Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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My grandson served our country in Iraq for over a year. It was 116, he carried on his back a lot of weight in addition to uniform... So freakin BOO HOO. I don't give a damn how hot the murderer gets.

He also served a year at the DMZ bitter cold, I don't care how freakin cold she gets either...

The murderer earned her way to where she is, I absolutely don't care what happens to her. But I will be watching for awhile her inmate status to see.

Oh and my grandson went to work for the state prison system then onto the federal..he told me about a couple gang members that threatened him. He told them to bring it, he served in Iraq he wasn't scared of anyone. Shut them up quickly.

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My grandson served our country in Iraq for over a year. It was 116, he carried on his back a lot of weight in addition to uniform... So freakin BOO HOO. I don't give a damn how hot the murderer gets.

He also served a year at the DMZ bitter cold, I don't care how freakin cold she gets either...

The murderer earned her way to where she is, I absolutely don't care what happens to her. But I will be watching for awhile her inmate status to see.

Oh and my grandson went to work for the state prison system then onto the federal..he told me about a couple gang members that threatened him. He told them to bring it, he served in Iraq he wasn't scared of anyone. Shut them up quickly.

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Hi Meemaw12, please give your G-son a huge thank you and a hug from this grammie. I agree with everything you wrote!
Excellent post Gigi!

Very well done and so truthful.

I hope and pray that one day soon a law will be enacted in Travis' name. No victim of domestic violence should be blamed for their own murder when there is only the lying words of the defendant who has more to gain by lying than anyone. We must standup for all domestic violence victims.........both females and males.

I just read an article this afternoon that stated domestic violence perpetrated by women against male victims is happening more and more often now. I think the reason for it is they have gotten away with it for far too long.

Thank you for supporting all victims of domestic violence...........not just one gender. This has been my one hope ever since I got involved with crime message boards. I literally believe in justice for ALL and for that to happen the gender of the offender must be put aside in each and every case and be judged solely on the evidence entered.

Every time I see Travis' photo that states he was a victim of domestic violence homicide I tear up. I hope that Travis' case will bring about new awareness that men too can be victims and often are.

There is another case going on right now where the woman of course is claiming self defense even though she shot him 6 times because he wanted to break up with her.

Thank you.


Love the posts on this subject! I've taught domestic violence classes for OFFENDERS, both male AND female....trying to help them re-train themselves on how to treat a partner, making them acknowledge what they did was wrong and hoping (HOPING) it will make them want to stop hurting others. The women were BY FAR the worst. They take no responsibility for what they did, blame the victim and don't feel like they should be in the classes, nor have served any jail time. BUT.....ask those same women what they want to happen if a man assaults them and they are fast to reply that the man should pay for their actions. I've actually had women arrested for abusing their partners, while they were taking my classes. Domestic violence doesn't discriminate and neither should the law when it comes to female perpetrators.

Teaching these classes is always a challenge for me because I'm a survivor of domestic violence. But I don't mind feeling uncomfortable, and holding in my anger, if it will help keep one more person alive and out of danger.

I would love to see a Travis Alexander Law passed. And soon!!
My grandson served our country in Iraq for over a year. It was 116, he carried on his back a lot of weight in addition to uniform... So freakin BOO HOO. I don't give a damn how hot the murderer gets.

He also served a year at the DMZ bitter cold, I don't care how freakin cold she gets either...

The murderer earned her way to where she is, I absolutely don't care what happens to her. But I will be watching for awhile her inmate status to see.

Oh and my grandson went to work for the state prison system then onto the federal..he told me about a couple gang members that threatened him. He told them to bring it, he served in Iraq he wasn't scared of anyone. Shut them up quickly.

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God bless your grandson. He is a true American hero.
I stand with you, all the way. We pray for the troops in our home every single day. God bless each and every one of them and bring them ALL home safely.

Thank you Steven Alexander for serving our country. I trust Travis and everyone that knows and loves you appreciates and admires your service to our country. The courage it takes to give up life as you know it to enlist, not knowing where you may be stationed and if you will make it home alive or not ......humbles me to my core.

Travis Alexander memorial video
I have no sympathy for CMJA, either. She chose to kill Travis many times over. I hope it's an unusually brutally hot summer at Perryville.

God bless your grandson. He is a true American hero.
I stand with you, all the way. We pray for the troops in our home every single day. God bless each and every one of them and bring them ALL home safely.

