Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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Now that she's a lifer if she kills someone in prison would it make a difference since she already has a life sentence? Non LWOP inmates in prison should be afraid of her.

I believe she might be eligible for the death penalty all over again if she kiiled another inmate while in prison. God forbid, she does this on purpose—banking on avoiding the death penalty yet again—to create another media circus.
I just watched the first show in a series on Netflix, called Hard Time -it is a documentary about a prison in Georgia, which follows prisoners
as they arrive and get into the system, and it is brutal- the prisoners will tell you that you are a nobody when you arrive- a sheep surrounded by wolves, who will bully you, steal from every chance they get..... Jodi is not going in there to be treated like some celebrity, more like a target for every psychopath.....

But at Estrella jail, the video on youtube, the inmates stated they like her (Nancy Grace had interviewed a few of the inmates). She must have played the 'my ex abused me' card and unfortunately, women in the prison/jail systems are frequently prone to buying that line and have various excuses themselves for whatever they're in for.

I DO personally feel for those who have had to defend themselves from spousal abuse, etc etc...because it seems they can easily stay in prison too.
What 28's appeal will look like:

Nurmi refused to speak with 28 for MONTHS, and he did not put 28's mother and step sister on the stand when he knew they had seen the bruises. And 28 has found other evidence and remembered her self defense fight much better. She fought off TA till the end, etc, etc.

Meanwhile, Wilmot thinks she is now a DV expert and will now do the lecture circuit with ALV and Ms MF and Dr G, expanding her career and compensation.
During the interrogation interviews, Flores mentioned that he knew the prosecutor, and that Jodi should be aware that he wasn't someone she wanted to mess with.

If she had an ounce of sense, she would have listened to him.

Instead, she arrogantly went forward with her ridiculous claims.

I don't know, but I think that Flores and Martinez weren't that well acquainted before this trial. I'm sure Flores knew Martinez by reputation, but I doubt it was more than that.

Fast-forward to the celebratory photos from the day of Jodi's sentencing.

Looking at those photos, it seems obvious that they are now pretty well bonded with one another.

Knowing what we now know about Martinez' more quiet/sensitive side, I can only imagine the personal exchanges between the two after Flores' son Tony died.

Here they were, having worked this case together for seven long years. There were probably more personal hardships than we'll ever know about, but certainly, Tony's death was the worst, and something everyone had a hard time dealing with.

From the photos of that night, it's obvious that Martinez and Flores are now pretty tight and forever connected by this trial, and in a good way. That says so much about these two remarkable men.

Jodi will never again be able to make good connections with other people. She's forever cut off from healthy relationships. From here on in, it's going to be all about dysfunctional encounters, be they either in person, on the phone, or via US mail; with men or with women.

Despite some perks as a lifer (which I don't think she deserves), I believe her life in Perryville will be a living hell. As the saying goes, it's a "fate worse than death."
Think this post may be a good nomination for Post of the Day for Tricia!

I agree ATTHELAKE, JW answered a lot of questions that way, very ambiguous. What did you think of the question that Nohelani asked her about the JAII site that printed out all the names of the 11 jurors but didn't name #17? She PRETENDED she never knew anything about a pro JA site. I don't believe that for one single minute.

Then when she asked JW about JA going off the reservation and giving interviews to the media, she replied JA only did that once with Troy after the verdict and after she spoke with her she didn't do it anymore. That was not why she quit talking to media. Sheriff Joe ended the interviews, he said she was convicted now and her 15 minutes of fame were over. JW forgot to mention that. JW walked on egg shells through the entire interview. But she didn't gloss over the fact that JA and KN didn't get along. LMAO
But at Estrella jail, the video on youtube, the inmates stated they like her (Nancy Grace had interviewed a few of the inmates). She must have played the 'my ex abused me' card and unfortunately, women in the prison/jail systems are frequently prone to buying that line and have various excuses themselves for whatever they're in for.

I DO personally feel for those who have had to defend themselves from spousal abuse, etc etc...because it seems they can easily stay in prison too.

