Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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JA more than anyone in history that I know of got to tell her 'story' for 18 agonizing days. And the lower appeal court has already stated that a defendant doesn't have a right to testify in secrecy and imo, the higher court will agree with the constitution.

If she had been given death she may have a better shot of it being overturned but that wasn't the case. I do not see this case being overturned. The higher court will hear it of course the first time around but after doing so the case will be upheld.


IIRC, Arizona Supreme Court already declined to review the appeal court ruling on the secret testimony. Also, IIRC, the CofA decision was terse. Not much chance there, Jodi!
I don't like Cates either OBE. He appears to me to be a blowhard. I've seen him speak out on other trials, and he doesn't appear too "in the know" as a legal eagle. I think he is/was a CMJA supporter. Dunno' :moo:.
I compare Devault and the murderer both M1.

Devault entered 6/11/14 began work program 11/12/14 worked 60 hrs @ .10

If murderer follows same route she will spend the hot blazing summer in the blue room. A little bit of justice I guess. I don't see her getting out of the blue room sooner, at least I hope not.

Did note Devault's 1st infraction was 8/1/14. Didn't take her long. Disrupt count/out of place.

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In browsing DoC manuals, I noticed that one reason for being located where Jodi is, is infractions that manipulate rules such as computer usage. I realize there is no computer access for inmates at PV (and any level, evidently), but "bending the rules" is evidently treated as a very significant offense, worthy of max. Variations in "bending" are the signature characteristic of Miss PV: they were duly noted in their various manifestations by Sheriff Joe, by TA, and by Jodi, and are a matter of court record. The only one who wouldn't go there was ALV, who was "too old-fashioned."
Devault has to work 60 hours a week? Jodi hates work of any kind....... I wonder how many infractions she'll commit just to avoid working? Think she'll ever pay off the BMW? As it is, it's going to take a whole day of work just to buy a Coke!
In Jodiland the only thinking allowed is Magical Thinking. I am sure she thought of this as a game she could easily win. At the end she imagined herself being carried out on the shoulders of all of her adoring fans to the cheering crowd that awaited her release. Then she would appear on many TV shows, write a best-selling book and retire to France. From there she would travel and never run out of the money that would keep pouring in faster than she could spend it.

Now in JodiLand, she dreams of winning the appeal and repeating all the stardom ideas above.

Her real rude awakening has not come yet. It will arrive on the day that she realizes she will never leave prison and nobody cares enough to send a postcard, let alone money.

Or Greece with the whackos who still believe her lies. I believe they are referred to as the "banned bunch" (BB's) who lost their Skype status. :laughing:. Blood atonement I tell ya'....I.D.I.O.T.S
Probably not a good idea to denounce your Mexican heritage when serving time in an Arizona prison.

So true. And if it were me, I would revel in that kind of ethnicity. Great food! Colorful folklore and traditions!

Speaking as a DAR white woman from WDC, I don't see the advantage. Maybe in her warped mind she thinks being "whiter than thou," is a good thing, but I don't think that's going to get her very far, especially in an Arizona prison.

I can personally vouch for the fact that when living in a multicultural environment, being accepting of all people is the only way to be. Live and let live. Oops! Jodi already flunked that one...
I'm loving this. I wasn't quite aware of my huh huh huh huh huh huh bully feelings until I met up with this case. Not a great thing to find out about oneself.....

I wonder if she's in that unit on grounds of assault or grounds of mental score? Would Demarte's assessment have contributed to a high mental rating? I do believe it was announced a while back that the Perryville Princess would be in the Lumley unit (her cell was shown on YouTube). Or is this a new development? Did she act out in orientation? Infractions would also be listed on her prisoner web page. Is everyone in Lumley in extreme lockup? It sounds like she is way more restricted than Devault was. And she only gets a review in 30 days, not an automatic upgrade. Sheriff Joe also promised that he had warned PV of JA's manipulative behavior and they responded they were ready for her! Part of the reason to isolate JA may be to minimize manipulation and playing off two CO's against each other. And the Governor of PV (or whatever you call her) looks like one tough broad: JA's not going to put anything over on her.
I know all of this is confusing to those of us whose only knowledge of prison is TV or movies, and there are a lot of rules & terminology to learn...hopefully this will help.

Yes, yard 30 at Lumley is where all Max Custody inmates go, and all lifers are Max Custody for the first couple years.