Thank you Steven Alexander for serving our country. I trust Travis and everyone that knows and loves you appreciates and admires your service to our country. The courage it takes to give up life as you know it to enlist, not knowing where you may be stationed and if you will make it home alive or not ......humbles me to my core.

Travis Alexander memorial video

Beautiful and touching post. May all our serviceman be honored everyday.
My grandson served our country in Iraq for over a year. It was 116, he carried on his back a lot of weight in addition to uniform... So freakin BOO HOO. I don't give a damn how hot the murderer gets.

He also served a year at the DMZ bitter cold, I don't care how freakin cold she gets either...

The murderer earned her way to where she is, I absolutely don't care what happens to her. But I will be watching for awhile her inmate status to see.

Oh and my grandson went to work for the state prison system then onto the federal..he told me about a couple gang members that threatened him. He told them to bring it, he served in Iraq he wasn't scared of anyone. Shut them up quickly.

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Wow, you touched a nerve with many with this^^^ post!

Many of our service men and women in other countries have conditions far, far worse! than those described in American prisons. And they committed no crimes to get sent there!

I hope Arias is uncomfortable as hell every single day. She is responsible for being where she will spend the rest of her days on this earth. Like others suggested, if her spork is dirty she can wash it in the sink. If her bed is hot she can sleep on the floor.

Prisoners are not guests of the state of Arizona. They are in prison as a consequence for bad choices they made. I do not agree that small-time perps belong in facilities like Perryville but that is a different issue altogether from those complained about in most of the articles we read.

I firmly believe that facilities such as jails and prisons need to be kept in good repair--not for creature comforts for inmates but because it is a health and safety issue for all. I am not convinced the situation is as bad as we often hear described but if it is, it needs to be addressed. For one thing, aren't there often watering bans in place in the state of Arizona for residents for conservation purposes? And fines imposed on those who are caught watering against the bans? If the showers and toilets continuously leak in any state-fun facility, they should be fixed ASAP even if for no reason other than to comply with water conservation efforts.

Probably the most horrid thing mentioned that I am not buying at all is the lack of medical care at Perryville. I just do not believe that. The state would never get away with such a thing. It just ain't happening, IMO. This is a major embellishment probably stemming from inmates wanting attention that they didn't get that in the retelling morphed into anguished pleas for medical intervention going unheeded.

Keep an open mind when you read articles. Consider the source. The law of averages would have some of what is reported be true and some of it be false. Do not discount everything you hear or read as being false, but also do not count everything as fact. As in most instances, common sense should come into play here.
Am curious about televison at PV. Have read from several former inmates, that they are allowed a tv in their cell. IIRC, I saw a photo of a cell with the tv on a shelf. Milke mentioned that (in death row) she passed time by watching tv. Does anyone know what channels the inmates are allowed to receive? Do they get a full cable package (like those I cannot afford,) or it is just local OTA?

I have read they get about 12-15 channels.
In Slumber Party From Hell she writes she got her TV and shortly after watched the Popes funeral on CNN
She also watched PBS. She said she watched Oprah and Ellen as well as reruns of Friends and MASH
I have no sympathy for CMJA, either. She chose to kill Travis many times over. I hope it's an unusually brutally hot summer at Perryville.
Luvrosco, I agree completely. She deserves no mercy for what she did
to Travis. Can you imagine the fear and shock he had. May she experience
fear also. I have no sympathy for a ..
I do not feel any sympathy for Jodi at all, but not everyone at Perryville is JA and I just don't think it would be humane if the condition we read about are all true. I don't think they are but how would I know? I wish Jodi could feel every ounce of fear Travis felt and that she would have to really fear for her life. If she is going to say she was in fear for her life, let it really be so.
There are quite a few questions that I would like to have the answers to.

Will MDLR be fined or sanctioned or lose her job over the things they caught her doing?

Did ALV have perjury charges filed against her? What was the outcome?

Was Samuels really fighting for his license after he was allegedly reported to the licensing board for his flawed work that he testified to in court on JA's behalf?

Will Nurmi or Wilma face any repercussions for things they did in the trial? Filing so many motions accusing Juan of prosecutorial misconduct? Lying to the court about Juan's team deleting items from the computer?

What about the audio/voice expert who lied on the stand about all his computer work that found the *advertiser censored*, even though later he admitted that the man behind the curtain did the work?

