Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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I agree she doesn't look drugged. She looks angry and maybe a little sad. She couldn't manipulate the judge for LWP. I really think in her warped mind she thought she would eventually get out.

To me, she looks miffed at having to endure this latest comeuppance. It is one of, hopefully, many that will slap her upside the head over the years. Consider how the killer sees things when you view that photo and you may get a glimpse into her thinking during that pose. In that photo, she looks like she just can't believe how she is being treated and I have no doubt her mind is racing, plotting revenge against all those she believes have betrayed or conspired against her. It is, after all, all their fault.

Disgusting that she is, even her own family do not believe her--regardless of what they do or say publicly.

Exactly! Looks like the 2x4 crowbar of reality has hit her..... Hard

1st BBM: I totally agree !

2nd BBM: Again, I agree ...
BUT I do believe that JSS gave the "right sentence" :thud: because "someone in authority" gave her a good talking to ... MOO !

Also, I think this "someone in authority" told JSS HOW TO handle JA's sentencing, what to say, etc., because the Sentencing Hearing went more smoothly [than I expected] in comparison as to HOW JSS handled her courtroom, etc. in the past ... MOO !

JSS was like a different judge at the Sentencing Hearing -- NOT the JSS we had seen for over 2+ years ... and I really do believe that someone schooled JSS on how to handle JA's sentencing so as to NOT make JSS look as foolish as she had in the past -- especially when she CLOSED the courtroom for a murderer to testify :gaah: ... MOO !

:couch: And please ...

NO :tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato::tomato:

I disagree. I don't think you give JSS enough credit. Noone had to have a talking to with her to make her give LWOP. She has never liked Jodi. She bent over backward to preserve the conviction upon appeal. AZLawyer even told us before the start of this phase that Death was different in AZ.
Who will join me in sending the pictures of the Alexander's party with Juan and Det Flores to the Butcher of Yreka when she is eligible for mail?

She would delight in seeing the big smiles and happy comrade of all those in attendance. It would make her day, don't you think? [emoji6]
I would just think it would be better for her if she was Mexican, but what would I know? I certainly have never been in prison although I was bullied and attacked by 3 Mexicans in my first year of high school just because.....

According to Bernina, whose ex was in Perryville, neither side will like her. Jodi will use her heritage when it suits her. I still think she tried to buddy up with Juror 17 and become Chicas (BFF's) with her. I saw 17's reported name out there and she was also Hispanic.
I disagree. I don't think you give JSS enough credit. Noone had to have a talking to with her to make her give LWOP. She has never liked Jodi. She bent over backward to preserve the conviction upon appeal. AZLawyer even told us before the start of this phase that Death was different in AZ.

Even if she got the DP, she would on appeal after appeal until her sentenced is reduced to LWOP anyway. Maybe Juror #17 was a blessing in disguise. 281129 will just rot away in her dusty, moldy cell, just like any parasite.
Is the inmate more likely to be despised for her ethnicity or for the fact that she may be pretending to be what she is not?

(There could be a better way to phrase that but my hippocampus will not cooperate today.) :)

Seems like she'd be more despised for her pretentiousness. They do have Mexican gangs there.
Maybe we could write a book" All The Places To See in Perryville,Before You Die" and send it to inmate
I'd like to send her a copy of "1,000 places you'll never see before you die" and postcards from Cancun- the "wish you were here" type!!
Hey, Jodi did get her wish to live in Arizona, and she doesn't have to waitress, or even use her sexual charms to get room & board- 3 hots & a cot is the expression!
Who will join me in sending the pictures of the Alexander's party with Juan and Det Flores to the Butcher of Yreka when she is eligible for mail?

She would delight in seeing the big smiles and happy comrade of all those in attendance. It would make her day, don't you think? [emoji6]

Remember at sentencing when the killer was griping about the audacity of the Alexanders to be photographed showing thumbs down? As upset as that photo seems to have made her, if she sees the photos of the whole group smiling and celebrating the end of the Arias Era, she'll probably have a stroke.
Is makeup allowed in prison? I know hair dye isn't.

It is allowed for inmates at certain levels of supervision. I doubt it is allowed for Arias at her current status so likely she entered the facility with makeup on. Leftovers from her court appearance.
As for what discipline the killer could get for infractions if she is already in the most restrictive setting, it would probably be just added time in that setting. She has to earn privileges and will either not earn any or will lose some if that she might have earned. Basically I think the restrictions will be in place until she "gets it." Meaning, when she is ready and willing to play by their rules, not hers, she can be moved to a less restrictive setting. But my understanding is she could come back to the restrictive area at any time in the future if her behavior warrants it.

I don't know any of this to be fact. It's all a guess on my part.
There isn't a doubt in my mind but that Jodi will find a way to get herself back in the limelight. Unfortunately, there are those who will help her to get the attention she so desperately craves.

Sadly, this is definitely not the end of JA. It's only the beginning of the next Series.
There isn't a doubt in my mind but that Jodi will find a way to get herself back in the limelight. Unfortunately, there are those who will help her to get the attention she so desperately craves.

Sadly, this is definitely not the end of JA. It's only the beginning of the next Series.

I can only speak for myself, but I won't be giving her any attention other than to point and laugh.
I can only speak for myself, but I won't be giving her any attention other than to point and laugh.

I'm with you, krkrjx. But still, she has a fairly large fan club. And even in a little bitty cell she is still a huge manipulator!
I'm with you, krkrjx. But still, she has a fairly large fan club. And even in a little bitty cell she is still a huge manipulator!

Had. She had a large group of fans. But I think many of those have and will continue to naturally drop like flies now that the trial is over. Some will squawk and shriek on her behalf for awhile but I bet her following is now quite small and getting smaller by the day. JMO.


#thejigisup :D
Remember at sentencing when the killer was griping about the audacity of the Alexanders to be photographed showing thumbs down? As upset as that photo seems to have made her, if she sees the photos of the whole group smiling and celebrating the end of the Arias Era, she'll probably have a stroke.

Somehow, some way, she should see those pictures. As happy as we were to see them, she will be inversely NOT happy.

I think she thought she'd get more jurors on her side this time as opposed to the four she got with the first trial. I think it galled her when she found out it was 11-1 against her.

For her to see Martinez, Flores and the Alexanders smiling and celebrating will be bad enough for her, but when she realizes that the jurors who voted against her (and showed up in court on sentencing day) were celebrating right along side them, well, I'd really like to see see her face at that moment.

Someone here mentioned that it was the kind of gathering Travis would have loved. I'm sure that fact won't be missed on Jodi, either. Also, I would love it if the photos were time-stamped (like the ones from the murder scene). That way, she will be thinking back to the degradation of the Perryville intake system she was experiencing at same the time that everyone else was celebrating her being forever banished from society.
I have to be honest and admit that the long article about Perryville bothers me. I didn't feel good or happy reading about the deplorable conditions, the lack of medical care, suicides and deaths- it made me sick actually.

I despise the inmate we are all here for but the death of Powell, who was serving 3 years for prostitution was heart breaking to me. I couldn't stand to watch an animal suffer- even a rabid one who was caged for attacking or killing someone. I do not believe in torture. I know the murderer Arias tortured Travis but that is where I differ from her- I don't wish that on anyone. How is it that we barely put people to death but we will torture them mercilessly and endlessly in the conditions of our prisons? How is Perryville on the radar as an international abuser of human rights? OMG that frightens me- there are some really bad places out there.

I am sorry- I hate the inmate, I despise her, but I do not take comfort in the ideas being brought forward. I need a break, I guess.
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