That bugged me, too, until I thought that maybe they don't want to tick someone off who 1) might go all stabby on them, 2) might be useful to them in the future (commissary items for one thing) or 3) they're just general kiss-arsy.

They're criminals, too. They have their own agendas. :D
BBM2 - Juan gets it, but we don't? He doesn't hate the murderer, just her actions. GMAB, what do you expect him to say in an interview? This is his job. He can't publicly share his personal views on 281129, and it doesn't make my feelings wrong. Same with anyone else posting here that feels the same revulsion for 281129.

GMAB, do you think every post is about you or even about WS? Where did I point to your feelings or anything about you? Where did I say your feelings or anyone's feelings were wrong?

I commented specifically about Juan since Juan just did a mini-interview. Juan gets what HIS role is for. I was commenting how as a professional he did his job to perfection. Do you disagree with that? In the midst of what everyone agrees was a circus environment, Juan stayed cool, calm, professional, and focused on doing what he needed to do. Yes, Juan gets it. Juan understands. Juan, as prosecutor, totally had it dialed in.
I just wanted to share that it's expected to get in the 90's this weekend in Phoenix. Translation: Arias box in Perryville is going to be a poorly ventilated chipped paint closed in hot as He!! sauna- without the spa aspect. :drumroll:
Well, it looks like MDLR took offense to some comments on the Keifer interview with JW. Doesn't she have anything better to do than troll the internet in support of a convicted killer, you know like work on her other cases? She posted this a couple of hours ago (and most likely will bill Maricopa County for her time). :facepalm:


I do love how the commenters called Keifer out on his prevalent bias for the killer and that JW proved that Mama Arias was lying about seeing bruises on the killer.

Can someone please tell MDLR that, someone with a bit of education and no tact or discretion is still GHETTO!!
What 28's appeal will look like:

Nurmi refused to speak with 28 for MONTHS, and he did not put 28's mother and step sister on the stand when he knew they had seen the bruises. And 28 has found other evidence and remembered her self defense fight much better. She fought off TA till the end, etc, etc.

Meanwhile, Wilmot thinks she is now a DV expert and will now do the lecture circuit with ALV and Ms MF and Dr G, expanding her career and compensation.

Ha! Kinda like when Dr Drew thought he could do a rehab show. Everything was fine until people started dying...

I don't even want to think about the lives that could be harmed by that traveling freak show... "Wilmont & Her Flying Monkeys"
I give up! I was trying to figure out how to upload a photo from fox news 10 showing the door to her cell. It looks like it has a doggy door in the bottom! What is that about? Are they trying to make her feel at home? :eek:ddsmiley: It loaded anyway and I have no idea how! LOL!

I was so happy to see it is painted blue :)
This HUGE nugget of truth (are you kidding me?) was worth listening to both Sandy Arias and Jennifer Wilmott's interviews. You cannot make this stuff up. If Sandy Arias didn't show her entire, lying azz... I don't know what then. I am happy that at least Wilmott didn't start to cover up and lie for them, and we can all know for certain that 'the bruises' are a ginormous lie.

I want to see the sealed transcripts from the depositions- do we get to see those ever? I want to see Matt McCartney's- more than anything else almost. I pray someday he comes forward... maybe after she has lost all appeals, and tells the truth of what he knows and puts his conscience clear. I think in the end he saw the signs, tried to warn her family (who did almost nothing- they certainly shouldn't have LEFT her there in Mesa) and then got caught up in her plan (possibly even unbeknownst to him- I'm not so sure) at best, participated at worse. I think that is always the person she was counting on to coo-berate (sp?) the bruises- always.

Her mother has proven herself to be a LIAR so everything she says, as far as I am concerned, is suspect and unbelievable unless verified by independent, NON-FAMILY sources. I think the last time she was honest about her "beautiful soul" of a daughter was in the interrogation room with detective Flores and even then I believe she held back- A LOT!

I want to see Matt McCartneys too ! And I love this post my friend!
Here is the link to the actual article and from there you can select a button to view the comments at the top, in between the video and the article (right now there are 35). MDLR's comment shows up right near the top (she just posted it today).