Will juror number 17 face perjury charges for lying to the court daily by not raising her hand when asked about researching or hearing anything about the case? Would it be one for each day that she did not raise her hand? What is the fine or sentence for that?

Will we be able to see the full jacket that Sheriff Joe prepared on the vicious murderer?

Are there any others that may be prosecuted for conspiring with the murderer?

Please add your own questions that you would like to have answered and maybe someone with the resources can find an answer for us. I would like to see someone following the outcome of the people that conspired to help the destructive murderer JA.

All very good questions ICit and I would very much like to see the answers!! I have one to add which has always bugged me and I'm sure there is someone out there who has been keeping track of just how many people's lives were touched/destroyed/turned upside down and just screwed up in general by this vicious cold blooded narcissistic psychopath killer. (I think of her every morning when I wake up in my warm comfortable bed, when I get in my not too hot shower, when I have whatever I want for breakfast, when I ...... you get the idea!!)
I do not feel any sympathy for Jodi at all, but not everyone at Perryville is JA and I just don't think it would be humane if the condition we read about are all true. I don't think they are but how would I know? I wish Jodi could feel every ounce of fear Travis felt and that she would have to really fear for her life. If she is going to say she was in fear for her life, let it really be so.

Great post Michelle- especially the part I bolded. I think she finally is... I guess we'll see.

Just to be clear, I have no problem with the murderer being hot in her cell, or having dirty silverware or wearing used clothes. The problem I had with the article was for the women that were not murderers and were going to be released- one woman dying from heat exposure from the "exercise" pen and one woman who was ignored and died of breast cancer within a month of release. That is mainly what I was speaking to.
For a place so horrible they sure have a lot of repeat offenders.

For me if I burn my fingers on a hot stove I sure as hell won't be putting my fingers on the hot stove again.

I watched NG interview 6 women at the Estrella jail. Went back to see what happened with them. Out of the 6 4 went to PV. Don't know what happened to the other 2, might have served their time in the jail.

3 of the 4 were repeat offenders, 1 was charged with murder got 2nd degree- it was her 1st offense.

I scratch my head wondering WHY if in a terrible place prior would you do anything to go back.

Anyway I take the terrible place
Being reported with a grain of salt. I can't imagine guards going to work everyday with mold on walls or water dripping. They would report, I known my grandson would. He would never work under those conditions.

Yes there are murder, suicide, accidents, neglect, just like in everyday life on the outside. Is the system supposed to hold the hands of inmates? I mean just do your time, quit whining, learn from mistakes, move on.

I guess I am just hard hard hearted when it comes to perps. Whether it's theft, rape, murder, etc there are victims always a true victim.

I will say the women who died in the heat, this should never have happened but she is one in thousands of inmates so I won't paint the prison with a broad brush as being in humane to all.

Prison is not a 5 star, it is what it is. Can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

There are many on the outside who live in terrible conditions who try very hard to rise above their lot in life, they work hard are honest. Those are also the ones I feel for and try to help.

The murderer will probably get a free college education unlike many on the outside who would love to have the chance to have one.

Oh well enough of my rambling!!

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We know why you spoke out, Frigga. It's because you are a compassionate person. This is not something you need to qualify in any way. It is a good thing. There are no doubt things going on in prisons all across America that should not be happening. All citizens should be concerned about this and should not feel ashamed of being concerned about it. More often than not there is more to the story than what we hear, but it goes without saying that no one should be left in a cage in the hot sun for hours without anyone checking on her. And we know that that did in fact happen. Even if that were the only horror that is documented and it happened in error, it is not acceptable. There should be no instances like that and that one horror is enough for many people to speak out. I applaud you for doing so.
I have read they get about 12-15 channels.
In Slumber Party From Hell she writes she got her TV and shortly after watched the Popes funeral on CNN
She also watched PBS. She said she watched Oprah and Ellen as well as reruns of Friends and MASH

BOO! That's too much like regular life. And not even regular life if you're too poor to afford cable, which depending on the circumstances, would be the only way you could get some of those channels.
My grandson served our country in Iraq for over a year. It was 116, he carried on his back a lot of weight in addition to uniform... So freakin BOO HOO. I don't give a damn how hot the murderer gets.

He also served a year at the DMZ bitter cold, I don't care how freakin cold she gets either...

The murderer earned her way to where she is, I absolutely don't care what happens to her. But I will be watching for awhile her inmate status to see.

