Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #11

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No deal was because she would not agree to no appeals. So of course that was going to be a resounding NO from family View attachment 73120

Regarding her original plea offer, it was VILE. Of course it was NOT an offer to plead guilty to murder one. It was an offer to plead to something far lesser, second degree murder. Hell to the no on that! Her plea offer was full of threats to embarrass the family, get this...the Mormon church and that the details she would be forced to bring out may even affect the election. That was my favorite. A reporter approached Mitt about it and in an off the cuff reply he had a quick comeback, a very polite F U to Jodi Arias "The Mormon church has no official stance on the death penalty". I laughed so hard at that one. She was messing with the wrong crew. No one cared about her threats. The people that love Travis Alexander could not care less if he was a virgin, or a perfect Mormon....they only care that he was brutally murdered by a jealous maniac who had a NEW gun with her at time of arrest and was likely heading to kill Chris, Sky and Deanna!!! I'm getting pissed just remembering it...so judge for yourself Google the words jodi Arias plea offer and it will pop right up.

Damn straight it was thumbs down Jodi Arias. "Burn in Hell" Tanisha Sorenson yelled out to her brother's murderer as she exited the courtroom .

Interesting, it would be highly unusual for a plea bargain NOT to include language that prohibits the defendant from appealing. Almost all plea bargains include that. So actually, it was jodi arias who wouldn't agree to a plea deal.
As far as all the "Second Degree Murder" carp coming outta JW's mouth on the court steps....and who's on first and whatever else is being said.
Does it make ANY difference that in the FIRST trial, the jurors WERE allowed to consider First, Second OR Manslaughter?

The instructions given to the jury allowed for the consideration of any of these....

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens told jurors they could consider the charges of first- and second-degree murder or the lesser charge of manslaughter. First-degree murder requires proof of premeditation.


IMO, Arias has always believed if the gunshot came FIRST, it was supposed to be "less cruel"....since her defense continually submitted endless motions to remove the DP because the shot came FIRST....how that would make the murder any less heinous or less cruel is beyond me. In some twisted way, it seemed she was trying to STILL use the "gunshot first" in her speech AND, make the overkill a "necessity" since after all of the violence - the gunshot (since SHE said it was first), the stab to the chest, the slices and stabs to his back and chips at his skull forming divots - Travis, God bless him, STILL had the strength of 10 men and kept coming after her down the hall. What's a girl to do??? She just HAD to pull his head back and slash his throat ear to ear.

She makes me want to puke! AND, IMO, hopefully the Alexanders realize what that animal was trying to do by spewing all that hate and know in their hearts that Travis was most probably close to God by that point in time . May Travis forever rest in the arms of the Lord.
That was on the June 1st restitution hearing. I was surprised that she waived her right to appear, even if it's just a formality. (I don't know what it consists of.)

What I meant is that if this restitution business ensures someone is watching her money to grab it for AZ when the chance arises, then why should the Alexander family file a wrongful death civil suit and look for a damage award? They'll never see a penny anyway most likely, and that situation it seems WOULD enable her to show her face.

So as long as the Alexanders know JA's finances will be under scrutiny forever, why waste time with a civil suit?

Jodi has more money around than seems obvious at first blush. Plus, this may be the formal proceeding to dock her commissary money and half her pay?
She is not going away quietly into the good night. Sure, she will be silenced for a short while but she is a sociopath and they never give up no matter how bad the chances are against them.

She started right away with her puppet telling people in front of the courthouse that 'she feels good' about moving on to the next phase of her life. Then the tweets were posted.

Dorian Bond recorded an interview (advertisement for his business) before the verdict was rendered. He listed a bunch of appealable errors and his hopes that a particular appeals attorney would be representing her if she could come up with the funds (send money now). He opined that he would be instrumental in finding the appeal issues for her and predicted that she would win on appeal (keep the money flowing to the killer so she can keep him on the payroll).

Just as she struck out against the family, the detective and the prosecutor in court for their egregious treatment of her in court, she will continue to do so by any means necessary.

Sociopaths never, ever quit.

She will inflict her evil until she draws her last vile breath and perhaps even beyond with another manifesto.

I hope she pays for an expensive attorney, and s/he bails after she's spent all her money. Plus, doesn't any money she has go towards restitution?
Can someone please tell me what BBM stands for on these boards? I have not seen this before.
Where would those newly released interviews be found? TIA
These aren't newly released, they were done when she was arrested in 2008! They were aired at that time. Just google, they're all over the place.
Jodi has more money around than seems obvious at first blush. Plus, this may be the formal proceeding to dock her commissary money and half her pay?

On this commissary money, where does this money come from. If it's from her family, I wonder how often they will deposit, especially if part of it will be taken.

Now THAT'S a "Toto I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" moment! She looks absolutely miserable!! Ha!!! She's got a look of scared poopless goin on there. Guess she wasn't able to stand on her head to get her hair to have that "windblown" look. Sorry, it's the little things that make me happy. A picture tells a thousand words, etc.
Am I correct in that she only gets one shot at an appeal and she has to pay for it?
I wonder how Dr. Samuels and Alyce LaViolette feel about the fact that their testimonies defining and corroborating Jodi's "fog" were publicly debunked yesterday, and by none other than Jodi herself? Of course, they knew they were lying in order to make money testifying on her behalf, but I doubt if they wanted the whole world to know.

I'm wondering if ALV is going to be on the Perryville Princess's visitor list? She gets to have 20 names on it. Maybe by now she's read the books and magazines ALV got for her, and is in need of a new supply?
Arizona will garnish 55% from all incoming JPAY into her account and then make the rest available for her to use. It is 55% every single deposit until restitution has been paid. Doesn't matter who, or the frequency of money being sent it's just 55% across the board
@troyhaydenfox10: He was the prosecutor in the first major "social media" trial, but wait until you see Juan Martinez' cell phone. @5p #JodiArias
On this commissary money, where does this money come from. If it's from her family, I wonder how often they will deposit, especially if part of it will be taken.

Family, friends, pen pals she cons into donating

One list I saw had a fan priced at $20.90
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