Seriously, WHAT is wrong with MDLR? She's a feisty little thing, isn't she??! All I can think of is "gangsta mentality" as being the explanation for her not being able to ignore comments from the public.

She's going to drive herself (even more) crazy verbally beating up everyone who makes a comment about her that she doesn't like! Can you imagine if the Real Housewives did that, or the Kardashians??!

She has no tact or discretion.

(And I think I heard Troy Hayden mention that MDLR texted him, so why wouldn't she also text Keifer?!)
Can someone please tell MDLR that, someone with a bit of education and no tact or discretion is still GHETTO!!

When did the meaning of Ghetto change? I am serious and not being snide.
GMAB, do you think every post is about you or even about WS? Where did I point to your feelings or anything about you? Where did I say your feelings or anyone's feelings were wrong?

I commented specifically about Juan since Juan just did a mini-interview. Juan gets what HIS role is for. I was commenting how as a professional he did his job to perfection. Do you disagree with that? In the midst of what everyone agrees was a circus environment, Juan stayed cool, calm, professional, and focused on doing what he needed to do. Yes, Juan gets it. Juan understands. Juan, as prosecutor, totally had it dialed in.

The first part of your post is all about what people think and post about Arias, as per below. The second part is about Juan so it is disengenuous to now say you were only talking about him. I agree with the response that Juan, as the prosecutor, is not going to share his personal feelings about Arias but I'd be willing to bet money that he doesn't 'like' her. People dislike or even hate Arias for a number of reasons with the victim trashing, which she did right up until the last minute, high on the list. IMO it's all quite simple: in all of the interviews and testimony Arias has given she has come across as an extremely unlikable person, hence the reason why people don't like her. And let's face it - there has to be some reason why she had no real friends in real life and the reaction of strangers who only know her through the media is just an extension of that - she's a really really horrible person.

'I remember many people posting the reason they hated Arias to the extent they did (beyond the killing itself) is because she dragged her victim's name through the mud and 'assassinated his character' in court. Had she not done that...would people hate her less?'.
Now that she's a lifer if she kills someone in prison would it make a difference since she already has a life sentence? Non LWOP inmates in prison should be afraid of her.

Actually, she could be tried for that murder, and that could get her a Death Sentence- if they wanted to prosecute it. And I'm guessing they could bring in her criminal history, including Travis's murder. "No prior criminal history" will NO longer be a mitigating factor for her.
During the interrogation interviews, Flores mentioned that he knew the prosecutor, and that Jodi should be aware that he wasn't someone she wanted to mess with.

If she had an ounce of sense, she would have listened to him.

Instead, she arrogantly went forward with her ridiculous claims.

I don't know, but I think that Flores and Martinez weren't that well acquainted before this trial. I'm sure Flores knew Martinez by reputation, but I doubt it was more than that.

Just curious, why do you think that Flores & Martinez hadn't worked on other cases prior to this one??? Flores warned Jodi about him, so that implies to me that he knew him.
I saw this on the State vs. JA FB page. It's a letter where JA explains that she and Donovan have had a falling out. Just posting to keep the conversation going, I guess.


It's written on a legal notepad, making me wonder if she wrote it while in the courtroom. She asks the reader how *blank* likes Kindergarten and then JA says that she liked Kindergarten, which makes me snicker since she flunked it.
I saw this on the State vs. JA FB page. It's a letter where JA explains that she and Donovan have had a falling out. Just posting to keep the conversation going, I guess.


It's written on a legal notepad, making me wonder if she wrote it while in the courtroom. She asks the reader how *blank* likes Kindergarten and then JA says that she liked Kindergarten, which makes me snicker since she flunked it.

Glad to know Jodi feels abandoned and betrayed by her "friends", but how in the heck did she have access to the Twitter account to begin with for Donovan to have locked her out of it??? I thought you didn't get internet access in jail and that Donovan was posting all the quotes for her? Maybe that's why it got quiet for awhile.
"Can't take away her beautiful soul." ???? That was TOTALLY written by Jodi. After all, according to Jodi, her mom is borderline illiterate.

You're right Sandy, they can't take it away; they can't even find it.
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