Oh and my grandson went to work for the state prison system then onto the federal..he told me about a couple gang members that threatened him. He told them to bring it, he served in Iraq he wasn't scared of anyone. Shut them up quickly.

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Thank you for this.

Also, remember when Jodi complained that Travis' closet was bigger than her cell? So many people responded that members of our Armed Forces have much smaller quarters. That helps put things into perspective.
Great post Michelle- especially the part I bolded. I think she finally is... I guess we'll see.

Just to be clear, I have no problem with the murderer being hot in her cell, or having dirty silverware or wearing used clothes. The problem I had with the article was for the women that were not murderers and were going to be released- one woman dying from heat exposure from the "exercise" pen and one woman who was ignored and died of breast cancer within a month of release. That is mainly what I was speaking to.

me too on everything you said!
Wow, you touched a nerve with many with this^^^ post!

Many of our service men and women in other countries have conditions far, far worse! than those described in American prisons. And they committed no crimes to get sent there!

I hope Arias is uncomfortable as hell every single day. She is responsible for being where she will spend the rest of her days on this earth. Like others suggested, if her spork is dirty she can wash it in the sink. If her bed is hot she can sleep on the floor.

Prisoners are not guests of the state of Arizona. They are in prison as a consequence for bad choices they made. I do not agree that small-time perps belong in facilities like Perryville but that is a different issue altogether from those complained about in most of the articles we read.

I firmly believe that facilities such as jails and prisons need to be kept in good repair--not for creature comforts for inmates but because it is a health and safety issue for all. I am not convinced the situation is as bad as we often hear described but if it is, it needs to be addressed. For one thing, aren't there often watering bans in place in the state of Arizona for residents for conservation purposes? And fines imposed on those who are caught watering against the bans? If the showers and toilets continuously leak in any state-fun facility, they should be fixed ASAP even if for no reason other than to comply with water conservation efforts.

Probably the most horrid thing mentioned that I am not buying at all is the lack of medical care at Perryville. I just do not believe that. The state would never get away with such a thing. It just ain't happening, IMO. This is a major embellishment probably stemming from inmates wanting attention that they didn't get that in the retelling morphed into anguished pleas for medical intervention going unheeded.

Keep an open mind when you read articles. Consider the source. The law of averages would have some of what is reported be true and some of it be false. Do not discount everything you hear or read as being false, but also do not count everything as fact. As in most instances, common sense should come into play here.

It seems like many problems have come about as a result of the privatization of medical care for Arizona DOC inmates. Just like anything else, when it's all about profits, something's gotta give.

An interesting article on the subject:


Here's a thought-provoking snippet from that article, FWIW:

...But Pratt emphasized that privatizing health care wasn’t a decision made by the Department of Corrections.

“It was legislated and mandated and it was the law,” he said. “So we were forced to do this.”

Legislators who supported the privatization promised that it would save taxpayers money, while maintaining adequate levels of care for inmates. The majority of states have privatized prison health care, rewarding private companies for keeping costs down.

“I mean, people die in prisons,” said state Rep. John Kavanagh, who wrote the legislation that privatized the state’s prison health care. “I receive a lot of handwritten notes from prisoners. I receive emails from prison families with all sorts of allegations of crazy behavior. And then, you call the prison people up and they usually have a reasonable explanation for it.”
Love the posts on this subject! I've taught domestic violence classes for OFFENDERS, both male AND female....trying to help them re-train themselves on how to treat a partner, making them acknowledge what they did was wrong and hoping (HOPING) it will make them want to stop hurting others. The women were BY FAR the worst. They take no responsibility for what they did, blame the victim and don't feel like they should be in the classes, nor have served any jail time. BUT.....ask those same women what they want to happen if a man assaults them and they are fast to reply that the man should pay for their actions. I've actually had women arrested for abusing their partners, while they were taking my classes. Domestic violence doesn't discriminate and neither should the law when it comes to female perpetrators.

Teaching these classes is always a challenge for me because I'm a survivor of domestic violence. But I don't mind feeling uncomfortable, and holding in my anger, if it will help keep one more person alive and out of danger.

I would love to see a Travis Alexander Law passed. And soon!!

Me, too.

Just an observation, but I think the "mean/tough girl" and "real housewives acting poorly" types of reality television programming have encouraged this type of behavior among young women. Once those shows became mainstream fodder, they gained acceptance with those inclined to act upon their baser instincts. Before those shows gained popularity, most of those girls/women would have been ashamed/embarrassed by their lack of impulse control.

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