways so I knew I had to fix whatever I could possibly fix and I will tell you right now, I worked at this very hard for a long time. And no, I have not gotten to the point of forgiveness--probably never going to get there--but long ago I found myself able to let a lot of emotional baggage go.

But I need to say this: With all that hatred and distrust and occasional flare ups of what was close to true paranoia going on in my head...I could never have murdered anyone, not even one who had done me a serious wrong.

I just can't imagine what it would take to thrust a knife into human flesh even one time--let alone a couple dozen times and counting. Then slitting a throat?! Good Lord, it has to be evil incarnate that does something like that. Anger, resentment, hatred, paranoia, you name it, just isn't enough to push one to such deeds because if they were, I would likely have done lots of prison time by now.
The excerpts on Amazon from that book are surprisingly articulate and well written! I haven't seen the part about the art teacher, but I do like how the author is willing to ask a lot of questions about why Jodi flunked kindergarten.

So, what is the speculation on why Jodi flunked kindergarten?

I doubt Jodi "flunked" kindergarten. More likely imo, she lacked impulse control, i.e. she had a conduct disorder. She reportedly spent grades 1-3 in a "private school", which, given her parents income, might have meant she was homeschooled safely away from other students until she learned not to be physically aggressive whenever the mood struck.
I'm not allowing myself to get even the slightest bit excited. Nothing about this ridiculously long, drawn out trial has gone as it should have.

Anyone have an opinion on what might delay things this time? Will it be that Arias suddenly becomes ill and can't appear in court? Will the DT come up with another trick? Or will JSS put off her decision- after all, there's no reason she couldn't have done this immediately after the deadlock was announced.

Maybe Marc McModsnip's mother will speak. It will take her 6 hours to say her piece, which nobody will understand. Then they'll break early, the DT will file a few motions, and sentencing will resume the following week.

Kidding! But yeah, you're right. Who knows what, but something will probably cause some kind of dramatic delay.
I never understood this either. For one thing, all her photos are photo-shopped, so what you see there is not reality. I find her features disproportionate, her eyes alarming, and the blonde hair a bunch of floozy. I can't stand her face: I actually find it so disproportionate, it's like chalk on a blackboard, and that's even from years ago, way before this trial began.

Casey Anthony and Amanda Knox are more "all-American" type girls. I can understand that they are deemed to be attractive at first. But CA is just so "off" and AK I really don't have much of an opinion about.

Of course, "beauty" may refer to less obvious body parts and have different meanings for different genders and orientations.

Of the three, I actually find Amanda Knox to be quite attractive. Plus -- and one thing has nothing to do with the other -- she HAS been acquitted.
IMO, she did not kill his reputation. I doubt TA's family and friends believe a word she said about him. IMO, who cares what anybody else said. IMO, some people, not you Jmoose, are giving JA way too much power.

I wonder if this forum will be locked after JA is sentenced.

You're right-I should have said she tried to kill his reputation. She took every last opportunity to hurt him and his family and all of his friends as much as she could, didn't she?
I'm not allowing myself to get even the slightest bit excited. Nothing about this ridiculously long, drawn out trial has gone as it should have.

Anyone have an opinion on what might delay things this time? Will it be that Arias suddenly becomes ill and can't appear in court? Will the DT come up with another trick? Or will JSS put off her decision- after all, there's no reason she couldn't have done this immediately after the deadlock was announced.

I wish she would act up to the point of a guard having to activate the button for her stun belt, and hope that it would jam for about 3 minutes. Now that would be well worth watching. JMO. Hopefully she will be on her way to PV by 3pm AZ time. Think that sounds bad... it is minor compared to the lunatics on her support site posting about Steven and pedophilia by Travis. I wish their tongues and fingers would paralyze. Those grimy %#$&^ are sick!!!!!!
I'm not allowing myself to get even the slightest bit excited. Nothing about this ridiculously long, drawn out trial has gone as it should have.

Anyone have an opinion on what might delay things this time? Will it be that Arias suddenly becomes ill and can't appear in court? Will the DT come up with another trick? Or will JSS put off her decision- after all, there's no reason she couldn't have done this immediately after the deadlock was announced.

Seriously this time.

BBM Didn't Nurmi request 30 days? I'm not sure JSS had to give him as much time as they wanted though. Does anyone know offhand? Maybe AZlawyer? Then there was a conflict on the State's part for the date, and they agreed on April 13.

http://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/SuperiorCourt/CriminalDepartment/caseProcedures.asp says "up to 30 days."

Another thing to remember: Arias isn't the only trial going on in Arizona. There could be lots of reasons that are not JSS doing everything possible to keep JA out of prison.
Is there anyway JA or her team can delay sentencing on Monday?

There are probably a handful of ways. It will be interesting to see which one(s) they go with.
There are probably a handful of ways. It will be interesting to see which one(s) they go with.

Didn't JA file a motion about a change of counsel not too long ago?
Seriously this time.

BBM Didn't Nurmi request 30 days? I'm not sure JSS had to give him as much time as they wanted though. Does anyone know offhand? Maybe AZlawyer? Then there was a conflict on the State's part for the date, and they agreed on April 13.

http://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/SuperiorCourt/CriminalDepartment/caseProcedures.asp says "up to 30 days."

Another thing to remember: Arias isn't the only trial going on in Arizona. There could be lots of reasons that are not JSS doing everything possible to keep JA out of prison.

The April 13 date might have come about due to scheduling conflicts. I think that's certainly reasonable because, as you say, Arias is not the only game in town.

However, granting of further delays will look, at least to me, not so reasonable.
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