Max is single person to a cell, having a cellmate is Close custody and a dorm setting is Medium (the lowest a lifer can go). Max custody inmates progress through a behavior incentive step program where privileges are earned and with few infractions a lowered security level (like Close) can eventually be earned - depending upon how many years of a life sentence they've served.
0-2 years of life served is Max, 2-5 years served (with good behavior) can earn Close and after 5 years they can get to Medium custody. While still in Max she can earn fewer restraints and have contact with other inmates when outside her cell - during classes/programs, dining and recreation. BTW, the rules say all inmates are expected to work, it's not an earned privilege, but where they can work and what they can do depends on their custody level.

Restricted housing is a extra security required designation within MaxCustody, and is much more severe. They are isolated both in and out of the cell, and it takes longer to earn fewer privileges. This restricted housing designation means full isolation basically, with full restraints and probably extra guards when she does leave her cell. She will have a low commissary allowance, won't get phone calls or visits for a longer time, etc. Lots of the incentives available to Max inmates are not available at all to those in Restricted Housing.

There are, btw, no automatic upgrades. Any movement or change in privileges for every inmate is earned and approved by staff. The 30 day review I mentioned is for the prison to decide whether or not she continues to stay in restricted housing with it's extra restrictions or to be moved back to regular Max custody.

As for why she was placed there, the rules say Restricted Housing is for the more violent prison infractions or a serious mental health problem, per the prison's evaluation (not outside Dr). But I remember the prison Director (Troy Hayden interviewed) saying that she is going to be a high profile inmate. That's actually a specific designation in the prison that calls for added security. The rules say the there are overrides to the normal classification system where an inmate can be placed in more restrictive areas for need, and high profile is a override cause. Now if that is the reason for this, maybe she will be able to have more things like property/commissary & phones, but that is not addressed in the rules so I just don't know about that. But she will be very isolated from other inmates and have less movement outside her cell for a little change of scenery as compared to the general Max custody inmates. IMO, either she did have some kind of mental break or this is just the price she's going to pay for her "high profile" status - wonder if she thinks those interviews were worth it now?
I'm in confusion about her vicious statement about TA being conscious during the throat slit. She said she would have testified to this if she could have testified secretly, so why would this stop any appeals? I know it's a crock, and was said only to torture his family, but I've seen many posts on other venues that suggested she shot herself in the foot on future appeals.
Why does it have her ethnicity as Caucasian? I thought she was or has Spanish blood.

She is Hispanic. Her father Bill Arias is a Mexican American. Arias is a Hispanic surname. She's trying to deny her heritage, despite the fact she wants to teach the Hispanic inmates of a largely Hispanic state Spanish!!! That's why the blonde dye job and the sunscreen.
If you can zoom in to make it readable, this will give you an idea of the differences in Max Custody and Restricted Housing @ Lumley. It's pretty stark in Restricted:
I'm in confusion about her vicious statement about TA being conscious during the throat slit. She said she would have testified to this if she could have testified secretly, so why would this stop any appeals? I know it's a crock, and was said only to torture his family, but I've seen many posts on other venues that suggested she shot herself in the foot on future appeals.

BBM: What an excellent point! She totally outed herself with that extemporaneous statement. I don't think she was thinking about how contradictory she was being there (too afraid to testify in public?), but now it's on the record for ever and ever. I can only imagine this goes on her list of "things I wish I could have a do-over."
Originally Posted by space71: "YES OR NO!!!!!?????" "Well, it's YOUR fog !..."

"Well, we can't subpoena GOD!" :giggle:

I was completely let down when the omniscient one didn't reply back with "I believe He (God) IS here in this room with us right now". She should have dabbled a bit more.
Originally Posted by franquerolane:
"I'm in confusion about her vicious statement about TA being conscious during the throat slit. She said she would have testified to this if she could have testified secretly, so why would this stop any appeals? I know it's a crock, and was said only to torture his family, but I've seen many posts on other venues that suggested she shot herself in the foot on future appeals."


Whether she testified to doing that in a closed court or an open court, I'm confused how that admission helps her at ALL.

Did she think that TA being alive when she sliced through his neck all the way down to his spine was a mitigating factor for herself?

Maybe Nurmi said to her, "it may not seem like it now, but here's what you can say to help yourself..." :D

Edited to add: Oh, that's right... she said she cut his throat because he was still attacking her. Attacking her the same way you attack a wasp that's after you?
Reposting from State vs Jodi Arias. Not making a statement, just offering FYI:


Does a Psychopath or Malignant Narcissist live in your world? Get out!
True case...names and some details are changed to protect my client.
A little distraction and hopefully you bear with me for a moment on a personal matter. I saw a client today, it was her 5th and final session with me (she stopped smoking). She did so well at the stop smoking, I suggested she use her other paid sessions to work on something else.
So, she wanted to work on her anger. Two weeks ago she told me she saw a Medium, and this medium was so good, so on target...and she seemed to know her husband so well. Turns out, the medium told her that her husband has had two long affairs over the 37 years they had been married. She gave one of the 'affairs' a name, Ava (as in Gabor, I wondered right away?) Anyway, the other name was Sheila. Details galore! The years, what they did, where they did it...all of it. If this medium is for real, she needs to be on television and very rich.
I don't doubt what my clients tell me, I have to go by what they say. So when she first told me about the medium a couple of weeks ago I really didn't put a lot of stock into it, one way or another. What mattered was how my client was reacting to the news of her husband having multiple affairs and now, as they inch into their 70's, she has this huge trauma going on.
These messages of sexual liaisons would never have been allowed in her mind if she didn't already have a history with this subject. Delore's husband did have an affair in the 80's, she met the woman, she gave her husband a choice, he picked her. As far as she was concerned, problem over.
Until along came a spider...
So, it was easy to believe, especially with all of those details, right?
My client (Delores, not her real name of course) said she has gone through all of the bank statements, all of the cell records to 2002, everything...she almost hired a p.i. but since these 'affairs' have been over since 2010, what is the P.I. going to find that she can't find?
She found nothing.
My client is tortured. I could see it on her face today that she was going to lose it if she didn't get answers. She said she would stay with her husband of 37 years, she loves her life, the cabin up at the lake, the kids...all of it has been going so well! She does need to know for sure. She insists she won't be lied to...that's all he has to do, confess. She'll stay with him, she resolved, if he would just come clean!
She asked her husband if it was true, did he have other affairs? He didn't get angry, he just said no, never happened. .She pushed. No! He swore up and down she was wrong (interestingly, she didn't tell him WHO told her).
Her unconscious mind knows why she didn't tell him all of the details or who told her this, IT WAS A LIE. Our unconscious minds know the truth, always. If you are not speaking up, it may be a lie, or wrong, in some way.
As things were finally dawning on me, on what was going on, I saw the same look on this woman's face that I had years before. The look of torture and despair over being told something about someone else and being completely duped.
Only, it was me who was cruelly gossiped about...I was a victim not unlike my friend when a psychopath in my world destroyed almost all of my relationships. I just have no idea of what was said about me, that caused people I loved to leave me.
I still don't know, but today I don't care. If people are so willing to believe the worst in another human being, without CHECKING IT OUT, then they also need some help and I can't be bothered with followers like that anyway, anymore.
As we talked today I decided to gather more details. You will not believe what she told me. Her friend, "Donna" is a lesbian. she is living with a woman named Brenda. Brenda is very controlling, she has told her lover, Donna, to put her ageing mother in a care home. Donna did not think this was right, and managed to say no to her lover in this regard.
Guess who the Medium was? Brenda. Brenda, who is lovers with Donna who is friends with my client, Delores. She sat her down at the kitchen table and told her she was a medium and could 'see things' (first of all, don't mediums work with the dead?). She saw her husband having these affairs, she gave details, and every time Delores would say, noooo, that couldn't have happened, he was home every night, every weekend! She tried not to believe...but Brenda is a crafty one all right...(aren't they all)...she said it happened at work, at lunches, in the closets, that type of thing.
Well, let me just say she was so good my client 100% believed her and has been going through hell these last weeks, as she is giving up smoking, trying to find the evidence to put in front of her husband and say, "HERE, THERE IT IS, YOU HAVE BEEN CHEATING ON ME ALL OF OUR MARRIED LIFE!" Fess up! She begged.
When Delores walked into my studio today I saw stress all over her face. She was beside herself. Nothing was working out, she can't get the evidence.
That's when I asked her for more details and when she told me of the triangle relationship going on (she is co-dependent with her friend Donna, because she doesn't find it easy to meet friends and she likes Donna's company. Brenda is just the 'lover' in the background).
She does not want to believe her only friend of three years, Donna, had any part of this at all. She said Donna was there, at the table and she was as surprised at how the 'visions' were unfolding as anyone.
Can you guess the roles of this psychopathic dynamic?
It starts with the psychopath (Brenda) who always has a side-kick 'supply' to keep in control (Donna) and then she uses Donna to get at others. To destroy relationships. Because that is how they operate. They are evil to the core and they seem to be in this world for no other reason other than to create trauma and drama in their friends and relationships lives.
They love to see the hurt. The pain in the face is priceless to the psychopath. And to see this poor, 70 year old woman scrounging around her house to find evidence of affairs by her husband of 37 years???
I asked my client this question...I said, "Let's say Brenda is right. Everything she saw and heard in her 'visions' was the truth. Your husband had affairs up until 2010. Suppose that is all true."
And then I asked her, "Who and why would anyone tell you that, other than to hurt you to the core of your being?" For what purpose was this psychic reading?
The light went on.
After we did some internal work Delores left my studio strong and free. Her husband never had an affair with these 'ladies' and Brenda is a danger...maybe so is Donna if Donna cannot see things better than she has been seeing them.
I suggested my client have a long talk with her husband, and if she cannot, then she needs to ask herself why. Is she wanting to hang onto this co-dependent relationship triangle?
We shall see, it is difficult to remove yourself from people you have grown to love. It's the most difficult thing in the world to do...say goodbye to something YOU thought was real. Relationships with the psychopath are never real. They lack feelings. The only emotions psychopaths can really experience are rage, jealousy, and false pride. Other than that, they are empty beings who are created to create problems for others.
To the psychopath, people are simply supply to feed the urge to hurt others and watch the squirming of emotional pain.
But as she was leaving I suggested that if it came to believing her husband of 37 years, or this woman she really knows nothing about, then we need to do some work on her loyalties and why she is so easily led. She agrees.
Do you know a psychopath? Have you ever been supply for a psychopath?
It is easier to fool the masses, than it is to convince them they have been fooled. Einstein. I love that quote and can't use it enough, especially in cases like this.
I'm in confusion about her vicious statement about TA being conscious during the throat slit. She said she would have testified to this if she could have testified secretly, so why would this stop any appeals? I know it's a crock, and was said only to torture his family, but I've seen many posts on other venues that suggested she shot herself in the foot on future appeals.
It won't stop any appeals, but she sure can't plead her case to the Innocence Project now! She's just admitted guilt and that there was no "fog".
Originally Posted by franquerolane:
"I'm in confusion about her vicious statement about TA being conscious during the throat slit. She said she would have testified to this if she could have testified secretly, so why would this stop any appeals? I know it's a crock, and was said only to torture his family, but I've seen many posts on other venues that suggested she shot herself in the foot on future appeals."


Whether she testified to doing that in a closed court or an open court, I'm confused how that admission helps her at ALL.

Did she think that TA being alive when she sliced through his neck all the way down to his spine was a mitigating factor for herself?

Maybe Nurmi said to her, "it may not seem like it now, but here's what you can say to help yourself..." :D

Edited to add: Oh, that's right... she said she cut his throat because he was still attacking her. Of course he was. :rolls eyes:
It doesn't help her. It mitigates any remorse she might have expressed. She figured she was going down, so might as well torture the Alexanders in the process. She lost any hope of getting a sentence of LWP after 25 years once she uttered that!
Sounds like her sorrow is already turning into joy. :D

Is it just me or does she look high as a kite in that photo?
Is it just me or does she look high as a kite in that photo?

Perhaps they medicated her prior to transport to Perryville. Or, perhaps that's the face of a seething psychopath... Take your pick...
Is it just me or does she look high as a kite in that photo?

She does not look high to me. She actually looks really low. PO'ed. Angry. In spite of the tweets that claimed she "feels good" and is "ready for the next step" or words to that effect, she looks like she feels way less than good and is anything but ready. What really stands out is there is no more smirk on her ugly mug. It's about time!
I don't like Cates either OBE. He appears to me to be a blowhard. I've seen him speak out on other trials, and he doesn't appear too "in the know" as a legal eagle. I think he is/was a CMJA supporter. Dunno' :moo:.

Well, at the very least Cates is stating the obvious. Of course the appeals process will take years--the trial took years! He makes it sound like her appeals will be given some type of special consideration by the courts. They won't be. Hers will go the same route as appeals of other inmates who should be on Death Row but aren't.
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